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BALDING ASIAN GUY/Bill Butt Appreciation thread( Spoilers Faith-Visitation)

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    Awesome! That has to be it! Thanks!
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by sblade View Post

      This brief scene will forever be engraved in my memory thanks to B.A.G.

      Waiting for B.A.G.'s confirmation.
      OMG!! You guys are good!! Thank you sblade!! Thank you all for your combine effort!! The nightmares, my underwear bonding with my body, the reason why I lost most of my hair, I hate fur, and most of all, the itch!! I don't think I can look at the picture anymore, I am beginning to itch, ha!! Ha!! You are right, this scene is engraved in the memory of B.A.G.!!! Thanks from your humble servant!!


        Is that a crowd duplication shot? If so, that might mean that BAG is in there several times.

        We might need to all have print outs of that picture and carry them next to our hearts.

        Or at least in our briefcases. Ha ha ha.
        Last edited by Akamaimom; 12 September 2010, 01:43 PM.
        My Stories: FFdotNet
        My Stories AO3
        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          Could it be Redemption Part 1? When a tribe of "primitive" people chase O'Neill and the "fourth" of the day down the sandhill? After Daniel ascends and Jack hasn't accepted Jonas Quinn yet, and they keep trying out new guys for SG-1? It was first aired in June of 2002.
          You are good!! You get a gold star from B.A.G.'s Bag Of Wonder!!! Thanks from your humble servant!!


            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
            Is that a crowd duplication shot? If so, that might mean that BAG is in there several times.

            We might need to all have print outs of that picture and carry them next to our hearts.
            I am sure I am in there several times, but to find me, that would be incredible!! You better print out a very, very big picture, because I am just a dot, ha!! Ha!! Thanks from your humble servant!!


              And lo, B.A.G. did attach photographs of his early appearance, and thus fans did recognise the precise episode of his occurrence, and there was great rejoicing. And tales of the origin of the Holy Baldness, and the Evils of Fur, did emerge. And then did Eternal Density write a paragraph of prose describing these events, and thus became self-referential, as he is prone to do. And his post was ended by speaking of himself in the third person, and then he prophesied that he would soon click the "Post Quick Reply" button, and it was so, as according to the prophecy.
              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                And those around did dance, and rejoice, that the Holy Notebook of BAG was updated thusly. And it was good.
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by SG7 View Post
                  I asked Joe once on his blog about the place. At least where the waterfall was that Alaina is at in the same episode, and he said that the place where the waterfall was is called Wigeon Park. I just posted on his blog to find out if the rest of the ep was filmed there too.
                  It was, I asked Brian Smith and he said it was too. It can be approached by the 'bumpy road' as B.A.G said, I just wanted to ask the all knowing B.A.G if the bumpy road is off Quarry Road on the Coquitlam side, but is eventually blocked by a gate as it turns into private property? However the other more, well, sort of accessible way for us mere mortals is driving from Maple Ridge up to Grant Narrows Park and hiring a canoe and paddling up Widgeon Creek from the south end of Pitt Lake.

                  Great photos of your 'itchy furry' Stargate SG-1 moment B.A.G, thank you for sharing them.


                    Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                    It was, I asked Brian Smith and he said it was too. It can be approached by the 'bumpy road' as B.A.G said, I just wanted to ask the all knowing B.A.G if the bumpy road is off Quarry Road on the Coquitlam side, but is eventually blocked by a gate as it turns into private property? However the other more, well, sort of accessible way for us mere mortals is driving from Maple Ridge up to Grant Narrows Park and hiring a canoe and paddling up Widgeon Creek from the south end of Pitt Lake.

                    Great photos of your 'itchy furry' Stargate SG-1 moment B.A.G, thank you for sharing them.
                    I will tell you about that bumpy road!! OMG is it bumpy!! Thank god I didn't drive my car or my suspension would be gone. Hee!! Hee!! I drove my wife's car, ha!! Ha!! I drove my wife's Honda Odyssey and the bumpy road just about killed it. My wife had some toys on the dash and after the 2nd day I noticed that all the toys were gone. The road was so bumpy that I actually found a toy in the back seat!! I started the day with a silver car, and at the end of the day, it was brown!! You can take the canoe, but don't be surprise when you are arrested for trespassing, ha!! ha!!
                    Now I know how to post photos, nobody can stop me!! Ha!! Ha!! I will share more photos with my friends!! Thanks from your humble servant!!


                      Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
                      I will tell you about that bumpy road!! OMG is it bumpy!! Thank god I didn't drive my car or my suspension would be gone. Hee!! Hee!! I drove my wife's car, ha!! Ha!! I drove my wife's Honda Odyssey and the bumpy road just about killed it. My wife had some toys on the dash and after the 2nd day I noticed that all the toys were gone. The road was so bumpy that I actually found a toy in the back seat!! I started the day with a silver car, and at the end of the day, it was brown!! You can take the canoe, but don't be surprise when you are arrested for trespassing, ha!! ha!!
                      Now I know how to post photos, nobody can stop me!! Ha!! Ha!! I will share more photos with my friends!! Thanks from your humble servant!!
                      I love your stories, dearest BAG! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experiences with us!


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        And those around did dance, and rejoice, that the Holy Notebook of BAG was updated thusly. And it was good.
                        As Akamaimom, Kliggins, Lahela, Egle01, ProclarushTaonasAt, sblade, Eternal Density,Krisz, SG7, and the rest of the group rejoice with their "RiverBagllet" dance of joy (For you unbelievers, "RiverBagllet" is a sacred dance which is a combination of Riverdance and Ballet accompany by Disco music, use to celebrate the Holy Baldness which manifest as BAG!! Bagllelujah!!!!)!! BAG opens the Holy Notebook and began to write......................... Happy!! Joy!! Joy!! Happy!! Joy!! Joy!!


                          *dances to the Disco beats*


                            *joins dancing*


                              And Eternal Density did dance the "RiverBagllet" dance of joy, and there was much happiness and joy as according to the words written by BAG. in the Holy Notebook. For BAG. himself had recorded his notebook-writing activities for the uplifting of all the believers. Eternal Density did dance without skill before the great grouping, and yet there was no shame in his movements, for there is no shame in the "RiverBagllet" dance of joy. And Eternal Density did feel discomfort in his ankles, but it was nothing to the joy and happiness. Bagllelujah!!!
                              "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                              Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                              Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                              Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                              Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                                Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
                                I will tell you about that bumpy road!! OMG is it bumpy!! Thank god I didn't drive my car or my suspension would be gone. Hee!! Hee!! I drove my wife's car, ha!! Ha!! I drove my wife's Honda Odyssey and the bumpy road just about killed it. My wife had some toys on the dash and after the 2nd day I noticed that all the toys were gone. The road was so bumpy that I actually found a toy in the back seat!! I started the day with a silver car, and at the end of the day, it was brown!! You can take the canoe, but don't be surprise when you are arrested for trespassing, ha!! ha!!
                                Now I know how to post photos, nobody can stop me!! Ha!! Ha!! I will share more photos with my friends!! Thanks from your humble servant!!
                                The car survived a road like that, did you after your wife saw what you did to it?! LOL. Aaah the dust, becomes one with the paintwork it seems, it’s awful to clean off too. My dark blue car became light grey after going up and down the mountain road to Idaho Peak one time! The air filter needed changing too after that! My husband had to drive close to the edge of the road to avoid pot holes, only problem I was sitting looking down at sheer drops! Bumpy narrow mountain roads with steep drops and no rails. The pot holes were the better option for me at times!!!

                                I don’t think I’ll be taking a canoe trip up to ‘Faith’ land any time soon, too much like exercise! I’ll just watch the scenery on SGU!
                                Glad to hear you are happy to share photos, love looking at them.

                                Originally posted by B.A.G. View Post
                                As Akamaimom, Kliggins, Lahela, Egle01, ProclarushTaonasAt, sblade, Eternal Density,Krisz, SG7, and the rest of the group rejoice with their "RiverBagllet" dance of joy (For you unbelievers, "RiverBagllet" is a sacred dance which is a combination of Riverdance and Ballet accompany by Disco music, use to celebrate the Holy Baldness which manifest as BAG!! Bagllelujah!!!!)!! BAG opens the Holy Notebook and began to write......................... Happy!! Joy!! Joy!! Happy!! Joy!! Joy!!
                                ....and Krisz did dance, the 'Night Fever' beat flows still in the old body, but that high river dance kick followed by the swan like twirl, well........*limps off dizzily*
                                However it is done to spread BAG Happy Joy, so all is good......!

