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why not check with atlantis

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    Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered View Post
    Just like they did with Atlantis at the end of season 1 and beginning of season 2? If someone was watching SGA and not SG-1 it would seem that Earth just pulled a ZPM out of it's ass. It just appeared and was sent directly to Atlantis. So how would that be any different than Young saying something like, "I wonder if they have found something in the database on Atlantis yet."
    If I remember correctly they actually found a ZPM on an SG1 episode (of course, I may not be remembering right). Right or wrong here, SG1 and SGA were running at the same time, the situation is very different.
    Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

    Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


      Originally posted by Mongoletsi View Post
      No, because "we" are not a unified, evolved, technologically-advanced civilisation. Computers mate, computers. I bet there's records for every large vessel built in the last 25 years fosho.
      This is actually an interesting point: because of changes in computer languages and operating systems, many old blueprints are developing glitches.

      In other words, it is quite possible that most of the Destiny-era files in Atlantis's database are in a format that neither the database nor the expedition can read.
      "From East Middle School. Suzumiya Haruhi. I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, time travelers, sliders, or espers here, come join me."
      - The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya; Best Character Introduction Ever.

      "And can we lose the ten thousand year old dead plants?!"
      - Stargate: Atlantis (1x03) "Hide and Seek"

      "Hammerheads do not load/unload units immediately – they must descend to ground level first. Initial experiments involving jump-jetting infantry into the Hammerhead’s cargo compartment met with unfortunate results."
      - Command&Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath Hammerhead Unit Spotlight


        Originally posted by Deevil View Post
        If I remember correctly they actually found a ZPM on an SG1 episode (of course, I may not be remembering right). Right or wrong here, SG1 and SGA were running at the same time, the situation is very different.
        Actually it's not different at all. How many people here have stated that they watch one show but not the other? I've seen several. You have to remember too that the people on this forum don't make up the majority of fans of the shows. There are likely thousands who have seen Atlantis but not seen SG-1. For those people it would seem that the ZPM appeared out of nowhere.
        "Goodbye Eli Wallace, you're a good man."
        - imlad, from


          Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered View Post
          Actually it's not different at all. How many people here have stated that they watch one show but not the other? I've seen several. You have to remember too that the people on this forum don't make up the majority of fans of the shows. There are likely thousands who have seen Atlantis but not seen SG-1. For those people it would seem that the ZPM appeared out of nowhere.
          It's still a different situation. Both shows were running at the same time. So for those people who watched both, they saw the progression. For those who didn't, it didn't really matter... but if there was a cross over, and there were a couple, we could watch them happening. It's what happens when there are spin offs airing together.

          But here if we bring in current Atlantis lore we have to explain the backstory because the show no longer airs (except in repeats). So, we will waste valuable time explaining stuff about Atlantis which frankly isn't required in the storytelling of SGU. So apart from a reference like "The Atlantis database shows that MacDonald's is really owned by the Ori and plotted to have us on Destiny"... we don't need to know anything about Atlantis. It's inconsequential.
          Disclaimer: All opinions stated within this post are relevant to the author herself, and do not in any way represent the opinions of God, Country, The Powers That Be or Greater Fandom.

          Any resemblance to aforementioned opinions are purely coincidental.


            Ok, bare with me, and dont forget that there are times when the writers simply put in their own story that isnt necessarily matched to other stories.
            If I am not mistaken, the ancients at some point splinered, Ori vs. Ancients. In Ark of Truth you see the scientist (Name?) who designed the Ark. He returned to the lab before the exodus to retrieve his notebook. You see sketches and him referring to a new experiment. I would officiall consider this as the marker to where the stargate became a concept. So, the ancients depart, separating themselves from the Ori. If I am not mistaken the Ori are in another galaxy. The Ancients put enought distance to shield themselves from the Ori. They settle in MW. During their time their they seed the MW with Stargates (clash in continuity as it has been said SGU gates are the first), and through their nature as explorers, create destiny, perhaps not long after entering the MW. Send out the seeder ships prior, then Destiny, and probably others like it. Obviously knowing this a an ultra long term project, it take a back burner. They go on to form alliances with the Nox, Asgard and the Furlings. For a time they all prosper, until the plague that nearly wipes them all out. It would be understandable that the Destiny project, while not lost or forgotten, manages to slip out of their attention. They use atlantis to escape to Pegasus or ascend. Then the Wraith come about and manage to screw things up for them....again. Still, knowledge or at least the gate address to Destiny exists. As we saw from SGA, the Ancients had quite a few new experiments they were working on. Losing the battle with the Wraith, the remaining Ancients do what they did to atlantis and escape to Earth and go from there.
            Its pretty safe to assume that a large portion of info on Destiny has been lost, or is scarce at best. Destiny itself is outdated and archaic when compared to Atlantis. When you look at Icarus Base the Ancients saw it as a way to make their project work. The ninth chevron, as said in Air 1, has nothing to do with location. It is simply a code to access one of the Ancients greatest (at the time) achievements. As far as which gate came first...despite what the writers say, I put the MW gates over the Destiny gates as older. It makes more sense. Now the only variable is that we know the address came from Atlantis. We do not know when it was retrieved, or if Atlantis was still in Pegasus or back on Earth. Apparently the LA has grown some balls and the ship that brought Eli was the Gen. Hammond, I am willing to bet some time has passed and Atlantis is on Earth when this all takes place. This is all speculation of coarse.

