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SKY2, BEHIND THE SCENES SHOW some interesting things spotted

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    Originally posted by Arwis View Post
    You're making even more holes:

    1. In the arc of truth we can see blueprints of stargates and they were MW like.
    Blueprints =/= finished products; and as someone else already said, they weren't blueprints; they were sketches.

    2. Why MW gates are not like destiny?
    They're newer.

    3. Which is most important imo is that to replace whole galaxy with a new gates you would need a new ship. It's not like 5 gates all over galaxy.
    So what's keeping them from building a new ship specifically for that purpose in the eons of time that the Ancients lived in the MW?

    IMHO, since we know that the Destiny gates have limited range, the Ancients probably built them first, spread them across bits of the MW, then sent out the Destiny. Meanwhile, they managed to upgrade the Gates so that they can reach an entire galaxy, and proceeded to upgrade all the MW gates into what we now see, and later replaced the Pegasus gates with the digital ones. All this time, Destiny and the Seeder ships continue to plant those older gates out there in the Universe, apparently forgotten by the Ancients.


      Gate concept from MW/Peg and Destiny gates differs like a day differs from night. By looking at those sketches from Arch of Truth I found way more similarity for MW gates and almost none similarity to destiny like gates. Those sketches is concept. In the concept we find: symbols(only MW and Peg gates uses them), chevron locker(only peg and MW gates have them as in concept) and concept of gate. This leads to stronger assumption that MW gates were the first ones ever made.

      Moreover if you follow the concept of how ancients started in MW it makes even more sense. MW was seeded with the gates for quite some time before ancients come up with the idea of seeding other galaxies as well. At the time they decided to seed other galaxies they came up with an upgrade to MW gates and pegasus like gates were born.

      Btw all Stargates are limited in range. And how many symbols are needed to establish the wormhole represents the range. From earth we can reach every planet in our galaxy, this means that 7 symbol address is within the range of our galaxy. But try imagine if our galaxy would be 5 times bigger and we would be at the very end of galaxy so in order to reach other end of galaxy we would need to use 8th symbol because the distance would be out of 7 symbol range. Or we could travel through 2 or 3 different stargates. Do you remember intergalactic bridge? The whole point of that bridge was that we would not run out of 7 symbol range between MW and Pegasus.

      Also if pegasus galaxy would come close enough to MW galaxy at some point in time we would not need to use 8th symbol, because galaxy would be in 7 symbols range.
      The cake is a lie...


        Originally posted by Arwis View Post
        Gate concept from MW/Peg and Destiny gates differs like a day differs from night. By looking at those sketches from Arch of Truth I found way more similarity for MW gates and almost none similarity to destiny like gates. Those sketches is concept. In the concept we find: symbols(only MW and Peg gates uses them), chevron locker(only peg and MW gates have them as in concept) and concept of gate. This leads to stronger assumption that MW gates were the first ones ever made.
        The sketch showed a gate, a chevron, and a couple of symbols reminicent of the MW gate.

        The Destiny gate has chevrons and symbols, but the symbols aren't constellations as those in the sketch seems to be.

        But think about it: how can they be constellations when the ship must travel across the Universe? How would the MW constellations mean anything outside of the MW?

        No, I don't think the sketch discounts the possibility that the first gates made were the Destiny gates.

        Moreover if you follow the concept of how ancients started in MW it makes even more sense. MW was seeded with the gates for quite some time before ancients come up with the idea of seeding other galaxies as well. At the time they decided to seed other galaxies they came up with an upgrade to MW gates and pegasus like gates were born.
        To be honest, that's no more conjecture than what I'm proposing, but what I propose eliminates the plothole.

        We have no idea what the Ancients were like when they first got to the MW; those first few dozen million years of their history are almost completely blank to us. All we know is that they built Stargates. How do you know they didn't have multi-galaxy-exploration aspirations upon getting here? Sure, they seeded life in Pegasus, but that's the point: they seeded life; they're not doing that with the Destiny Project; they're only spreading gates.

        Btw all Stargates are limited in range.
        Yeah, but TPTB has stated that these Destiny gates are even more limited. They can't even traverse a whole galaxy even if the galaxy was the size of the MW.

        Canonically, the Destiny gates are the oldest gates (again, as per TPTB). Whether that generates plotholes is up for debate, but as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't.


          you al make good points. now to throw something enso in to the mix.... the destiny gate has no symbols as we know them, but it has other markinggs at the point each symbol would be, there even in the side bard of the gateworld home page, so what qare they, there not numbers we have allready seen them on the countdown clock and the ancielt on the readout panels is similar to what we allready know, they remind me of the visuial representation of binary or morse code.. what do you think??

