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Building the Destiny Fleet...

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    i cant get my head around some of the cast for universe, robert carlise is a good choice but some of them im a bit concerned about


      Hi Guys, I have being doing some thinking about the distance destiny is from Earth and the ATA gene controls.

      Where is Destiny?

      It takes 3 days with a ZPM to reach Pegasuses, or 3 weeks without(21 days). That is a speed increase of 7 times.

      We are about 820 Parsec apart or 2.7 million light years (rounded to 1 digit). This means that with a ZPM it would take 892,000 light years per day to travel. Based on other known estimates, such as fact the Hive ship arrived at earth weeks ahead of its projected course. Atlantis would no more than be a few hours behind them, since they are at the edge of the milky way. 3 days is the fastest we know we can travel with a ZPM. So lets assume this is the speed of the Destiny Fleet. Now given the size of the task at hand, its not difficult to imagine how big the ship will be, there will be an increase in power consumption....and living continuously in deep space is not a problem for the Ancients I would like to mark 1 year as an overkill value for time taken to cross from 1 galaxy to another.

      So I reckon, it would be about 1,000 years per Galaxy for terraform, remember we can guess how much resources are needed to prepare a galaxy.

      Which means over 1,000,000 years, we would have about 999 Galaxies ready, with 1,000 years for travel time.

      So for 1 million years, we are looking at 1,000 years of flight time at 892,000 light years per day or 273.3 parsec a day. This becomes 99,754,500 Parsecs per year of travel. Lets say 100 million Parsec (3.264 light years per Parsec).

      326.4 Million Light years as a flight course. Over the course of several million years, I think its safe to say, we are more than 326.4 million light years from earth, even if they were traveling in a Zig Zag Fashion.

      Frankly the numbers are so high, with the known destiny of the surrounding Galaxies, The flight time to actually reach Destiny by ship should be measured by several hundred years. Well beyond the range and ability of the human race to attempt a rescue.

      The ATA Gene Question

      The ATA Gene was predominate in Atlantis Tech, we know O'neil could operate various "old" tech, which suggest that all Anicent devices built for 100,000 years had it. Millions of years ago, the Ancient Gene may not have being in use. Since they seeded life in this Galaxy, there were no other races sufficently advance to oppose them, so there would be no need for this security measure. Espcially since the Orii probably had the Gene as well.

      As such I suspect that Destiny actually will not require the Gene to operate. If it had the Requirement or the crew suspected it, they would gave as many people the Gene, thus effectively removing it as a plot point.


        Originally posted by Deckker View Post
        Hi Guys, I have being doing some thinking about the distance destiny is from Earth and the ATA gene controls.

        Where is Destiny?

        It takes 3 days with a ZPM to reach Pegasuses, or 3 weeks without(21 days). That is a speed increase of 7 times.

        We are about 820 Parsec apart or 2.7 million light years (rounded to 1 digit). This means that with a ZPM it would take 892,000 light years per day to travel. Based on other known estimates, such as fact the Hive ship arrived at earth weeks ahead of its projected course. Atlantis would no more than be a few hours behind them, since they are at the edge of the milky way. 3 days is the fastest we know we can travel with a ZPM. So lets assume this is the speed of the Destiny Fleet. Now given the size of the task at hand, its not difficult to imagine how big the ship will be, there will be an increase in power consumption....and living continuously in deep space is not a problem for the Ancients I would like to mark 1 year as an overkill value for time taken to cross from 1 galaxy to another.

        So I reckon, it would be about 1,000 years per Galaxy for terraform, remember we can guess how much resources are needed to prepare a galaxy.

        Which means over 1,000,000 years, we would have about 999 Galaxies ready, with 1,000 years for travel time.

        So for 1 million years, we are looking at 1,000 years of flight time at 892,000 light years per day or 273.3 parsec a day. This becomes 99,754,500 Parsecs per year of travel. Lets say 100 million Parsec (3.264 light years per Parsec).

        326.4 Million Light years as a flight course. Over the course of several million years, I think its safe to say, we are more than 326.4 million light years from earth, even if they were traveling in a Zig Zag Fashion.

        Frankly the numbers are so high, with the known destiny of the surrounding Galaxies, The flight time to actually reach Destiny by ship should be measured by several hundred years. Well beyond the range and ability of the human race to attempt a rescue.

        The ATA Gene Question

        The ATA Gene was predominate in Atlantis Tech, we know O'neil could operate various "old" tech, which suggest that all Anicent devices built for 100,000 years had it. Millions of years ago, the Ancient Gene may not have being in use. Since they seeded life in this Galaxy, there were no other races sufficently advance to oppose them, so there would be no need for this security measure. Espcially since the Orii probably had the Gene as well.

        As such I suspect that Destiny actually will not require the Gene to operate. If it had the Requirement or the crew suspected it, they would gave as many people the Gene, thus effectively removing it as a plot point.

        that is a fine, fine piece of speculation.and merits some rep


          Originally posted by Deckker View Post
          Hi Guys, I have being doing some thinking about the distance destiny is from Earth and the ATA gene controls.

          Where is Destiny?

          It takes 3 days with a ZPM to reach Pegasuses, or 3 weeks without(21 days). That is a speed increase of 7 times.

          We are about 820 Parsec apart or 2.7 million light years (rounded to 1 digit). This means that with a ZPM it would take 892,000 light years per day to travel. Based on other known estimates, such as fact the Hive ship arrived at earth weeks ahead of its projected course. Atlantis would no more than be a few hours behind them, since they are at the edge of the milky way. 3 days is the fastest we know we can travel with a ZPM. So lets assume this is the speed of the Destiny Fleet. Now given the size of the task at hand, its not difficult to imagine how big the ship will be, there will be an increase in power consumption....and living continuously in deep space is not a problem for the Ancients I would like to mark 1 year as an overkill value for time taken to cross from 1 galaxy to another.

          So I reckon, it would be about 1,000 years per Galaxy for terraform, remember we can guess how much resources are needed to prepare a galaxy.

          Which means over 1,000,000 years, we would have about 999 Galaxies ready, with 1,000 years for travel time.

          So for 1 million years, we are looking at 1,000 years of flight time at 892,000 light years per day or 273.3 parsec a day. This becomes 99,754,500 Parsecs per year of travel. Lets say 100 million Parsec (3.264 light years per Parsec).

          326.4 Million Light years as a flight course. Over the course of several million years, I think its safe to say, we are more than 326.4 million light years from earth, even if they were traveling in a Zig Zag Fashion.

          Frankly the numbers are so high, with the known destiny of the surrounding Galaxies, The flight time to actually reach Destiny by ship should be measured by several hundred years. Well beyond the range and ability of the human race to attempt a rescue.

          The ATA Gene Question

          The ATA Gene was predominate in Atlantis Tech, we know O'neil could operate various "old" tech, which suggest that all Anicent devices built for 100,000 years had it. Millions of years ago, the Ancient Gene may not have being in use. Since they seeded life in this Galaxy, there were no other races sufficently advance to oppose them, so there would be no need for this security measure. Espcially since the Orii probably had the Gene as well.

          As such I suspect that Destiny actually will not require the Gene to operate. If it had the Requirement or the crew suspected it, they would gave as many people the Gene, thus effectively removing it as a plot point.
          You call that some thinking??? I think you get Green...

          Ok then, assuming that the Destiny is over 300 million light years away (roughly, and assuming it's not going round in a spiral fashion), how the hell does the ninth Chevron get them there? I'm not talking Astralchart co-ordinates, i mean power! How much power does a gate draw & where does it come from???? On this basis each ship itself probably has a few thousand ZPMs on board!...

          And although your probably right, i hope they keep the ATA gene. It's quite cool just to have something react to your presence!

          BOOM Baby! I'm Back!


            i would however like to point out that three days to cross between galaxies is the fastest a zpm powered ship will travel, the asgard oneil class could do it in 18hours or less, and a replicator modified motherrship could cross virtualy halfway accross the galaxy in a few hours. block replicators as we know are from the android daniel befrended in sg1 and i would say an ancient design predating the nanite age, replicators only learn from tech they assimilate, how did they build a power sorce so powerfull onboard apophis' ship unless they had seen one previously, the most advanced tech they would have encounteded would be ancient, but a zpm or several will not provide that kind of speed, so what was it based on


              Originally posted by BeardedKirk View Post
              You call that some thinking??? I think you get Green...

              Ok then, assuming that the Destiny is over 300 million light years away (roughly, and assuming it's not going round in a spiral fashion), how the hell does the ninth Chevron get them there? I'm not talking Astralchart co-ordinates, i mean power! How much power does a gate draw & where does it come from???? On this basis each ship itself probably has a few thousand ZPMs on board!...

              And although your probably right, i hope they keep the ATA gene. It's quite cool just to have something react to your presence!
              an arctures generator!! ((cowers in fear)) 'dont hit me'


                Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                an arctures generator!! ((cowers in fear)) 'dont hit me'
                although it is possible that the increasong number of simbols in an address has no bearing on the power requirements, and distance i the only factor, destiny may be very close by and the nine simol address may not be coordinates like a standard address but may corrispond to the destinys gate itsself (subspace becon, homing ddevice i dint know) but the sameaddress may be able to dial the destiny gate regardless of its location (just like a mobile phone, you can dial without needing to kow where they are, no matter what country and allways get a conection)


                  Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                  an arctures generator!! ((cowers in fear)) 'dont hit me'
                  Trying... hard.... not to..... even... though... you

                  BOOM Baby! I'm Back!


                    Originally posted by BeardedKirk View Post
                    Trying... hard.... not to..... even... though... you

                    resist...... dont give in to the dark side

                    strike me down and i shall bacome more powefull than you can possibly imagine
                    Last edited by toby1kanobi; 28 January 2009, 02:47 AM. Reason: adding text


                      Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                      although it is possible that the increasong number of simbols in an address has no bearing on the power requirements, and distance i the only factor, destiny may be very close by and the nine simol address may not be coordinates like a standard address but may corrispond to the destinys gate itsself (subspace becon, homing ddevice i dint know) but the sameaddress may be able to dial the destiny gate regardless of its location (just like a mobile phone, you can dial without needing to kow where they are, no matter what country and allways get a conection)
                      Well i am basing this on the fact that you need one ZPM to power a cross-galaxy wormhole (one that's right next door pretty much), so if you are trying to get a wormhole to 'burrow' through several galaxies at least, surely you would need either multiple ZPM's or deplete one fully charged ZPM in one go? & just out of curiosity where does the Stargate draw it's power from? The ground?

                      Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                      resist...... dont give in to the dark side
                      What and get a shiny new red bladed lightsaber? A new private stealth ship or a Super Star Destoyer to command? Force Choke any traffic wardens?
                      The Dark Side is completely underrated!!!!!!!

                      BOOM Baby! I'm Back!


                        Originally posted by BeardedKirk View Post
                        Well i am basing this on the fact that you need one ZPM to power a cross-galaxy wormhole (one that's right next door pretty much), so if you are trying to get a wormhole to 'burrow' through several galaxies at least, surely you would need either multiple ZPM's or deplete one fully charged ZPM in one go? & just out of curiosity where does the Stargate draw it's power from? The ground?

                        What and get a shiny new red bladed lightsaber? A new private stealth ship or a Super Star Destoyer to command? Force Choke any traffic wardens?
                        The Dark Side is completely underrated!!!!!!!
                        as far as i rember a standard gate is powered by a crystal in the dhd, ours ofcourse runs off the grid as we have no dhd, but any electrical sorce will do, it was powered by lightning on earnests planet, and car batteries in 1969, in continuum baal had a pocket size power device and dialer combi, but the gate caan also convert heat or any energy fired into the eventhorizon into power as in beach head and the pegasus project


                          Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                          as far as i rember a standard gate is powered by a crystal in the dhd, ours ofcourse runs off the grid as we have no dhd, but any electrical sorce will do, it was powered by lightning on earnests planet, and car batteries in 1969, in continuum baal had a pocket size power device and dialer combi, but the gate caan also convert heat or any energy fired into the eventhorizon into power as in beach head and the pegasus project
                          So what about space gates?

                          BOOM Baby! I'm Back!


                            Originally posted by BeardedKirk View Post
                            So what about space gates?
                            solar and astro radiation would be my guess


                              Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
                              solar and astro radiation would be my guess
                              According to the Stargate Wiki space gates are powered by the three nodes, which i thought helped it keep it's orbiting position. Maybe it does both. & yes a DHD powers the gate normally. Your memory is far better than mine it seems!!

                              BOOM Baby! I'm Back!


                                Originally posted by BeardedKirk View Post
                                According to the Stargate Wiki space gates are powered by the three nodes, which i thought helped it keep it's orbiting position. Maybe it does both. & yes a DHD powers the gate normally. Your memory is far better than mine it seems!!
                                hurrah im a genous

                                what the hell did the ancients use befor zpms

