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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post

    what if Jesus is who Jesus is and what if He went to other planets before Earth and went to other planets after Earth?

    aka was born, lived, died, and resurrected on each one?
    I thought we were leaning towards them(Hopefully), using more aliens than humans in Universe?

    And you do know that the bible is made up, right?
    Jesus is as real as Superman...
    e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

    Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


      Originally posted by bar View Post
      I thought we were leaning towards them(Hopefully), using more aliens than humans in Universe?

      And you do know that the bible is made up, right?
      Jesus is as real as Superman...
      in an attempt to avoid a religious crusde, i will avoid pointing out how wrong you are and stay on topic:

      more aliens than human...

      what are we talking about here?
      aliens that are along the lines of the Asgard in appearance?
      or your scific cliche redundant completely non-human alien lifeform which offers no form of empathy for the viewer?

      you can make non-human-looking characters successful, just look at Disney, but you do have to humanize them in order for the viewers to empathize with them, to understand them on emotional and psychological levels.... thus strengthening the plot development, and thus the show itself.... otherwise you end up with a one-dimensional conflict, like we had with the MWReplicators pre-Fifth... or like the war in Starship Troopers... and it becomes a conflict not of us vs them, but us vs us as we try to figure out a way to defeat them...

      completely non-human enemies may be who the main human characters are fighting, but they are not the main plot conflict... the main plot conflict is the main human characters struggling to find a way to defeat the nonhuman enemies... this is fine once in a while, but you can't build a whole series on that...

      personally, i'd like to see them build more on the diversity of humanoids... and see what else they could do with that...
      eliminating the human aspects of aliens, imho, will push SGU farther away from SG-1 and more towards generic scifi... and weaken the literary uniqueness of SG...
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
      Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
      Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
      Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


        Originally posted by IrishPisano View Post
        personally, i'd like to see them build more on the diversity of humanoids... and see what else they could do with that...
        eliminating the human aspects of aliens, imho, will push SGU farther away from SG-1 and more towards generic scifi... and weaken the literary uniqueness of SG...
        I know what you're saying, and i totally agree.
        Too alien, and you lose any empathy in the main story, and too human and it can be a re-tread of older stories.
        We have seen some Atlantis stories like that(Re-treads of SG1 episodes).
        Let us just be hopeful that the creators have something special up their sleeves, and have worked out any bugs we can think of!
        e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

        Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


          Originally posted by bar View Post
          I know what you're saying, and i totally agree.
          Too alien, and you lose any empathy in the main story, and too human and it can be a re-tread of older stories.
          We have seen some Atlantis stories like that(Re-treads of SG1 episodes).
          Let us just be hopeful that the creators have something special up their sleeves, and have worked out any bugs we can think of!
          yes, yes, work out the bugs no more bugs no replicatorbugs no wraithbugs no iratusbugs... not pantycrickets... no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs no bugs
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
          Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
          Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
          Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


            Hear, Hear!
            I could live my whole life, never seeing any more replicator episodes and be VERY happy...
            It's been DONE TO DEATH!
            e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

            Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


              Originally posted by bar View Post
              Hear, Hear!
              I could live my whole life, never seeing any more replicator episodes and be VERY happy...
              It's been DONE TO DEATH!
              not just replicators... but insects and bugs in general in SG...

              iratus bug
              rodney... lol...
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: So what's your impression of Alar?
              Teal'c: That he is concealing something.
              Colonel Jack O'Neill: Like what?
              Teal'c: I am unsure. He is concealing it.


                Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                I like this explanation. Its like they were on their cruise from Ori-ville and they sent this ship out ahead to seed gates with 7symbols for network travel, 8symbols for between networks and one universal 9symbol address to a prefab ship. It kinda makes sense, why head out across the universe with nowhere to go?

                And Im sure theres some explanation for not all gates being 9 chevrons. Maybe gates originally based off ships are all 9 symbols or something.
                Nice! Yeah, it would make a lot of sense that they developed the gate while enroute to the Milky Way; I was thinking of them starting Gate production only when they got here, but your suggestion makes much more sense.

                Especially with what was revealed in Ark of Truth.


                  I thought we were leaning towards them(Hopefully), using more aliens than humans in Universe?
                  I expect that the inhabitants of the planets would be more alien than human. Ancients and Goa'uld haven't been there. Doesn't mean that some humans might not have gotten there somehow-impossible things do happen on Stargate. And who knows what renegade Asgard like Loki might have been up to!
                  I also would rather expect that the crew would be Earth human. I don't see any Jaffa wanting to go along,they are pretty single minded about building their society. Although I could be wrong there. I suppose an Asgard might want to go along for the science of it... Generally the way of Stargate is that modern Earth humans go out into the unknown and get in way over their heads. Adventure and discovery (along with a dash of angst and humor) ensues....
                  The fact that the explorers are like us is kind of what makes it fun and easy to identify with. (It is alarmingly difficult not to end a sentence with a prposition! Two in one post... I am ashamed....)


                    I really hope the next (true Alien) race they find in the SG universe (or inded the series universe) is a Reptillian species..

                    granted a TRUE Insectoid species would also be cool..
                    the wraith are not truly Insectoid.. but they have an Insect sosial structure..


                      I'd like that too.
                      I'd also like to see a drastically different enemy than what we are used too.
                      Perhaps something like an alien race which is waaay bigger than a normal human.
                      Perhaps along the lines of the Brutes or Elites from Halo. About 8 or 9 feet tall, and very strong/intelligent.
                      We know that good CG can be done fairly easily and relatively cheapl these days.
                      The human element is taken care of with our heroes.
                      We NEED to see an alien race that is pretty different from Humans, both in physical size/shape, and in their thinking...




                      e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

                      Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


                        good CG can be done fairly easily and relatively cheapl these days.
                        Not so much... It is still very expensive, just more available. Nothing that takes that much time, from that many people with as much of an investment as it does, is not going to be cheap. I wouldn't count on a computer graphics generated race being seen very often... Actors are just so much cheaper!


                          Fair enough.
                          Just a thought.
                          e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

                          Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


                            It's a good idea, it would just take a very large budget... (or a drastic rise in the price of actors! )


                              Originally posted by amconway View Post
                              It's a good idea, it would just take a very large budget... (or a drastic rise in the price of actors! )
                              It's really no problem!
                              I take no offense in an idea not flying!
                              We are just slinging out ideas here like bullets in an wild-west shootout. They don't all have to hit the mark.
                              If we keep slinging them, though, we are bound to come up with something cool!
                              On the subject of cool ideas, i'd also like to see a smaller gate-capable vessel in the new show. Imagine an Alteran equivalent of the Wraith Dart. Nimble, fast, ARMED, and with only a one(Or preferably two), person capacity.
                              Failing that, a new SGC/Area51-designed craft they TAKE WITH THEM on the first mission.
                              Once again, just a thought.
                              e-mail(And msn messenger): [email protected]

                              Gravity can bind my feet, but it can never bind my imagination...


                                If we keep slinging them, though, we are bound to come up with something cool!
                                On the subject of cool ideas, i'd also like to see a smaller gate-capable vessel in the new show. Imagine an Alteran equivalent of the Wraith Dart. Nimble, fast, ARMED, and with only a one(Or preferably two), person capacity.
                                How about an SGC version of the Goa'uld Gate Glider? It's a 2 seater and armed...

