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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
    Watched it last night after David tweeted the link. I had so much fun watching the video, they really seem to enjoy their work and people around them. So much awesome.
    They're a good group of people to be sure. Such a contrast to the people they play on screen. I find that interesting when I watch SGU that there's this group of characters who don't get along and have history together but knowing that behind the scenes they're getting along so well, laughing and joking away.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      great pic

      Last edited by jasminaGo; 21 November 2010, 07:03 AM. Reason: removing tags - image over 100kb
      Stolen Kosovo


        Might just be my eyesight but is Robert Carlyle missing from that pic?


          He's in the back, behind the gate.

          Yeah, I thought he was missing too at first.


            Oh yeah, thanks. Wonder why he's all the way back there when the rest of the cast is in the center.


              Originally posted by kirmit View Post
              Oh yeah, thanks. Wonder why he's all the way back there when the rest of the cast is in the center.
              He's a humble guy?


                Maybe he's plotting. For world domination. Wouldn't put it past him.
                ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                  Michael White writes: “I hope you read the comments because I had the strongest feeling to share this with you.


                  Answer: Great article. Thanks for the link.

                  Johnny writes: “Since there’s no DHD placed along with the respective gates, are we to assume the gates were only meant to be accessed from Destiny alone?”

                  Answer: That’s a safe assumption.

                  Elliot writes: “You said that Destiny has a repairing drone. And if they can make it work again, that means they can build back the damaged ship parts?”

                  Answer: Yep. First up, the dome that will house the new hydroponics lab.

                  zaghy2zy writes: “I just had to ask, why is Robert Carlyle way at the back not with the rest of the main cast?”

                  Answer: Despite his celebrity status, Bobby is an incredibly quiet, and humble guy. He passed on front and center for a more casual position amidst the rest of the crew.

                  PJR also writes: “- and assuming (dangerous!) that ‘general structure’ you mention refers to plot/arcs, etc and not the script body – I’m wondering more about how through the brief you were given you see similarities and differences to the plotting/breaking/etc you do on a show like SGU, or Atlantis. Quite different animals or more similar, at least in essence, than we’d figure?”

                  Answer: I was referring to the format specifically. Elements related to plot and story structure remain more or less unchanged. The end of the first issue lines up naturally with the end of the pilot script’s second act, the end of the second issue with the conclusion to the pilot script.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                    I do not like the show. I want to like to show. I really do. But, I don't. I stopped watching it after episode 3 and started watching it again about two weeks ago, due to boredom on a Tuesday night. I spent the hour following the show, asking myself why I'd even bothered. I did the same thing the next week and again this past Tuesday. Why do I even bother?

                    Initially, I thought it was straight up unadulterated masochism. Then I thought, well, maybe I watch it because I like to complain afterward. But I thought a bit more and realized I watch the show because deep down, I am holding on to a sliver of hope I have for it. I love the franchise and would like nothing more than for it to continue. But I would be remiss if I sat idly by as the show continued on its current path, down Barely Mediocre Lane.

                    My .02:

                    Another Lost?

                    Seriously, that series just ended, did we really need another series about lost people, so soon? By the way, isn't Destiny the traveling version of Atlantis? Atlantis was lost, no one knew about it...blah blah...someone finds out about it....the Tau'ri find it...blah blah...blah. Done, done, and done.

                    Don't get me wrong, the lost in space thing, if done well, can be quite interesting. SGU's first season was great. Each episode seemed to build on the previous one and when the finale arrived, I was on pins and needles and stayed that way until the season 2 premiere. Things have completely fallen off a cliff since then though. If these people are in purgatory or in some alternate reality's "in-between", I pray someone pulls the plug on it Eee-Mee-Jut-Lee.

                    Protagonist vs Antagonist

                    What happened to Rush v Young? I am no fan of the Young character, he's WAY too unstable to be a leader, but he made an excellent counter to Rush. He has now become Rush's Yes Man. Oh, I know, I know, Rush saved Young's life. But come on, before Rush saved him, he learned that Rush had had access to the bridge of the ship weeks without telling a soul. And all that earned Rush was a few punches. That whole exchange ended with Rush telling Young that he'd done what was in the best interest of everyone. Five minutes later, and after everyone aboard Destiny learned the truth, all was forgiven.

                    Riddle me this...why isn't Rush being watched 24/7? The guy has a track record of withholding the truth and yet, he has been allowed to frolic about the ship at his leisure. Which leads me to my next point, wasn't he the person that dialed the gate for the Lucian Alliance people?

                    Oh yeah...

                    The Lucian Alliance from the Pegasus Galaxy? Huh? Telford was on Earth, spending time with Young's wife, now he's lost with the folks on Destiny? If you believe that, I have some prime real estate in the swamps of Louisiana along with a tofuduckinurkey to sell you. SMH. And if the Lucian Alliance were going to be a permanent fixture, the British chick (the leader) shouldn't have met her demise. She was the one bright spot in the group. Everyone else is forgettable--including the guy that met his maker after the stampede on Tuesday.


                    I'm beginning to wonder if everything occurring aboard Destiny is "real". Is Rush the brilliant scientist from A Beautiful Mind (Russell Crow-2001) and is the crew characters his mind has created. It would certainly explain why everything seems to revolve around him. Or maybe it's Identity (John Cusack-2003). Where the guy has multiple personalities and he kills them off, one by one.


                    Mistress. The whole T.J. and Young romance--before the show--didn't need to be mentioned. It could have been "implied" or mentioned in passing at some point later, but the whole thing seemed contrived and unnecessary. Actually, T.J. is unnecessary. But that's for another post. What was the purpose of mentioning the affair? Was it to prove that soldiers have a tendency to do morally reprehensible things? Didn't need an affair or a dead baby to do that. That whole thing was just ICK, IMO.

                    Sci-fi. Where is it? What about the stargate? Why is the show called stargate if it's not going to be utilized. And if it's not going to be utilized, can we at least focus on why Rush seemed agitated when Scott and Greer showed him the stargates hanging in the bay of the alien ship. And if Destiny harnesses power from the stars, why isn't anyone looking for a ZPM lab or info in the ship's database for creating them. I refuse to believe that the ship's ONLY source of energy is the stars. If the ancients were mapping out the universe, how could they plan for variations? I mean, stars collapse all the time, how could they possible know if galaxies would remain intact for millions of years and if there would always be a star to refuel? Shouldn't there be a back up system in place?

                    Ok...I'm done!!!


                      Back to the cast/crew picture - there is one cast member I could not find, and I looked really hard. Please tell me you saw Patrick Gilmore on the picture. I hope not finding him there does not mean that Dale Volker doesn't make it up to the end of season 2 Please tell me I am wrong.
                      Grimm returns October 24

                      Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                      Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                        Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                        Back to the cast/crew picture - there is one cast member I could not find, and I looked really hard. Please tell me you saw Patrick Gilmore on the picture. I hope not finding him there does not mean that Dale Volker doesn't make it up to the end of season 2 Please tell me I am wrong.
                        You're wrong.


                        Notice the timecode.
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          This time I am pleased to hear that I am wrong
                          Grimm returns October 24

                          Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
                          Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


                            Originally posted by mi_guard View Post
                            Back to the cast/crew picture - there is one cast member I could not find, and I looked really hard. Please tell me you saw Patrick Gilmore on the picture. I hope not finding him there does not mean that Dale Volker doesn't make it up to the end of season 2 Please tell me I am wrong.
                            Yeah I didn't see him in the picture either. But maybe he's in the picture and we're missing him? Anyone did see him?
                            A black hole swallowed this sig pic.


                              Maybe he just wasn't there. Maybe he was taking the picture. Maybe he stole Joe's face and wore it in the back there.
                              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I do not like the show. I want to like to show. I really do. But, I don't. I stopped watching it after episode 3 and started watching it again about two weeks ago, due to boredom on a Tuesday night. I spent the hour following the show, asking myself why I'd even bothered. I did the same thing the next week and again this past Tuesday. Why do I even bother?
                                So after 3 episode you dropped the show and then picked it up again about 20 something weeks later expecting to like it right off the bat? Did you not realize that these aren't stand alone episodes?

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Initially, I thought it was straight up unadulterated masochism. Then I thought, well, maybe I watch it because I like to complain afterward. But I thought a bit more and realized I watch the show because deep down, I am holding on to a sliver of hope I have for it. I love the franchise and would like nothing more than for it to continue. But I would be remiss if I sat idly by as the show continued on its current path, down Barely Mediocre Lane.
                                You watching or not won't save the show from being mediocre if that's the way you feel about it. Sorry to have to break that to you.

                                My .02:

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Another Lost?

                                Seriously, that series just ended, did we really need another series about lost people, so soon? By the way, isn't Destiny the traveling version of Atlantis? Atlantis was lost, no one knew about it...blah blah...someone finds out about it....the Tau'ri find it...blah blah...blah. Done, done, and done.
                                How's this like Lost besides the fact that people are lost? I really don't see the connection beyond that. There was a sandy alien, but that's not anything to say it was stolen from Lost.

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Don't get me wrong, the lost in space thing, if done well, can be quite interesting. SGU's first season was great. Each episode seemed to build on the previous one and when the finale arrived, I was on pins and needles and stayed that way until the season 2 premiere. Things have completely fallen off a cliff since then though. If these people are in purgatory or in some alternate reality's "in-between", I pray someone pulls the plug on it Eee-Mee-Jut-Lee.
                                Didn't you just say that you stopped watching after episode 3 up until about 2 weeks ago? Did you go and buy the DVDs of a show you couldn't stand just to watch and complain? How would they explain that these people died and are in Purgatory? The folks on the island on Lost should really have died during the plane crash and then again when they set off that bomb. That's how they pulled that ending outta their asses. Where's that excuse so far here?

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Protagonist vs Antagonist

                                What happened to Rush v Young? I am no fan of the Young character, he's WAY too unstable to be a leader, but he made an excellent counter to Rush. He has now become Rush's Yes Man. Oh, I know, I know, Rush saved Young's life. But come on, before Rush saved him, he learned that Rush had had access to the bridge of the ship weeks without telling a soul. And all that earned Rush was a few punches. That whole exchange ended with Rush telling Young that he'd done what was in the best interest of everyone. Five minutes later, and after everyone aboard Destiny learned the truth, all was forgiven.
                                No, all is not forgiven. Have you listened to Greer talk about how he'll never trust or forgive Rush? Young is willing to work with him for the sake of the crew. He's the local Ancient expert there. Who else would figure this stuff out if they didn't have Chloe's alien brain with them? Eli's getting there, but he's not reached that point yet.

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Riddle me this...why isn't Rush being watched 24/7? The guy has a track record of withholding the truth and yet, he has been allowed to frolic about the ship at his leisure. Which leads me to my next point, wasn't he the person that dialed the gate for the Lucian Alliance people?
                                I agree he should be watched, but what's that going to do besides cause trouble with the whole crew? The civilians can't be ordered to do it and there's only so many military personnel on board.

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Oh yeah...
                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]The Lucian Alliance from the Pegasus Galaxy? Huh? Telford was on Earth, spending time with Young's wife, now he's lost with the folks on Destiny? If you believe that, I have some prime real estate in the swamps of Louisiana along with a tofuduckinurkey to sell you. SMH. And if the Lucian Alliance were going to be a permanent fixture, the British chick (the leader) shouldn't have met her demise. She was the one bright spot in the group. Everyone else is forgettable--including the guy that met his maker after the stampede on Tuesday.
                                If you had watched the 20 something episodes leading up to two weeks ago you'd know that Telford was under LA mind control. When Rush went back to see if that were the case he was captured by them. He did what was necessary to save his and Telford's lives. Personally I don't think Ginn is forgettable. Certainly not to Eli.

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Everything

                                I'm beginning to wonder if everything occurring aboard Destiny is "real". Is Rush the brilliant scientist from A Beautiful Mind (Russell Crow-2001) and is the crew characters his mind has created. It would certainly explain why everything seems to revolve around him. Or maybe it's Identity (John Cusack-2003). Where the guy has multiple personalities and he kills them off, one by one.
                                That would be an interesting (if stupid) development. I don't think I'd buy that if the writers pulled that outta their hats. Good thing it's not going in that direction.

                                [QUOTE=MadameComtryyah33;12093615][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Nothing

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Mistress. The whole T.J. and Young romance--before the show--didn't need to be mentioned. It could have been "implied" or mentioned in passing at some point later, but the whole thing seemed contrived and unnecessary. Actually, T.J. is unnecessary. But that's for another post. What was the purpose of mentioning the affair? Was it to prove that soldiers have a tendency to do morally reprehensible things? Didn't need an affair or a dead baby to do that. That whole thing was just ICK, IMO.
                                The baby story was done to work around Alaina Huffman's real life pregnancy. I don't know if the affair was the same, but I doubt it. How is the only medical person they have unnecessary? I would love for you to explain that statement if nothing else. After everything that's happened, I'd say she's the single most important person on board.

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Sci-fi. Where is it? What about the stargate? Why is the show called stargate if it's not going to be utilized. And if it's not going to be utilized, can we at least focus on why Rush seemed agitated when Scott and Greer showed him the stargates hanging in the bay of the alien ship. And if Destiny harnesses power from the stars, why isn't anyone looking for a ZPM lab or info in the ship's database for creating them. I refuse to believe that the ship's ONLY source of energy is the stars. If the ancients were mapping out the universe, how could they plan for variations? I mean, stars collapse all the time, how could they possible know if galaxies would remain intact for millions of years and if there would always be a star to refuel? Shouldn't there be a back up system in place?
                                Seems like the stargate's been utilized pretty well to me. Not every episode has to have the stargate used four or five times. The star powered FTL drive is much better for long voyages than the ZPM would be. Even if the star Destiny is planning to use were to go nova centuries before Destiny arrived there are certainly sensors on board that would determine that and just plan accordingly. A ZPM wouldn't be needed and would be redundant. Besides, who said they had ZPM technology at that point?

                                Originally posted by MadameComtryyah33 View Post
                                Ok...I'm done!!!
                                Hopefully not too done to answer a few questions...

                                P.S. I'm hoping this didn't come off as me being too much of a douchebag. I was only hoping to come off as a little bit of a douche.
                                "Goodbye Eli Wallace, you're a good man."
                                - imlad, from

