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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
    I think you've accidentally mixed up triangles with threesomes. *cheeky grin*
    Always in the gutter, your mind is. And speak like Yoda, I do.


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      The you will be fed to Jamil at noon
      Dude...He's not Korean.


        Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
        Damn you, Bond. *strips off clothes*
        I wish someone would have told me martinis had that effect years ago.

        On topic.
        I think the LA are actually on the Destiny. That gone in the trailor doesnt look like one the current crew have.


          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
          I wish someone would have told me martinis had that effect years ago.
          What? Didn't you actually ever watch a Bond movie?

          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
          On topic.
          I think the LA are actually on the Destiny.
          Same here. And Jesus agrees. He told me in a dream last night.


            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
            What? Didn't you actually ever watch a Bond movie?
            Yes. But not when they would have been useful

            Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
            Same here. And Jesus agrees. He told me in a dream last night.
            So, he's given up appearing in bits of burnt toast and various other food stuffs and started intruding on dreams. Thats just rude.


              Originally posted by Ukko View Post
              Yes. But not when they would have been useful
              Well, now you know.
              Originally posted by Ukko View Post
              So, he's given up appearing in bits of burnt toast and various other food stuffs and started intruding on dreams. Thats just rude.
              Well, he's not as bad as hypnotoad...


                Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                Always in the gutter, your mind is. And speak like Yoda, I do.
                What? I like the gutter. It got comfy recliners, nice view, tasty food, and... other tasty things...


                  You can put my name on the "LA definitely on the Destiny via the gate" side, though I wouldn't be surprised the the stones were also involved in some way too.
                  Originally posted by Rhadamanthus View Post
                  There are quite a few problems with the series so far and I honestly have some trouble getting past them.
                  Here is what I have found to be problematic for the story so far:

                  1. Carter was aboard the Gen. Hammond which has Asgard shields and beam weapons, why did she not take out the three motherships instead of just sitting there and taking a beating while they attacked the planet, I mean if they could take out Ori ships then why sit there and not even fire a shot?
                  Evidently it doesn't have beam weapons, they probably weren't installed yet. The Hammond was only being used for a ferry mission - combat wasn't expected.
                  2. I get that almost all the people on Destiny are not supposed to be there but with the communication stones they could easily get people like Carter and McKay on the ship to aid in repairs and the creation of technologies (like Asgard beam tech) that would make survival much easier and why did we not see Dr. Lee looking at anything or the such when Rush reported in the first time?
                  Evidently the risks involved in sending extremely valuable experts like McKay and Carter aren't worth the benefits. As for Dr Lee, they didn't show him because evidently there was nothing interesting or important to show.
                  3. In the finale of SGA Radek explained to Woolsey that the wormhole drive would allow almost instantaneous travel anywhere in the universe so why have they not sent Atlantis as they have the complete and total course for Destiny so finding them would not be a problem, especially with the communication stones giving them the means to stop and course check if the drive doesn't get them there in one jump?
                  Radek also explained that there was a very high chance they'd get disintegrated in the process. Earth was worth the risk, the people on Destiny aren't yet in such peril that the IOA would risk Atlantis
                  4. With all the back and forth going on with the military command of Destiny why has O'Neill not used the stones to evaluate the situation himself?
                  Again, they don't want to send such valuable people into danger. Plus I don't think Jack would agree to letting someone on Destiny hijack his body. He's a 3-star general, for crying out loud
                  5. Is it just me or are all of the military personnel on Destiny a complete contradiction to the military we have seen through out the stargate franchise?
                  No, I don't think it's that bad, and I think we need to be careful not to look at the military in SG1 and SGA though rose tinted glasses.
                  (for some reason most of the main characters seem to be sex addicts)
                  IMHO that's an unfair exaggeration.
                  6. In the premier there were crates left on the ship by the Ancients, Greer told everyone to leave them alone and focus on the equipment they had brought with them but now those crates are missing and not even a mention as to what happened with them or what was in them, you would think that the Ancients (knowing how long the ship would be out there without them aboard) would have stocked those crates with immediate needs materials for their first arrival (like air filtration elements to get the life support running when they arrived).
                  They're not missing. Be patient, I'm certain they'll get around to looking in them eventually, once other problems are dealt with.
                  7. It has been said a few times on the show that the shields being used by Destiny over the hull breaches are not very effective at keeping the air in, we have knowledge and training on both shield tech from the Asgard as well as the Ancients (specifically the shield generators of Atlantis which is used to hold full atmosphere during space flight) and not once have they discussed trying to increase the shield efficiency.
                  Knowing about Atlantis's shields doesn't mean we can improve the much older ones in Destiny. Plus they would risk damaging the shields plus they'd probably need to shut them down completely to work on them, assuming they found the parts they need to do anything to them at all. Plus it appears that this show is trying to be more realistic than Atlantis in which McKay can fix or improve anything by waving his magic wand of science at it (yes, I'm exaggerating ).
                  8. Young leaving Rush behind is about the dumbest thing they could have done, I know many military personnel and I have never met even one that would do such a thing, especially when it is well known that Rush is the most likely to be able to aid in repairs all over the ship, I mean the character has been explained as being the smartest one there except for Eli whom has no training on this kind of tech and Young doing that just proves yet again that he is really not a leader at all and thinks of his personal grudges before the people he is supposed to be helping.
                  So? I'm sure Young will agree in retrospect, but at the time he was only thinking about getting rid of the guy who was constantly challenging him and causing trouble, plus he did give Rush a chance to come back, but Rush didn't take it and answered "we'll never be done".
                  9. I do not understand why all these people using the stones are getting out of the base, it makes no sense at all that are let out in public and allowed to drink, party and have sex with others while occupying the body of another person, I cannot see the SGC (or more specifically O'Neill) letting that kind of stuff take place. However, I do understand letting them talk with loved ones that have clearance but that no longer seems to be an issue, it seems now that if you are working with the SGC and trouble hits you get to tell everyone you care about what is happening.
                  Yeah, I have some issues with this too. Homeworld Security is not nearly as secure as I'd expect. They've got a lot of explaining to do.
                  I understand (although I do not agree with it at all) that Rob, Brad, Carl and Martin all wanted to leech off of the success of BSG but this is getting ridiculous.
                  They might as well try to hire the production staff from BSG and Caprica.
                  Whatever. I've never watched those shows and don't plan to, so I'm way past caring about the comparisons. Not that anyone asked me to care, so I should really keep my mouth shut about that. Still, they have every right to hire whoever they want and leech off the success of whatever they want.
                  I do not like that it seems like they are trying to get someone to have sex in almost every episode.
                  I used to watch SG-1 and SGA with my kids and now that just isn't all that acceptable.
                  I can understand that, though in my case it's my parents the show isn't appropriate for.

                  Anyway, let the ripping of my opinions start as I know there are probably a lot of people that will fight me tooth and nail over this, lol.
                  In summary, I agree with some of your points, others I think you're exaggerating or aren't a big deal to me, and some I think have solutions that you hadn't found yet.
                  "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                  Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                  Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                  Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                  Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                    Originally posted by Rhadamanthus View Post
                    4. With all the back and forth going on with the military command of Destiny why has O'Neill not used the stones to evaluate the situation himself?

                    5. Is it just me or are all of the military personnel on Destiny a complete contradiction to the military we have seen through out the stargate franchise? (for some reason most of the main characters seem to be sex addicts)

                    8. Young leaving Rush behind is about the dumbest thing they could have done, I know many military personnel and I have never met even one that would do such a thing, especially when it is well known that Rush is the most likely to be able to aid in repairs all over the ship, I mean the character has been explained as being the smartest one there except for Eli whom has no training on this kind of tech and Young doing that just proves yet again that he is really not a leader at all and thinks of his personal grudges before the people he is supposed to be helping.

                    I understand (although I do not agree with it at all) that Rob, Brad, Carl and Martin all wanted to leech off of the success of BSG but this is getting ridiculous.
                    They might as well try to hire the production staff from BSG and Caprica.
                    I do not like that it seems like they are trying to get someone to have sex in almost every episode.
                    I used to watch SG-1 and SGA with my kids and now that just isn't all that acceptable.
                    Ukko’s covered many of your points well so I’d thought I’d just address these few which I can bring some light to.

                    Firstly O’Neill’s a general, it is not his job to go gallivanting off world, which let’s face it the stones allow people to do. The stones are alien tech and do have side effects as we’ve seen in the show. Further as a general its his job to coordinate, not micromanage. He can send someone else onto the ship to find out what’s going on which he has.

                    Secondly the military personnel. Now I’m not sure what shows you were watching in the past but sg1 and sga gave had unpleasant, incompetent and downright treasonous officers. People like Makepeace, Maybourne, Simmons, Kennedy, Connor, Hanson, Sumner, Everett, Ellis, Edwards. These were all officers who were at the very least unpleasant, several of them made grave errors in the course of their duties, a couple of them were traitors. All were heavily involved with the Stargate programme. By comparison the SGU characters look like saints. As for several of the military characters being interested in sex well hate to break it to you but that’s what the military’s like. I’m from a military family and am part time military myself and in my experience the chief aims of many people in the military while off duty is to get laid and get drunk. These are often brave and courageous people, they do however want to let off some steam at times.

                    As for the show it’s got more similarities with Deadwood than BSG, sharing many of the same themes. The show itself seems to take several cues from recent crime dramas like the Wire or Homicide Life on the Street and the Shield. The show itself has recruited writers who have worked on Homicide and camera crew who worked on the Shield.

                    As for sex the creators of the show are under no obligation to remove or add sex, what little is in there serves to further the story or characters and seems pretty tame to me, at least by UK standards. The previous shows were choc a bloc with violence on a fairly graphic level so I don’t see what the fuss is about with the sex.


                      Hey! Look who dropped by the production offices today! Bugsy and Marilyn! And, oh yeah, Peter Kelamis (SGU’s Adam Brody) who tagged along with his lovely wife Alannah.

                      Today, we broke Linda’s story (episode 13), which explores the relationship of two of my very favorite characters, and also discussed the Awakening blue draft. I had a major breakthrough on that tricky opening scene and finally got some work done on episode 10, Resurgence. [...]

                      Charlene writes: “I’m sure SGU will do wonderfully and find an audience all it’s own but I will miss the others and will hold out hope that some new show will come on that captures the essence of what the SG1 and SGA characters did.”

                      Answer: Looking forward to hearing your opinion after the back half has aired.

                      Major D. Davis writes: “1. Is Rob directing Aftermath?

                      2. Is Will directing Awakenings?”

                      Answer: No and no.

                      Harold writes: “are you guys ever looking for suggestions for the show?”

                      Answer: If you’re asking whether we’re looking for new writers, the answer is no, we’ve got a pretty full roster this season.
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                        Originally posted by reddevil18 View Post
                        I'm Mallozzi's pug, remember? The cute one.
                        He has a pug? I thought he had frenchies.


                          Just on a random note. I saw a SGU trailer on Syfy with new footage.

                          There was a new shot of Scott looking slightly freaked out holding his gun at the ready on some planet that is light snowing(or it could be ash it went by too quick to tell).

                          Also there was a scene where Wray was talking to a group of civilians saying "We've sealed off all the military personel, were taking the ship".(from Divided)

                          And then there were various little shots not worth mentioning, but still pretty cool!!


                            Originally posted by major davis View Post
                            Just on a random note. I saw a SGU trailer on Syfy with new footage.

                            There was a new shot of Scott looking slightly freaked out holding his gun at the ready on some planet that is light snowing(or it could be ash it went by too quick to tell).
                            That's not new, that's how the poor lad normally looks.

                            Also there was a scene where Wray was talking to a group of civilians saying "We've sealed off all the military personel, were taking the ship".(from Divided)

                            And then there were various little shots not worth mentioning, but still pretty cool!!
                            I think I've seen that one. Linky?


                              I couldn't find one. It was on live tv unfortunately.


                                Also there was a clip of young saying

                                "were gonna give them a fight"

                                forgot that

