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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by kirmit View Post
    So some of the new stuff people haven't talka bout yet
    It's confirmed it's the luscian alliance attacking the base, how do people feel about this? Also sounds like there's going to be a mega battle in 'Air', I have missed my big ship battles
    heres wat i think of it
    thats who i thought it would be.i hope this means that they have become much more powerful since we last saw them because they had potential at first.but i also have missed the big space battles.


      Originally posted by kennythewraith View Post
      God!i hate when that happens!
      I know right!

      Originally posted by kennythewraith View Post
      heres wat i think of it
      thats who i thought it would be.i hope this means that they have become much more powerful since we last saw them because they had potential at first.but i also have missed the big space battles.


        Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
        I'm not sure, I didn't think they would be able to take on one of Earths cruisers, they must really put a lot into the attack. I'm looking forward to seeing the battle
        Maybe its two birds with one stone deal. The Lucian Alliance sends their full fleet which causes us to lose a battle crusier but our superior ships were able to seriously cripple the alliance thus elminating them as an enemy.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          I wouldn't use those term exactally but the average Christian say for example isn't going to whine about his/her beliefs being portrayed in negative way. He/she will watch it for what it is. A piece of fiction
          True, still, I just would be more concerned about the message TPTB ar trying to send us. ANd it is a piece of fiction, still, Stargate is the the best franchise to me and they do everything sooo well. Just to start trying to disprove religions(not intentionally or out of a bad motive) is a very bad(or should I say Mckeller like ) descission.


            Originally posted by SGFerrit View Post
            I understand, but that's like saying the show can't say anything that contradicts what you believe in, despite the fact that a lot of people believe a lot of different things...

            I should probably stop talking. Religion is a sure-fire way to rile up debate, and I don't want to get started because it won't stay within the confines of Stargate. I do respect your opinion, a lot more than some of the other people I've seen on forums like this who really take their religion to the extreme and won't have a word said that contradicts it. For someone relatively young you did post your concerns in a more mature way than a lot of others might have...
            LOL thanks,

            No, not everything, believe me the show can encourage sex outside of marriage or abortion and so on, and i would not happy about it, I would just say... bummer.. and move on. But if there is one thing I wish they wouldn't do is use the stargate mythology to try to disprove or say Christianity(or any other religion for that matter) is a hoax.

            OK I will stop now. Thanks for respecting my views and for stopping the debate before it gets nasty.

            Thanks again.


              Originally posted by Promethius30 View Post
              I know i like thats its the luscian alliance and not some random aliens we may never see again it roots it in the franchise. What do people think about David Blue character almost winning a competition to become a stargate member a bit far fetch
              Honestly... no, maybe they had been keeping an eye on him for quite a bit and this was just the catlyst for the "reaction". LOL i just geeked out. Oh and also, we don't know the whole story yet so I would wait to jump to conclusions.


                Originally posted by major davis View Post
                If SGU makes Jesus an ancient in the show or what not(Kinda like Merlin and all the Egyptian gods), it would be a slap in the face to Christians basically saying(wheather they mean to or not) "Yeah Jesus is fake, there is no God, there is no heaven or hell". So in a way's it is kinda saying Christianity is fake. I have always appreciated that Stargate has respected religions for the most part. It doesn't try to prove or favor Christianity over Islam, Buddism over Atheism etc. I just pray it stays that way for SGU.
                No, it would be saying that in the Stargate-verse (a fictional reality), Jesus was an Ancient. And that has no bearing whatsoever on the existence of God or the right-ness of Christianity.


                  Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                  So some of the new stuff people haven't talka bout yet
                  It's confirmed it's the luscian alliance attacking the base, how do people feel about this? Also sounds like there's going to be a mega battle in 'Air', I have missed my big ship battles
                  looks like I was right some times ago when I said that on a thread (don't remember which one) and nobody believed me ! lol

                  It certainly makes sense to me since after
                  the defeat of the Goa'uld, Anubis, the Ori and Ba'al, it's the actual main enemy of the Tauri in the MIlky Way
                  ___________Stargate SG-1____________________Stargate Atlantis____________________Stargate Universe
                  ________07.27.97 ~ 06.22.07________________07.16.04 ~ 01.09.09__________________10.02.09 ~ 05.09.11


                    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
                    No, it would be saying that in the Stargate-verse (a fictional reality), Jesus was an Ancient. And that has no bearing whatsoever on the existence of God or the right-ness of Christianity.
                    But when I'm emmersed in the show, it would be frustrating to hear that TPTB are trying to make Jesus fake. And even if there was a parelle universe, I know God would be running that too. Like if you were a Christian, I think you would be able to understand my point better.

                    Like, I believe that there is no way earth and it's people were created by random chance, and since the stargate world is like the same as our world(plus Christianity is in the stargate world, and seems to be the same as in our world), I would totally believe that everything would be the same and henceforth, it would be the same as TPTB trying to disprove Jesus in this world. Honestly, I guess it's just a pet peeve, BSG didn't bother me this way, so I don't know why I'm bugged this time round.
                    Yeah it's probably a good idea to stop the debate here. Like we believe in different things


                      Originally posted by major davis View Post
                      But when I'm emmersed in the show, it would be frustrating to hear that TPTB are trying to make Jesus fake. And even if there was a parelle universe, I know God would be running that too. Like if you were a Christian, I think you would be able to understand my point better.

                      Like, I believe that there is no way earth and it's people were created by random chance, and since the stargate world is like the same as our world(plus Christianity is in the stargate world, and seems to be the same as in our world), I would totally believe that everything would be the same and henceforth, it would be the same as TPTB trying to disprove Jesus in this world. Honestly, I guess it's just a pet peeve, BSG didn't bother me this way, so I don't know why I'm bugged this time round.
                      Yeah it's probably a good idea to stop the debate here. Like we believe in different things
                      Ultimately, Stargate is science fiction and this is what science fiction does and has done since its inception; challenge not only the status quo, but our perceptions of reality.


                        Originally posted by major davis View Post
                        But when I'm emmersed in the show, it would be frustrating to hear that TPTB are trying to make Jesus fake. And even if there was a parelle universe, I know God would be running that too. Like if you were a Christian, I think you would be able to understand my point better.

                        Like, I believe that there is no way earth and it's people were created by random chance, and since the stargate world is like the same as our world(plus Christianity is in the stargate world, and seems to be the same as in our world), I would totally believe that everything would be the same and henceforth, it would be the same as TPTB trying to disprove Jesus in this world. Honestly, I guess it's just a pet peeve, BSG didn't bother me this way, so I don't know why I'm bugged this time round.
                        Yeah it's probably a good idea to stop the debate here. Like we believe in different things
                        Lets play Devil's Advocate for a second. Lets just say Stargate did portray Jesus as an Ancient. What if Jesus was given the powers of an ascended Ancient given by the Christian god to help out mortals. So really it depends entiirely on the context of this story that it goes. And I don't think Pandora has to be a Christian to understand your stance. My best friend in high school was a different religion and I understood his stance even though I disagreed. The reason it didn't bother you in BSG was because the BSG religion was based on the ancient Greek mythology and a very vague God
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                          I'm not sure what post you're responding to. I don't really pay attention to "thunk" threads.
                          Me neither, but someone asked a few dozen pages back, leading to explanations.

                          Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                          lol is that because you don't want to or because you haven't seen either show?
                          Well I have seen SGU teasers, but it's hard to compare that to zero BSG (besides the occasional sig image).

                          tagged for rambling Ancient!Jesus discussion.
                          Originally posted by major davis View Post
                          Not really cause again it's basically saying the Judeo-Christian God didn't create the universe, other gods did. I mean as for the Ancient thing, it is a kinda pushing it cause I believe the Judeo-Christian God created the universe and life in the Universe. However the Ancients were just in one galaxy. So in a ways I really don't like it... however it's not blantantly saying, Christianity is fake.(Cause if they made Jesus an ancient in the show, it basically would be saying that).Hope that helps.
                          While Biblical Christian beliefs are definitely not compatible with the Stargate mythology (despite the best efforts of Cam's grandma), it's fiction and I enjoy it. Saying Jesus is an Ancient in the fictional Stargate world would actually be more logical than trying to play both sides and throwing in the occasional "Earth religions could be right, but that's not our job" type of nod. That's inconsistent - the characters should know enough about the 'true history of the universe' that they could come to the conclusion that the Bible is not a true historical account and Jesus isn't who he said he is. And they could then speculate that he was an Ancient with healing powers and some nice teachings. (Of course in the real world there are eyewitness accounts disproving of such claims, but they can be ignored in fiction.) Of course they'd never do that because there's more money in appearing to be as neutral as possible to avoid offending anyone.
                          The thing that irks me a little is that the subtle message of "we're not saying Christianity is wrong, while we affirm evolutionary origins of life, and people can believe that at the same time as believing that humans weren't specially created," can easily cause confusion and inconsistent beliefs in real life. So while it has no direct bearing on the rightness of Christianity in real life, it sure can influence/confuse people's beliefs to a degree.

                          [edit due to getting Ashrak'd]
                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          Lets play Devil's Advocate for a second. Lets just say Stargate did portray Jesus as an Ancient. What if Jesus was given the powers of an ascended Ancient given by the Christian god to help out mortals.
                          From the point of view of Stargate that would almost make sense... except that the Christian God as understood in the real world couldn't logically fit into that fictional world.

                          Anyhow, back to the more current topic, I'm pleased that it seems to be the
                          Lucian Alliance in all their Goa'uld-ship glory
                          attacking the base. It's about time they tried something, and it's a logical tie in.
                          Last edited by Eternal Density; 23 July 2009, 03:57 PM. Reason: to include a new post made while writing
                          "Most people who are watching TV are semi-catatonic. They're not fully alive." - U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten Sr.
                          Ronald Greer is also a medic. Your argument is invalid.
                          Originally posted by J-Whitt Remastered
                          Secondly, I think that everything DigiFluid is good.
                          Sandcastle Builder: The game of XKCD: Time


                            Originally posted by Eternal Density View Post
                            Anyhow, back to the more current topic, I'm pleased that it seems to be the
                            Lucian Alliance in all their Goa'uld-ship glory
                            attacking the base. It's about time they tried something, and it's a logical tie in.
                            I am too! It'll be good to see how they bring these guys in.


                              New JM entry:
                              Today, I leave you with the sneakiest of peeks at the offices of Homeworld Command. Then, check out the mailbag.
                              Sig by Pandora's Box



                                I’m off to dinner with Alan McCullough (formerly of Stargate, presently of Sanctuary) tonight so this will be a moderately early entry. When I get back, I plan to see how much headway I can make on the script. Last night, I hit the 28 page mark and things were coming along nicely – until I realized I’d forgotten to address a character. And then, upon closer scrutiny, two characters. Damn. Tonight, I re-read, readjust, and rewrite. The plan all along was to have half the script written by the I return the office on Monday (I’m already there).


                                LesFez writes: “1. Now that Gateworld has shown us the exterior of the Destiny, are you allowed to post some exterior stuff of your own, and concept art?

                                2. Also, how many pages do you aim to get your scripts to? I seem to remember you saying a while ago that one you wrote was at 52 pages, and that was a bit too long?”

                                Answers: 1. Unfortunately, I have no exterior shots of Destiny. I tried mounting a camera at the back of the ship but I’d lose it every time it jumped to FTL.

                                2. Great question. In the beginning, we were aiming for 55-ish – only the first few episodes were timing way too long. So we scaled it back to 46-ish – and that turned out to be too short. Now, I believe 52-ish is about right.

                                Daniel Willis writes: “How did you record this? I thought it was a visual effect added later, by having a green screen behind the gate. This looks so real! Or has this video been edited to include the visual effects?”

                                Answer: Nope. That’s why it’s called a practical puddle. It’s not a visual effect – as in the show’s early seasons – but a practical one. What you see is actually an image being projected on a screen. Pretty impressive, no?

                                Thornyrose writes: “Talking about spinning ideas for season two, and not to jinx anything, but at what point will you know for sure there IS a season two?”

                                Answer: No idea. Since we’re premiering October 2nd, I’m guessing we may have to wait as late as early 2010 to find out.

                                Major D. Davis writes: “1. Have you seen any of the final Shiny VFX for SGU…. also how close is Air(first two parts) to being completed?

                                2. How long till SGU has some cool shirts and merch, cause when I was at the bridge I saw some cool “sexy” LOL SGU shirts(the crew were wearing them, they were a black shirt with the SGU logo printed on them). I just wondered when it will hit shelves cause I would die to get one of them.


                                4. Do you think we can have some pics from the set of the “puddle jumper on sterioids”. I believe that’s what you called it, and you said it was some type of shuttle.”

                                Answers: 1. Some very close-to-finals. They look terrific. Definitely Emmy-worthy, but what do I know.

                                2. No idea what the merchandising plans are.


                                4. I have pics of the shuttle and will eventually post them as well.

                                DP writes: “Is the Destiny’s Gate Room in the same spot at the studio as the SGC’s Gate Room?”

                                Answer: Nope. The SGC gate room was in Stage 5. The Destiny is in Stage 4.


                                Joe also posted a myriad of pictures relating to the offices of Homeworld Security. Check it out via that link!

                                Boy, the New Zealanders are gonna be pissed.

