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"Stargate Universe" Discussion/Speculation (Spoilers)

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    Originally posted by fammann View Post
    Every thing that could happen in another galaxy or even at the edge of the universe could just as easily happen on an unknown planet in our galaxy

    Any thoughts about that.
    I'm tempted to say it means they're proving their laziness by saying that they don't need to travel outside our galaxy/universe when they can just make it all happen in our galaxy instead, but that's probably too simplified.

    Besides, if that were the case, they'd just call it Stargate Galaxy.


      Originally posted by fammann View Post
      As for the slides ripoff. I thik sliders was a rather bad series and I would regrett that because of that no one makes a AU series anymore. I think with sliders it was not the concept that was the problem but the bad writing or bad influence from the network. Also production wise Stargate is much better than sliders. I think they can pull of an AU series without making it look like sliders.
      I'm in agreement with you here. My thoughts on sliders precisely.

      Recently even Doctor Who had parallel universes again in the stories, where one principal character ends up stranded in a parallel universe and sliding is not possible anymore without breaking up the world's ice caps or something.. anyway it was about the emotional effect on the viewer more than the sliding for itself in this case.
      So it can be done properly I think, and I'm confident the Stargate team can make an original hit.
      Now I'll have to think how I can crossover Stargate: Universe (or whatever it gets called) with Doctor Who in my fanfics.... I'll think of something! - My Dr Who fanfics, many crossing over with Stargate & Sliders
      My fics at my site
      Other fanfics on --includes a new SGU/Space:1999 crossover, as well as the Dalek Stargate


        Originally posted by DrSiN View Post
        I think at the end of the second movie , stargate command will get word that an iminent attack on earth is on the way.

        Anyway sometime on Carter probably comes up with a way to shield the entire planet (assuming the writers allow the phase shifting tech to become obsolete) the ORI ships (100 or more make sure their new ship is useless against them) arive and the shield is raised. The shield will block all stargate activity stop all communication anything leaving or entering basically.

        The Alpha , Beta sites and all other teams are back on earth . They then send out a team to a random planet (can't be SG-1 so they will have to be incapable of leaving for some reason.) just before the shield goes up.

        This one team is given a mission to find the old races to form an alliance or go looking for something to destroy the ORI once and for all. Or they could take a ship and go looking these things. Cut off from the Duex ex machina (asgard tech) and earth they will have to go it alone.

        If they wanted to use some old SG-1'ers they could have teal`c be off world or have them find a way to communicate with earth.

        Just my two cents.
        You probably haven't heard the news about the movies. Behind spoilers so you can continue that way if you want.
        The first movie, Ark of Truth, is said to complete the Ori storyline. The second movie, Continuum, is another AU story.

        Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that they were intending to use Continuum as a bit of a spring board for the third series?
        Maybe we can head back to the universe we left at the end of season 8.

        Originally posted by shazzboy View Post
        Ok I dont want to be deemed a troll, but isnt there a genuine concern with the way the ratings are going that Atlantis could be cancelled and not going to season 5?

        If that happens wouldnt that damage the prospects of a 3rd and untested series, as it would be going alone and in the aftermath of failure.

        I hope Atlantis goes on to season 5, but I also wanted that for Farscape and ST:ENT.
        Yes there is that concern. SGA is still relatively cheap to produce at the moment, so it still has some leeway.

        IMO it would be better if they took a break from trying to run two shows at once. It is quite obvious they don't have the capability or resources to run both to a sufficent quality.
        Everything gets cancelled at one point or another, and I think it would be far better for a show to come in a little while after looking fresh, rather than running at the same time and being thought of as just more of the same.


          Originally posted by sparkygate View Post
          Though im hoping one day the producers can put a crossover between galactica and atlantis or the new series... maybe in a movie i would like to see who would win a anicent/ daedalus class warship or galactica. But i know my hopes will be shot down as there is less 20% of that actually happening
          I'd rather see a Doctor Who/Stargate crossover myself - there was one of sorts in Doctor Who's Impossible Planet (with an SG-1-like team, even an archeologist like Daniel) plus we did get an actress from Stargate in the episode Dalek (Anna-Louise Plowman)..
          We won't get an actual crossover I'm sure but perhaps we might get some guest star/s.. How about Christopher Eccleston (recently seen in Heroes) for one?
 - My Dr Who fanfics, many crossing over with Stargate & Sliders
          My fics at my site
          Other fanfics on --includes a new SGU/Space:1999 crossover, as well as the Dalek Stargate


            BSG only has ONE spinoff in the making right now and it's going to be set prior to events in BSG.

            SGU will be the second spinoff for Stargate and it'll be set in the same time period as the other two shows. I think the quality degrades with each successive spinoff, particularly if you insist on limiting your field the way TPTB seem to be doing.

            Of course, Star Trek had even more spinoffs and most of them were successful, but there were also different groups of people producing them (I think... certainly there were between TOS and TNG).

            In order to have even a chance of being a success I think SGU needs different people to run it. Have a token figure or two to help guide 'em along, but for pity's sake, get some fresh blood in there and let them explore new ideas instead of rewriting the same plots for the same characters over and over.


              Personally I'd rather not see a Who/Stargate crossover. I'd hate for DW to get contaminated by what Stargate has become.


                I am not sure about the alternate universe theory because wasn't that done using the quantum mirror. I don't know who made it but I would think there would be a high probability that it was made by the ancients. Also I think that the Ancients and the Ori may not be the only branches of the species and as the Ancients left their home galaxy I think that elements split off in different directions and that they probably seeded stargates on the way with many being in their own networks. We know there were stargates in Ida and Pegasus. But I hope that the 9th chevron is more than just a distance calculation and that there are new races or branches that are very different but just as powerful as the ancients.

                Here is my idea I would want a series about a race that beat one of those branches that split off during the ancients exodus and travel to our galaxy. This group would of evolved differently and would of come up against a superior foe that would have a completely different perspective on technology and would of taken and adapted the alteran technology into their own making them even more powerful. Eventually they would of been incorporated into this other species creating something different. I think it would be a new take on the ancients and we would be able to see some of what happened before they got to the milky way.
                Last edited by rhade; 26 March 2007, 06:24 AM.


                  Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                  However, barring a politics/ B5-esque show which I doubt they'd do, running Stargate in the here and now has run its course, I suspect. Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong - and yet, it does feel that way. Another team exploring who-knows-what? I mean, c'mon.
                  I would have lvoed to see them do a spin off that deals with the ranmification of SG1, that could very well be set in the here and now - Earth once the SGC goes public, the politics in the galaxy, the galaxy trying to recover from the Orii (assuming they would end up dying ) - but again, I doubt this would ever be the direction they'd be going. Shame, tho.
                  Gosh, you have no idea how much I want this show to be B5-esque! I'd give anything to be the power behind the financing of the show so I could make them do it that way I think the writers could pull off that sort of writing if they tried.

                  I too want to see the ramifications of everything SG-1 has been doing. Atlantis could remain a secret if they want. It's not like governments are forced to tell everything connected to the Stargate.
                  May our transmatter beams cross again...

                  Proud Member of the Chevron Guy Club

                  "Out of that sea of stars came all the elements that make me what I am. "


                    You make good points.IMO TPTB have enough on their plate with Atlantis and the SG-1 Movies.The focus should be on Atlantis and the Movies.I see no need for another spinoff.


                      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                      You make good points.IMO TPTB have enough on their plate with Atlantis and the SG-1 Movies.The focus should be on Atlantis and the Movies.I see no need for another spinoff.
                      As I understand it they will start thinking more on the third spin-off after the two movies. And with more movies(I/We hope)after them. So There will be quite a long pause between the second and the possible third. Furthermore with a new series they could hire new blood to the writing staff or some old ones like Ken Cuperus who have proven to be great writers, so that Brad and Robert could focus either on the movies or the new baby.

                      The stars of the new show
                      1. 2. 3. 4.
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                        TNG, VOY and ENT were all produced by the same people. TNG had a few TOS veterans in it and DS9 was a few TNG vets, but B&B didn't want anything to do with DS9 'cause they thought it was ****.

                        Anyway, reading back over these points, I think SG would lose more of it's appeal if it took the human characters too far into the future. I like the contemporary feel to it, at least character wise. And yes, I definately think they should make SGU more arc-based.
                        Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                          As long as TPTB continue to be obsessed with using the Big Red Reset Button we'll never see any ramifications.


                            as we have all read "Universe" is a working title only. I wouldnt be suprised if the final offering turns out to be "Stargate Odyssey". I wont say anything else so not to spoil it for the people who havent seen the last episode yet.


                              I can't believe that we are going to finally work with the 9th chevron!!!


                                Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman View Post
                                Gosh, you have no idea how much I want this show to be B5-esque! I'd give anything to be the power behind the financing of the show so I could make them do it that way I think the writers could pull off that sort of writing if they tried.

                                I too want to see the ramifications of everything SG-1 has been doing. Atlantis could remain a secret if they want. It's not like governments are forced to tell everything connected to the Stargate.
                                See, I have to agere. Had they wanted/ were interested enuogh/ thought it wuold work and decided to do something like that, it would prolly have been fantastic. Shame that they don't.

                                As long as TPTB continue to be obsessed with using the Big Red Reset Button we'll never see any ramifications.
                                Funny thing is, I don't think they're obssessed with it. I think they think their viewers are. And considering SG1 built its power on random, casual viewers... they might not be compeltely off the mark. You and me and a lot of other people would disagree, but we're still the minority.
                                However, I'd have hoped the success of serialised shows these days would have made them reconsider.

                                Agree. Stick with a working formulae. I like prequels or future stuff but I agree with their move on this.
                                See, have to disagree. This forumala, at least for me, has proven itself to be old and weary already with SGA. The "team goes off world, gets into trouble, gets out of troubkle, goes home" episodes are the ones I find most boring and annoying. It's the differnet kind of episodes I've been enjoying for SGA. My favourite episodes aren't the off world ones, they're the Atlantis ones. A thid show based on this formula is a bad idea, IMO.
                                Last edited by Pitry; 26 March 2007, 09:25 AM.
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                                Yes, I am!
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