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Off The Grid (916)

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    Originally posted by Jonzey
    I certianly don't mean everyone who dislikes Mitchell does so because he's not Jack. But some people have been complaining about him since episode 1 and manage to find a new thing to whine about in every episode.
    Perhaps because there's something new every episode? I have tried watching the first handful of S9 episodes 3-4 times each and have never managed to get all the way through any of them.
    And the time delay wasn't a problem for me- I just re-watched the episode and they were clearly very tired. (Mitchell was talking a lot slower and less enthusiastically, Daniel couldn't think straight).
    In contrast, when I rewatched the ep, the time passage came across even less well. However, in all fairness, the first time I watched the ep the somnolent haze I'd fallen into by that point was so thick that I wasn't certain that a lot of time was supposed to have passed.

    FWIW, I suspect that someone sitting in the hot sun with a leather restraining collar across the neck and arms stretched out and bound in one position would start to feel fatigued within a matter of hours.

    If you really have to complain about that scene, complain about Teal'c going 2 days without tretonin.
    Thanks for pointing out that additional gaffe.

    Originally posted by talyn2k1
    Eps like 'Enemies' have already shown that Daniel is just as skilled at firing a gun as Carter
    ZOINKS! Although I had no problem with Mitchell calling for Daniel, and although I recognise that Daniel has learned a lot on the job, I think saying that Dr Jackson and Lt Col Carter are equally skilled arms combatants is stretching things a bit. Then again, lately it often has taken some effort on my part to remember that Daniel is the "social scientist/diplomat" civilian member of the team. Thank the Asgard for the glasses!
    Last edited by DEM; 12 February 2006, 06:01 AM.


      I figured out who the captain of the Oddyssey (I know, I'm spelling it wrong) was. He looked familiar. He played Dale, John Carter's nemesis on the early seasons of ER. I think.
      Thank you - trying to figure out why he looked familiar was driving me nuts.
      A Symbiote


        It's getting old for people always complaining about CM. He's done a great job on Stargate, even better then he was in Farscape.

        I rate this episode 9,5 of 10.

        Hallowed are the fans of Stargate!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          remember the scene in the ep '2001', where sam comes flying backwards out of the stargate and is in agony at the bottom of the ramp while jack, daniel, and teal'c stand by and watch her? well, i used to think the guys didn't help her because a- they filmed the sam/the guys scenes at different times, or b- some real good explanation... it turned out to be that the guys (rda, ms, cj) didn't want to wait around for them to set up another camera (it was late and they wanted to go home), so we got the end scene of *jack*, *daniel*, and *teal'c* not really caring about *sam* lying in agony at the bottom of the ramp.

          why am i telling you this? because the writers *do* disregard intelligent story telling for whatever mood or whim they're experiencing.

          that didn't make my happy writing that

          True, but Sams a tough woman she can take a little fall like that. No but seriously you can't blame that on the writers it was Deluise who was producing that particular ep. The writer might of had a whole other extra seen were jack goes to help Sam and tells one of the guards/airmen to get Frazier done to the gate room so its not really the writers fault in that particular incident.


            Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
            I'm not saying they had to wear SGC outfits, but what they were wearing wasn't necessary.
            I agree with you. The costumes were ott. Don't get me wrong I love seeing the guys sleeveless but it seems TPTB feel that beefcake and Sam in cat suit is essential to get the ratings.
            A Symbiote


              Originally posted by Mesenet
              I agree with you. The costumes were ott. Don't get me wrong I love seeing the guys sleeveless but it seems TPTB feel that beefcake and Sam in cat suit is essential to get the ratings.
              What!?!?!~ You didn't like the undercover alien Rawhide; ah man that was the best part!!!! LOL!!!


                despite wot everyone's sayin i thought it woz a gr8 episode, ppl shuldn't hype themselves up so much. I thought it woz good how they showed that mitchell is still a newcomer to leadin a frontline team and still makes mistakes. The thing about sg-1 being held there for 48 hours, well they prob weren't on that bench the whole time. I liked the humour, the action and the teamwork the only thing i didn't like were the gaps in information. Like how mitchell escaped the alliance first time he woz captured.


                  Ah, this ep did have one big positive for me: a certainty that Tealc is, in fact, my 2nd favourite character. At this rate, he may be tied for 1st by the end of the season.


                    This was only a so-so ep for me.

                    Thank gods for the wardrobe department, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to tell the good guys from the bad guys.

                    Bad acting, IMO, from everyone in leather, good acting from everyone in silk and satin. Pretty good stuff from the Earth military uniforms, too. It was nice to see that the SFs have finally learned to take serious precautions when dealing with the Goa'uld. Of course, SG-1 wasn't in the cell room with them, so the guards had to be extra alert.

                    Maybe I'm just a closet psycho, but the beating scene did nothing for me. In fact it was pathetic! Ooh, among such bad and dangerous men have our heros fallen! And we're to believe that this torture lasted 22 hours(the time it took the new ship to reach them)? Or did I miss the crossover episode where SG-1 are kidnapped by Magneto and given X-men style superpowers of regeneration? How many punches to the face does it take to break a jaw and render SG-1 incapable of spouting one-liners clearly?

                    Why, oh why are the seated prisoners standing up when they beam onto the bridge?(Little things like this really bug me .) When she was on the bridge Sam's face looked almost perfectly healed. Must be a feature of the Asgard beaming tech, kinda like how a sarcophagus will mend your clothing while you regenerate(Serpent's Lair/Grasp)

                    I loved the Nerus/Landry parts. Sad to see Nerus go. "But I'm so interesting!" That was great! I'm hoping that Ba'al was swayed by that line and brought Nerus (and all Ba'al's clones)with him though the Stargate Sam had activated.

                    Ba'al was great, as usual; decisive, like the best Goa'uld baddies. It was a treat seeing action on the Goa'uld ships, again. I'm not too sure about Ba'al's great plan to relocate to an uncharted part of the galaxy, though. The Ori know more about the Gates than the Goa'uld ever will, so he won't be safe from them, and it's highly unlikely that there are any humans on any gateless worlds, and if there are, they must be technologically advanced if they got there without the gate system, and so not likely to submit to some well-dressed bully.

                    So Cam thinks of Sam as a Mary Poppins, eh? Well, I'll have you know, Cam, she's no Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins wouldn't have put up with all this nonsense.

                    And it would have been nice for the team leader to have let his team in on the plan ahead of time. No doubt the other three could have have come up with a half-dozen cover stories that would have actually worked.

                    The SG-1 videogame-style running&shooting in the ship were kinda fun to watch, but of course, by that scene I was really looking just for the fun stuff.

                    I guess I'd rate this one as Fair on the GW rating scale.

                    A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                    "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                    One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                    resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                    confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                    A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                    The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                      Originally posted by ping-pong
                      I guess it's because Mitchell's the new guy so he's going to be 'the outsider' for awhile among at least some Stargaters. But some fans are determined not to like him and just him being on screen will be enough for them to complain.
                      I wanted to like Mitchell. I still want to like Mitchell. I was never hung up on O'Neill anyway... he always came low in my favourite-characters table (behind Janet and Hammond too). So as O'Neill's 'replacement' Mitchell doesn't bother me at all. And believe it or not, I want to enjoy the damn show! But Mitchell has been written as a pain in the proverbial, especially this episode... and I don't wish to put this on BB because it's mostly the writing, but I have to add that if they're going keep with the not-so-wise-cracking good ol' boy stuff he had better work on his comic timing. But it would be better if he didn't have to wrestle with it and they started writing a decent part for the actor to play.

                      Or Sam, Dan and Teal'c could frag Cam next ep for being such an arse in this one.


                        Originally posted by Jonzey
                        I think the reason why Mitchell has come under so much flak is because he's not Jack, and some people can't let go.
                        I personnaly don't agree with that statement. I just don't care for the actor BB. I don't like how he is being portrayed and it has othing to do with RDA leaving. I liked RDA, but even his character was dried up due to his not really putting his whole heart into it.

                        I feel a stronger character, or a character who had some gate knowlege and off world experience would have been more believable. I think Adam Baldwin would have been a great addition. He too can be OTT with his acting, but I think he would have fit the mold much better.

                        And as for BB and Crighton, I never saw an episode of Farscape, so I have no comparison between the two characters. I just know I don't like the character of Mitchell.


                          Originally posted by spg_1983
                          How many massive, completely underground construction facilities can they have completely with production facilities nearby? Even then, if they had a bunch how many could they actually operate at once? The trinium and naquada are the key components for the ships and have to be mind off world and brought through the gate load by load, there wouldnt be a steady enough supply to continuously operate more than one or two construction projects

                          Oi! I hear ya, spg_1983. The Stargate is a very small bottleneck. If they had the Earth Gate out in than open quarry and used it only for ore delivery 24/7 they still wouldn't be able to bring in enough materials to have built the 3 ships we presently know of. Forget about hauling ore from the SGC; it just isn't feasible. They have to have a dedicated off-world base for shipbuilding - and that world has to be rich in naq.
                          Last edited by Tok'Ra Hostess; 12 February 2006, 08:04 AM.

                          A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                          "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                          One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                          resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                          confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                          A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                          The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                            Originally posted by Jonzey
                            I certianly don't mean everyone who dislikes Mitchell does so because he's not Jack. But some people have been complaining about him since episode 1 and manage to find a new thing to whine about in every episode.
                            Again, I'm one of those who did not like Mitchell from day one. Again, nothing to do with Jack. I did not like his "now that's what I'm talking about" and "getting the band back together" line. I did not like the fact that he was instant buddies playing b-ball with Daniel and Teal'c. I still feel that was out of character for Daniel. I feel it's out of character with Daniel that he has put blind faith into Mitchell.

                            Deleted this part of the post because it was just silly...sorry.
                            Last edited by nccjones; 12 February 2006, 07:34 AM.


                              It was good to see a team episode.

                              I came in with relatively low expectation after seeing the preview with SG-1 in their "undercover" costume (got to love to see Sam in that outfit) so the macho Teal'c/Cam Shaft shoot them up thing at the end didn't bother me at all.

                              I enjoyed the Nerus/Landry things and for a brief moment, I thought Landry would try to get Nerus hooked on that corn but I am glad that's just not the SG-1 way of doing things.

                              One thing that sort of bothered me was when did SG-1 realized that Baal had plenty of clones. I guess they knew Baal was killed in Ex Deus Machina and then when Baal resurfaced in Stronghold they knew there were more than one?! I would've expected Teal'c to act kind of surprised when SG-1 found out Baal was involved since Teal'c just shot him dead couple episodes ago.

                              Finally, why do all the SG-1 ships named after tragic mythological characters? They need Atlantis' Sheppard to name ships next time.
                              I just love shows about wormholes!


                                Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
                                Oi! I hear ya, spg_1983. The Stargate is a very small bottleneck. If they had the Earth Gate out in than open quarry and used it only for ore delivery 24/7 they still wouldn't be able to bring in enough materials to have built the 3 ships we presently know of. Forget about hauling ore from the SGC; it just isn't feasible. They [I]have[/I[ to have a dedicated off-world base for shipbuilding - and that world has to be rich in naq.
                                Alpha or Beta Site, I'd wager.


