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Moebius, Part 1 (819)

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    Originally posted by Sebilrazen
    Huh... I'll never be able to become a pilot.

    I have astigmatism in both eyes. Have to wear glasses all the time and have to wear sunglasses when going outside (I have photograys though )

    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      Nor I, i have no depth perception. Makes driving difficult enough

      Before you judge a person, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, not only will you be a mile away, you'll have their shoes.


        Originally posted by Osiris-RA
        9. DANIEL'S HAIR! WHHHHHYYYYYYYY!!!!????!?
        He is overdoing geek, BTW.
        I work with an individual who has the greasy hair, thick black plastic eyeglass frames, plaid oxford shirt complete with bowtie... I won't even try to describe his sense of humor.

        No, Alt-Daniel is a rather tame geek.


          Originally posted by binkpmmc
          David2708: I agree. You said what I have been thinking when I read a lot of the posts on why people now say they "liked" an episode, many of the comments point to the so-called comedy (or ship, etc.,) or something they liked IN the show but I do not see a lot of posts like we used to see about the actual show as a whole. (Sure there were one or two things in Moebius that I got a chuckle out of or liked but it did not make me like the episode as a whole. As a whole, and as a possible series finale -- IMO, it was pure bunk). I just thought earlier that in addition to skits from SNL and Monty Python this show now reminds me of tuning in to a weekly sitcom like Friends -- goofy/dumd-downed/boring stories but with the setting the military (my opinion, of course).
          Judging from the polls MOST people really enjoyed the episode.
          I for one really enjoyed it. The whole team back together for the first half, we get to see the ancient days of the snake heads. I loved the story as a whole. Especially the alternate time-line and the major changes that occured. It was VERY entertaining..not just in humor, but in a story in general.
          It feels good to be alive.
          Cause i've been dead for so long.


            Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
            She said she basically reads and edits everyone's science reports, and all that reading can take a toll on the eyes after awhile, particularly in regards to nearsightedness.

            In addition to helping define her ultra-geekiness, it also explains that even in an altered timeline, Sam is still a lot smarter than her superiors...
            CARTER: I, uh, I check other people's scientific reports for factual errors or omissions before they get sent up to the Director.


              Originally posted by GhostPoet
              Judging from the polls MOST people really enjoyed the episode.
              I for one really enjoyed it. The whole team back together for the first half, we get to see the ancient days of the snake heads. I loved the story as a whole. Especially the alternate time-line and the major changes that occured. It was VERY entertaining..not just in humor, but in a story in general.
              I agree.

              There is one thing that has popped into my head, though... Since in the altered timeline the gate was taken by Ra and the other gate never found, there have not been any attacks on Earth. So... it could be said that the timeline could have been left alone to avoid attack, but then again we wouldn't have the show anymore and what was happening "out there" would still be happening and it would still eventually end up with Earth being attacked, just a lot later in time then the original timeline.... Just musing aloud...-er, musing atype.
              Zelazny, FBI~Undercover Division


                Originally posted by GhostPoet
                Judging from the polls MOST people really enjoyed the episode.
                I for one really enjoyed it. The whole team back together for the first half, we get to see the ancient days of the snake heads. I loved the story as a whole. Especially the alternate time-line and the major changes that occured. It was VERY entertaining..not just in humor, but in a story in general.
                Yes, I for one absolutely loved it. Coming after Threads, which I was quite unimpressed with, I was happy to have a show I enjoyed as much as this one.

                Why did I like it so much? Geek!Daniel and Geek!Sam were funny, yes, but they were also adorable and endearing. So very earnest, so wistful about wanting to be a part of something bigger, that I really found myself rooting for them. And their fashion sense! LOL! There were a few instances when I felt AT went a little OTT with her facial expressions, but I found her so sweet I really didn't care all that much.

                Jack irritated me a little. That's nothing new, as he's been irritating me off and on for the past two years. But Sam and Daniel more than made up for it, as did Major Davis with his unfortunate moustache.

                I can understand why some people would have preferred the original team, but for me this was a throwback to the early years in many ways and I thought it was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to part 2.


                  Originally posted by binkpmmc
                  David2708: I agree. You said what I have been thinking when I read a lot of the posts on why people now say they "liked" an episode, many of the comments point to the so-called comedy (or ship, etc.,) or something they liked IN the show but I do not see a lot of posts like we used to see about the actual show as a whole. (Sure there were one or two things in Moebius that I got a chuckle out of or liked but it did not make me like the episode as a whole. As a whole, and as a possible series finale -- IMO, it was pure bunk). I just thought earlier that in addition to skits from SNL and Monty Python this show now reminds me of tuning in to a weekly sitcom like Friends -- goofy/dumd-downed/boring stories but with the setting the military (my opinion, of course).
                  Indeed, much like when:
                  Spoiler for Part 2
                  The new timeline Daniel gets killed in part 2. He was played as such a bumbling monty Python buffoon that you didn't care that he was killed.
                  Compare that to when the SG duplicates go on a mission from season ? and the duplicate Jack dies. It was quite touching simply because he wasn't portrayed like he was doing SNL skits like they do lately on the show.


                    I have shocking eyesight. I can't go anywhere without my glasses on. Besides, our military has very strict medical protocols apparently ...
                    Fed up with the current justice system? StarPol might make you happy


                      Just as an FYI - I do not vote in the polls. I'm not saying whether people shoud have enjoyed it or shouldn't have enjoyed it and I am not in a contest to see who wins - I stated my opinions about it and noted how lately I see many more posts talking about very specific things they laughed at or liked about AN ep as opposed to what we used to see which was in-depth discussion about the science, the science fiction, the adventures - now I see a lot of "oh boy that was soo funny ILMAO" more than I see in-depth conversation about the science fiction and adventure like the old SG1. If LYAO gets a yes vote than more power to you - for me it is/was about more than LMAO that's what I miss and lament with this new direction of trying to be a soap-opera one week and a weekly comedy the next.


                        Originally posted by binkpmmc
                        J If LYAO gets a yes vote than more power to you - for me it is/was about more than LMAO that's what I miss and lament with this new direction of trying to be a soap-opera one week and a weekly comedy the next.
                        I wonder if some of that comes from the divided attention of the producers etc b/c of Atlantis--loss of focus? I like the occasional comedic episode, but in earlier seasons (IMHO) the humor came more from the characters and their interactions than from the writers aiming for a "comedy" episode. Here's hoping for more team adventure and interesting SF premises in S9. I think that's when they've been at their best.


                          Originally posted by jckfan55
                          I wonder if some of that comes from the divided attention of the producers etc b/c of Atlantis--loss of focus? I like the occasional comedic episode, but in earlier seasons (IMHO) the humor came more from the characters and their interactions than from the writers aiming for a "comedy" episode. Here's hoping for more team adventure and interesting SF premises in S9. I think that's when they've been at their best.
                          I absolutely think this is ONE of the problems - I said before - I have to wonder if we get some of the cr$p we get the past season and a half (especially in 8) because it's fast and easy to write and they don't have to put the time or the effort into SG1 because of their focus on trying to make SGA a hit that can take over for SG1 when they finally (and mercifully, IMO) shut SG1 down.


                            Originally posted by Erik Bloodaxe
                            It doesn't matter, since the residents of Atlantis would not experience the change.

                            No they wouldn't have experienced it cause we're seeing the actions of the Atlantis team that is taken in a reality that we've already been acquainted with. You see just because one reality was formed from their time travel the old timeline we already know doesn't cease to be so they continue to move along with their plans and problems just like nothing has happened cause by their point of view nothing has, or at least not as far as they know... SG1 sorta disappeared and then came back or else they just disappeared at some point but they wouldn't even know about that cause it happened in another galaxy.


                              My opinion of this episode seems to change with my mood, but I think I'll reserve complete judgement until part 2 airs tomorrow night. I wish we could've actually seen Catherine on-screen, and I thought the rest of SG-1 (at the very least Jack) should have been at the funeral. But oh well.

                              I think the main thing for me wasn't so much that the reason for going back in time wasn't good enough, it just happened a little to easily. I know their are time constraints for a tv show, but it felt like Carter gave her obligatory speech, and off we go! Just seemed to easy. And so did the reason for everything changing. No one thought that in EGYPT of all places, the sand might move about? Too easy.

                              But I did think the AU world was hilarious. While I loved all of them, I have to give special props to Amanda Tapping. She has managed to create now three (Carter, RepliCarter, and AU Carter) completely different characters without hardly any physical change. Every time I've known which one she was before she opened her mouth. That takes major talent, so kudos Amanda!

                              My issue with the AU Carter and Daniel was that in the process of making them geekier (which was very funny, don't get me wrong), it seemed to take away some of the strength of the characters. I hardly believe that joining the military is the ONLY thing in Carter's life that made her a strong woman that certainly wouldn't put up with someone else stealing her work. And Daniel had enough spunk and guts to first pose theories he knew would get him laughed out of his career, and more importantly, take out Ra. Being a member of SG-1 didn't give him that courage or strength, it was already there. It felt like "geeky" was also confused with wimpy and weak, and they're not the same thing.

                              Personally, I thought the bit with McKay was great, and the whirlygig of his allergy should or should not have been changed is just hitting the Continuity Panic Button to quickly. I thought the funniest stuff was actually some of the littler things like that, "Homer" and "who would ever say that!" Hee.

                              Looking forward to tomorrow....
                              And it came to pass that in time the Great God Om spake unto Brutha, the Chosen One: "Psst!"

                              Jack: You're so shallow.
                              Daniel: Oh please. Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. Tell him how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
                              Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this conversation.
                              Daniel: Oh! You see?
                              Jack: (to Daniel) No more beer for you.

                              River: My food is problematic.


                                I liked the part where Jack is observing the artifacts Daniel inherited from Catherine and decided that he would perfer a stamp colleciton!
                                Fed up with the current justice system? StarPol might make you happy

