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    Anubis comes back..with more power (I Hope..)


      Originally posted by Dinoflo
      I thought that Threads was awful, the worst episode this year. If they'd made it 2 hours long and shown all the battle scenes that take place, but are never seen, or if Baal had tried to stop Anubis, or if we'd even seen Anubis trying to use the wepon instead of just assuming that the gate activating was him it could have been better. Since this was the final showdown with Anubis it should at least have shown him more. It was a good consept, but ruined by consentrating so many scenes on Sam, and almost none on the problem of Anubis.
      There's more to a good story than just action and battles. Sometimes it's best to focus on your characters.

      "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
      "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
      BAD WOLF!!!



        Reckoning definately took this to the cleaners. I'm feelinging the same about this ep as after I'd just watched Abyss - hyped to hell but on the whole didn't come up with the goods IMO. Looking back, Abyss has it's moments so maybe my opinion of this ep will improve over time.

        Very nice work with Jim = Anubis though, the diner stuff as a whole was one of the better elements! The ship of various types was like gherkins on a burger though. Having said that, some people like gherkins on their burger.

        That last scene in the briefing room was a laugh however.


          Threads was seriously over-hyped and/or our expectations were augmented that little extra bit. I had a sneaky feeling it would be a let down and in some ways it was. Reckoning I-II remain the best episodes of the season by a considerable margin. Reckoning II is definitely out of the old-school SG-1 copybook.

          Now it is apparent to me that Threads was merely a tool for clearing up a lot of storylines; wiping the slate clean for an all new SGA copying S9 of SG-1.

          They did a good job with the whole ascension thing, giving us some understandable and frankly disturbing reasons as to why Oma was the way she was. Jim being Anubis was a very unexpected twist. Many here are criticising “the others” for not intervening but TPTB kept on telling us why: We have to put our corporeal existence into its proper context. Now this will go on and on, and this thread isn’t really the place to talk about it.

          What I was particularly disappointed with was the abrupt, un-impressive and as mentioned already, anti-climatic way that Anubis was effectively removed. If they’d cut to him in the corporeal and ethereal plains while otherwise engaged with Oma then the whole scene would have been better. The Goa’uld, the major enemy of the past 8 seasons are finally in the poo and all we have is talking points and descriptions? I didn’t like this….or maybe Moebius will finally put the nail in the Goa’uld coffin?

          The whole episode just seemed distant. Jacob/Selmak’s death seemed distant – it was really a necessary death to begin their S9 tilt – he was a great character and the way his death was introduced and the way he died. Really poor.

          Jack-Sam-Pete. I don’t want to touch on this too much. I don’t particularly find it very interesting, I know some of you guys do and I respect that. I was never fond of the whole Pete thing, seemed very odd. Anyway, I think Jack-Sam together enables the producers to reduce RDA’s role in S9, so maybe it was, again, a necessary development.

          The ending with the fishing…strange… Jacob died and you go fishing? AT was poor in this episode, I agree with what Madeleine has already said earlier in the thread.

          My take on it? Generally better than average SG-1 S8 episode, reflecting the standard S8 paradigm which is; promising great things and delivering on some but not all of them. Moebius seems like a Reckoning beater, hope it is!

          ANCiENTS & TOLKiEN
          One race to found them all, one race to zap them,
          One race to guide them all, and in the universe transcend them

          ODE TO JOY
          Freude, schöner Götterfunken, Tochter aus Elysium,
          Wir betreten Feuertrunken, Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.

          Deine Zauber binden wieder, Was die Mode streng geteilt;
          Alle Menschen werden Brüder, Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.


            Originally posted by SBacklin
            SPOILERSSo what happens to Oma? Does she get punished? Or does she still live or die?

            i think because they were forced to use there powers they will come back as corporeal but because Oma was all self-sarcificing (eventaully) i think the others will believe she has learnt her lesson by sarcficing herself and re-ascend her. As for Anubis I think he is a regular old Goa'uld but without a symbiote, he has his own body.

            Was it me or did that paper say Dakara rather Takara?

            Lantia home of Atlantis, Lost City of the Ancients

            Anyone else going Portsmouth University in the summer?





              What an ep. I laughed, I cried. (I sooo cried! JAAAACOB! SELMAAAAC! We'll miss you terribly!) I cried out, because, I sooo did not see that coming when buddy turned out to be Anubis.

              I expect Nuby and Oma will be recreating their own epic battle. It outta make the hoity-toity Ascended News front page for a day or two...

              I don't know how many times I beat my fist in frustration with Daniel's situation. I wanted to upset a few ketchup bottles in that diner of the absurd, so when Daniel did try to get physical I felt his frustration.

              But, oh, what a hoot when he re-appears in Jack's office and then come out wearing the flag(of what, I have NO idea....)

              The ep was IMO, a little weak on the foreshadowing for future Jaffa woes; the fact the Jaffa wanted to keep the weapon could have injected a little more drama than what we got - a panel discussion among peers who are all in agreement(felt like I was watching Canadian television: all inquiries, all the time ), but, still, there was so much else going on that I don't have the heart to fault the writers. They'll make up for this in season niner.

              And the Sam and Jack angle was, to this ship fence-sitter, nicely done. I always knew Pete would serve as a catalyst to the S/J ship. Jack finally felt in a position to show his feelings, and from the reactions of GF, Teal'c and Daniel, it's not like either of them were hiding it all that well.

              We were all joking that what GF meant was that she liked Jack but that she LOVED his job. She'd gladly trade him Sam in exchange for his parking space at the SGC. (I know that's not in the cards, but that's how my gang saw the "absolution" scene.)

              I'm a happy camper. I loved this ep. I will watch it again. And again. And, most assuredly, again.

              A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
              "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
              One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
              resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
              confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
              A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
              The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                Do you think that going back in time, Sg1 actually change the timeline and make the furlings a mortal enemy worse than the Go'uld??????


                  Originally posted by Dimeron
                  One thing that never made sense to me, is why, if Annibus is going to wipe out all life from the galaxy, even bothered giving the planet to Rebel Jaffs in the first place. If he’s just going to wipe everything out, dose it really matter if all rebel Jaff are gathered at the same place? I mean sure, he got the dial all gate trick from baal, but that’s an awful big risk he took there.[/QOUTE]

                  Because Evil Overlords love an audience?

                  [QOUTE]Lastly, I was kinda hoping to see baal in a final desperate attempt to stop annibus, just to save himself (and rest of the galaxy as a bonus), buying enough time for Ome to finally put an end ot Annibus once and for all.
                  Well, Baal will live to pester Jack another day, but I did enjoy the poetic justice of seeing Baal in the very position that the Jaffa have been in for millenia.

                  A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                  "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                  One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                  resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                  confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                  A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                  The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                    Watching the episode again for the third time and remembered one thing I forgot to mention before - I'm glad they answered the question from last time - "Did Baal program the Stargate to dial ALL stargates? Answer. NO. Just the ones in this galaxy. So they can come back if they can't think of any other storylines. OKay I guess, but I hope this mean Replicarter (god I can't believe I was starting to like her) found a way to survive (do a star trek and jump dimensions!) cos the little bugs, not really an option. either that or tell us Thor came for the weapon and used it in his galaxy. But even though you think the bad guy's dead, they're never really dead.


                      What gets me is how the Ancients talk about the high & mighty rules. They say Anubis can only do stuff that he could've accomplished as if he were just another Goa'uld. However, Anubis was using knowledge he obtained when he got ascended. A normal Goa'uld wouldn't have had that knowledge. Yet the Ancients still turn a blind eye and ignore their own rules. That is what made me so mad about "the others".


                        Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                        ... I didn't have a problem with her breaking with someone if she realizes that she doesn't really love him enough to marry. Better now than later.

                        I didn't have any problem with her breaking up with Pete. At least, for Pete's sake I did, but it didn't make me think any less of her that she'd dumped him. Not a bit. Why I think less of her is what followed the dumping.

                        Now, Pete may or may not be controlling and clingy; he may or may not have gone overboard in putting a deposit on a house. All that's Horseracing . What is beyond dispute is that he is a Human Being, and that he is besotted with Sam. After he was dumped he said "I knew it would end, but you were worth the risk". How gracious. He said "Don't tell me I deserve better, because there isn't any better." How sweet and considerate. He said "I hope you get what you want." How generous.

                        All in all, considering that he'd just been dumped by the woman of his dreams, his reaction is a model of self-restraint and maturity. Considering that *his* future has just been trodden on and broken by *her* his reaction is a paragon of kindness and generosity of spirit.

                        So this poor chap, crushed and miserable, who goes as far as he can in not only not giving her a hard time but in trying to make her feel better ought to be entitled to a bit of gentleness, a bit of kindness, a bit of appreciation. Cos like I said, even if you think he's a control freak he's still a Human Being and not a potato.

                        And what kindness does he get? She says to him "Is that it?" What appreciation does his self-restraint, maturity and generosity get him? It gets him an accusing "I thought you'd react differently". Doesn't she have it in her to say something nice? apologetic? comforting? neutral, even? Can't she wish him well for the future, or thank him for understanding? Tell him she'll miss him and leave? No, all he gets is implied criticism that he ought to have argued or begged or made more complaint about being dumped.

                        She's not to *blame* for him being down, but she's responsible; kicking someone when they're down is unkind enough anyway, but in kicking someone knocked down *by her* she has lost all the appeal she used to have for me. She is a complete cow to kick him while he's down. She used to be nice. It's depressing.



                          Maybe "Is that it?" is supposed to mean something else: maybe it was a wondering comment. A feeling of emptiness on her part, coupled with the feeling that there *should* be something more at this moment, on both their parts. That both of them are taking it way too calmly and politely. Is he being "gracious"? Maybe nay, maybe yea. Maybe she's realizing that *neither* of them want to or are willing to fight for the relationship. And wondering, "Is that it?" as in, "Is this all there ever really was between us?"

                          I suspect that for some fans, nothing Sam did would have been right. If she had thrown herself at Pete's feet and wailed and begged forgiveness, she would have been called weak and hysterical and embarrassing.

                          "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                            Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                            I suspect that for some fans, nothing Sam did would have been right.
                            Yup. Just like for some fans nothing Daniel / Jonas / Weir / Zelenka / Martouf ever does is right. Some fans just don't like some characters.

                            But for someone who *did* like a character to suddenly have to face the fact that they no longer do like a character is depressing.

                            I'd have come away from this liking Sam still if only she had said something a bit ambiguous like "Oh Pete!" and smiled and left. Or something kind like "You're lovely. But I should go now" and left. Or something supportive like "I wish you all the best, truly" and left. Or - I won't bore you with all the myriad things I think would have been better than "I thought you'd react differently" said in an accusing voice.

                            This is the last straw, for me. I have watched every previous episode fully expecting to like her, but I really don't think that's going to happen any more. Grace made Sam Wet, but she was still Nice, and she had done Foothold, so I got over Grace and loved her in Chimera. Lost City made Sam Unprofessional, but she was still Nice, and she had done Exodus, so I got over LC and loved her in New Order. Gemini made her an Idiot, but she was still Nice, and she had done Matter of Time, so I shunted Gemini off to an AU and enjoyed her in Reckoning just as much as if Gemini had never happened.

                            But now her Niceness has been taken away, what is left of her? Even ItLoD and Solitudes don't give her enough credit to ride out Threads, because she is no longer the same Sam as was in s1-6. Not strong, not professional, not rational and not even nice. So not my Sam any more.



                              (In case anyone is wondering about a number of non-sequiteurs in this thread it's because I merged in a couple of spare Threads threads



                                I think (and this is only my interpretation) the reason Oma said she couldn't kill Anubis was because she assumed the others would stop her. We already knew a fully ascended can stop Anubis because Daniel was about to before Oma stopped him. What she never realized was that this entire time they had been waiting for her to fix her own mistake. Ascended really AREN'T all knowing.

                                Everything else is (probably intentionally) hazy. We don't really know how the return to human form really works. I can guess that they have they can do it themselves (ascended in love with Sam could, and Oma said it was Daniel's choice) but don't really know if it really works like that or if he could while only half-ascended. We also don't know whether Oma and Anubis are dead, although she's at least put his plans for galactic repopulation on hiatus.
                                well she said "i cant kill you, but i can fight you and YOU HAVE to fight me"....think about it, she knew it was at a critical point in the battle, and she forced anubis into some kind of fight, the fact that he was in that half-ascended plane fighting oma meant that he couldnt coordinate his kull warriors or activate the weapon, that was omas intention!
                                I seriously doubt it was her intention to wait for the verge of defeat before fighting him though. I see no reasoning behind this. Why wait when she could do it any time? She just suddenly up and decided to stop him. Pretty anti-climactic deus ex machina if you ask me.

