Originally posted by ShadowMaat
The setup in Icon was interesting, loved the team arriving in the middle of the museum exhibit and then everything falling apart on the planet, I just didn't feel a lot of emotional investment in the story. And the problem with Leda developing romantic feelings for Daniel (totally cliched and unnecessary to the story) has already been discussed.
BUT, I still feel like the team interaction is continuing on the same path set out in the first three episodes. It's a much more comfortable dynamic than we were seeing in season 7. As much as I miss Hammond, I think it has been a brilliant move to put Jack in charge of the SGC as RDA's time is being used more intelligently and it's interesting character development to see Jack filling Hammonds' shoes and having to be "the Man". He still gets the best lines:
Crazy fanatic guy: " I see you also revere the great ring"
General Jack: "Yeah, we love the old gal"
Carter was great in this episode, I loved seeing her lead the team. Daniel was Daniel, but I felt more comfortable watching him *be* Daniel than I did at times in season 7 -- if that makes any sense.
There are always some average episodes in EVERY season. If this is the worst episode of season 8 I'll be a happy camper.