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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
    she just ended up looking kind of bored. With a laptop.

    Wonderfully worded! Loved it.
    And who could blame her? If she didn't have a sense of duty I bet she'd have been considering retirement.


      reassignement. back to the pentagon
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Little help please guys?


          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          And who could blame her? If she didn't have a sense of duty I bet she'd have been considering retirement.
          If Sam didn't have such a sense of duty, she wouldn't have stuck around at the SGC after the way Landry treated her - even if through some misguided sense of loyalty or protectiveness towards Mitchell he didn't want to remove him from command of SG-1, despite the fact that under the circumstances an inexperienced leader was a bad idea even when there wasn't an experienced officer available, he still should have offered Sam her own team.

          A real offer, not a polite, for form's sake offer that he and Sam both knew that she was supposed to graciously refuse.

          If she had genuinely wanted to go back to Area 51, Jack wouldn't have stood in her way.

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            If Sam didn't have such a sense of duty, she wouldn't have stuck around at the SGC after the way Landry treated her - even if through some misguided sense of loyalty or protectiveness towards Mitchell he didn't want to remove him from command of SG-1, despite the fact that under the circumstances an inexperienced leader was a bad idea even when there wasn't an experienced officer available, he still should have offered Sam her own team.

            A real offer, not a polite, for form's sake offer that he and Sam both knew that she was supposed to graciously refuse.

            If she had genuinely wanted to go back to Area 51, Jack wouldn't have stood in her way.
            Jack? Jack who? Oh, that guy we are never suppose to mention in season 9 and 10.

            Sam losing command to a newbie that never been through the gate was a major issue and remains so to this day and will must likely carry into the movies.

            I don't ever expect TPTB to admit they screwed up and fix it...the best we will ever get to "fixing it" is putting Sam in charge of SGA to "prove" to all us complainers that they (TPTB) do not have an issue with females in charge. When in fact the majority of complaints were not about Sam losing command--it was about Sam losing command to someone less qualified than here. If Mitchell was a full fledge veteran of the gate program and lost his replacement crew when they ran across the Bori and turned to the old team for help--that would be different.

            Gee, how much easier that would have been.
            Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
              Jack? Jack who? Oh, that guy we are never suppose to mention in season 9 and 10.

              Sam losing command to a newbie that never been through the gate was a major issue and remains so to this day and will must likely carry into the movies.

              I don't ever expect TPTB to admit they screwed up and fix it...the best we will ever get to "fixing it" is putting Sam in charge of SGA to "prove" to all us complainers that they (TPTB) do not have an issue with females in charge. When in fact the majority of complaints were not about Sam losing command--it was about Sam losing command to someone less qualified than here. If Mitchell was a full fledge veteran of the gate program and lost his replacement crew when they ran across the Bori and turned to the old team for help--that would be different.

              Gee, how much easier that would have been.
              It would have made it easier to swallow but i'm not sure I would have been really okay with it. Perhaps with some type of reasonable explanation like her being gone, him *outranking* her, having just as much experience, allowing her to focus on tech...

              But certainly not what we got. The only way tptb could look worse is if they had commented about needed "he-man" in charge to sell the show and the "little lady" being back where she belongs.*


              * I never said tptb said or even thought this. Just that it would have made my perceptions worse if they did.
              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                If Sam didn't have such a sense of duty, she wouldn't have stuck around at the SGC after the way Landry treated her - even if through some misguided sense of loyalty or protectiveness towards Mitchell he didn't want to remove him from command of SG-1, despite the fact that under the circumstances an inexperienced leader was a bad idea even when there wasn't an experienced officer available, he still should have offered Sam her own team.

                A real offer, not a polite, for form's sake offer that he and Sam both knew that she was supposed to graciously refuse.

                If she had genuinely wanted to go back to Area 51, Jack wouldn't have stood in her way.
                I couldn't have swallowed it no matter how they packaged the new male leader. Because the plain fact would have been that they brought in a new male leader. Period. That the female who put in so many years as second in command didn't somehow deserve a shot at command? That she couldn't handle it??? What an absolutely horrendous and ugly thing to even suggest. We don't have enough calm, competent female leaders in the film industry. We could have had one on a popular scifi show.

                The opportunity missed is a crime - and an insult to the viewers.

                Personally, I'm glad that they completely botched bringing in the new male lead. I would have been revolted to see it go over well.


                  Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
                  I couldn't have swallowed it no matter how they packaged the new male leader. Because the plain fact would have been that they brought in a new male leader. Period. That the female who put in so many years as second in command didn't somehow deserve a shot at command? That she couldn't handle it??? What an absolutely horrendous and ugly thing to even suggest. We don't have enough calm, competent female leaders in the film industry. We could have had one on a popular scifi show.

                  The opportunity missed is a crime - and an insult to the viewers.

                  Personally, I'm glad that they completely botched bringing in the new male lead. I would have been revolted to see it go over well.
                  You know, I don't think it was just the Sam fans, or women who thought that Sam deserved command. I think many who watched the show for a long time thought it would be a natural progression, a coming full circle to see Sam remain in command, and actually get the opportunity to command like Jack did. That's why it didn't make sense putting Cam in charge, people expected SG to make sense and show the fairness it had in earlier years...but that was before the change in showrunners and the loss of Gekko

                  my fanfic


                    it was jsut so blatantly sexist and inconsiderate. that was the biggie. cameron's whole situation was just sooooo much a slap in the face.

                    inexperienced male must lead experienced female
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      And having caught up on a whole pile of episodes I am in the same
                      opinion as a few of you guys.

                      The way they treated Samantha Carter in the last two seasons is
                      quite shameful. She deserved a hell of a lot more. But instead the
                      writers just walked all over the character.
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        it was jsut so blatantly sexist and inconsiderate. that was the biggie. cameron's whole situation was just sooooo much a slap in the face.

                        inexperienced male must lead experienced female
                        Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                        And having caught up on a whole pile of episodes I am in the same
                        opinion as a few of you guys.

                        The way they treated Samantha Carter in the last two seasons is
                        quite shameful. She deserved a hell of a lot more. But instead the
                        writers just walked all over the character.
                        Yes you're both right, but I don't think it was intentional. It was due to Amanda's pregnancy and RCC behaving like a little boy getting over-excited with the new toys and forgetting altogether about the old ones...


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                          You know, I don't think it was just the Sam fans, or women who thought that Sam deserved command. I think many who watched the show for a long time thought it would be a natural progression, a coming full circle to see Sam remain in command, and actually get the opportunity to command like Jack did. That's why it didn't make sense putting Cam in charge, people expected SG to make sense and show the fairness it had in earlier years...but that was before the change in showrunners and the loss of Gekko
                          It started in S8, Sam might have been in charge but how many opportunities did we get to see her actually lead the team? Even in Its good to be king, Jack joined the mission and Sam was once again demoted to 2IC. I just don't think RCC had any interest in Sam commanding Sg-1.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by silkie View Post
                            Yes you're both right, but I don't think it was intentional. It was due to Amanda's pregnancy and RCC behaving like a little boy getting over-excited with the new toys and forgetting altogether about the old ones...

                            I know but still not good I think.

                            I'm surprised Amanda stayed with the show so long.. Must have been
                            either very loyal or needed the work poor woman.
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by ChocolateLovingEntity View Post
                              I know but still not good I think.

                              I'm surprised Amanda stayed with the show so long.. Must have been
                              either very loyal or needed the work poor woman.
                              I'm not comfortable talking about actors but I think a little of both...


                                Originally posted by silkie View Post
                                Yes you're both right, but I don't think it was intentional. It was due to Amanda's pregnancy and RCC behaving like a little boy getting over-excited with the new toys and forgetting altogether about the old ones...
                                I think that about sums it up. AT was out on Mat. Leave and RCC got so excited with his new toys he didn't know what to do with Sam when she came back.

                                Ben B was hired as the new "male" lead in the show in season 9. I think TPTB pairing Sam with Cam half the time was their pathetic attempt to keep sam under female lead in title only. TPTB knew that come season 10 Vala was the new female lead and RCC wanted Daniel to be the new male lead.

                                Ben B got shafted just as much as AT. He was hired under the impression that he was the new leading star and tried very hard with what crappy material he had to act with. IMO he also tried very hard not to step on the toes of the established cast.

                                Come season 10--Ben and Amanda were pushed to the side in favor of Vaniel.

                                If the writers were true to themselves and the contracts AT would have remained in command and Ben B would have been a major who was brought in when Sam disappeared. She didn't actually have to be physically present for herself to disappear. You would have six episodes to: A. find Sam. B. discover the Bori. C. Give the Bori life. D. make sure they chose a mythology that fit in with Stargate. Merlin really doesn't fit in well. E. bring in a race we heard about but never met--the Furlings.

                                If TPTB were true to Stargate and not to cooper's vision Vala would have remained a reoccurring character and a thief. We would have found the Furlings. We would have had a better explanation of where Jack went and why he went there instead of retiring like we were led to believe.

                                Sam would have regained command of SG-1 and the show still would have focused on Mitchell--who would not have been some newbie that never saw the gate before. We would not have had the downed pilot hero.

                                We would have gotted Daniel instead of Action Jackson. Teal'c would have been more fun. Dr. Lam would not have been the CMO under her father. Daddy/Daughter crap would have been left out.

                                Landry would have been smarter. LD would have been the new medical officer but not Landry's daughter. They would have let Daniel and LD have more screen time together. Lam would not have been such a cold character that even the actress didn't want to play her anymore.
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

