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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by smurf View Post
    I don't think there was any thought process beyond either:
    "Squeee! It's John Cricton!"
    "RDA is lead actor & Jack is SG-1 team leader, JF is lead actor & Shep is SGA team leader, ergo BB being lead actor means he MUST be team leader."

    I think probably the first one.
    Me too.

    Though that second thought process might mave had something to do with it.

    That it dismissed their canon (and looked extremely sexist) sure didn't seem to enter the equation.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      I doubt they spent more than thirty seconds deciding what to do about the Carter/Mitchell situation, and you wouldn't want to waste any of that precious time on canon and logic when you could be spending it crafting Mitchell's backstory.

      Seriously, given a five minute time limit, I think most people here could work up a reasonable explanation which covered Mitchell being leader, and Carter being there for the science - bonus points given for not demoting Carter in any way, shape, or form - than the ridiculousness that TPTB came up with.


        Originally posted by smurf View Post
        All for the sake of not being able to imagine that your lead actor can hold a position other than the leader (of the team).
        I seem to recall that in Season Eight, the lead actor did not play the team leader. That could have been interesting; BB as a civilian given command of the SGC, as Weir was at the end of Season Seven.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
          I seem to recall that in Season Eight, the lead actor did not play the team leader. That could have been interesting; BB as a civilian given command of the SGC, as Weir was at the end of Season Seven.
          But then he wouldn't have been the wide-eyed, enthusiastic hewo leading *his* team on new missions. /sarcasm

          Mourning Sanctuary.
          Thanks for the good times!


            Originally posted by suse View Post
            But then he wouldn't have been the wide-eyed, enthusiastic hewo leading *his* team on new missions. /sarcasm

            Yeah, god forbid he be a wide eyed enthusiastic major taking orders from a girl.


              I am currently going through the Wil Wheatons Star Trek: The Next Generation reveiws on TV Squad. The ones I have read have all been the early season ep reviews....back when that show was kinda bad. I keep imagining similar reviews of S9-S10 as I see so much of the same stupidity (of course Mytery Science Theatering it would work too).

              Shows are often bad in their first year as actors get to know their characters and writers and directors are still hammering out the canon and the direction of the show. Heck even the first years of SG-1 and B5 were weaker then what was to come (although better then most other shows have started). S9-S10 was like a bad bad early season1 of a new series. If it had actually been a new series (like TPTB wished for) then perhaps .....well it still would have been utter crap....but perhaps it could have been somewhat less offensive utter crap.

              What was soo freaking offensive was that it WASN'T SEASON 1. The actors(if not the show runner) knew their characters (at least the characters that mattered, you know the ones that had been on the show the previous 8 years). The canon and direction of the show should have been well hammered out with a nice show bible to fall back on for all those difficult moments (you know like not being able to remember how long someone has been a tokra [ok that was stupidity in S8]....or that they had been a tokra at all [or that the tokra existed at all]....or had been leader of the team....or that they actually had a nice personality....[or in a recent SGA ep that they had actually been a marine not airforce]..... or that they had something special in little know mythologies and that King Author thing is lame, is the wrong timeline and has been done to death.....and that babys kill)........................................................................... ................................what was I saying.....oh yeah S9-S10 was carp and I so need to be reading the same types of reviews for it as I am doing for S1 of TNG....I think it would be healing......of course then it would mean I would have to relive the maybe not.
              Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

              ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

              AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                It seems to me now that gekko is gone that every year is like the first year of a new show. Canon? Not anymore. Who needs canon when you are writing a brand new show under and old title every year.

                Just bait and switch the show. Every year make major cast changes and ignore cannon. Bring in old enemies in a new way and blow them up when you get tired of a fizzled plot.

                Season 8 was truly the last season of SG-1. Season 1 was the only good season for SGA. Season 2 was okay.


                Season 9: (was actually)
                Stargate, Meet Cameron Mitchell. Hero, medal of honor wiener and ace pilot who has never a stargate in his life but now is going to lead SG-1 into the great beyond all while gawking at the new and incompetent general's daughter.

                Season 10: (Was actually)
                Stargate, War of the Vaniels. Welcome the return of your favorite sexpot and piss poor thief, Vala who is now the star of the show with her new squeeze, shoot first and ask questions later Action Jackson. (disclaimer--Action Jackson is not the real Daniel Jackson) (Don't mind the new bad guy, too boring announce.)

                Season 3 (sga-was actually)
                Stargate, Rodney
                Watch Rodney McKay save the day once more and become smarter than any other human being or alien for that matter. With his side kick, John Sheppard aka Capt Kirk, they trek the galaxy looking for love, lust and nanites.

                Rodney and Kirk have lost of fun, make new enemies and then the crap hits the fan when the doctor dies all because Rodney would go fishing.

                Season 4 (sga)
                Stargate Rodney goes to Gothic
                With a new darker look due to increase electric bill, you can see the tension in the air as the shiny capt. kirk goes dark, the city suffers a meltdown and the good Dr. Wier gets an over haul.

                Season 5
                Stargate Rodney goes to Disneyland
                Welcome the newest incompetent leader to the show along with the teenie-bopper doctor who are now in charge. Capt Kirk remains shiny as ever while Dr. Beckett returns from where ever to do what ever. The good doctor weir isn't so good any more and we will get...a brand new car...err.. enemy!
                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                  Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                  I seem to recall that in Season Eight, the lead actor did not play the team leader. That could have been interesting; BB as a civilian given command of the SGC, as Weir was at the end of Season Seven.
                  And they would get kudos for that if that had been an active decision from the start, rather than one they had no choice in making after 8 years of that character on the show.

                  Notice how once they had the choice what did they default to?
                  Originally posted by suse View Post
                  But then he wouldn't have been the wide-eyed, enthusiastic hewo leading *his* team on new missions. /sarcasm

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Yeah, god forbid he be a wide eyed enthusiastic major taking orders from a girl.


                    Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                    Season 8 was truly the last season of SG-1.
                    Exactly... but it wouldn't have made it to the Guiness Book of Records...


                      Originally posted by Arga View Post
                      Exactly... but it wouldn't have made it to the Guiness Book of Records...

                      I am stil !@#$%^& over how they could have pics of S9 cast in the guiness book of world records. Its like someone is running a world record winning tag team race and one guy runs 99 miles and the last guy runs 1 mile and gets all the trophies and the glory. It makes me angry and very sad.
                      Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                      ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                      AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                        I'm sure that Walter has by now, or, if getting injured is the chief requirement, Siler must have a drawer full of CMOHs.
                        Well, taking a page from one of your "Top Ten" entries, I personally think there was a F-302 pilot surnamed "Mitchel" (one "l") who died fighting half-a-dozen Al'kesh that were en route to attack the Prometheus.

                        Bureaucratic mix-up and, well, ...

                        Also, if Mitchell gets a Medal of Honor for his "heroism" (is it really that much? And is it enough for Walter to say his name with reverence and awe?), shouldn't the classic SG-1 members all have several CMOHs by now (OK, at least Sam and Jack, with equivalent medals for Daniel and Teal'c or something)?

                        (Actually, I've seen Ben on some of the "behind the scenes" video clips, and he seems like a nice guy. It's just his character is supposed to be filling O'Neill's shoes, and it's not exactly a good fit...)


                          ben B is a great guy and had a huge burden. Unfortunately everyone associates Mitchell with Ben.

                          The character Mitchell has so many flaws and a history that throws canon out the window. It's TPTB and writers that fault and this thread we make that clear.

                          (This is the best anti thread I've been on)
                          Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.


                            Originally posted by EnterTheWormhole View Post
                            (Actually, I've seen Ben on some of the "behind the scenes" video clips, and he seems like a nice guy. It's just his character is supposed to be filling O'Neill's shoes, and it's not exactly a good fit...)
                            Exactly. There's no way I'm blaming Ben for any of this mess. He did as great a job as he could with what he was given. He can definitely act, and he's a likable guy.
                            Tilting windmills since... well... too long ago to remember...


                            My portfolio and repository:


                              Originally posted by Jackie View Post
                              The character Mitchell has so many flaws and a history that throws canon out the window. It's TPTB and writers that fault and this thread we make that clear.

                              (This is the best anti thread I've been on)
                              I think so too. We rant, but we explain our reasons for disliking things. We don't just say "Character X sux and if you disagree you're an idiot"


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                I think so too. We rant, but we explain our reasons for disliking things. We don't just say "Character X sux and if you disagree you're an idiot"

                                That's true! It's nice to discuss why we don't like something. If only some of the other threads were like that.

                                Or...if you don't see things my way then you're blind. lol. And with my thick glasses I could proudly proclaim that too.
                                Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric.

