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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    I've heard someone mention that he called fans stupid before, but I could've sworn it was around the time of a convention... one in the fall comes to mind. Which makes me think of the Creation ones in New Jersey or Chicago or whatever...

    Yes, MS can be very blunt sometimes, but he's also been critical of Stargate's later eps as well. Maybe one of his fansites will have the article archived or something.
    Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 20 July 2007, 02:19 PM.


      Originally Posted by Frostfox
      This was all I could find in the blog. I don't see any calling the fans stupid for being critical there.

      I guess while I was editing my post, you were posting.

      I was going on what I recalled regarding the cast changes, but no I do not see anything critical in the blog. But as you, said it may be something that has been read yet.

      It could be also as Dancer has said, it may have been at a con.

      BTW: Seriously, what does NEENER mean? Anyone, I really want to know.


        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
        I've heard someone mention that he called fans stupid before, but I could've sworn it was around the time of a convention... one in the fall comes to mind. Which makes me think of one the Creation ones in New Jersey or Chicago or whatever...
        Ugh. I don't like how that's worded. Quoting myself to clarify:

        A while back, I heard someone mention that MS said "stupid" in reference to disliking or not understanding the new S9. And I definitely remember it being at a con.

        But, upon reflection, part of me wonders if he wasn't just joking about the fact that SciFi wanted him to grow a beard so we silly viewers could tell the difference between him and Ben Browder. Maybe it got misconstrued that way.


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
          Ugh. I don't like how that's worded. Quoting myself to clarify:

          A while back, I heard someone mention that MS said "stupid" in reference to disliking or not understanding the new S9. And I definitely remember it being at a con.

          But, upon reflection, part of me wonders if he wasn't just joking about the fact that SciFi wanted him to grow a beard so we silly viewers could tell the difference between him and Ben Browder. Maybe it got misconstrued that way.
          Chinese Whispers. Things get taken out of context. Or get mis-quoted
          The blog entry seemed rather complementary of fans of all sorts.



            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
            BTW: Seriously, what does NEENER mean? Anyone, I really want to know.
            I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's the written transcription of a typical child nagging, "Nah nah nah nah nah nah" and should be said singing the notes G G E A G E (the E being lower than the G note, and the A higher than the G).
            So he means that despite the doubts of certain people, they were successful! "nananah nanaaah na!"


              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

              BTW: Seriously, what does NEENER mean? Anyone, I really want to know.
              From the Urban Dictionary:


              (knee-nuhr) interj. An interjection typically used to taunt, ridicule, or boast.

              "No thanks to you, but I was able to score the last tickets to the show tonight, and you're not going with me, so neener!"


                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                This was all I could find in the blog. I don't see any calling the fans stupid for being critical there.

                I'm not doubting that he might have said something, MS can be rather blunt, but I just don't remember reading anything recently.

                I don't think it was recently. I remember hearing it in early to mid season 9. And I remember it being specifically about fans who didn't like the changes to season 9-because it was so wonderful only stupid people couldn't see it.


                  It's possible that people are referring to an interview in TV Guide back when Season 9 was about to start. They had an article right before Avalon I aired on Scifi, and MS said something like -- I think the fans will like it (that is the beginning of season 9) because they are very intelligent.

                  So, one could interpret this as -- if you don't like season 9 and the new refreshing direction, then you are stupid. But MS didn't say that fans were stupid. It is just that one could imply that he is saying that if you don't care for the new direction, then you are stupid. I don't think he really meant that but you can see how one could interpret that statement in that way.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i can't recall the details, even though i pretty much stopped reading some of the interviews because it was the same tripe over and over. IIRC, the context of 'stupid' was along the line of him thinking that the changes were just great and people that didn't liek them were just too stupid to appreciate the changes or comprehend them or something along that line.

                    I'm sure someone will find it.
                    Yes and anyone that doesnt like vala just hates women.... He said something along those lines too. Because ofcourse Vala is Coops representation of what women are.
                    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


                      Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                      I don't think it was recently. I remember hearing it in early to mid season 9. And I remember it being specifically about fans who didn't like the changes to season 9-because it was so wonderful only stupid people couldn't see it.
                      If both you and Sky remember him saying it, possibly he did.

                      I just get uncomfortable when people say 'so and so said this, no I don't know when or where' when it's so negative and our memories of what he actually said might not be correct.

                      There is another place on the web who do this for AT all the time, I won't post there now because they will twist what she has said or just put words in her mouth without any attribution and then will treat that hearsay as fact and it leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. So even though they sometimes have threads I'm interested in, I gave up posting because of the negativity and out and out untruths and malicious gossip.
                      When Amanda did a perfectly good and quite gutsy interview recently, when some awkward questions were asked about Sam's move to Atlantis, which she replied to honestly and with great tact, they fell over themselves to warp her words into something negative and self serving, it wasn't pleasant to see.

                      Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                      It's possible that people are referring to an interview in TV Guide back when Season 9 was about to start. They had an article right before Avalon I aired on Scifi, and MS said something like -- I think the fans will like it (that is the beginning of season 9) because they are very intelligent.

                      So, one could interpret this as -- if you don't like season 9 and the new refreshing direction, then you are stupid. But MS didn't say that fans were stupid. It is just that one could imply that he is saying that if you don't care for the new direction, then you are stupid. I don't think he really meant that but you can see how one could interpret that statement in that way.
                      You're right, it could be read that way, but as you said, I doubt that was the intention, most of his comments about fans are positive.

                      Actually, all the cast seem very appreciative of their fans, they seem more aware of them than, say, Trek actors who are a bit more insulated by the great marketing machines of Paramount. Being the Little Show That Could seems to have the benifit of being more in touch with their audience.

                      I wish I could say the same for the writers and show runners who seem to have lost the plot (see, trying to get the thread back on target!).



                        Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
                        Yes and anyone that doesnt like vala just hates women.... He said something along those lines too. Because ofcourse Vala is Coops representation of what women are.
                        Now that I remember. Good ol' Alex, piping up before considering the consequences (again).

                        Didn't he use the word, "misogynistic"??

                        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                        You're right, it could be read that way, but as you said, I doubt that was the intention, most of his comments about fans are positive.

                        Actually, all the cast seem very appreciative of their fans, they seem more aware of them than, say, Trek actors who are a bit more insulated by the great marketing machines of Paramount. Being the Little Show That Could seems to have the benifit of being more in touch with their audience.

                        I wish I could say the same for the writers and show runners who seem to have lost the plot (see, trying to get the thread back on target!).

                        I don't think I've ever read or heard any interviews where he's said anything negative about the fans, even though heaven knows all of the SG actors have probably had an irritating fan experience or 12.

                        You're right that the SG cast (including Ben Browder and Claudia Black) seems to be genuinely appreciative of the show's fans, because Stargate and Farscape have always been such grassroots series. And the actors all seem to be a decent group of people at heart.
                        Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 20 July 2007, 03:22 PM.


                          Originally posted by chocdoc View Post
                          It's possible that people are referring to an interview in TV Guide back when Season 9 was about to start. They had an article right before Avalon I aired on Scifi, and MS said something like -- I think the fans will like it (that is the beginning of season 9) because they are very intelligent.

                          So, one could interpret this as -- if you don't like season 9 and the new refreshing direction, then you are stupid. But MS didn't say that fans were stupid. It is just that one could imply that he is saying that if you don't care for the new direction, then you are stupid. I don't think he really meant that but you can see how one could interpret that statement in that way.
                          Actually, I think he said something along the lines of those who didn't like the change in direction being unintelligent. There wouldn't have been a hoo-haa about it if he had said it your way.

                          There was a thread about it, but it's very hard to find with GW's search thingy. The upshot of which, everyone decided, he was suffering from foot-in-mouth desease at the time.
                          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                          Now that I remember. Good ol' Alex, piping up before considering the consequences (again).

                          Didn't he use the word, "misogynistic"??
                          Dear Alex was saying that the fans were accusing TPTB of be misogynistic for having CB/Vala be pregnant. Now, someone will have to correct me, but I don't think misogyny was an accusation levelled here at GW over the super-baby plotline.
                          Idiotic, yes. Misogynistic, no.


                            it wasn't recent. it was months ago, likely around the time that the show got canned, or just prior to that
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              unintelligent may have been the correct term. along the line of 'intellignet peopel will enjoy it' or something like that

                              In many ways, MS has a bad habit of saying things that i'm sure he means well but don't quite come out well. for example, in a recent interview about vala/claudia when asked about her he said something along the line of 'she's heavier than she looks' but also said that she was 'quite bony'

                              which i'm sure he meant nicely but didn't quite come out correctly..

                              So i do apologize for the 'stupid' words, but the implication - to me - definitely was 'if you dont' like the new show, you're not intellient'

                              the general attitude is rather in line with coop's...'here's what we made, we think it's great and you should too....and if you don't....dude, what is wrong with you????'
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                ... the general attitude is rather in line with coop's...'here's what we made, we think it's great and you should too....and if you don't....dude, what is wrong with you????'
                                Ah yes ... remember how many of us lowly fans "had issues" too when Sam jumped into bed with Pete? Cheap shot on the fandom.

                                As to Heroes being a favorite episode - another "in your face" moment to the loyal fans. Janet Fraiser did not have to be sacrificed in order for that episode to work! Talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Maybe the need for Vala in S9 would not have been so urgent had we still had the other female lead in Teryl. God, even AT went to the writers and asked them to reconsider the original script and pull back a little. Just think, two professional female characters balancing out all the rampant testosterone for the first 7-8 seasons.

                                I think the final part of interview with Coop needs a re-write: "the creative people do pay attention to what came before". S9/10 didn't have much of anything to do with what came before. As many of you have already written on this thread, there could have been a continuity which respected the veteran characters and then gradually included the newbies. Someone should have had enough Ba'als to keep Sam as SG1 commander and go from there.

                                Speaking of galactic threats, give me a glowing-eyed Goa'uld over a pasty-faced Prior any day. Send some Wraith from the Pegasus Galaxy my way! Cripes, even the Replicators had more potential. That whole Ori arc left me cold.

                                Stepping off my soap box now.

