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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX View Post
    Then there is little to no hope for any future projects.

    If they could recognize that some of their changes had not been as well received as they had hoped they would be and take steps to adjust them to make them more appealing (or less off-putting) or to remove them, there would be a chance that they could produce a pair of excellent movies but not if they're going to cling to their changes.

    Even if they think that what they have produced is brilliant, if they know it hasn't been welcomed as they needed it to be, it would be in their interests and that of the franchise to consider what it was the viewers want to see. They are the consumers, after all.

    Imagine if you owned a chocolate factory. The milk chocolate bars you produced sold really well for eight years but when you devoted the resources of your factory to making a banana flavour bar, sales plummeted. You have people who really like the banana flavour bar and maybe you agree with them, but overall sales have dropped to the point where your factory is at risk.

    Do you (a) return to your tried and true recipe or (b) keep making banana flavour bars in the hopes that your former consumers will come around and realize that the new bar really is wonderful after all, instead of just buying a different brand of chocolate?

    They keep making Bananna and throw chocolate on it from time to time because they think their consumers are idiots for not liking banana.
    Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

    ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

    AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.


      Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
      They keep making Bananna and throw chocolate on it from time to time because they think their consumers are idiots for not liking banana.
      And unfortunately for them, the idiots aren't interested in buying their icky banana bars.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by AGateFan View Post
        They keep making Bananna and throw chocolate on it from time to time because they think their consumers are idiots for not liking banana.
        maybe they think if they distract us enough with explosionis and skin baring costumes we'll not notice that our beloved chocolate has vanished and has been replaced by bananas
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by ses110 View Post
          Remember no Sam/Jack Ship in the Movies will mean a lot less $$$ for TPTB.TPTB also have to worry about losing Fans for Atlantis and a possible spinoff series.TPTB have too much to lose by not giving a proper ending to the Sam/Jack Ship.
          To be fair though, what is a "proper" ending for the shippers is not likely to be a "proper" ending for all those that are against ship and I'd say the fandom is pretty evenly split when it comes to how people feel on this particular issue.


            True.It's just with SG-1 ending I cannot see the harm in wraping up a storyline that has been going on since Season 1.Not everyone likes the Sam/Jack Ship and that's ok.IMO TPTB should not have started something if they had no intention of finishing.Even if the Sam/Jack Ship never gets resolved Life goes on and I'll always find another Show and Ship.
            Last edited by ses110; 15 October 2006, 07:41 PM.


              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              True.It's just with SG-1 ending I cannot see the harm in wraping up a storyline that has been going on since Season 1.Not everyone likes the Sam/Jack Ship and that's ok.IMO TPTB should not have started something if they had no intention of finishing.Even if the Sam/Jack Ship never gets resolved Life goes on and I'll always find another Show and Ship.
              See-that has been one of my biggest gripes about the show. I am a shipper-however I watched and had continued to watch because they told a good story-the ship for me was a bonus, but not the only reason I watched. I always felt that they didn't mean it and that it was a big joke for them and if they didn't want the whole romance issue then it should have been Captain Samuel Carter as opposed to Samantha Carter.

              There has never been much in the way of follow up or continuity or consequences with that show-no carryover. From one episode to the next there didn't seem to be any repurcussions over what happened to the characters in the previous outings. Almost like 20 separate stories and each of them haas nothing to do with the other ones. Yeah, they linked them on occaision-but not really seriously.

              I have pretty much moved on-I don't watch the show as much as I used to-I don't intend to watch the reruns of 10-i have other shows that i have turned to and like better because there is the continuity and consequences.

              Say what you will about Battlestar, Close to Home or Numbers or Project Runway-there are relationships between the characters that draw you in-that and a good story makes it work for me.
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                if they didn't want the whole romance issue then it should have been Captain Samuel Carter as opposed to Samantha Carter.
                Say what?


                  Originally posted by DEM View Post
                  Say what?

                  "Blinks" well think about it. it would have dumped the whole ship issue and then they would have nothing to crab about.

                  actually though, I suspect they knew what they were doing when they started this and they can complain all they want about it-but they started it-it took on a life of its own and then they had no idea what to do afterwards. very poor planning on their part-if you can't walk the walk then don't talk the talk.
                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                    And they brought up alot of the things we complained about in 200 and basicly made a joke out of it.
                    I thought the J/S wedding was a slap in the face to the J/S shippers.
                    They have made it clear on how they feel about certain fan bases.
                    Isn't that the truth. Well, at least you guys and the Jack/Daniel fans got an actual nod. They acted as if S/D shippers don't even exist (not to turn this into a shipper war or anything, honest ). We thought they threw us a bone in Moebius Part 1 and then they slapped us in the face in Part 2. Not that we really ever got a lot in the show to begin with, but we thrived on subtext (and I know that means a lot of different things to different people).

                    But then again I didn't really watch for 'ship, it was for the stories and for the great team dynamic. I have little faith that they will be able to pull this off in the movies, especially the first one.

                    How I wish they could have made that "lost" episode set in S2 they kept talking about a couple of years back.
                    Last edited by JessM; 16 October 2006, 05:43 AM.


                      Originally posted by ParadoxRealities View Post
                      i think 200 was a slap in the face to most of the fans.
                      Maybe I should recant my last post, because I think you're absolutely spot on here.


                        Originally posted by Amanda Eros View Post
                        The thing is that they have to look at the right message boards. You go to the Scifi boards, and disagree with the way the show is run, you're labled a troll. My guess it's the same on the MGM boards as well. If they want a general opinion then looking at Gateworld is their best bet. Though which threads will they look at? If they want an ego stroking, they will likely go to the ones labled pro. And from what they will likely hear, though it might not be the same from everyone, is that the Anti's like to complain, or some other garbage. Then compleatly ignore all the well thought out and supported comments made on this thread.

                        Another thought is that they likely don't have time to read the boards. Even if they have someone do research for them, my guess is that they will likely be 'yes' people and find out all the "good" comments that have been made.

                        The only way their eyes might be opened is if their peers in the industry tell them flat out what they have done wrong.
                        So true. Another thing I noticed about the SciFi board (I don't post there...can't even register for SciFi's site for some reason...) is that anyone who dislikes Vala is also labeled a troll.


                          Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                          "Blinks" well think about it. it would have dumped the whole ship issue and then they would have nothing to crab about.
                          Well, I'd rather they have emphasised the chain-of-command factor if the need arose, rather than not giving a female actor a job.


                            Originally posted by JessM View Post
                            Isn't that the truth. Well, at least you guys and the Jack/Daniel fans got an actual nod. They acted as if S/D shippers don't even exist (not to turn this into a shipper war or anything, honest ). We thought they threw us a bone in Moebius Part 1 and then they slapped us in the face in Part 2. Not that we really ever got a lot in the show to begin with, but we thrived on subtext (and I know that means a lot of different things to different people).

                            But then again I didn't really watch for 'ship, it was for the stories and for the great team dynamic. I have little faith that they will be able to pull this off in the movies, especially the first one.

                            How I wish they could have made that "lost" episode set in S2 they kept talking about a couple of years back.
                            The "lost" episode? which one is that?
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by DEM View Post
                              Well, I'd rather they have emphasised the chain-of-command factor if the need arose, rather than not giving a female actor a job.
                              That is also a point-and one well taken-and had they emphasized the chain of command issue-they had an out for the ship.

                              But the fact remains for the last couple of seasons they have written very poor stories and had provided very shallow characters and those two things have had a huge bearing on why the show tanked.
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                To Rogue!

                                Congratulations on your 2,000th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

