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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    One star two star, whats the difference? Promotion is easy just sew the star on the uniform and BAM your a major general.

    What you say? Thats not how its done in real life, hell who cares its a TV show, it doesnt have to make sense it just has to be FUN. Close your eyes, shut up and enjoy it like any TRUE fan would. The show exist to be TPTBs fantasy, scrw the fans and their stupid loyalty to those boring characters.

    the above was sarcasm.

    I have a pic from THE LIGHT on my desktop. The big four in desert camo. Great pic but is bitter sweet for me to look at everyday.
    Today it's Jack and Jacob
    care of Mala
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


      Originally posted by ReganX
      Don't be mean to Felger! Even he's not that devoid of common sense.

      ...Unless the genetic engineering wiped out 98.7% of his IQ.
      99.44% That way he floats!
      Very bad analogy with Ivory, a bar soap here in the USA that floats rather than sinks in water.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by grasshopper64
        At the end of the day, haven't TPTB played with all of the fanbases at some time or other and are still doing it now. And what do we have, a show that's become a shadow of what it once was, and is now cancelled?

        Just my two cents, end of rant
        personally, i think vala's whole introduction was to manipulate the passionate daniel fans. Going by the long history, anyone and anything paired with daniel was accepted. thus, if youmake vaniel the focus you accomplish a few things

        cater to those passionate fans
        emphasize skiffy's darling of Claudia
        deemphasize the crichton/aeryn angle

        IMHO, the ADF's were used and manipulated to get vala accepted.

        also, like i said above, they weren't gonna pair her with teal'c, and wanted to avoid the blatant ripoff of farscape, thus Vaniel was born. and it had some - to them - positive fallout

        Vaniel was a means to an end and i do draw no small amount of irony from those that think all het ship is icky and should never be in the show all of a sudden loving and adoring it when Daniel is half the pair. It's kinda funny
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
          Chime in any time Grasshopper. It’s nice to hear from a Slasher.

          Not a Daniel/Vala fan myself. I can’t see him being able to put up with such a nit wit.
          i see vala as too high maintenance for Daniel. he has empathy for her and what she's been through, certainly. but i see daniel wanting amate he can trust...and you can't trust vala. he would always have to be on his guard around her and that would hamper any relationship
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            personally, i think vala's whole introduction was to manipulate the passionate daniel fans. Going by the long history, anyone and anything paired with daniel was accepted. thus, if youmake vaniel the focus you accomplish a few things

            cater to those passionate fans
            emphasize skiffy's darling of Claudia
            deemphasize the crichton/aeryn angle

            IMHO, the ADF's were used and manipulated to get vala accepted.

            also, like i said above, they weren't gonna pair her with teal'c, and wanted to avoid the blatant ripoff of farscape, thus Vaniel was born. and it had some - to them - positive fallout

            Vaniel was a means to an end and i do draw no small amount of irony from those that think all het ship is icky and should never be in the show all of a sudden loving and adoring it when Daniel is half the pair. It's kinda funny
            I think, also, that CB/MS have a certain chemistry together. Whether you like it or not is a matter for debate, but they appear to play off each other really well, and by all accounts the actors love working together. I can see why TPTB would want to pursue that apparent chemistry since it has been so well received by a portion of the audience.

            Same thing with Sam/McKay. They have chemistry together, too. Whether you like it or not is a matter for debate, but I can see TPTB wanting to get those two together as much as possible just because something clicks when they're on screen together.

            What I dislike is that they seem to be so desperate for that chemistry between Daniel and Vala that they are unwilling to let her interact with anyone else for any length of time. Didn't the bracelets come off last season? It's a bit hard to tell...

            My LJ


              Originally posted by Skydiver
              i see vala as too high maintenance for Daniel. he has empathy for her and what she's been through, certainly. but i see daniel wanting amate he can trust...and you can't trust vala. he would always have to be on his guard around her and that would hamper any relationship
              well you know the old love of a good man thingee .......
              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                they do play off of each other well. I will agree with that. it seems that claudia distracts michael so much that he forgets he's acting, he loses that stiffness adn relaxes and acts better - to me anyway

                howeer yes, it's not that they are good together but it's 'too much of a good thing'. FCOL,t here is more to the show than vaniel and how about acknowledging it every once ina while???

                for claudia's sake, does she see how weak that makes vala? if vala is little more than half of vaniel, then, well let's say tehre as a s11 and MS chose not to participate, wehre does that leave vala????

                up the creek without a playmate. if she is nothing more htan half of vaniel and her onlyother reason to be on teh show is adria, well eliminate those two plot points and she's pretty useless now isn't she?

                all of a sudden an established character is again reduced to the sum of her storyline and she has none because she's not been allowed to have any in the efforts to push forth the wonder that is Vaniel.

                it makes vala little more than Shau'ri - easily disposed of once they become inconvenient

                The strength of these characters used to be their relationships with EVERYONE. pairing up two to the exclusion of all others is just putting all of one's eggs in one basket.
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                  well you know the old love of a good man thingee .......
                  yes please, we soooo need more cliches on the show

                  then again, i woulda thougth being a mother would have cured all her ills
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by grasshopper64
                    Jumping in here as a J/D slasher, I certainly don't hate Sam and I don't believe the vast majority of J/Ders do, anymore than I don't believe the majority of S/J shippers hate Daniel. Sure you will get some character bashing in places but you get that with a show like stargate...

                    I'm a fan of the original team that was Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. I've never wanted it to be solely the Jack and Daniel show, as pointed out the show should be about the team not one pairing or character/s. However I have seen some D/Vers who would be more than happy to have the Daniel/Vala show (don't we have enough of that now?) and lose everyone else.

                    I judge a character as I see him/her, not how much screen time they give someone else. Giving Daniel more screen time is not going to make me become a Vala fan in a million years, and definitely not a D/V fan.
                    Vala has been poorly written going from sexual innuendos/leather outfits thief to pigtailed bratty kid. With some better writing and perhaps having Vala as a recurring character not fulltime it might have been different.
                    This season we've had Daniel/Vala practically joined at the hip and you can't get away from it (well except the eps Daniel isn't in)
                    It's not about the team anymore, they're just people who happen to work together.

                    At the end of the day, haven't TPTB played with all of the fanbases at some time or other and are still doing it now. And what do we have, a show that's become a shadow of what it once was, and is now cancelled?

                    Just my two cents, end of rant
                    Actually I wasn't refering to or pointing a finger at the slashers. Hope you didn't take it that way. There is a certain site(not GW) that is home to a more radical Jack/Daniel fan base. Alot of their comments are very nasty and distasteful toward characters that they feel are interferring with Jack/Daniel time. Sam takes most of the brunt because they feel that Sam/Jack have been pushed to the forefront and Daniel pushed aside. I really don't think it has anything to do with being a shipper or a slasher. To them the Stargate story is only about Jack/Daniel.
                    Last edited by Rogue; 06 October 2006, 11:05 AM.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      Actually I wasn't refering to or pointing a finger at the slashers. Hope you didn't take it that way. There is a certain site(not GW) that is home to a more radical Jack/Daniel fan base. Alot of their comments are very nasty and distasteful toward characters that they feel are interferring with Jack/Daniel time. Sam takes most of the brunt because they feel that Sam/Jack have been pushed to the forefront and Daniel pushed aside. I really don't think it has anything to do with being a shipper or a slasher. To them the Stargate story is only about Jack/Daniel.

                      No, that's fine, I understood your point. I don't think I've seen the site you've mentioned, but then again I didn't get into this show, let alone Jack/Daniel too long ago. Then again if this site is one of those that seem to be very pro-Vala I might know which one you mean or not Probably best avoided in any case....
                      It's been a long week....

                      Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


                        Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                        Got one question for you?

                        Are there other versions of this article floating around out there?

                        Because this is not the exact same article I read. There are some parts missing. Like RDA rehashing why he came (wasn’t happy with his performance because he was sick and the busted ankle, ect) and the few lines about Brad promising him they would take care of the logistics of losing a General on screen.

                        Which is strange.

                        Could it have been from TV Zone #206 (October 2006)?

                        I couldn't find any quotes like the ones you are talking about in any of the other recent articles with RDA. TV Zone #206 is the only one that I haven't read, so the info you're looking for might be in it. I know he does talk a lot about working on "The Return" in it.

                        By the way, here is the link to the snipped article at the magazine's website (no one has done a transcript yet). Perhaps it will ring some bells.



                          Originally posted by Skydiver
                          while we can see that some enjoy vala, the cynic in me has to wonder if vala would be so wonderful if it was the valeron - vala/cameron instead of vaniel

                          For years i've watched many of these folks quite predictibly prefer ay and everything with daniel and see sam as competition and a threat to daneil. while vala? hey, she may sexually harrass and pester him and emasculate him, but when she's around he gets more airtime, thus if you like daniel, vala can't be seen as all bad since her presence guarantees more of your favorite actor's presence
                          That notion has always made me laugh. I know a lot of people believe in it, but all the airtime Daniel has had because he is with Vala has made me like him less. I think a lot of his OTT snark is part of his comedy duo routine with her. I know that he has gotten snarkier since S7 but it really got to be too much (at least for me) these past 2 seasons. And I believe Vala has something to do with that. I think he has the tendency to be when he's not with her. Sadly that doesn't happen very often...

                          what would have been funny, to play let's pretend, ok so shanks said he hadn't signed for s11. what if we had gotten a s11, and ms wasn't in it, thus freeing vala up to be paired with cam (wouldn't pair her iwth teal'c. first of all, there's that whole color thing and second of all, cam is the hewo, he has to get the girl)

                          it would be fun to see how many Vaniel fans would be happy if it was just Vala and if she'd still be so fresh and super and funny
                          I agree. I think we got a little taste of it in Insiders and Uninvited, though she wasn't really paired up with anyone in those eps. We might found out in Bounty, though...


                            Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                            would we have had a samiel or a dam?
                            LOL... or Darter or Cartson?

                            I agree with Sky - there probably would be less anti-Sam sentiment in that case.

                            (still cringing from people at another forum calling Sam a "b!%ch" for "replacing" Vala...)


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              I enjoy the interaction between all the team members. They weren't just a team of explorers they were friends. They actually cared for each other. I miss that aspect of the show.
                              That can't be said enough. It's such a shame that that aspect just HAD to be sacrificed.


                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                Today it's Jack and Jacob
                                care of Mala
                                Sweet! I will snurch this one, but I have no green to give you, so I will have to owe you.

                                EDIT: Oh btw my "Light" pic has them in FOREST camo.... not sure why I said Desert. Other then they rock in desert camo .
                                Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                                ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                                AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

