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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    True. Mitchell not existing at all is even better than Mitchell dying in Antarctica.

    Poor Felger, though. What low self-esteem he must have to picture himself as Mitchell.
    Kind of goes hand in hand with his wrestling fantasy don't cha think

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by AGateFan
      One star two star, whats the difference? Promotion is easy just sew the star on the uniform and BAM your a major general.

      What you say? Thats not how its done in real life, hell who cares its a TV show, it doesnt have to make sense it just has to be FUN. Close your eyes, shut up and enjoy it like any TRUE fan would. The show exist to be TPTBs fantasy, scrw the fans and their stupid loyalty to those boring characters.

      the above was sarcasm.

      I MISS CLASSIC SG-1!!!.
      I have a pic from THE LIGHT on my desktop. The big four in desert camo. Great pic but is bitter sweet for me to look at everyday.
      Yes Sir, what ever you say Sir, what jump off a bridge...if you say so Sir, as long as it's the bridge of Bridge Studios

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
        Unfortunately no

        I think what scares me more is the fans that don’t call the writers on the obvious mistakes or takes everything that comes out of characters mouths like this as gospel.

        Am I the only one that hasn’t been able to jump the logic gap of how Daniel came up with friendly and benevolent when the Ancients supposedly are the same people that inspired the Greek/Roman Gods? Maybe I’m missing something?

        Well, he's entirely too brilliant to flub a traslation so either it wore away beyond readability or sam is so jealous of him she ********ed the writing.

        Have I mentioned that I not only abhore the Ori but also can't stand the Ancients?

        The Ancients created a
        reseed the universe machine.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          Originally posted by Skydiver
          that cracks me up. y es, sam knows too much and she's unrealistic, yet daniel, it's ok that he knows 23 languages and has 3phd's and all this. It's ok for him to interview base personnel - which is the security officer's job, but if sam steps outside of her expertise it's horrible
          3? I thought Daniel had officially had 6?

          Even having 3 at his age is pushing it. I write it off to a lack of Graduate degrees in this country. And why Sam gets called on this stuff and not Daniel? I really write up to a lot of people not knowing Daniel’s fields.

          Originally posted by Skydiver
          I know i'm not objective when it comes to sam, but i don't quite see her as the mary sue simply because the only way she's the outsider - in the beginning - was her gender. She was military, she ws thier tech geek and seemed to bridge the gap between jack's military and daniel's science. she fit in, as much as a female can fit into a boy's club
          Now you see I do see a bit of a Mary Sue element in Sam. She’s a woman that works and succeeds in male dominated fields (Science and the Military). Has never once had the question of gender brought up—the whole woman serving in combat ban. A girl who fits in to the boys club no questions/problems and never has any of those guys’ vs. the girl moments. The girl whose handsome (if you’re a shipper) CO carries a torch for her.

          If Sam ever got her love life together on screen most women would hate her on principle.

          Originally posted by Skydiver
          Daniel was always the dissentor. the 'voice of reason', the 'isn't there another way' antagonist. And if you - the general viewer - are a civilian, ,it's a pov you're gonna identify with
          Sam or Daniel is rather interchangeable in that way. One reason why I can’t understand the Sam dislike directed at her by a lot of the Daniel fans and vice versa. They share so many basic personality traits. You would think if you liked one you’d like the other. Sam’s probably played the more ‘hard science’ than Daniel is and is written as more objective but that’s about the major difference between the two characters.
          Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


            Originally posted by RealmOfX
            Yeah, he got the bump up with the new Homeworld Security job - can't have a Brigadier giving a Major General (Landry) orders plus the job had a hell of a lot more responsibility - though I doubt TPTB put that much thought into it.
            Ah, I see...I just forgot to suspend belief... suspend all disbelief... aw heck I can't think of the expression... well, you know what I mean

            Thanks guys


              Originally posted by JessM
              Ah, I see...I just forgot to suspend belief... suspend all disbelief... aw heck I can't think of the expression...
              Shut off your brain? Numb it with lots of booze? Tell your brain to shut up or you’ll poke it with a Q-tip?
              Jack O’Neill: When it absolutely, positively, needs mocked, shot, or destroyed overnight!


                Originally posted by ReganX
                True. Mitchell not existing at all is even better than Mitchell dying in Antarctica.

                Poor Felger, though. What low self-esteem he must have to picture himself as Mitchell.
                The truth is Mitchell is a genetically altered Felger, so he can join SG-1 finally!


                  Originally posted by Vyse
                  The truth is Mitchell is a genetically altered Felger, so he can join SG-1 finally!
                  Don't be mean to Felger! Even he's not that devoid of common sense.

                  ...Unless the genetic engineering wiped out 98.7% of his IQ.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by AGateFan
                    One star two star, whats the difference? Promotion is easy just sew the star on the uniform and BAM your a major general.

                    What you say? Thats not how its done in real life, hell who cares its a TV show, it doesnt have to make sense it just has to be FUN. Close your eyes, shut up and enjoy it like any TRUE fan would. The show exist to be TPTBs fantasy, scrw the fans and their stupid loyalty to those boring characters.

                    the above was sarcasm.

                    I MISS CLASSIC SG-1!!!.
                    I have a pic from THE LIGHT on my desktop. The big four in desert camo. Great pic but is bitter sweet for me to look at everyday.
                    Why not! They have done far worse to advance a story line.

                    They put a SG-1 groupie with zero gate experience incharge of the SGC number 1 team.

                    They let a thief and a liar, who left a USAF General and crew to die, join SG-1

                    They gave Sam permission to tell a guy she just met about the Stargate program.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                      3? I thought Daniel had officially had 6?
                      fanon i recall is linguisitics, archaeology and anthropology, but canonly i think he only has one

                      Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                      Sam or Daniel is rather interchangeable in that way. One reason why I can’t understand the Sam dislike directed at her by a lot of the Daniel fans and vice versa. They share so many basic personality traits. You would think if you liked one you’d like the other. Sam’s probably played the more ‘hard science’ than Daniel is and is written as more objective but that’s about the major difference between the two characters.
                      sam i part of a 'love triangle'

                      jack/daniel is the most popular slash pairing
                      sam/jack the most popualr ship pairing

                      when things started to get really, really nasty towards sam was around s4 when sam/jack became 'canon' with d&c and jack 'felt more for her than he was supposed to'

                      to many, that was seen as 'losing' since - prior to that point - all ship had been projectable. nothing explicit and canon, you had to read between teh lines.

                      and it wasn't helped by the shippers who, after a few years of 'you're just stupid immature shippers and are wrong' blasted back with 'told ya, we're right'

                      thus began teh endless 'we're right/you're wrong' battle between the j/d & j/s fans

                      shots were fired on both sides and people went ott on both sides...but the division between j/d and j/s fans is pretty deep and won't ever be bridged
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        Originally posted by AGateFan
                        One star two star, whats the difference? Promotion is easy just sew the star on the uniform and BAM your a major general.

                        What you say? Thats not how its done in real life, hell who cares its a TV show, it doesnt have to make sense it just has to be FUN. Close your eyes, shut up and enjoy it like any TRUE fan would. The show exist to be TPTBs fantasy, scrw the fans and their stupid loyalty to those boring characters.

                        the above was sarcasm.

                        I MISS CLASSIC SG-1!!!.
                        I have a pic from THE LIGHT on my desktop. The big four in desert camo. Great pic but is bitter sweet for me to look at everyday.
                        Same here. I frequently have this pic on my desktop, to remind me of the good old days...



                          i have old wallpapers that i've made. and none of them ahve any pics beyond s6
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                            3? I thought Daniel had officially had 6?

                            Even having 3 at his age is pushing it. I write it off to a lack of Graduate degrees in this country. And why Sam gets called on this stuff and not Daniel? I really write up to a lot of people not knowing Daniel’s fields.
                            One of my friends is a fic writer and supposedly a "fountain of knowledge" on SG-1 and all things Daniel. She said that as per The Scourge, Daniel has 3 phD's: in Archaeology, Anthropology and Philology (sorta like Linguistics). As for the 6, well maybe that's combined with his masters degrees (supposedly he has more than one of those too)? Have no idea about that.

                            Sam or Daniel is rather interchangeable in that way. One reason why I can’t understand the Sam dislike directed at her by a lot of the Daniel fans and vice versa. They share so many basic personality traits. You would think if you liked one you’d like the other. Sam’s probably played the more ‘hard science’ than Daniel is and is written as more objective but that’s about the major difference between the two characters.
                            I can't understand it either, and you're right - they do share quite a few basic personality traits. It's one of the reasons that I really like both characters (though Daniel a little less so the past couple of years). Most of the Sam haters I've run into are Daniel fans who also love Vala, some/most of which are Daniel/Vala shippers. They put up a big fuss when Sam returned in ep 6 of S9, and they also find Sam too "boring" as opposed to Vala, who is so sassy and fun.


                              Originally posted by ReganX
                              Don't be mean to Felger! Even he's not that devoid of common sense.

                              ...Unless the genetic engineering wiped out 98.7% of his IQ.
                              Wow, you're right, Mitchell is so bad he gives Felger a good name!


                                Originally posted by Crow T. Robot
                                Shut off your brain? Numb it with lots of booze? Tell your brain to shut up or you’ll poke it with a Q-tip?
                                Yes, yes, that's it!!

