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S10: Critique & Contemplation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver
    oh yeah, i loved the idea of sarah being back on earth and being dealt with.

    for example, do you realize that every single time sam has dealt with her, sarah has tried to kill her???

    curse: osiris tossed sam and janet into a wall
    revelation: osiris ribboned sam

    then, what was the last one??? oh right, chimera. Osiris tries to shoot/kill sam and almost kills her boyfriend, talk about issues

    anyway, we all know that sam knows the difference between host and snake but, even knowing that, she would have some innate issues with sarah and trust issues

    but that was all ignored, unfortunatly
    Well darn. I was just going to recommend a story that wasn't by Sky (we wouldn't want her to get a big head) is by her. Oh well. Sarah's a bit weak, but consider she had just been de-goa'ulded.

    Hell Hath No Fury.

    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      Originally posted by Skydiver
      it does seem that the only females they care for are cliches

      sexy of some sort

      even teyla, a warrior, is burdened - or not - with her very unwarriorlike revealing costumes. Just like vala has been

      when was the last time we had a simple competant female on the show??? (Other than sam that is)
      Catherine Langford.

      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
        Catherine Langford.
        I can't believe I didn't think of her. She used to run the stargate program.

        I wonder what would have happened had Catherine stayed a part of the program, if she had been in charge.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by ReganX
          I can't believe I didn't think of her. She used to run the stargate program.

          I wonder what would have happened had Catherine stayed a part of the program, if she had been in charge.
          That definitely would've been interesting. If she had had a large hand in the program before the first Abydos mission, Sam probably would've been on one of the teams, I'm sure.


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            That definitely would've been interesting. If she had had a large hand in the program before the first Abydos mission, Sam probably would've been on one of the teams, I'm sure.
            Definitely. Anybody know of any fanfics dealing with the two years Sam spent on the Stargate project before the Abydos mission? She and Catherine seemed to know each other pretty well in "The Torment Of Tantalus".

            I thought it was kind of odd that Sam didn't attend Catherine's funeral in "Moebius, Part 1".
            Last edited by ReganX; 11 June 2006, 11:25 PM.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by ReganX
              Definitely. Anybody know of any fanfics dealing with the two years Sam spent on the Stargate project before the Abydos mission? She and Catherine seemed to know each other pretty well in "The Torment Of Tantalus".
              uhh...darn! i know there're some. <begins to search> you know what we need? a stargate ff metacrawler.
              Originally posted by ReganX
              I thought it was kind of odd that Sam didn't attend Catherine's funeral in "Threads".
              i think she'd had enough of funerals by then. sometimes you just...can't. that was my interperatation at the time.
              "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
              Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                Originally posted by suse
                Well darn. I was just going to recommend a story that wasn't by Sky (we wouldn't want her to get a big head) is by her. Oh well. Sarah's a bit weak, but consider she had just been de-goa'ulded.

                Hell Hath No Fury.


                well that MIGHT be the first part of two, if i can ever come up with a story/plot for the second half. It was originally meant to be a sam story and poor sarah was just a plot device

                but your idea might kinda work in that regard simply because, in this fic, sam HATES sarah. Hates her. there's no forgiveness here.

                which i thought could be fun to play with becaus sarah, the former enemy, is the sympathetic character. and her friends, jack and teal'c, would be torn, sympathetic with sam but not quite happy with her actions/attitude
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                  Catherine Langford.
                  so catherine and janet

                  two characters in 10 years (Three if you count sam)
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I had to do some catch up reading here and I have to say--I am not sure even the curiosity factor is going to get me to watch any of S10 (well maybe the 200th).

                    While it is painfully obvious that the writing has taken a nose dive of epic proportions in order to showcase two Farscape stars and wall-paper the three veterans--I have an even larger issue with TPTB --- their dis-loyalty to the originals and SG fans.

                    There have been just enough commentarys, interviews and other information sources that have given me this sense of dis-loyalty which in turn has produced a show with very little in common with SG1.

                    IMO there seems to be a heightened sense of wanting fairness from those of us who take the time to come here and post. Fairness to the actors/characters and to the fans. This being along side all the other issues being talked about here.

                    Through out the early years TPTB courted us fans--one of the unique qualitys of this show was the interaction between fans and behind the scenes elements of the show. This relationship is now coming back to haunt TPTB as they embark on a "new" show.

                    It was a team--not just SG1 but all of us--we felt a part of this special team. Adding new team members would have been fine but adding new team members as a means to eliminate the old is not fine.

                    It is and has been a dangerous dance TPTB has been playing for whatever reason: 1. To keep the Stargate title. 2. To create a new show. 3. To bring in new stars. 4. To pull in Farscape and its fans. 5. Last but not least--attempting to balance all this and keep ratings up and not loose fans (which is not working).

                    TPTB have simply gone to the dark side from burn out.

                    Whatever the reason--it was all mis-handled. I think the ratings will reflect there are not enough Farscape fans to pull this off.
                    I have to finally wrap my brain around the fact that SG is really and truly over.

                    I came into S9 with an open mind even though I was not a fan a certain actors/characters but gosh darn--it was SG1--how bad could it be? That was my thinking at the time--- not in my wildest dreams did I think it was going to tank so bad.

                    I am getting over it............. I think--I hope--well I must--its just TV right?


                      Originally posted by Simhavaktra

                      I'd certainly like to see Sarah Gardner return as an intelligent woman who'd been through hell as a host, and now wants to make use of the knowledge she gained all unwilling thereby, to make something good come of the experience
                      , as part of regaining her own strength, if nothing else. But, I don't think that season 10 will have a place for intelligent strong women who aren't paeons of praise to male visions of 'proper' female sexual availability and attitudes. So, Sarah will be out of luck, and off the screen.
                      Totally agree on Sarah - would have been fascinating seeing the SGC wipe the galaxy of the Goa'uld (my favorite enemy). This would cause political vacuums and social turmoil and leave openings for the rise of new foes. And we could even use the round spinny thing.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                        Whatever is convenient I guess.

                        I remember RDA taking the brunt of the criticism regarding his reduced schedule. Too many earthbound episodes? It's RDA's fault. Less team? It's RDA's fault.

                        But with Season 9, we saw the truth come out...that it wasn't RDA's reduced schedule that caused the problem, it was TPTB's lack of creative writing skills.

                        They knew Amanda would be back after the first few episodes...and therefore, that meant that Sam would be back at the SGC. This was not a surprise to them. So what did they do? How did they go about explaining where she was and why she returned and what her role would be? Only the contrivance of her Area 51 stay with a sprinkling of Cassie to keep her there. Of course, they never said what Cassie's problem was and they never said if that situation was resolved, freeing Sam to return to the SGC if she saw fit. Furthermore, they took her from two commands and threw her into a non-descript position of just being there. We don't know what's going on with her or the others at all.

                        Why did Teal'c and Sam and Daniel choose to accept those patches? Because they had supreme confidence in Mitchell's leadership abilities that they'd want to serve under him rather than under Sam? What would motivate Sam to give up or not even address the issue of not being in command anymore or for neither Teal'c nor Daniel to not even bring up the topic when Daniel had in the past been very vocal on this issue?

                        Then we have the Ori...the blandest, most cliched villians in the universe. No personalities to hold onto and despise...just general evilness with a penchant for talking in Oma-isms. Yawn.

                        The writers then go about and create a group of people...the Sodan...and set up a scenario where Mitchell is kidnapped by them in what was one of the most disappointing episodes of the season. Seriously cliched storyline for starters, plus did anyone feel that the others were missing him? Was there that sense of urgency that had been there before when one of their own was missing? Did anyone grab him and hug him when he returned and told him how much they missed him and great it was to see him back and in one piece? As for the demise of the Sodan...this galant warrior race...I've seen the team get more upset when someone misplaced their SGC access card.

                        The spoilers for Season 10 are even more depressing than what Season 9 had to offer. Why? Because Season 9 was a test for them...and rather than making a few course corrections, maybe toning Mitch down a few notches, having some team moments and real bonding, having the leadership issue make sense, showing that round thing that flushes sideways once or twice, they are continuing their hype and focus on Mitchell and how super great he is to the exclusion of almost all else. From everything I've seen, Sam and Teal'c will experience about as much character growth as they did last year (as in NONE). Daniel might have some there's that.

                        The team will continue to be a fractured entity...a mere shadow of its former self.

                        And TPTB can't scapegoat RDA for any of this's all them and their weak, hamfisted scenarios. And the fans are starting to catch on.
                        It's the truth - don't know whether to cry or curse.
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          I know. I need to learn how to express myself. *cheesy grin*

                          I'm seriously considering changing my GW name to ÜberSamFan or ÜberAmandaFan because I can't honestly say I'm a fan of SG-1 anymore. I'm a fan of classic SG-1...pre-Mitchell/Ori.

                          I loved the premise of the stargate, the fact that it was set in the present where we didn't have all manner of technological advancements to solve our problems. No magical beam to whisk them out of danger. No super ships that conveniently show up when the previous incarnation is blown up. (BTW...shouldn't there be someone somewhere wondering where the billions of dollars are going to build these ships? Or some worker at one of the ship building plants willing to sell his story to the media? Or some nosy reporter who's looking into the space ships in orbit or a building vanishing into thin air?) We had a team of very clever heroes who made the best of their situations and had to rely on their own ingenuity, not the deus ex machina of the week.

                          Last year, I was devastated at the notion that SG-1 might I'm almost wishing for it. I keep holding on, hoping beyond hope that I'll see bits and pieces of the characters and storylines I found compelling for so long but my pain threshold has waned considerably in the last several months.
                          We are on the same wave length.
                          I would volunteer to go into space in a NY minute (family is packing my things as we speak). The Stargate is the only way we could ever explore our galaxy.

                          My husbands old boss (chairman of the Math and Com. Sci. dept.) thinks the best vacation ever would be to go to Giza and find the Stargate.

                          In Season 10 they should return to the use of the Stargate (use stock footage of the kawoosh if they have to) and the wonder each and every time they stepped thru.
                          Last edited by Zoser; 12 June 2006, 07:11 AM.
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by ReganX
                            Leave your GW name as it is, but you could always put a footnote in your sig to let people know that you define SG-1 as Seasons One through Eight or as Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c or as Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c and Jonas or however you define it.
                            There should be a universal footnote that can be used for all of us... Hmmm...

                            Did anyone see the pimpage ad for RDA in S10 on Sci Fi? I never saw it, but I read about it, and I was wondering what anyone thought of it.

                            I <3 RDA.

                            I expect some contrived bit about how much he's gonna be in S10. But of course they'll conveniently forget that Atlantis is getting the brunt of his work.

                            Though I've never done this before, I'm seriously considering writing a letter to them, per a certain gray-haired fellow's suggestion... Anyone interested in doing the same? He seems to think it'll work (which says to me that we're talking about a S11 here - but we won't even touch that ). The cynic in me says otherwise, but at least I can say I was pathetically proactive... or something...


                              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                              There should be a universal footnote that can be used for all of us... Hmmm...

                              Did anyone see the pimpage ad for RDA in S10 on Sci Fi? I never saw it, but I read about it, and I was wondering what anyone thought of it.

                              I <3 RDA.

                              I expect some contrived bit about how much he's gonna be in S10. But of course they'll conveniently forget that Atlantis is getting the brunt of his work.

                              Though I've never done this before, I'm seriously considering writing a letter to them, per a certain gray-haired fellow's suggestion... Anyone interested in doing the same? He seems to think it'll work (which says to me that we're talking about a S11 here - but we won't even touch that ). The cynic in me says otherwise, but at least I can say I was pathetically proactive... or something...

                              No never saw it.


                                Originally posted by LaCroix
                                No never saw it.
                                I'd LIKE to though.

                                Does anyone have a copy or know where one might be able to see it?

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

