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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
    Aha! I see it didn't take long for you to find some plot bunnies lurking around and spying on you?!
    They attacked me!!

    1) Jacob: Secrets/Threads (4)
    2) Confronting the past: The First Commandment/Cold Lazarus (0)
    3) Aliens made them do it (kinda): The Broca Divide/Upgrades (1)


    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      re SGC:

      About Jack knocking on the door...there's a possibility that maybe the ring is on his dog tags Just sayin'

      Mmm, but why would he hide it?

      VSS, you've been missed! Play around here some more
      I miss your writing *sniffs*
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        as have I......


        the movie "Look Who's Talking" was on my gf's TV. And guess who I saw in that movie: Hammond of Texas....who apparently moonlights as a doctor....
        Oh it's been aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaages since I saw that movie that I can't remember much

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        And to stay on topic-
        Hmmm angst...and Sam almost death!
        How about some whump to go with that angst

        What? I love whump

        1) Jacob: Secrets/Threads (5)
        2) Confronting the past: The First Commandment/Cold Lazarus (0)
        3) Aliens made them do it (kinda): The Broca Divide/Upgrades (1)


          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
          re SGC:

          About Jack knocking on the door...there's a possibility that maybe the ring is on his dog tags Just sayin'

          Yep, I'm with Tammy.

          He's not in a direct action/conflict position anymore so it's not like he's going to rip it off on a paperclip or something. Hammond always wore his wedding ring on his finger. Unless Jack was trying to hide the fact he was married (which rather negates the whole point of having a ring to start with) which, somehow, I don't see Jack doing. I think if and when he ties the knot with Sam he's going to going around with a big, huge honkin' grin and introducing her as his Wife as in;

          "Hi guys, have you seen MY WIFE around? You know, the brilliant and beautiful Colonel Carter, who just happens to be MY WIFE".

          1) Jacob: Secrets/Threads (5)
          2) Confronting the past: The First Commandment/Cold Lazarus (0)
          3) Aliens made them do it (kinda): The Broca Divide/Upgrades (2)

          Only because I can do a commentary RT viewing on Upgrades and, if I recall, there's some shippy bits in it. And you know, I'm just sick to my back teeth with Threads... such a boring episode... nothing noteworthy happens...


            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            re SGC:

            About Jack knocking on the door...there's a possibility that maybe the ring is on his dog tags Just sayin'

            *waves at VSS* We miss you

            *loves SGA S4 commentary as always*

            Long weekend! And I've been writing, since Jann wanted something fluffy and Hedwig wanted some humor I have two fics I'm writing so hopefully *crosses fingers* I'll get them done soon
            Originally posted by leiasky View Post
            Mmm, but why would he hide it?

            VSS, you've been missed! Play around here some more
            I miss your writing *sniffs*
            Thanks guys! As I explained to josi, you don't want me around now. Trust me.

            And re the wedding ring thing
            I agree he'd wear one if he had one. But I'm not convinced that the angle of that shot of him knocking on the door rules it out, either. I wouldn't be surprised if they filmed it that way just to tease the shippers.


              Hey guys! I'm uploading a bunch of pics to Photobucket, and I was wondering what the limits were for both pics and gifs. I know I've asked about it before, but I'm still quite confused and I don't want to be breaking any of the new size rules for simply picspaming or something.

              For example, is this picture within limits? How do you know? And to fix the problem do I simply resize the photo?

              How about gifs?

              If someone could either reply with either a private message, or if you want to reply on this thread, please use spoilers. I don't want to waste everyone else's time with my problems. Thanks so much! ~Jess
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Ohh, I love that pic of Sam. That's from an Atlantis episode, isn't it? It totally looks like she's thinking of someone special . . .

                Someone SO needs to use that (with Jack) in a sig . . .

                Can you imagine if that SGU image actually HAD a visible wedding ring? *sigh*
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                  Hey guys! I'm uploading a bunch of pics to Photobucket, and I was wondering what the limits were for both pics and gifs. I know I've asked about it before, but I'm still quite confused and I don't want to be breaking any of the new size rules for simply picspaming or something.

                  For example, is this picture within limits? How do you know? And to fix the problem do I simply resize the photo?


                  If someone could either reply with either a private message, or if you want to reply on this thread, please use spoilers. I don't want to waste everyone else's time with my problems. Thanks so much! ~Jess
                  On your photobucket once you upload it, click on the picture, if you scroll down on the left hand side there should be a box and it'll have how big the gif or pic is. Also once you post it here if you right click on the pic and pick properties it'll come up with a window and it'll give the size as well I think there might be a slight discrepancy between those though!

                  If you have gimp or photoshop to it within the limits all you should have to do is lower the resolution

                  That pic is fine though...the gif...not so much

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    Re SGU speculation/spoilers...


                    All the pointers in canon to date are that Sam & Jack are together in a relationship but that they're not formally married. Which is OK with me. My personal viewpoint is that they would marry but I can shrug my shoulders and accept the idea that they haven't yet.

                    What I would find ludicrous is the idea that they wouldn't be together by now and I don't honestly believe that TPTB are going to go there. Even if Jack gives Sam an order, well, he is still a senior officer in charge of Earth security so its not like she can ignore it given they're both still in the USAF even if they're not in a direct CoC.

                    I don't honestly believe we're going to get anything more than a very mild hint in SGU if we get anything at all. It's not supposed to be about the SG1 characters at the end of the day; it's supposed to be about the newbies.

                    So, ultimately, I'm going to sit down on Oct 6th with the belief that I'm not going to see anything that's related to Sam/Jack shippiness in SGU.

                    That way if I do get anything, it will be a bonus....and I might just retain my sanity.

                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Hey guys. **waves**

                      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                      Oh I really hope that there's a picture of Sam on his desk.

                      Here's a question: we know that the pictures in Sam's office we're screencaps from points in SG-1: Daniel's pic from the (imaginary ) wedding in "200", Jack's pic from "Singularity", and Sam and Jack fishing off the dock in "Moebius" (even though we still don't know who took that picture! ).

                      If you could choose a moment (or a couple moments) during the ten years of SG-1 that Jack would have framed on his desk, what would they be?
                      Ohhhh good question.

                      Upgrades: At O'Malley's someone took a pic of them a little tooclose to each other, which captured their expressions. Making understanding their subsequent confessions in D&C very easy.

                      How about at the last team get-together they had before Jack got his transfer to Washington. A pic of them on the dance floor, dancing and holding each other the way they always wanted to.

                      You've got me started now SamJackShipper93. That was a great question.

                      Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                      Well, wasn't JM the one who said that:

                      Spoilers just in case:
                      there would be some "quality" time onscreen for Jack and Sam? I took that to mean time onscreen *together*. Or did I just misinterpret that incorrectly?
                      I'm afraid to get my hopes up.

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Lets just say I have learned the hard way to take anything JM says with a hangar full of salt

                      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                      re SGC:

                      About Jack knocking on the door...there's a possibility that maybe the ring is on his dog tags Just sayin'

                      *waves at VSS* We miss you

                      *loves SGA S4 commentary as always*

                      Long weekend! And I've been writing, since Jann wanted something fluffy and Hedwig wanted some humor I have two fics I'm writing so hopefully *crosses fingers* I'll get them done soon

                      Looking forward to it RA (hey that could be Rick and Amanda )
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        *iz too lazy to quote*

                        Amanda I can't wait to see that fanfic! *sits on edge of the chair*

                        Poke me when you're done!


                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          On your photobucket once you upload it, click on the picture, if you scroll down on the left hand side there should be a box and it'll have how big the gif or pic is. Also once you post it here if you right click on the pic and pick properties it'll come up with a window and it'll give the size as well I think there might be a slight discrepancy between those though!

                          If you have gimp or photoshop to it within the limits all you should have to do is lower the resolution

                          That pic is fine though...the gif...not so much
                          Okay, so if I don't have gimp or photoshop, I can't reduce the resolution right? (How do I get one of those?) You wouldn't happen to know the exact specifics on sizes would you?

                          Thanks so much for your help!
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                            Hey guys. **waves**
                            <snippage for space>

                            Looking forward to it RA (hey that could be Rick and Amanda )
                            *hopes she'll finish it * lol! That it could!

                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            *iz too lazy to quote*

                            Amanda I can't wait to see that fanfic! *sits on edge of the chair*

                            Poke me when you're done!
                            It's really fluffy...really fluffy... I may add some angst though

                            I will!

                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            Okay, so if I don't have gimp or photoshop, I can't reduce the resolution right? (How do I get one of those?) You wouldn't happen to know the exact specifics on sizes would you?

                            Thanks so much for your help!
                            I don't think you can

                            100 K(b) And you're welcome, glad to help!

                            My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                            Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                            Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                              Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                              It's really fluffy...really fluffy... I may add some angst though

                              I will!
                              No angst...fluffy is good! adding gutter is better


                                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                                Re SGU speculation/spoilers...


                                All the pointers in canon to date are that Sam & Jack are together in a relationship but that they're not formally married. Which is OK with me. My personal viewpoint is that they would marry but I can shrug my shoulders and accept the idea that they haven't yet.

                                What I would find ludicrous is the idea that they wouldn't be together by now and I don't honestly believe that TPTB are going to go there. Even if Jack gives Sam an order, well, he is still a senior officer in charge of Earth security so its not like she can ignore it given they're both still in the USAF even if they're not in a direct CoC.

                                I don't honestly believe we're going to get anything more than a very mild hint in SGU if we get anything at all. It's not supposed to be about the SG1 characters at the end of the day; it's supposed to be about the newbies.

                                So, ultimately, I'm going to sit down on Oct 6th with the belief that I'm not going to see anything that's related to Sam/Jack shippiness in SGU.

                                That way if I do get anything, it will be a bonus....and I might just retain my sanity.

                                Yes, that is indeed the way to approach the new series. And yet, the thing I keep thinking is that
                                if Sam and Jack really are seeing each other, why keep up with the ambiguity? That's the part I can't really reconcile. When I look back at this series as a whole I can't decide if TPTB are treating this relationship as if it's too major or too minor to address directly (or even indirectly). At any rate, the longer they go the stranger the whole situation gets, to me. I've said before that I believe the only way we'd ever see anything shippy on SGU is if the movie doesn't get the go-ahead. So I guess we'll see how it all pans out by the end of the season, because if they wait for the perfect time that may not ever come.

