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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Oh, I don't know what I need to do with my Internet connection which is very bad. Unfortunately I can't read all pages so.... all Congrats and Greetings from mee too


      Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
      Edit- Oh and Jess I think it could have been very easy to have that kiss without Sam being unfaithful...she could have said it wasn't working out with or something like that, after all we only see him in Chimera, and then he's mentioned in New Order And Sam did say that Hammond gave her permission to take over I don't think that would really be such a stretch as say just outright kissing in the gate room or something, since it was probably assumed that he wouldn't be able to lead SG-1 and that Jack would have to resign anyway at some point.

      And you could definitely use the whole 'Alien influence' excuse
      Well, he did actually kinda resign on the ship, just not officially. But he did say 'I'll make it easy for you... I resign' just before Sam tried to tell him. And you're right, there had been no mention of Pete for ages, so if they'd wanted them to kiss then those two stumbling blocks could easily have been glossed over It really comes down to whether the series was going to go on or not, and with the series continuing I like the scene as it is. If not, then there's no reason for there not to be a BHK at that point
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Morning shippers.

        You've had some great discussions overnight.

        Just an observation on the Sam and Jack calling each other and hanging out together being natural.

        In Citizen Joe they're having a fairly chilled and completely causal conversation on the phone. OK, I think we can stretch to it being work related to start with but it's extremely light and they do discuss their weekend plans and he kind of invites her over for omeletes.
        In Ascension, Teal'c and Jack turn up as Sam's with pizza. Ok she does look surprised to see them but only because she's got Orlin hidden away. I hardly think they'd decide to turn up like that with pizza and a movie if it wasn't something they'd done before.
        In Upgrades, Daniel, Sam and Jack go to O'Malley's. While there there's definitely the imprression it's not the first time they've been there together.
        Although we don't see them doing team nights or just casual chatting on the phone etc. I think there's enough hints throughout that they do sometimes socialise or do normality. It's just not terribly dramatic so, in 42 odd minutes of television, you can only really show things that are pertinent to the story.

        One of the reasons I love Pol's campfire series so much is because it explores those teamly moments that we don't get to see. And yep, if Pol can write campfires, I think someone writing post mission/in between/causal phone conversations between them would work and actually be quite cool!

        Putting and snipping these two quotes together for pertinence:

        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        and then we go from the mega wonderfulness of 'lost city' to 'wtf, why's sam still with pete!?!' scenario of 'new order'/season 8.

        i was *so* disappointed in that (even though i liked the ep for the sam-fifth intense scenes), that i never trully forgave or got past it. the ptb didn't drop the ball, they just kicked it off in a corner. my 'issues' started around then.

        i wouldn't have minded the series end of sg1 ending with 'lost city', and then it going on in movie form.

        Originally posted by josiane View Post
        Well, he did actually kinda resign on the ship, just not officially. But he did say 'I'll make it easy for you... I resign' just before Sam tried to tell him. And you're right, there had been no mention of Pete for ages, so if they'd wanted them to kiss then those two stumbling blocks could easily have been glossed over It really comes down to whether the series was going to go on or not, and with the series continuing I like the scene as it is. If not, then there's no reason for there not to be a BHK at that point
        Well actually there was a mention of him a couple of episodes before (Ressurection), when Agent Barrett hits on Sam again and she replied that she's "seeing someone right now." (Note she says seeing someone, not that it's serious or anything so there's still wiggle room there.)
        Given the timing of this (Jack's still recovering from his injury in Heroes) you could reasonably assume that Innauguration happens at the same time, or near enough and Lost City happens immediately afterwards so my interpretation is that the whole 6 episodes at the end of season 7 might have taken place over a relaitively short space of time - say 4 or 5 weeks. It's reasonable to assume Sam was still dating Pete at this point so you could argue, had she kissed Jack, she would have been unfaithful to her boyfriend. No matter how serious or causal they were at this stage, I would not have wanted to see Sam doing that.
        However, yes, they could have written it such that Sam wasn't seeing anyone (changed the Ressurection line to "I just broke up with someone, not now" or something). There was wiggle room to address that and, I think, had it been a series ender or a movie TPTB would have addressed that better to allow the kiss. The commentary leaves me in no doubt whatsoever that TPTB have intended to end up with Sam and Jack together in the end for a long time now.

        On Sally's point about New Order; yes I hear you, but, I don't object to Sam still being with Pete for the aforementioned reason. Again, we're talking about a matter of weeks at most since she said she was seeing someone. Aside from anything else, what with saving the world and angsting after her poor dying CO, she hardly had time to dump Pete and, frankly, why would she at that point? I doubt she was even thinking about him at all (I don't get the feeling they got really serious until after that).
        The fantasy world Fifth created, I get why it was Pete and a farm in the middle of nowhere because he wanted to isolate her and, face it, the farm life is absolutely the last thing any of us could see Sam doing, let alone cutting herself off from her work which is her life, and her friends so. Actually, the whole "fantasy" was one of Fifth's creation and not Sam's. If Fifth was picking through Sam's brain he would certianly have come across the fact that Sam had mentally given up any chance of being with Jack, depsite loving him, and he's certainly pick up on the fact that he was all but dead at this point. I daresay Sam would not have allowed herself to fantisise about being with Jack anymore, and had lots of recent romantic memories and thoughts (maybe even wistful fantasies) about Pete that she did allow herself to indulge in. Given how emotioanlly naive Fifth was, it's entirely likely he didn't look deep enough to see her real feelings for Jack, or interpreted her deep, hopeless love for him as completely unobtainable so he thought a scenario with Jack would be completely unbelievable to her and opted for the much more feasible (to him) Pete situation. The irony is, Sam saw through the Pete/Farm ruse for exactly that reason; because that was so far from what she would do and what she wanted. Fifth simply didn't dig deep enough or do his research properly.

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        What? Jack belongs to Sam? *pouts*

        I thought he was mine...and Cag's...and Sally's...(wait no Sally has RDA )

        Darn it
        Umm, no, Sam is welcome to Jack but RDA is all mine.


        I am prepared to have a girly cat fight for him if necessary but I warn you, I fight dirty!

        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
        Maybe this will make it all better. This promo pic is from the MGM site:

        Mala made this from it:

        Isn't that amazing???

        Ooooh I love that new promo pic. The doctor on the right is a bit...huh, why are you there but great pic. I love RDA's smile. I prefer the original to the manip though. I mean, I understand the point of manipping to crop everyone else out the frame and make it about Sam and Jack but, sometimes I just think it's fine as it is.

        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

        There's just so much going on in Lost City! I love that Cags posted all the commentary excerpts. I never seem to get around to listening to those on my DVDs.
        You're welome. and you so should listen to the commentaries. They offer some great insights that you otherwise miss. Transcripts don't really bring out the flavour of what's said.

        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post

        I think LC and 'ex blah blah blah' is the only commentary I've listened too
        Again, listen to them! 45 minutes of your life you won't regret, honest.
        Although some of them are disapointing. Grace, for instance... meh.
        If you want a couple of suggestions to start with I would say Lost City, Window Of Opportunity, Divide & Conquer and 200. They are all great commentaries and really informative and yes, I do tend to strongly favour the Martin Wood ones since he does THE BEST commentaries - shippy, funny, and very informative.

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        I'm sorry, but out of Cag's excellent post, I got this:

        And then this...and I'm sorry, MQ ate my attribution here, but this comment from someone...
        You know it always strikes me that when PDL does a commentary that's shippy he tends to use words like "carnal knowledge" and "tongue kissing" and all sorts of guttery stuff. When Martin Wood does a shippy commentary he tends to describe them as loving each other. Just an observation.

        To me that's a personality quirk. PDL is a clown (and I mean that in a good way, not a pejorative way). He, like Jack, doesn't do emotion, so he makes jokes. least, that's my impression from never having actually met the man.

        Pol - who's
        quite happy to be home, finally. The smoke/fires/traffic has been crazy. Two days a week I have to drive from my place up to Lancaster to teach in the evenings - and my route takes me JUST west of the "Station Fire" (the big one). So I've been watching the flames creep ever closer on my drive.
        a numpty is just an affectionate term. Kind of like a verbal Gibb's slap I guess.

        I was responsible for that PDL/MW comparison and, yes, that's pretty much how I see it. PDL's commentaries can be really good (Beneath The Surface case in point) and then they can be annoyingly full of bodily function jokes (he does have a thing about colons and being regular ) It really depends on who he's doing them with.

        Blimey Pol. Stay safe and... do a rain dance or something.

        Oooh that turned out much longer that I intended.... and now I have to start work.


          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
          He got what was coming to him in "Full Alert".

          Kinsey OT
          However, I'd really love to know what happened to him. "Full Alert" is left dangling, we don't know whether or not Goa'uld Kinsey got off the ship or not. Personally, I really hope he did! I'd love for him to come back as a villian in the next SG-1 movie (or any movie after that!)

          In one commentary, probably for Full Alert, they say Kinsey was killed.

          I just love the way Amanda comments on this scene and the others in this ep. "She called him Jack", "That's important", "He's looking at her", "is he going to ask me to go fishing?", "Am I going to say yes?"

          Ah, our little shipper Amanda!

          I like AT's commentaries. MW's and several of the other writers/dirctors are generally good too. I usually skip the ones that are strictly tech people since they're focused on the technical aspects of the shoot and don't really say much about the episode (I prefer some of both). I generally avoid PDL's, especially if he's doing them with Garry Jones, since I don't really appreciate their humor and they tend to go off onto tangents too much IMO.

          On the phone calls after missions, in Seasons 9 & 10 when they're "together" but apart, Sam would have called Jack after:

          Line in the Sand, once she was out of surgery and able to talk that is. I'm sure he was informed of her injury before that.
          Flesh and Blood. After seeing all those ships blown up and hanging in space thinking she's going to run out of oxygen it would be a long conversation.

          She probably wanted to call him after several Atlantis episodes when she was in command but couldn't, obviously. But they could have made up for that with long talks in their living room in front of the fire or sitting on the dock fishing.


            now now ladies...there shall be no spilling of blood's very difficult to clean up.....not to mention the paperwork involved....


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i was *so* disappointed in that (even though i liked the ep for the sam-fifth intense scenes), that i never trully forgave or got past it. the ptb didn't drop the ball, they just kicked it off in a corner. my 'issues' started around then.
              They didn't just drop the ball ... they squashed it flat with a steamroller and then shredded it.

              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              which one of these sam reactions is when jack says mining naked?
              The first one. The second one is where she's imagining that very thing (that's why she has a slightly glazed look on her face).


                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                ~~Act Five Scene Three Part Three~~

                *snipped for size*

                PS: I'll be re-editing this and uploading to ffnet shortly for anyone interested in reading the full Opera start to finish. Oh, and at Sally's request, I'll be compiling a list of all the songs and artists I... borrowed from!
                Ooh do I spot a meat loaf song in there Cool I wanna know what songs you used. I recognise some of them.

                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                *cough* You've Got Mail *cough* Stargate Style *cough*

                (I should really go and get a cough drop! )
                My that's quite a cough you've got

                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                I just love the way Amanda comments on this scene and the others in this ep. "She called him Jack", "That's important", "He's looking at her", "is he going to ask me to go fishing?", "Am I going to say yes?"

                Ah, our little shipper Amanda!

                Well wouldn't you want to kiss RDA all day......AND GET PAID FOR IT

                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                Man Sally you give lots of details

                I don't do character death (much) I do character-almost-death.!!!!!

                I'll think about it...but that seems very long
                Well...I love extreme whump As long as they don't die


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  which one of these sam reactions is when jack says mining naked?
                  I can't remember I bet he dreamt of Sam mining naked

                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  You women and your Jack. Just remember he belongs to Sam. You can only borrow him.

                  It's the top one. Sam's eyes are practically falling out of her sockets.
                  What? Well you can drool over Sam

                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  a numpty is just an affectionate term. Kind of like a verbal Gibb's slap I guess.
                  hehe, yeah. Numpty is mostly used in jest. Not to be taken seriously

                  I was responsible for that PDL/MW comparison and, yes, that's pretty much how I see it. PDL's commentaries can be really good (Beneath The Surface case in point) and then they can be annoyingly full of bodily function jokes (he does have a thing about colons and being regular ) It really depends on who he's doing them with.
                  I love listening to AT doing the commentary. She's funny


                    Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                    Well wouldn't you want to kiss RDA all day......AND GET PAID FOR IT
                    I don't need to be paid for it though I would do it for free!

                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    I love listening to AT doing the commentary. She's funny
                    Yup she is. I really love her in combination with Martin...even without seeing them they have this chemistry and it's awesome to listen to them...I also love commentaries with JM those are good too! (and shippy!)


                      Originally posted by starlover View Post
                      I don't need to be paid for it though I would do it for free!
                      Well me too But getting paid is a very nice bonus

                      Yup she is. I really love her in combination with Martin...even without seeing them they have this chemistry and it's awesome to listen to them...I also love commentaries with JM those are good too! (and shippy!)
                      She has a wicked sense of humour. So does RDA, and from what i've heard also Chris and Michael. No wonder they get along so well. They must crack each other up all the time Yeah I like Martin, PDL is good sometimes but sometimes I get bored with all the carry on in some commentaries *shrugs* As for JM, well lets just say he is still in my bad books and leave it at that

                      Now *ponders* What ep to watch.....and cap next *taps chin thinking*


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Well wouldn't you want to kiss RDA all day......AND GET PAID FOR IT
                        Who wouldn't?!?! Amanda Tapping is indeed one very lucky woman!
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Wow guys you have been busy. I am on holiday at the moment and am trying to keep as up to date as possible but 26 pages of posts is a lot of catch up. Will give it a go though.
                          I Believe
                          My FanFiction




                              *wind whistles through thread* It's quiet in here . . .

                              Where is everyone? Sam and Jack are looking!

                              * Adorable manip made by Melissa
                              The Return of King Arthur
                              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                                Oh the sweet angst *sniff*

