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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Un-oh. Now she's done it.

    Originally posted by waterfall View Post
    IMO, I don't think it really hit Sam over the head until "Threads" exactly how much she wanted to be with him...until she saw him with another woman.
    I tend to agree that it wasn't until Threads that Sam finally and completely realized what 'loving' Jack meant, and that she was completely and irrevoccably in love with him and noone else would do. However, I don't think it was seeing him with Kerry that brought her to that realization. I think it started primarily with Replicarter's words to her about her having let the rules prevent her from having what she desires, and ended when she finally worked up the courage to tell Jack how she felt in his backyard during Threads. Jacob's later words reinforced her conclusion, and I think helped her see 'the solution'.

    That said, I think prior to then, as she must have concluded when she started dating Pete, she knew how she 'felt' about Jack, but I don't think she totally got what 'being in love was.' It's not a choice, it's not something you can or should ignore, and you just can't replace one person with another and expect to make yourself happy. Jacob, I think, also pointed out to her the very real truth that the regulations aren't designed to keep two people truly in love from finding happiness with each other (which is why, IMHO, marriage isn't against the regs- they're meant to regulate 'casual' relationships).

    Before Grace, I think she understood she loved Jack around 100 Days, which kept her from having any kind of 'normal' dating life until after Grace when I think she realized the relationship she had with Jack - as wonderful in many ways as I think she found it - wasn't enough. She didn't believe, at that time, she'd lose that relationship by looking for happiness in a 'normal' relationship with someone else, so she started dating Pete.

    Of course, as I already said, she was wrong. And look at all the S8 angst for Sam and Jack that mistake caused.

    Since I went backwards, to summarize:

    Around 100 Days I think Sam realized she loved Jack but figured nothing would ever come of it and it wasn't really important under the circumstances anyway. She was in a holding pattern (take Forsaken) in her personal life, enjoying what relationship she did have with Jack, as unusual as it was, until Grace when she realized that was ultimately unfulfilling. So she decided she could keep her relationship with Jack intact and have a 'normal' relationship with another man. Which failed, leading ironically to even more misery, until ultimately she realized she needed Jack in her personal life and not just her professional one if she were ever to be truly happy.

    Confused? I am. But I have given a lot of thought to Sam's side of the relationship which is in many ways harder since we typically see the thing from Jack's POV with only a few glimpses into Sam's.

    EDIT: What with RL distractions, this post took forever to write.. I see Jena said a lot of the same thigns while I was writing this.


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Catfight! Just kidding, both women are too classy, but *mental images* hehehehe.

      About Jack was always supposed to be there for a way, that's how their relationship had always been up to S7. They had no significant others(from Earth), at least that we knew about. There was never interference. They had their thing going along for years, subconsciouly even. He was there and she was there and as long as they were together, it was good. There wasn't any real need to push things when there were no threats to the relationship. Almost like they were just waiting. For each other, the perfect time, for whatever...they kept the status quo going.

      Then came Grace and Sam thought too much with a concussion and went out with Pete. Jack, in turn, went out with Kerry-but only after Sam got engaged, when I think he figured he really lost her and Kerry was, sad to say, a sub. And none of that worked out, as we all know.

      I think Sam knew for a long time, at least by 100 days, that she had stonger feelings for Jack than the regs said she should. But, for many reasons, she kept pushing it back. Then she saw Jack with Kerry and it all just whacked her over the head. Everything she had been trying to hide, or maybe didn't realize at all, came to the forefront.
      I liked Kerry. I agree she's a classy lady.

      I never thought Grace (the episode) pushed Sam to Pete. Sam was trying to come to terms with her feelings for Jack during Grace when she had that "conversation" with him. Then in the infirmary she was about to confess those feelings to Jack but put up the brick wall instead. I wonder if she feels intimidated at these times. It seems to me, if memory is correct, that Jack senses these moments and turns on the charm and that's when Sam chokes. Every. Single. Stinkin. Time!


        Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
        I agree, she definitely fought it, but I still contend there was a major realization on her part during Hundred Days. She was crushed at the end of the ep as Jack walked right past her into another woman's arms. She was so upset by it that all the old walls, dropped for just a fraction of a second, fell right back into place--which I happen to think helped her cope with Jackass Jack during Shades of Grey. She was back in 'good soldier' mode in no time, setting the stage perfectly for another round of denial and suppression.

        An observation from the episodes that followed Shades of Grey: Sam seemed careful to keep some measure of distance between her and Jack all the way until Daniel went missing during Crystal Skull. Often times, she would keep Daniel or Teal'c, or both physically between her and Jack. I caught this as I went through screen caps of the eps a while ago... I loved that particular consistency of character during those episodes, even though there's nothing particularly shippy until Nemesis.

        I love reviewing the early years of the ship, it was so very very good then.
        Yes, she fought it...because as the "perfect" Air Force officer, she knew the negative consequences of giving in to inappropriate feelings for a superior officer. I believe Sam first felt "something" in Solitudes...when Jack, in his delirium...thought she was Sarah. Remember, she had already learned the circumstances that led to the break-up of his marriage in Cold Lazarus. In Solitudes, she learned that even though he didn't admit it, that experience still haunted him. The tough facade of her wise-cracking CO was beginning to fall away a bit, and she started to see him for the real, vulnerable individual he is.

        Sam and Jack both got another wake-up call in There But For the Grace of God, when they learned that they were engaged in another reality. That had to get both of them thinking.

        I believe they were both fighting their feelings by the end of S2 (Out of Mind and the S3 opener, Into the Fire). He was so glad to find her in the stasis chamber. She reached up to touch him when he awakened her. And then, he LEERED at her back when she sat up on the table. Sam also wasn't too keen on Hathor making Jack her consort...and I think it's for more reasons than him becoming a Jaffa.

        Then there's POV...where we find out Sam & Jack were MARRIED in another reality. By the time that ep was over, Sam hads to uncomfortably look away when Jack kissed AU Sam good-bye. And as for Jack, well...he kissed AU he had to be wondering what it would be like to kiss the Sam in his reality (the only one of consequence, BTW). As Sam looked away from that scene...she was definitely uneasy...and she had to be wondering what she's missing that both sets of AU Sams and Jacks found. As a scientist, the empirical data had to be adding up for her.

        Then came 100 Days...and Sam was separated from Jack for three months. By then, she was obsessed with knowing more about him. She had come to admire his leadership skills, his bravery and his strength. But she also realized that she cares about a way that she's not supposed to feel. So, she worked night and day to find a way to bring him home.

        Let's face it. They've both had it BAD for years...and now they're...

        (smilies by zuz and Mala)


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          However, I don't think it was seeing him with Kerry that brought her to that realization. I think it started primarily with Replicarter's words to her about her having let the rules prevent her from having what she desires, and ended when she finally worked up the courage to tell Jack how she felt in his backyard during Threads. Jacob's later words reinforced her conclusion, and I think helped her see 'the solution'.
          Now I can agree with that. But, it had to sting, really bite, bring it all home, give her a taste of her own medicine, to see them together. If I were Sam, I would have been like 'Oh, crap! WHAT have I been doing?!' at that moment.

          EDIT: What with RL distractions, this post took forever to write.. I see Jena said a lot of the same thigns while I was writing this.
          Seeing as I have no RL, I had time to stick my hand in Jennifer's head and write that post!
          Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 18 April 2007, 06:14 PM.


            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
            I believe they were both fighting their feelings by the end of S2 (Out of Mind and the S3 opener, Into the Fire). He was so glad to find her in the stasis chamber. She reached up to touch him when he awakened her. And then, he LEERED at her back when she sat up on the table. Sam also wasn't too keen on Hathor making Jack her consort...and I think it's for more reasons than him becoming a Jaffa.
            My favorite part of that is when she goes back 'to turn off the force field'. Cause clearly the Very First thing she does is figure out how to turn off the force field...

            She was trying to figure out how to get back to save him since they had to leave.


              Just got back from the Sam's a Great Character Thread, because I saw dancerofspaz had just posted. She was quoting a post by Dani 76 (Both of these wonderful women were part of our little GW group at Shore Leave last year). Anywho, Dani had posted a link to a newspaper story from Vancouver about a cancer charity benefit Amanda hosted last week...and it features a picture of Amanda and hubby Alan.

              Thought you might like to see it too...


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                My favorite part of that is when she goes back 'to turn off the force field'. Cause clearly the Very First thing she does is figure out how to turn off the force field...

                She was trying to figure out how to get back to save him since they had to leave.
                I had forgotten that part!!! Squeeee!!!!


                  Title: A big honkin’ step.
                  Author: RepliCartertje
                  Spoilers: season 8, set just after New Order.
                  Rating: K+
                  Summary: Sam steps through the gate for the first time as Lt. Colonel
                  - To me, Janet never died, so that is why she is still the doctor of the SGC
                  - I know season 8 ended differently, but I for once wouldn’t have had issues with that kind of season 8 ;-)
                  - This story is written for Brooke (SamandJackaddict) cause you deserve this fic!
                  - Thanks to Jena for beta-ing

                  Btw I love comments and yeah it has been months since I wrote another Sam/Jack fic... But I still hope you all like it.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Un-oh. Now she's done it.
                    Originally posted by waterfall View Post
                    IMO, I don't think it really hit Sam over the head until "Threads" exactly how much she wanted to be with him...until she saw him with another woman.
                    Yep, she sure did! Look at all that stuff down there!!
                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    I tend to agree that it wasn't until Threads that Sam finally and completely realized what 'loving' Jack meant, and that she was completely and irrevoccably in love with him and noone else would do. However, I don't think it was seeing him with Kerry that brought her to that realization. I think it started primarily with Replicarter's words to her about her having let the rules prevent her from having what she desires, and ended when she finally worked up the courage to tell Jack how she felt in his backyard during Threads. Jacob's later words reinforced her conclusion, and I think helped her see 'the solution'.

                    That said, I think prior to then, as she must have concluded when she started dating Pete, she knew how she 'felt' about Jack, but I don't think she totally got what 'being in love was.' It's not a choice, it's not something you can or should ignore, and you just can't replace one person with another and expect to make yourself happy. Jacob, I think, also pointed out to her the very real truth that the regulations aren't designed to keep two people truly in love from finding happiness with each other (which is why, IMHO, marriage isn't against the regs- they're meant to regulate 'casual' relationships).

                    Before Grace, I think she understood she loved Jack around 100 Days, which kept her from having any kind of 'normal' dating life until after Grace when I think she realized the relationship she had with Jack - as wonderful in many ways as I think she found it - wasn't enough. She didn't believe, at that time, she'd lose that relationship by looking for happiness in a 'normal' relationship with someone else, so she started dating Pete.

                    Of course, as I already said, she was wrong. And look at all the S8 angst for Sam and Jack that mistake caused.

                    Since I went backwards, to summarize:

                    Around 100 Days I think Sam realized she loved Jack but figured nothing would ever come of it and it wasn't really important under the circumstances anyway. She was in a holding pattern (take Forsaken) in her personal life, enjoying what relationship she did have with Jack, as unusual as it was, until Grace when she realized that was ultimately unfulfilling. So she decided she could keep her relationship with Jack intact and have a 'normal' relationship with another man. Which failed, leading ironically to even more misery, until ultimately she realized she needed Jack in her personal life and not just her professional one if she were ever to be truly happy.

                    Confused? I am. But I have given a lot of thought to Sam's side of the relationship which is in many ways harder since we typically see the thing from Jack's POV with only a few glimpses into Sam's.

                    EDIT: What with RL distractions, this post took forever to write.. I see Jena said a lot of the same thigns while I was writing this.
                    Okay no, I'm not confused. I followed you completely. I think. I'm on track with you most of the way.

                    I'm going to have to do some rewinding, seriously, but I think it was sometime in season 5 when I felt she finally gave up fighting it. She gave up fighting it but kept putting up the wall. Okay, now I'm confusing myself.

                    I too believe Sam fessed up to herself long before Threads but she kept pushing it away for whatever reason. She knew she loved Jack before she met Pete. Again, I refer to her "conversation" with Jack in Grace. But now here's where I think I differ from you. I don't see Pete as a replacement. I see Sam sacrificing her love for Jack in order to be "happy" with Pete.

                    I think I'm too tired to make sense. As much as I'm loving this discussion this reply has taken me a long time to write and I'm about to pass out. If it's still going on tomorrow, I'll jump back in.

                    I really have to go to bed. I don't want to. I want to stay and play. But I can't.

                    G'nite all. Sweet dreams. Hug your loved ones and other furry babies.


                      Originally posted by UhSir View Post

                      G'nite all. Sweet dreams. Hug your loved ones and other furry babies.

                      Okay, I have to share my furry baby!!!


                      She may be cute...

                      BUT she is also evil Goa'uld kitty...

                      Ahem, to be on topic, have you ever read the Birthday Traditions series with Maggie and Quarks?


                        ohh nice kitty
                        i have a shot like that of Cyrus the Shipper Poodle
                        i m sure he isnt Goa'uld tho....more...white apricot..and fluffy..probably like a Furling

                        yay i have a day off work today so i can sit and check up on whats happening on the thread
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                        sig by RepliCartertje


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          Okay, I have to share my furry baby!!!

                          Oh.....your furry baby is lovely! What's his/her name?

                          To be on-topic: + =


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Catfight! Just kidding, both women are too classy, but *mental images* hehehehe.

                            About Jack was always supposed to be there for a way, that's how their relationship had always been up to S7. They had no significant others(from Earth), at least that we knew about. There was never interference. They had their thing going along for years, subconsciouly even. He was there and she was there and as long as they were together, it was good. There wasn't any real need to push things when there were no threats to the relationship. Almost like they were just waiting. For each other, the perfect time, for whatever...they kept the status quo going.

                            Then came Grace and Sam thought too much with a concussion and went out with Pete. Jack, in turn, went out with Kerry-but only after Sam got engaged, when I think he figured he really lost her and Kerry was, sad to say, a sub. And none of that worked out, as we all know.

                            I think Sam knew for a long time, at least by 100 days, that she had stonger feelings for Jack than the regs said she should. But, for many reasons, she kept pushing it back. Then she saw Jack with Kerry and it all just whacked her over the head. Everything she had been trying to hide, or maybe didn't realize at all, came to the forefront.
                            I have to say that the whole Jack was supossed to be there for her always thing...I don't see when he wasn't there. I mean he WAS there for her always. Period. There was that window in time in season 7 when he was with Kerry, yes, BUT he was never not there for Sam. He loves her, even though he had to find a replacement, someone to try and fill that void.

                            Even Kerry knew that she couldn't fill it. So she got out. BUT he was always there for Sam, he might have been with another woman, but only one remained in his heart, and that was Sam.

                            I believe that what really pushed Jack into a relationship with Kerry was that P word, yes, Pete. He saw that she was no longer holding onto what ever it was that the two had between them, so he let go too. Finally. Right before her wedding.

                            I think that she knew the somewhat the extent of her love for him in 100 days(regs of course told her that it was wrong so she never acts on it, not only not to compromise her job, but his as well)...but in Threads she saw him with Kerry, and as much as she was supposed to be in love with Pete, it still broke her heart, because for years now she had only *really* loved one man. Not that I don't think she loved Pete, because I some way. I think she loved the way he made her feel, but he didn't make her happy.

                            Just like with Jack and Kerry...err...I'm not sure WHAT Kerry made Jack feel...I'm sure it was nowhere near love, but she made him *feel* at least something other than the hurt he felt watching the woman he loved marry another man, that must have completely broken his heart.

                            To me, the whole Pete/Sam/Jack thing could have blown up in their faces. He didn't always have to be there for her, but he *was*, even after she 'left' him for someone else he was there, biding his time waiting for her to come to her senses...and she did...because....

                            They're soooooo married!!!!

                            And plus that Grace kiss was just WAY too hot to stay in just her subconscious like that!


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                              Oh.....your furry baby is lovely! What's his/her name?

                              To be on-topic: + =
                              Tora. Tora the Explorer.
                              Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                              I have to say that the whole Jack was supossed to be there for her always thing...I don't see when he wasn't there. I mean he WAS there for her always. Period. There was that window in time in season 7 when he was with Kerry, yes, BUT he was never not there for Sam. He loves her, even though he had to find a replacement, someone to try and fill that void.

                              He didn't always have to be there for her, but he *was*, even after she 'left' him for someone else he was there, biding his time waiting for her to come to her senses...and she did...because....
                              I think he was always there for her too. I guess what I was trying to say was it was always just *them* up until season 7. No sharing, for the most part. It was like this silent, unspoken they always expected(maybe that's too strong a word...) the other one to be there, even if they weren't gonna act on any feelings they might have. Sure, Jack was always telling her to get a life, but really, he didn't have much of one himself. They had plenty of opportunites to get with someone else...but yet, they didn't. It kinda reminds me of Mulder and Scully, in a way. I never shipped them, but I thought they were great together, heck, even cute. I just never wanted them to take it all the way. Anway, here are two other people, who could have had their pick of any guy or gal...but they stayed relatively single. They had each other, had such a deep relationship, and that seemed to be enough(for most of the series anyway).

                              But it seems it wasn't quite enough for Sam. And that concussion had to have messed with her thinking for a while. Sam and Jack were still there for each other after Pete, like DK and Heroes(those jumped into my mind), but there was that...'there's someone else now' thing. But I agree, he was always there, even when Kerry was around. Always....


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                Tora. Tora the Explorer.
                                The name seems to fit the cat.

                                Sweet kitty (or doggy) dreams to all!!!

