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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Zoser View Post
    From my point of view, non-military and looong time fan, it seemed like a slap in the face to put a man with no gate experience in charge of SG-1 and then to have no real command structure in the team. It went against 8 years of of their way of doing things (Proving Ground and Lockdown)
    Spoiler is Lockdown dialogue
    From Lockdown
    VASELOV (laughing nervously): If I may be so bold, sir, I understand that with your recent appointment as base commander, a position has become available on SG-1. I would of course relish the opportunity to serve on the S.G.C.'s elite team.

    O'NEILL (wearily): Yes. You and everyone else on this base. Colonel, not gonna happen.

    VASELOV: I understand your reluctance, sir. If you look at my record, I think it will satisfy any of your concerns. I have over three thousand flight hours on more than thirty-five types of aircraft and prototypes. In addition, I have been awarded the High Order of Russia, the Gold Star, the ...

    O'NEILL (interrupting): Yes, that's very impressive. Very. But it's not gonna get you on SG-1.

    VASELOV: Understood. I am of course willing to accept a position on a different team.

    O'NEILL: Colonel, until you go through the proper training, you're not going anywhere near that Gate.

    VASELOV: Perhaps I could assume a role as a non-combat observer on one of the exploration units, sir.

    O'NEILL: It was nice meeting you. Very nice. You're dismissed. (He gestures to the door.)

    I realize there was a new guy running the base just did not make sense to me.

    Applauds Zoser.

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Have fun!

      I just love that Sam thinks sitting on a dock with Jack, fishing in a pond with no fish is 'great'. *shippy sigh*

      I love how it's just Sam and Jack there. No Carter and Sir. Just them. And they are so perfect together. *shippy sighs again*

      If I had viewed 'Threads' with no spoilers, I'd have squeed my guts out there... *insert another shippy sigh*

      I just hope I can happy gag over the movies.


        Congratulations, chelle db, on 4,000 posts!

        Congratulations, Rachel500, on 1,300 posts!

        Congratulations, Kales, on 1,100 posts!

        Congratulations, BrenRen, on 500 posts!



          Originally posted by Zoser View Post

          If you like Cam don't look!

          Hey has anyone seen Col. Mitchell? I swear he was in the Gateroom just a minute age.

          RMAOFL!!!!! I looooove this...*poor Cam...*


            Originally posted by cess525 View Post
            You know its interesting when you watch random episodes one after the other...last night I watch emancipation and then redemption (they were on TV) while I was betaing and I always forget how much they all have changed over the years when I watch the show in order / simi order. Its I know they change but its a shocking difference between season 1 Sam and Season 10 Sam....and so on....but its awesome to watch them old school eps
            I watched them last night too...and I thought how together they seemed to be, despite the fact that when Emancipation was made, they had only worked together a few weeks. Something else that struck me was that AT's voice seemed a bit higher-pitched...and MS seemed very 24 (which is how old he was in S1, I believe).

            Once the ep came on, though, I couldn't leave the TV, because I knew AT was going to get to kick the evil chief's a**...and I sooooo didn't want to miss that.

            On COTG:

            I've always thought AT was a bit over the top in that briefing room scene. But, the character was probably used to military life by then, and had to defend her abilities against a male-dominated system.

            I thought the rest of the ep really flowed...the team seemed to gel immediately. I loved the way that Jack said, "Oh, I already adore you, Captain," to sam as they went up the ramp...but I didn't take it as shippy at the time.

            And the moment when Sam walked up to the event horizon has always been magic for me. I've always loved her sense of wonder upon seeing it for the first time. Then, before it could get too serious, Jack pushes her into the wormhole, providing us with a good chuckle.

            Another thing I've always loved about the show is that the production values have always been so high. Every special effect has always been worthy of the big screen...and has made the show stand out.

            The start of a great adventure...

            The beginning of a beautiful love story...


              Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
              RMAOFL!!!!! I looooove this...*poor Cam...*
              Heh, I don't mind Cam but that's just too funny!
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                Well this is the scene I wanted to see after trying desperately to like season 9 and utterly failing. If you like Cam don't look!

                Hey has anyone seen Col. Mitchell? I swear he was in the Gateroom just a minute age.
                Granny Zoser...tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad girl.



                  Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                  From my point of view, non-military and looong time fan, it seemed like a slap in the face to put a man with no gate experience in charge of SG-1 and then to have no real command structure in the team. It went against 8 years of of their way of doing things (Proving Ground and Lockdown)
                  Spoiler is Lockdown dialogue
                  From Lockdown
                  VASELOV (laughing nervously): If I may be so bold, sir, I understand that with your recent appointment as base commander, a position has become available on SG-1. I would of course relish the opportunity to serve on the S.G.C.'s elite team.

                  O'NEILL (wearily): Yes. You and everyone else on this base. Colonel, not gonna happen.

                  VASELOV: I understand your reluctance, sir. If you look at my record, I think it will satisfy any of your concerns. I have over three thousand flight hours on more than thirty-five types of aircraft and prototypes. In addition, I have been awarded the High Order of Russia, the Gold Star, the ...

                  O'NEILL (interrupting): Yes, that's very impressive. Very. But it's not gonna get you on SG-1.

                  VASELOV: Understood. I am of course willing to accept a position on a different team.

                  O'NEILL: Colonel, until you go through the proper training, you're not going anywhere near that Gate.

                  VASELOV: Perhaps I could assume a role as a non-combat observer on one of the exploration units, sir.

                  O'NEILL: It was nice meeting you. Very nice. You're dismissed. (He gestures to the door.)

                  I realize there was a new guy running the base just did not make sense to me.
                  Ah, yes...the Lockdown argument. Definitive proof that TPTB violated canon when they put Cam in charge in S9. If you'll remember, when Skiffy ran the SG-1 S8 marathon just before the start of S9, they went 20 hours...but didn't run Lockdown. Several weeks later, when we saw how things were going to shake out, I came online and pointed out that's WHY Skiffy didn't show Lockdown in that marathon. They just didn't want us to think about it too much.

                  Hmmp! The Lockdown argument stands.


                    Where did everyone go? Are you already dreaming shippy dreams? Like this?


                    If you are, please write a fic about it so we can all enjoy it!!


                    Nighty-night, Ship Family.


                      I would not trust Mitchell to run a hot dog stand and Vala should be stuck on Ne'tu with all of Sam's Man Friends.I having nothing against BB and CB.They seem like wonderful and classy people.


                        Wow...slow going tonight...

               saw lots of other eps before I saw this one. It would have been neat to have watched from the beginning back in ' actually follow the ship(and the show, of course) and watch it grow and develop. For those of you who got to do that...lucky!


                          Hi Shippah's,
                          I wanted to make a request and I hope I'm not sounding too presumptious or assuming. But just on behalf of Vala fans and any Mitchell fans, because there are a few of them on this thread, if you're going to bash those characters please could you put in spoilers and mark it OT or something. I really respect that everyone has differing opinions, which is what makes us such a wonderfully discussive and passionate group. I'm not talking about when someone says "I don't like Cameron", that's fair enough, I mean the other more unsavoury comments. There are other threads for that.

                          Thanks, and see ya later.



                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Wow...slow going tonight...

                   saw lots of other eps before I saw this one. It would have been neat to have watched from the beginning back in ' actually follow the ship(and the show, of course) and watch it grow and develop. For those of you who got to do that...lucky!
                            yeah lucky people...see i have seen it somewere in the beginning too...but the bad part is i can't remember it anymore, the first real episode i can remember a little bit is Singularity...i think...
                            And the second time i started to watch it was something in S3, that can even be 100 days But like some of you know i have a really bad memory
                            But it looks great to really have seen and remembered it from the beginning, and that you liked/loved the show from there...

                            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                            Hi Shippah's,
                            I wanted to make a request and I hope I'm not sounding too presumptious or assuming. But just on behalf of Vala fans and any Mitchell fans, because there are a few of them on this thread, if you're going to bash those characters please could you put in spoilers and mark it OT or something. I really respect that everyone has differing opinions, which is what makes us such a wonderfully discussive and passionate group. I'm not talking about when someone says "I don't like Cameron", that's fair enough, I mean the other more unsavoury comments. There are other threads for that.

                            Thanks, and see ya later.

                            I can understand what you mean Megyn, and i know there are people that like them, but it is just our opinion, if those people are here that like Cam& Vala they can join the discussion and say why they are good and such...coz even that i don't like Cam, i don't mind talking over him...ah ?*'ll see...
                            Hey and i like Vala...a little bit She and Sam are 'cute' together(like friends i mean then)

                            And still we all like and that is important right

                            EDIT: oh yeah this is my 3,400 post... you are really gonna think now if i even have a social life outside this


                              Right, after Jann's very unexpected 3400 Congrats Jann!, I step into this thread with:

                              My 800th post!!!
                              And the important thing isn't even the number, it's the fact that I've noticed it this time

                              *does silly dance* * Sings a song 'bout BANANA'S *

                              Anyway, back on topic now. Sorta.

                              I agree on the Cam thing. I can't believe the way he was introduced. I think that if TBTB would
                              not have tried to make him The New Man, more people would have liked the guy.
                              That's all I'm saying 'bout it

                              But atleast Sam has some time left for
                              Her HUSBAND

                              now that she isn't in charge

                              And to try this thingy again:

                              Delurk, you lurking yous!
                              I know that deep in your hearts you want to... Come out to play... Such a looooving thread...


                              You get to kick me, you know

                              *sigh* 800 posts later, and I still suck!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                The last of my premade CotG slides:

