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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    Actually I mostly agree with you - great Jack episode which is why I don't mind it but Laira's character really does a 180 about two-thirds of the way through. I think I've posted on the Sam thread before how actually Laira is an OK character at the beginning - a little damselly when the meteors actually strike but otherwise OK; friendly to the team, supportive of Jack when he gets left behind, and as you say who can blame her for being attracted?

    The embarrassment for me with Jack is that whole baby discussion which precedes the 'love' scene and its that and onwards that causes a problem with the character of Laira. It's that series of character beats: I want you to give me a baby...I'm going to push you into throwing your old clothes out...I'm going to wait until telling you I heard voices on your radio because I'm scared of losing you even though it might mean being reunited with the rest of my's a little too shaded on the bunny-boiler side for me.

    Sam might admittedly attract the lunatic fringe but you kind of get the sense here that so does Jack...
    Rachel, Great insight!

    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    Some great points and posts Ladies!

    All someone has to do is mention (even in passing) 100 days and another discussion about it starts It seems to be one of those eps where everyone feels strongly about it - whether they love or hate it for many different reasons, but every body has an opinion on it

    I've always looked at this ep as being ooc for Jack, because I never thought he'd give up - ever, and settle. But Caladria, you just made me rethink because, yes, it is character development for Jack.

    I'm suddenly looking at the ep as part of the character development from his suicidal state in the movie, to COTG and him now having something to live and fight for, to Cold Lazarus where he is forced to look back to that time and deal with forwarding a bit to 100 Days.....

    So maybe instead of settling and giving up, this ep is showing that deep down, Jack wants the family life again. So although Laira isn't Sam (we've had plenty of glimpses of how Jack's feelings for Sam are developing throughout seasons 2 & 3), she's offering him love, home, family, children.

    At the same time, Sam's discovering exactly how much Jack means to her.

    I still don't like the woman though!! Yes, Jack needed the kick up the pants she gave him to get on with life, but I didn't like the way she kept throwing herself at him. (Maybe it's just jealousy )

    My main problem with that woman though is the scenes where she hears the chatter on the radio as she's getting rid of Jack's stuff and then says nothing for hours. If it hadn't been for a very belated attack of conscience in the light of Jack's demeanour over dinner, Teal'c would have been dead, and her whole relationship with Jack based on a lie. Not to mention half of her village stranded on earth. To have even considered that for more than a few seconds, in my book, makes her extremely selfish.

    OK, so she came clean in the end, and deserves a bit of credit for that, but atm, I'm still feeling unforgiving towards her. But then, she's a character in a tv show, not a real person, so I don't have to forgive her
    Oma, LOL! Agree 100%

    Thanks, sueKay!

    Thanks, Mala!


      Love them Jenn...

      Love them all eve... and some of them have a hint of pink in them YAY

      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar View Post
      If you like action figures fics, then check this out...
      Sam & Jack Adventures
      he he...know that of the child pages of my homepage
      *yeah believe it or not..GW is not my homepage*


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        It's the 11th I's our shippy Valentine's celebration. A fic would be great! Or just bring yourself and join in the conversation. It'll be a blast.
        I'll try to be here. And I'll try to bring fic. I actually have some in the planning stages... If only school would quit interfearing.

        Goodnight ship family.

        Sweet, Shippy Dreams!

        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          General disclaimer first: things that I say are just my point of view... And it might be that I in some way upset people or so...just know it isn't my intention to do so, but I need things of my chest...

          Sorry to tell you but I think there is equally talk about RDA and AT... Even more about RDA imo...more thunking going on here for Jack and RDA. And honestly I don't mind that at all but from time to time I have the urge to say: 'not again' I mean I can understand that people thunk for him but sometimes it is annoying... I mean sorry to bring this up and I am not wanting to start a just ignore this...I just sometimes have the feeling that people here look down on Amanda on what she is and what she says. This also one of the reasons I left GW for a while cause people where also talking negative about Amanda going to Atlantis and about the ship. And it always seems that Amanda is to blame. And honestly I was a bit upset by it. I didn't say that at that moment cause I didn't feel like it. But when I came back I still read some of those post. And what does Amanda has to do with the ship being resoloved or not? Same counts for RDA... Neither one of them can't change things. If you want to be negative or be upset on someone, be mad at TPTB.
          Buc it is not cause I quote you that I mean you...I am talking in general...
          I only wish people can respect both actors for what they do and say. I mean they both actors are intittled to do other things, to say what they think...they are just human like us. Also with their own oppinion...
          Thanks for the pics! And I agree with you on many counts. I think there is more RDA talking and thunking (Guilty!) then AT. And their actors not the writers of the show, which means they have almost absolutely no say about what's being written. Don't blame the actors, blame the writers.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          And more:

          Jenn! These have to be some of my favorite slides! The hand signal one is GREAT!
          Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
          Sure thing - here are a couple.



          This second one may seem blurred, but that's how it really looked, because the snow was blowing.

          And to keep on topic, since I'm in the mood, does anybody know of any fun S/J stories where they get snowed in together?
          HOLY HANNAH! All night at work I kept hearing about the snow that's coming tomorrow. They're talking about 4/5 inches of snow. I kept thinking about all the snow you have and say, nah, that's nothing to worry about! Still, not looking forward to the snow, no matter how much is coming.

          Oh, Eve, I love your icons! Very great.

          And you all forced me to watch "A Hundred Days"! Four times! Will be five in a few more minutes. I avoided this episode like the plague until now. Thanks, shippers. I'll post my thought about it in my next post. I decided I'll only watch this episode until I get done writing my opinions about it.


            'In the Line of Duty'. Ah. Such greatness. *smiles happily* Jack's worry in this episode is so sweet. I just looooooooove this episode. Now on to 'Prisoners'.

            And what episode is on tomorrow? Is it 'Bounty'?


              Just wondering Jena, how many episodes are you watching each day?


                Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                Just wondering Jena, how many episodes are you watching each day?
                About 3. Though I need to watch more like four. See, my goal is to rewatch all the eps before I leave for my convention...BUT I started a little late and I'm behind. I'll need to have a marathon on weekends or something. But now it's 3am and I have work So shippy dreams all!


                  Re: A Hundred Days

                  I love the debate we have going on this episode, and it got me wondering what episode we discuss when this episode was a choice. Anyway, I want to say I absolute hate this episode. I avoid watching it. So thus, when this topic came up, I had to watch it again to state my opinion better. I’m watching it as I’m typing this. Five times now, in a row. Oh, I don’t think I hate it as much as I used to. (Ack! Why is it that every time I say this or write this, Jack has to be kissing Laira?)

                  First off, the opening scene. Jack’s comment to Carter “Please…don’t suck the fun out of this…”, I do not think he meant any harm by this, nor do I think he said this because of Laira. We all know Jack’s smart, and he knows his astronomy. I think he knows where the conversation is heading. A planet orbiting near a asteroid belt does not spell a happy ending. It’s like when you know bad news is heading your way, you want to avoid it and enjoy the happy moment now--not dwell on the impending disaster ahead.

                  Moving on: Laira telling Jack to move on. Look at it this way, the gate is buried and it seems like there is no way for anyone to go through the gate. Laira took this as if everyone not on the planet was dead (at least to them because they will never get the chance to see them again). She didn’t want Jack to dwell on the “never seeing his friends and family again” and the grief. She wanted to help him. She felt that if he could forget about all of that, it would be easier for him to move on and start a new life. Jack was stuck on the planet. He needed to start a new life. I just think about those historical novels I read about Indian (Native Americans) taking captives and telling them shake off their old lives and start their new lives as Indians. This is what Laira wanted for Jack. His past and his grief about losing them was holding him back from starting over. From Laira’s POV, there was no hope for getting Jack back to where he belonged. He was stuck there and he needed to make the most out of it.

                  Radio Chatter Withheld: Yes, it’s selfish of Laira to not have told Jack about it immediately. I used to think she didn’t tell him for several days until I rewatched it today. It was only about four hours. I tried to place myself in her shoes, and I found I would have waited even longer (days perhaps). **gasp** I know, I’m evil like that. She wanted to start a life and family with Jack. It would have been so easy for her to not have told Jack and tried to continued with starting a family together. Jack was just beginning to rebuild a new life, did she really want to ruin it? She wasn’t sure what the voices meant. The voices didn’t mean that Jack was being rescued, or help was on their way. Telling him about it could set Jack back in his process of moving on. She also knew that she would lose Jack after telling him about the radio. Who in their right mind would want to make that choice? To sacrifice their love and future happiness? Not a choice one makes lightly, which is why four hours is nothing.

                  Baby and Sex: Creepy. Yes, very creepy. The first time viewing this episode, I thought there was more time between different events. I now believe different. I thought Jack and Laira had a physical relationship much sooner. Now I believe they only had one night (maybe not at all depending on how I like to look at it). Did they have sex? Maybe. The kissing could have led to them having sex and of them starting a new life together. Laira just asked for a baby. The kissing after the talk suggests that sex was following. But I would like to think that Jack would not make that decision lightly. Fatherhood is a huge step. He was already a father. I always felt he would still have issues about becoming a parent again after Charlie’s death. Before Laira’s question, I don’t think he realized that she wanted his child, so he hadn’t had time to think about it. At the end of the episode, Laira is cupping her stomach. This also gave off the impression that they had sex a lot earlier in their relationship. But I’ve been thinking that she was cupping her stomach for the lost of a child she would never had with Jack, especially if they never had sex. And if they did have sex, she would be able to know if she was pregnant or not the next day. Could she be pregnant? There is a possibility that she could have been. It only takes one time.

                  My God, did I just defended the woman I hated most in SG? **feels forehead** Nope, not hot . . . But I do half a headache . . . I think I cured myself over my hatred and dislike of this episode. I can now safely watch this episode and enjoy it without thinking about how much I hate Laira. Maybe watching it five times in a row will do that. But I always think it’s to do with believing Sam and Jack are together now. I can watch Sam/Pete and Jack/Kerry without wanting to kill either love interest.


                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                    regarding ship: rob cooper is supposed to start a blog soon (not sure where). i'm considering telling him how much i want a sam/jack resolution... but he frightens me.
                    Don't let him frighten you. He won't be able to see you so you'll be safe.

                    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                    Re: A Hundred Days


                    Radio Chatter Withheld: Yes, it’s selfish of Laira to not have told Jack about it immediately. I used to think she didn’t tell him for several days until I rewatched it today. It was only about four hours. I tried to place myself in her shoes, and I found I would have waited even longer (days perhaps). **gasp** I know, I’m evil like that. She wanted to start a life and family with Jack. It would have been so easy for her to not have told Jack and tried to continued with starting a family together. Jack was just beginning to rebuild a new life, did she really want to ruin it? She wasn’t sure what the voices meant. The voices didn’t mean that Jack was being rescued, or help was on their way. Telling him about it could set Jack back in his process of moving on. She also knew that she would lose Jack after telling him about the radio. Who in their right mind would want to make that choice? To sacrifice their love and future happiness? Not a choice one makes lightly, which is why four hours is nothing.

                    Baby and Sex: Creepy. Yes, very creepy. The first time viewing this episode, I thought there was more time between different events. I now believe different. I thought Jack and Laira had a physical relationship much sooner. Now I believe they only had one night (maybe not at all depending on how I like to look at it). Did they have sex? Maybe. The kissing could have led to them having sex and of them starting a new life together. Laira just asked for a baby. The kissing after the talk suggests that sex was following. But I would like to think that Jack would not make that decision lightly. Fatherhood is a huge step. He was already a father. I always felt he would still have issues about becoming a parent again after Charlie’s death. Before Laira’s question, I don’t think he realized that she wanted his child, so he hadn’t had time to think about it. At the end of the episode, Laira is cupping her stomach. This also gave off the impression that they had sex a lot earlier in their relationship. But I’ve been thinking that she was cupping her stomach for the lost of a child she would never had with Jack, especially if they never had sex. And if they did have sex, she would be able to know if she was pregnant or not the next day. Could she be pregnant? There is a possibility that she could have been. It only takes one time.

                    My God, did I just defended the woman I hated most in SG? **feels forehead** Nope, not hot . . . But I do half a headache . . . I think I cured myself over my hatred and dislike of this episode. I can now safely watch this episode and enjoy it without thinking about how much I hate Laira. Maybe watching it five times in a row will do that. But I always think it’s to do with believing Sam and Jack are together now. I can watch Sam/Pete and Jack/Kerry without wanting to kill either love interest.
                    Excellent post! And knowing the outcome and destination always makes it easier to go back and watch the journey because you know where they will be.

                    You said what I wanted to say and you said it much better. Thank you.

                    Congratulations on curing your hatred. That will be better for you I'm sure 'cause I heard on this film that hate leads to the dark side....

                    I can watch Sam/Pete and Jack/Kerry, I never really had a problem with either, although there is something about Affinity that just doesn't ring true. The way it all seems to move so fast and the way Sam seems to be the one who is in the least control with the situation. Pete was okay in that episode, it was Sam who seemed to be OOC. But she made up for it. Poor Sam.

                    Made by the lovely Jakie


                      I don't mind seeing Sam with Pete, because I know how much Amanda enjoyed those kisses.

                      And we know that now Sam and Jack are...

                      sooooo together. Ha! gotcha, like.
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i've only watched the lab scene, and i heard the voice inflections with jack. in the other scenes between sam and jack, did sam have the same softer voice too?
                        Hi Sally! *waves*
                        I think in her other scenes with Jack Sam uses her 'new' post s8 voice, which is already significantly changed and softer than it was in S1-S8. As in the lab scene, however, she is much more direct in the way she talks and looks at Jack. My favorite examples are in the second scene in her lab with all of SG-1. Jack, Cam, and Sam are having a conversation with Sam in the middle, and at one point she smiles while looking at Jack for a few beats too long. And it's not her bright obvious happy-about-this-moment 'Sam' smile but a more subtle I'm-just-content sort of half-smile. That was one of those moments that just made me smile 'cause its such an unveiled display of emotions which we've rarely seen between them before.

                        The other nice thing in this scene is that after SG-1 briefly tells him their complicated plan (which confused the heck out of me the first time I watched), Jack immediately 'gets it' and doesn't even pretend not to completely follow what they're saying... And there's something about the way AT spouts off that long line of techno/military babble right before that which cracks me up everytime.. she says it so simply and gently and it's SUCH a mouthful . And her gentle "Why wouldn't he?" right after he asks an actually intelligent question about the plan is a perfect example of her new tone... Again, New Jack, New Sam.
                        I so need more stuff to wach on the PC. I've been letting the kids play Wii on the big TV and have a limited amount of stuff to watch while making slides .


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          Excellent post! And knowing the outcome and destination always makes it easier to go back and watch the journey because you know where they will be.
                          I can watch Sam/Pete and Jack/Kerry, I never really had a problem with either, although there is something about Affinity that just doesn't ring true. The way it all seems to move so fast and the way Sam seems to be the one who is in the least control with the situation. Pete was okay in that episode, it was Sam who seemed to be OOC. But she made up for it. Poor Sam.
                          I thought Sam was OOC in Chimera because Sam was intentionally playing another character: Happy, normal Sam Carter having a happy, normal relationship in order to one day have a happy, normal life. Compare her hesitant overly-cutesiness with Pete to her confident deeper contentment in S9 and S10... That's probably why I don't mind Chimera. It highlights the difference between being happy and pretending to be happy, and looking back at it now, serves as a cautionary tale about being true to oneself. Since I'm sort of watching the ship backwards, having been an SG-1 fan but only getting involved in 'The Ship' AFTER Threads and only being vaguely aware of it before, I don't have the strong emotional reaction to Chimera that many others do. <<<hugs Sally having been there myself with other shows>>> Shippers' pain when Chimera first aired being precisely the reason I don't typically ship for shows/relationships which are ongoing.. too cynical by half believe it or not.

                          And... Mores slides:

                          Last edited by JenniferJF; 06 February 2007, 01:58 AM.


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            I thought Sam was OOC in Chimera because Sam was intentionally playing another character: Happy, normal Sam Carter having a happy, normal relationship in order to one day have a happy, normal life. Compare her hesitant overly-cutesiness with Pete to her confident deeper contentment in S9 and S10... That's probably why I don't mind Chimera. It highlights the difference between being happy and pretending to be happy, and looking back at it now, serves as a cautionary tale about being true to oneself. Since I'm sort of watching the ship backwards, having been an SG-1 fan but only getting involved in 'The Ship' AFTER Threads and only being vaguely aware of it before, I don't have the strong emotional reaction to Chimera that many others do. <<<hugs Sally having been there myself with other shows>>> Shippers' pain when Chimera first aired being precisely the reason I don't typically ship for shows/relationships which are ongoing.. too cynical by half believe it or not.
                            I actually think part of the excitement is shipping before the outcome and result. It allows you to go with the flow and become more emotionally attached than you would before. Let's face it, if you read the end of the book before you read the middle, it's all spoiled, you know what's going to happen.

                            I do like to look back based on what I know now, but I wouldn't have shipped it any other way because I can remember my excitement and glee, and I can remember my sadness and disappointment and now I can know that it was all justified and worth-while, and that I had the best time!

                            No pain, no gain! It's a cliche' but it works!

                            I ship for this other show and I have to say I ship with such a pairing that I know it would never happen but to be fair I find that part of the excitement when it comes to that particular pairing. With Sam and Jack it had a lot of potential, it was there in plain sight and it was one that could not be ignored so I had a lot of hope and I've been watching since S3/S4!

                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                              I actually think part of the excitement is shipping before the outcome and result. It allows you to go with the flow and become more emotionally attached than you would before. Let's face it, if you read the end of the book before you read the middle, it's all spoiled, you know what's going to happen.
                              Hehehe. Told ya I was cynical . And, yes, I do read the end of the book first....... Just to find out who ends up with whom and what characters die. I try to avoid actual plot points. Sad, isn't it? That probably dates WAY back to Gandalf...... My issues with shipping, to a certain frog eating experience I've mentioned previously

                              I have nothing but respect for those who don't 'read the end of the book first'. I just can't do it and enjoy the story.. I keep expecting to be emotionally broadsided.... (Ask Mich about the PM she sent me for tS.. I'm TRULY terrible!)


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                Hehehe. Told ya I was cynical . And, yes, I do read the end of the book first....... Just to find out who ends up with whom and what characters die. I try to avoid actual plot points. Sad, isn't it? That probably dates WAY back to Gandalf...... My issues with shipping, to a certain frog eating experience I've mentioned previously

                                I have nothing but respect for those who don't 'read the end of the book first'. I just can't do it and enjoy the story.. I keep expecting to be emotionally broadsided.... (Ask Mich about the PM she sent me for tS.. I'm TRULY terrible!)
                                So, it's JenniferCynical then, eh?

                                I've never been able to do that but I can't fault you for not wanting to be emotionally disappointed at the possible outcome. Me? I like the ride.

                                When you do see The Shroud, will you be disappointed or happy then?

                                Made by the lovely Jakie

