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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    Another Descent poster (feeling a bit creative tonight)
    Aw that is cute! You make really great posters!


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      Now, a question: Do we show our strength
      & go for 1,000 posts in 24 hours?

      We've done it in the past...

      Please feel free to snurch this invitation and share it with people you think would like to participate!!!
      I say let's shoot for 1000 posts!

      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      Perhaps that's true, but given that he was dying, if she was as selfless as he was when he took the download, she'd have asked herself what *he* needed at that moment, not what *she* needed. I know, if it were me, I'd be tempted, too, but I hope that I'd hold my tongue until I knew that he was ready to hear it. And as for Daniel and Teal'c showing up, I got the impression that was more for silent support than for them to say something they wanted to before he died. After all, it seemed like most of what took place once they arrived was inane conversation - just them relaxing and having fun and *being there* for him.
      I like how Oma put it. She just shows up knowing she needs to, but not really knowing what to say or what to do. Actually, looking back at the transcript, they really tried to just 'talk'. I think she tried just being there for him. But it was so awkward because of what's between them, what was being unsaid. I completely understand her need to tell him. When Daniel was dying, she said she didn't know why they waited to tell people how they really felt. She knows what it's like to not have someone know how you care for them and for it to be too late(or almost too late) to do so. I think she overcame a huge fear by even showing up there. Danny and T, like her, just found themselves there. I bet before the day was over, it would have gotten serious between all of them.

      I had some other stuff written, but I didn't know if it made's been a looooong day.


        Originally posted by nell View Post
        Look what I found on imdb's page for Richard Dean Anderson:

        Stargate: Continuum (2007) (V) (pre-production) (in talks) .... Lt. General Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill

        This is encouraging news for me about the future possibilities for The Ship!
        Now, that is good news! Thanks Nell!


          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
          I say let's shoot for 1000 posts!

          I like how Oma put it. She just shows up knowing she needs to, but not really knowing what to say or what to do. Actually, looking back at the transcript, they really tried to just 'talk'. I think she tried just being there for him. But it was so awkward because of what's between them, what was being unsaid. I completely understand her need to tell him. When Daniel was dying, she said she didn't know why they waited to tell people how they really felt. She knows what it's like to not have someone know how you care for them and for it to be too late(or almost too late) to do so. I think she overcame a huge fear by even showing up there. Danny and T, like her, just found themselves there. I bet before the day was over, it would have gotten serious between all of them.

          I had some other stuff written, but I didn't know if it made's been a looooong day.
          Congratulations on 4,700 Posts,


          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Hey shippers, I've seem to lost my ability to stay up until the wee hours of the night.

            Shippy dreams!


            JENA! GET TO BED!!
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
              I am SOOOOO bored:
              You should get bored more often!!! Me likey!


                Congrats Jena!
                Also, congrats on any milestones I've missed!


                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  It's kinda funny I'll put it in spoilers just in case somebody wants to wait to hear it ...

                  After 200 aired, LOL4JACK enjoyed the ep so much, she sent Joe a box of truffles for him and the other ptb to say thanks for 200 eps of SG-1. They landed on his desk around the time that the commentaries were made.

                  In the commentary for Arthur's Mantle, (can't for the life of me remember who's doing it ) they refer to Joe's ice cream making phase of the previous summer.

                  Ptb 1: I think he's into chocolate now.
                  Ptb 2: That's right, I was in his office the other day and there was a box of chocolates on his desk...
                  Ptb 1: Yeah, he said they were from a fan.
                  Ptb 2: Actually, they were truffles....

                  Or words to that effect anyway (It's been a while since I saw it.) But it was really funny to hear that in the commentary and know exactly what he was talking about!!
                  Oma, thanks for sharing this story. Having not bought S9, I would not have known about this otherwise, since LOL4JACK and I haven't talked in awhile...

                  * goes off to e-mail Carolina to get update on her adventures *


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    I should be clear. The Piggly Wiggly where I shop has Jello and cake Right Next to each other. Since the entire grocery store could fit in my living room, this is not that surprising....

                    That's an exageration, but the place does have the square footage of our house.
                    You know what we call Piggly-Wiggly here? Hoggly-Woggly! I'm normally a Kroger (K-roger) shopper, but I just like saying, "Hoggly-Woggly."

                    It's fun.....sure it is.....try it. Just try it.

                    * runs off giggling *

                    Oh...and just to be on-topic...

           we need groceries?

                    No...all taken care of...I went to the store yesterday. We're set for the weekend.

                    Good. That leaves more time for...

                    Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 02 February 2007, 09:45 PM.


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      I love it! Talk about insider information! Wasn't LOL4Jack the family member who shocked Amanda at Shore Leave last year with the question for Sam? It was something like, "Since you aren't doing anything with Jack, can you get me a date with him." Then Amanda replied as Sam with a big NO! Someone who was there could tell that story so much better. Trupi, can you give the scoop?
                      That is a true story, and accurately told. I was there too!!!

                      EDIT: Oops! Just noticed that Oma-1 found my original post of this story. Thanks, Su!!!
                      Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 02 February 2007, 10:03 PM.


                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        One thing, Ship family, Please, please, please - do not make shippers odious among other fans by spamming threads with your invitations. We do *not* want that kind of bad reputation again!
                        I was really thinking about people snurching it to PM to people who used to hang out here...

                        I wasn't advocating spamming...

                        On a cheerier note:

                        Congratulations, L.A. Doyle, 0n 4,700 posts!!!
                        Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 02 February 2007, 11:00 PM.


                          About RDA in "Continuum" not the most reliable site. So don't get your hopes up. Still expecting news from TPTBs or RDA (And it's February -from what I understand they begin preproduction in March ?). However if they promote Jack, then I think they'll promote Sam too, so next year on Atlantis or the movies we might get Colonel O'Neill (as a shipper I'd be happy with that even if Jack doesn't appear in the movies or Atlantis).


                            My first contribution to this weeks ep:



                              Another one although there's something I really don't like about it:
                              Last edited by 0xNatashax0; 04 February 2007, 06:44 AM.



                                Originally posted by nell View Post
                                Look what I found on imdb's page for Richard Dean Anderson:

                                Stargate: Continuum (2007) (V) (pre-production) (in talks) .... Lt. General Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neill

                                This is encouraging news for me about the future possibilities for The Ship!
                                Great news! Although I'm not reading too much into the Lt.Gen (imbd has a habit of getting the ranks wrong), it's good to know they are still talking...let's hope they actually get him signed *fingers crossed*
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

