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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    This has been fantastic guys! Unfortunately my exams start tomorrow so I have to get some studying in and go to bed at a decent hour for once.

    Backatcha, Goddess.

    Just sayin', have a good night! Sweet dreams are a given after this, right!! Happy exam-ing. Happy passing-the-exams, that is.
    Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


      Whew! I made it just in time! My best friend, JackAndSamAddict, and I co-authored a fic for Shipmas. Now to catch up!

      P.S. I am officially a college graduate. Woohoo!


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        Whew! I made it just in time! My best friend, JackAndSamAddict, and I co-authored a fic for Shipmas. Now to catch up!

        P.S. I am officially a college graduate. Woohoo!

        Yay! A new fic!
        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


          Originally posted by LtColonelSamC View Post
          [center]like this?
          Or this?


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Whew! I made it just in time! My best friend, JackAndSamAddict, and I co-authored a fic for Shipmas. Now to catch up!

            P.S. I am officially a college graduate. Woohoo!
            ((((LAD)))) Thanks for the co-authored fic yay!!

            Merry Shipmas!!

            Avatar Signature by eLouai,
            TekTek, & Gaia Online


              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
              I think I am going to make this one of my regular stops...LOL I had not seen it like that, but I did see that episode. That scene never, ever gets old!!
              Please do! We have lots of fun here, and we're sad here, and sometimes (but not often) we quarrel just a we're like a real family!!!


                HAPPY SHIPMAS,
                SHIPPER GUESTS!

                Love to hear/see your thoughts on the Shipmas Celebration - you know you want to! If you believe in Sam and Jack ship, this season or any season, give us a reason!

                Shesmetet is hard at work making me laugh, and using some really cool caps; how about you? Hope you're smiling!

                Congrats to you, L.A. Doyle on attaining the status of the eduma-emmuma...uh, learned. Sam would be proud and Jack would kiss you. Then Sam might clip you...oh, wait.

                Just sayin', it's been a blast as usual! Be back in a bit, some RL obligations calling (like I have time for those when I'm on the shipper thread...oh. )
                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Whew! I made it just in time! My best friend, JackAndSamAddict, and I co-authored a fic for Shipmas. Now to catch up!

                  P.S. I am officially a college graduate. Woohoo!

                  Love the fic...the kids are adorable!!

                  Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                  My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                  My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                  My Stargate Videos
                  It's meant to be!


                    Originally posted by trupi View Post
                    Congratulations on 1500 posts Poz!

                    Did you hear that?

                    Poz hit 1,500 posts!

                    Congratulations, Maria!!!


                      Originally posted by Traveler Enroute1 View Post

                      Just sayin', it's been a blast as usual! Be back in a bit, some RL obligations calling (like I have time for those when I'm on the shipper thread...oh. )
                      ROFL you and me both! I've got so much to do *sighs* and I'm feeling worn out

                      Thank you for all the beautiful vids, fics, manips, caps, songs and anything else I might have forgotten it's been absolutely wonderful guys, sorry I couldn't green you all

                      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                      TekTek, & Gaia Online


                        Wow - 29 lovely shippers looking at the thread. LAD - are you still running Operation Delurk? There are 9 people that need convincing.

                        Unfortunately RL is a pain and I can only pop back in for a sec. I'll have to catch up on all the lovely presents tomorrow.


                        Merry Shipmas Everyone!

                        Thank you all for your wonderful manips, fics, stories and the rest.

                        Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          Congrats Poz.

                          BTW: That's a nice moose you have there!
                          Thanks Dips and by the way................

                          It Is A MOOSE Gotcha!!!!! LOL!!! Now get your dancing elf outa here!


                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            The Christmas Gift

                            Sam sat alone in her lab. She heard a knock and looked up, beaming when she saw General O’Neill standing there with a smile.

                            "General, what are you doing here?", Sam said.

                            "What, a guy can't visit without a reason?", Jack replied.

                            "No. I mean, what are you doing here 'now'?"

                            "Well..." Jack stepped forward, putting forth a note which Sam took.

                            She read it, frowning. "What does this mean, sir?"

                            "It means I’m retiring Sam."

                            Sam glanced up quickly, reacting to his statement and the use of her first name.


                            Jack nodded, smiling gently.

                            "Why?," Sam said quietly.

                            "It's my gift."


                            "It's my gift to you, Sam."

                            "I don't get... "

                            Jack stepped forward, leaning down into Sam's space.

                            "My gift to you, Sam, is me. I’m retiring so there can be an 'us'."

                            Sam's bewilderment slowly became a smile. A huge, honking smile.

                            "Now, I’m hoping you don't want me to return the gift, colonel... "

                            Sam stood up, facing Jack. "Not on your life, sir."

                            With that, she leaned up and gently brushed her lips against his.

                            "I’m accepting your gift, sir. Jack."

                            Jack grinned. "And what's your gift for me?"

                            Sam smirked. "After your retirement papers are finalized, I’ll give you mine."

                            Sam leaned in for another kiss. Jack followed suite.

                            ~the beginning~
                            Lovely Ficlet Sal


                              Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
                              Wow - 29 lovely shippers looking at the thread. LAD - are you still running Operation Delurk? There are 9 people that need convincing.

                              Unfortunately RL is a pain and I can only pop back in for a sec. I'll have to catch up on all the lovely presents tomorrow.


                              Merry Shipmas Everyone!

                              Thank you all for your wonderful manips, fics, stories and the rest.

                              *waves to SqueeG-1* Merry Shipmas to you too!

                              LOL we've sure posted a lot, have we reached the 1,000 post mark yet, before Shipmas ends?

                              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                                "Sir, since we find ourselves in this patch of mistletoe ..."

                                MERRY SHIPMAS SHIPPER FAMILY!
                                Last edited by ChopinGal; 17 December 2006, 07:12 PM.

