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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I snurched a Stargate cake... and now I can't remember from whom!


      Originally posted by Nolamom
      Holy Hannah, 1,000 Posts SamO'Neill?!?!

      A congratulatory poster? Thanks!

      And I first read that.. I was a bit taken aback. Er, because my name is Hannah, and then the expression.... ah, nevermind.

      Thanks, Nolamom!
      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        Originally posted by majorsal
        here's a link for the FMA event that amanda and rick hosted on sep 30th. they look WONDERFUL!


        did i mention how WONDERFUL they look?!?


        ps - there's a vid attached, so watch!
        AT, wow, the dress! and RDA's hair looks fairly short (see that sticky-up hair on top of his head?) which makes me wonder. He usually lets it grow some between filming it short because he just finished filming that ep with MS or.........another reason?
        Is is allowable to have someone put the vid on Youtube so I can watch?


          Originally posted by Nolamom
          I snurched a Stargate cake... and now I can't remember from whom!
          Mmm... that looks delicious... Especially the blue frosting on top...
          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill
            A congratulatory poster? Thanks!

            And I first read that.. I was a bit taken aback. Er, because my name is Hannah, and then the expression.... ah, nevermind.

            Thanks, Nolamom!
            That's WHY I used Jacob's favorite saying...hehehehe


              Originally posted by CamandVala
              "Hey, Daniel, are you asleep yet?"
              "Yes, Jack, I'm sound asleep"
              I love that!
              LOL! Also Teal'c and his doughnuts.


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                AT, wow, the dress! and RDA's hair looks fairly short (see that sticky-up hair on top of his head?) which makes me wonder. He usually lets it grow some between filming it short because he just finished filming that ep with MS or.........another reason?
                Is is allowable to have someone put the vid on Youtube so I can watch?

                One can only hope....!!!

                I just watched the vid and my oh my am i jealous of all of you that are going to avalon!!!! I was smiling all the way through at their....okay okay ....Ricks antics on stage. You guys are so gonna have a blast, just please please can someone sneak in a vid camera and film bits fo us less fortunate????

                Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

                Help me get to film school

                One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                  I loved your most recent fanfic! It was so sweet. Please continue making additions to the episodes!
                  Thank you. And they're fun, and there are no more eps for a long time, so yes!


                    *sigh*...aren't they perfect?

                    Sig by RepliCartertje


                      Originally posted by Davhar80
                      Hi there, newby here. absolutely in love with jack and sam relationship but have a question...sorry if it has been asked a million times...but at the end of moebius when jack tells sam she has "packing to do", what does he mean?? In my little jack/sam love world I like to think it means she is paking her things to move into his house...but I know this might not be right but I just have to know!!
                      Hi, and welcome!

                      If you're looking for something shippy there, and who's not? then there's the infamous and argued pat on the bum at the end of the scene...

                      There's also the undeniable fact that this is the first time Jack makes a personal demand on Sam, getting her to do something she doesn't *really* want to do and only does because he wants her to...

                      Serious indication that they are together. Just think how much angst they could have missed out on if he'd just tried that years earlier... you will NOT play in the lab, you WILL go fishing with me...


                        Originally posted by Davhar80
                        Hi there, newby here. absolutely in love with jack and sam relationship but have a question...sorry if it has been asked a million times...but at the end of moebius when jack tells sam she has "packing to do", what does he mean?? In my little jack/sam love world I like to think it means she is paking her things to move into his house...but I know this might not be right but I just have to know!!
                        WELCOME Davhar80!!!!!!


                        I see other shippers have answered your question. Welcome!!!! Have fun and post lots!


                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                          Wow... my 1,000th Post!

                          I'd always thought this was going to be extremely long, but now, I don't really know what to say!

                          First off, I'd like to thank all of you who convinced me to de-lurk on the 4th Annual ship day. You are all so sweet. That day was awesome! A bit of a shipper high!

                          You all welcomed me with open arms and sweet comments. When I started posting my horrible fanfiction, you all were nice enough to review and keep me writing!

                          I've enjoyed discussing SJ aspects. Sure, Stargate may not revolve around them, but let's face it, they are simply awesome together.... Whether it's an episode or if Jack REALLY sniffed Sam's hair, it's all fun discussing it with a big group of friends as loyal to Sam/Jack as you are...

                          Since I don't have any friends that are Stargate fans, it's been nice to come on here, post on messages and read about the fun times we have on this thread!

                          The manips, posters, fics and videos have kept my shipper spirit alive. After the second '200' promo aired, and we were all in ship-heaven, it was such a blast discussing every aspect with all of you! Those weeks leading up to '200' were such fun!

                          And the 'royal marriage' comment.... With all of us holding our eyes wide open for ship in episodes, we sure can find a lot! 'Uninvited' is a great example of that!

                          And who can forget the whole 'stalking' thing with LAD? Fun times. And I don't regret it! I got Sam-whump and THE ANGST in that...

                          Ok, I'm off the topic of angst now. That would probably be another few hundred words.

                          So all in all, thanks to everyone! You've all been so awesome these two and half months that I've been here!

                          See you around,
                          (((SamO'Neill))) Congrats on 1000!!!! I knew you'd get there soon!

                          It's been a blast having you around here. You are an important member of our ship family-even if you do have a thing for stalking. In all seriousness, I'm glad you delurked and have enjoyed your contributions to the family! Lovely post and sorry I can't green ya quite yet. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!

                          Sorry....couldn't help myself!


                            Originally posted by Bex Calo
                            oh cool, well i guess i will have a go then, i really want to write a fic but have no ideas lol maybe this will inspire
                            is going to sign up

                            edited to add: he he he i have signed up god help me!
                            Woot! Glad you signed up! Anyone else? *remembers she still has to fill out her own form *


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                              Wow... my 1,000th Post!
                              Congratulations SamO'Neill 1000 posts in less than 3 months , wtg Delurking because I can't green you and in total awe thinking that it will take me 2 and a half years to reach the same milestone

                              Welcome to The Shipper Family Davhar80!


                                lol i can see that my pics (fma) have some success....
                                they were so cuuuute together !
                                i can tell you, in "real" rda is a lot more cute than on the pics, believe me lol
                                and amanda was so funny, like always ...always goofing

