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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    hey shippers
    seems there is a boost in optimism here yays
    thanks to the knowledge of RDA's multiple returns...

    i am so tired, had a jog, a bike ride and then racquetball last night, think i m going to sit in and watch either solitudes or...havent decided yet.
    "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

    sig by RepliCartertje


      oh yeah and is there any shippiness in Absolute Power, i have forgotten
      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

      sig by RepliCartertje


        Originally posted by Queen_Bee
        oh yeah and is there any shippiness in Absolute Power, i have forgotten
        Some would say when Jack talks to Sam while she's in the cell would count. The way he trusts her...
        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


          Originally posted by majorsal
          in my version yesterday, i changed quite a bit about the sam/pete relay.

          <snipped for space>
          and in my version, pete was a totally nice and decent guy; no stalking or checking up on her. AND, no sam coming off bad!

          (and pete was played by paul gross, from 'due south' fame)

          You definitely need to write the fic! Paul Gross as Pete; hmmm, interesting selection.

          Shippers, as we're having some discussions about recasting, how about this question: who would you cast as Pete? No disrespect intended to DDL who I personally think did a great job with what he was given but if you could have had anybody who would you have had? And would that have changed your opinion of the character any?
          Last edited by Rachel500; 14 September 2006, 02:40 PM.
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by Gate gal

            Wow, 3000 posts! Way to go, LAD! We are having some major milestones around here. I love it!

            LesleyP, I bought new speakers and they won't work either. It must be my ancient computer. I'm so disappointed.

            DOH!!! Well you could always try a library just to check em out.. bring those mini headphone things to plug in. Most public librarys have free internet least the ones in Ontario do.
            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
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              Originally posted by Rachel500
              You definitely need to write the fic! Paul Gross; hmmm, interesting selection.

              Shippers, as we're having some discussions about recasting, how about this question: who would you cast as Pete? No disrespect intended to DDL who I personally think did a great job with what he was given but if you could have had anybody who would you have had? And would that have changed your opinion of the character any?
              Hmmm... Well, it couldn't be anyone that could compete with RDA... (Not that there are many people like that )

              So I'd have to say... hmmmm... Actually I don't know. Many of the actors I'm thinking of a either too young or too handsome to be second to Jack.
              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                I really just can't imagine anyone else in the roles and if it was recast then I would worry certainly about the Sam/Jack ship. AT and RDA have fabulous chemistry and a lot of the Sam/Jack moments come from that and their interaction as actors. I'm know the chemistry would not be the same if it were a different pair of actors so I'm not sure we would even get the vague suggestion of ship never mind anything written into the script.

                All in all, quite honestly I don't think I'd want to see a Stargate movie without AT and RDA (or MS and CJ for that matter). For me, AT and RDA are Sam and Jack, and if they couldn't do the movie then I would prefer they just didn't do a movie at all.



                  Originally posted by Rachel500
                  You definitely need to write the fic! Paul Gross; hmmm, interesting selection.

                  Shippers, as we're having some discussions about recasting, how about this question: who would you cast as Pete? No disrespect intended to DDL who I personally think did a great job with what he was given but if you could have had anybody who would you have had? And would that have changed your opinion of the character any?

                  Definately can't see Paul Gross as Jack....Daniel...hmmm...maybe on a stretch...but not Jack. Pete...hmmm, that's a good one, how about...that deluise guy... Just kidding...tee hee.

                  Now, see, I could see Paul Gross doing Pete...and it might even make him more....well...not likeable, but definately thunkable... a thunk you'd love to punk oh my, haven't had enough coffee today....mayhaps I should just shut up
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                  Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                  Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                    Nah, I just save that for mon amie, LAD!

                    I just wanted to know what it was about, RCtje!

                    I swear!
                    *feels special* My very own stalker!

                    Thanks everyone for the congrats. I wouldn't have that ridiculously high post count if it weren't for you all!


                      am i right but isnt the absolute power cell scene a hallucination
                      it was soo long ago since i watched it
                      from what i can remember its a daniel ep....doest it seem fuuny daniel seems to be the one that gets easy mind altered, like Need, and errrmmm is it Forever in a Day???
                      but thats a different thread
                      also saw they have made a pro sam and cam thread...eeeekky!!!
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                      sig by RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill

                        The sad thing is that it's probably true. I hit 400 Saturday, 500 Sunday, and 600 today.

                        I've been a bit...... obsessed this past week...

                        LAD, it's all your fault!!!
                        Hey! I was just writing the fic you wanted! I'm just caught in the middle. SamO'Neill...LAD...THE ANGST.


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                          ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

                          I think we should debate over this what we want...

                          see, i am of two minds about this. while i LOVE our wonderful history and looooong 'views' count, it also might be intimidating to any newbies that wanted to join.

                          this was discussed with the ship family quite some time ago. even the name of the thread was discussed. the shipers voted and we got this. but i added -at a later time- the word 'discussion', so newbies would at least understand what this thread was about, because...

                          there were some newbies that felt overwhelmed by the size and name. with the word 'family' in there, they felt they weren't part of it right away. almost like a clique' or private club.

                          here's some ideas on what to call it, IF we make a new thread:

                          * sam/jack ship discussion thread

                          * sam/jack shipping thread

                          * PRO sam/jack ship thread

                          * PRO sam/jack ship discussion thread

                          any other ideas?

                          i don't mind the 'family' being in there, but maybe just in the introductory post???

                          what are everyones ideas/thoughts?




                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            *feels special* My very own stalker!

                            Thanks everyone for the congrats. I wouldn't have that ridiculously high post count if it weren't for you all!

                            You're so lucky....I'm so jealous

                            And 3000, holy! Talk kidding CONGRATS
                            Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                            Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                            Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                              Congrats RepliCartertje on 2000 posts!!!

                              Congrats LAD on 3000 posts!!!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                I think we should keep this thread. I like seeing all those posts and views(we broke the 1000000 mark guys!)...but that could just be me. I don't think we should start over because of a few posts that can be deleted. I don't really mind what the first post says-I'll always think of Sally as the creator of this beloved thread.


                                i'm quite proud of this thread and the sam thread, because they're THE two highest viewed threads.



