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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Wow, you guys were busy this weekend! I haven't completely caught up, but I have signed the petition. (Hubby signed it as well.) I can't wait to read LA's version of Momento. I do have just one comment to make about Friday's episode.
    The episode wasn't bad, IMO. It wasn't great either, but I could watch it again. JM proved he could still write ship into an episode without the episode being all ship. He just focused on the wrong couple. If the Sam and Jack ship had already been resolved, I'd be a Daniel/Vala shipper after Friday's episode. Since my ship is unresolved, I refuse to ship for them. I hope JM has a big hand in the finale, and I hope he remembers us shippers.
    Congrats on all milestones I missed and Happy late birthday!


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      Oh you did not watch the broca divide in French did you...this is awfull I put in on youtube so everyone could hear that cause listen to it...isn't it a bit over the top...I mean really this kiss is so not PG anymore...
      i KNOW!!! its almost cringy.... its sounds so weird! Oh, well, i mean, the season 1 box set is rated 18 over here in the UK

      maybe thats why! lol. But i agree... its sounds so weird!!!!
      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


        Originally posted by Gate gal
        Wow, you guys were busy this weekend! I haven't completely caught up, but I have signed the petition. (Hubby signed it as well.) I can't wait to read LA's version of Momento. I do have just one comment to make about Friday's episode.
        The episode wasn't bad, IMO. It wasn't great either, but I could watch it again. JM proved he could still write ship into an episode without the episode being all ship. He just focused on the wrong couple. If the Sam and Jack ship had already been resolved, I'd be a Daniel/Vala shipper after Friday's episode. Since my ship is unresolved, I refuse to ship for them. I hope JM has a big hand in the finale, and I hope he remembers us shippers.
        Congrats on all milestones I missed and Happy late birthday!
        Exactly! I think the Daniel/Vala ship has potential, but darn it, I want Sam and Jack!

        It is, after all, THE stargate ship....
        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


          Originally posted by Sam_Carter
          i KNOW!!! its almost cringy.... its sounds so weird! Oh, well, i mean, the season 1 box set is rated 18 over here in the UK

          maybe thats why! lol. But i agree... its sounds so weird!!!!
          Rated over 18... wow....

          Well then again, there is that scene in the first episode...
          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            yeahy we are back online!!!!! I need to see this vid me thinks

            Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

            Help me get to film school

            One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


              wow i have just watched the vid oh my god what is with all the panting and the huffing and is it my imagination or did carter

              in spoilers for not so pg word
              Orgasm or something!!!!!!

              blooming sounded like it lol

              Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

              Help me get to film school

              One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


                Originally posted by trupi
                Hi guys! If you get a chance, "SG1Poz", one of our older shipper family members (she's not old) is going for "back" surgery tomorrow. It's a long operation and I think she needs all the prayers and good vibes we can send her, so she can have a fast and healthy recovery. So if you could PM or send well wishes on the thread today, it would brighten her day! Thanks! Shippy pictures are appreciated!
                I'm afraid I'm hopeless at shippy pictures but I wish you all the best and a very speedy recovery.

                I can at least do this ->
                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.



                  Have you sent your letter to MGM regarding your book?

                  EDIT: And one more post before you have 600!
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by Tita J
                    Hey Guys! I was just watching McKay & Mrs Miller and

                    The bit just after Carter does the whole hand clicky thing I was struck by something else. When Mer/Rodney was talking about his sister being out the of the game for so long - I thought Sam's reply sounded exactly like something Jack would say:

                    Sam: The Game?

                    Rodney: She hasn't written a paper in 4 years.

                    Same: Oh that Game (real sarcastic Jack O'Neill tone)

                    Even the look she gave him was a Jack look (YAY!!)

                    It made me squee because maybe they are in a relationship and little things like that are some crumbs for us shippers till we get real confirmation.

                    I'm Right...Am I Right? - and no I won't take any answer other than a YES
                    I do think some of the lines Sam has ended up with would have been Jack's in the past so my answer would be YES and I'm not listening to the voice of reason
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by Rachel500
                      I do think some of the lines Sam has ended up with would have been Jack's in the past so my answer would be YES and I'm not listening to the voice of reason
                      Congratulations on 600 Posts,

                      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                        Congratulations on 600 Posts,

                        Thank you.

                        On the book, the SG publishers are Fandemonium and they apparently do have open submissions but aren't accepting any at the mo. I think me and several others are waiting for the submissions to reopen.
                        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.



                          Happy Birthday to sugarshaker!!!!

                          And a...

                          Hug full of love and ship for SG1Poz!!!

                          I hope everything will end up okay!

                          On that note.... goodnight!


                            Originally posted by Rachel500
                            Thank you.

                            On the book, the SG publishers are Fandemonium and they apparently do have open submissions but aren't accepting any at the mo. I think me and several others are waiting for the submissions to reopen.

                            Well when you do start writing it, make sure you include a little ship.
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              I admit that reading all the posts on what people were doing on 9/11 vividly brought back that day to me. I was watching TV when the news broke and I sat glued to the TV watching the drama unfold live in a state of disbelief. My heart just went out to all those affected personally...

                              For a moment today as I read the thread and the 9/11 related posts, I did question what I was doing looking at something as inconsequential as the hopeful idea of two fictional characters finding happiness when there are clearly other important things going on in the world that I could be thinking about and I decided that it was entirely appropriate that on a date immortalised by an act of hate, that I celebrate the idea of love in whatever shape and form...even between two of my favourite fictional characters, Sam and Jack, because its more important that love sustains us now and in the future than hate. Just MHO.

                              I wrote the following poem shortly after 9/11 as a tribute to and in memory of those who died. It's in spoilers for those of you who don't want to read it (it is quite sad and some might find it too hard hitting and I certainly don't mean to offend or upset anyone who was personally affected). I don't usually write poetry but this is one where my writing truly seemed compelled my heart.

                              I love you

                              He leans back in his chair and
                              gazes out of the window,
                              wondering if he has time before
                              his meeting for a coffee.
                              He stretches and rises, heading
                              for the door and pauses;
                              an unknown instinct screams
                              at him
                              to turn
                              to look.
                              A steel bird, sunlight
                              glinting off polished wings
                              is heading with unstoppable
                              purpose towards his building.
                              He dives for cover as his world
                              shatters around him.
                              The building trembles, shakes
                              with the harsh intrusion...
                              and then there is an eerie silence.
                              He crawls out from under his desk.
                              The window has gone and
                              wind blows through the office.
                              He shakes now; his eyes streaming see
                              billowing dark clouds rising.
                              He walks backwards, his
                              eyes never leaving the open vista
                              and reaches for the door.
                              It's hot.
                              Too hot.
                              He pulls his hand away and
                              glances at the floor.
                              Smoke like death is creeping
                              into the room.
                              He stumbles back to his chair
                              and collapses into it,
                              catching sight of the treasured
                              photo of his family.
                              He reaches for it, cradles it gently
                              and picks up the phone.
                              His breath catches in his throat as
                              the answering machine tone
                              resounds down the line...
                              'Honey,' he says, 'I love you...'
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by Rachel500
                                I admit that reading all the posts on what people were doing on 9/11 vividly brought back that day to me. I was watching TV when the news broke and I sat glued to the TV watching the drama unfold live in a state of disbelief. My heart just went out to all those affected personally...

                                For a moment today as I read the thread and the 9/11 related posts, I did question what I was doing looking at something as inconsequential as the hopeful idea of two fictional characters finding happiness when there are clearly other important things going on in the world that I could be thinking about and I decided that it was entirely appropriate that on a date immortalised by an act of hate, that I celebrate the idea of love in whatever shape and form...even between two of my favourite fictional characters, Sam and Jack, because its more important that love sustains us now and in the future than hate. Just MHO.

                                I wrote the following poem shortly after 9/11 as a tribute to and in memory of those who died. It's in spoilers for those of you who don't want to read it (it is quite sad and some might find it too hard hitting and I certainly don't mean to offend or upset anyone who was personally affected). I don't usually write poetry but this is one where my writing truly seemed compelled my heart.

                                I love you

                                He leans back in his chair and
                                gazes out of the window,
                                wondering if he has time before
                                his meeting for a coffee.
                                He stretches and rises, heading
                                for the door and pauses;
                                an unknown instinct screams
                                at him
                                to turn
                                to look.
                                A steel bird, sunlight
                                glinting off polished wings
                                is heading with unstoppable
                                purpose towards his building.
                                He dives for cover as his world
                                shatters around him.
                                The building trembles, shakes
                                with the harsh intrusion...
                                and then there is an eerie silence.
                                He crawls out from under his desk.
                                The window has gone and
                                wind blows through the office.
                                He shakes now; his eyes streaming see
                                billowing dark clouds rising.
                                He walks backwards, his
                                eyes never leaving the open vista
                                and reaches for the door.
                                It's hot.
                                Too hot.
                                He pulls his hand away and
                                glances at the floor.
                                Smoke like death is creeping
                                into the room.
                                He stumbles back to his chair
                                and collapses into it,
                                catching sight of the treasured
                                photo of his family.
                                He reaches for it, cradles it gently
                                and picks up the phone.
                                His breath catches in his throat as
                                the answering machine tone
                                resounds down the line...
                                'Honey,' he says, 'I love you...'
                                I remeber it too, even though I was just an 11yr old in Aus. I woke up and it was raining and mum was sitting on the eand of my bed saying it was a sad day for the world. I remember watching the second plane hit but still not exactly understanding what was happening untill i got to school. Everyone (500kids and teachers) were crowed around the tv in the undercroft and then around the radio inmaths; no work was doen that day. And my friend was hysterical cause her mum was in the towers and no one could find or contact her. Luckly she survived. A story was posted on FF about 9/11.

                                ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                                I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                                Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.

