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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ccdsah
    WOW but Where's Threads??????????????
    Nothing from Season 6????? DRATS!!! I love several episodes of that season, and find them shippier, than Moebius. And DEFINITELY shippier than 2010, which isn't.
    - Mary
    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


      Originally posted by Queen_Bee
      Is it in Grace that Teal'c comes to talk to Jack in the locker room coz he is all arrghh about sam being missing?
      Yuppers. I love watching Paradise Lost, Grace and Threads. In that order...

      And of course, if I had the time, I'd watch all my other shippy eps... But me thinks those three go together nicely.
      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        Mary I completely agree.I want no part in a Season 11 that is just like Season 9 and 10.Now if Mitchell and Vala are gone and RDA makes numerous appearances I'm all for Season 11.I doubt that will happen in this lifetime.My idea of saving SG-1 is having Movies or Mini-Series.The chances for Sam/Jack Ship are excellent in Movies and Mini-Series.


          Trying to find that other(outtake?) picture of the 200wedding that was posted here recently. I thought it was from Starlog magazine, but I have the October issue and it isn't in it so I guess I am mistaken as to the magazine.. However, the issue does have a nice long RDA interview with good pics.(one with Wylie, missing a tooth, I think!) And some interesting quotes. It seems the interview was done after 4 of his eps had been filmed, but not that mysterious 5th one. Anyway, he was enthusiastic for there to be a movie and to be in it , though he wouldn't want (and thought they probably wouldn't want him) full time on the series. But on a limited basis, yes. Hope he hasn't had a change in his thinking all this since this interview. Apparently, he and Greenburg are no longer business partners, though I would think there is no reason they couldn't be again. Now if TPTB are smart enough to want him too.............

          Also pics of the characters from various Trek encarnations, how they look now for many of them. Good stuff.

          So please would somebody clue me as to the whereabouts on here of the 200 wedding picture? This interview was new to me, but may be somewhere here on GW.


            Originally posted by Buc252
            Nothing from Season 6????? DRATS!!! I love several episodes of that season, and find them shippier, than Moebius. And DEFINITELY shippier than 2010, which isn't.
            Season 6 had some good shippy moments in it. I didn't realize how shippy it was until the second time around, but there were some really good ones.


              Originally posted by nell
              Here's a pic from the Sept/Oct 2006 issue of The Official Stargate Magazine. Are you ready? from episode 200

              It is small; it is approximately 3 x4 inches in the magazine.
              Do you mean this one?


                I'm rewatching Season 2 on Space (my equivalent of SciFi) and they played Message in a Bottle today. The part where Sam hold's Jack's hand and then later when she puts her hand on his knee. Squeeeeee!
                Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                  Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                  I'm rewatching Season 2 on Space (my equivalent of SciFi) and they played Message in a Bottle today. The part where Sam hold's Jack's hand and then later when she puts her hand on his knee. Squeeeeee!
                  yeah... mom and I watched that today (I have all the boxed sets, yet I still watch the episodes on tv!). My mom doesn't feel comfortable watching the episode because of the pain Jack goes through. But we both agree on the holding hands scene - AWWWWWWW!!!! You can SO see the love!
                  Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                    Originally posted by Buc252
                    My issue is that, IMO, saving SG1 would result in destroying the ship. SG1 gets cancelled and goes to movies or miniseries, or just ends, and all have the potential for the original team and ship resolution. However, if it goes on to a S11 with the current team, we get NO SHIP, just as we have been getting.

                    So, for me, I see no reason to save SG1. All the good parts of the plots have died away in recent years - I think the writers are just out of good ideas - and only the ship remains as a reason for me to watch. It wasn't always the reason, but it sure would be now.
                    For me, and I'll probably get yelled at for this, it has long been past time to let SG-1 go. It has been on the air for 10 seasons and made TV history! Let it bow out with what dignity the show has left!

                    Letting it continue would definately sink the ship once and for all. While from what I read in the Stargate Magazine they want the movie to start a new series, thay would have to have the old characters to draw in an audience. If they want it in theaters, like they hinted at, they would definately need RDA. RDA + movie + end of series = ship resoultion in my book.

                    Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                      Originally posted by JONeill97
                      yeah... mom and I watched that today (I have all the boxed sets, yet I still watch the episodes on tv!). My mom doesn't feel comfortable watching the episode because of the pain Jack goes through. But we both agree on the holding hands scene - AWWWWWWW!!!! You can SO see the love!
                      I have all the boxed sets too, but... the pull of the ship cannot be resisted. They need to move the time up though. I do have to go to work in the mornings.

                      Gwenhwyfar - I won't yell at you. Although Season 9 grew on me (after I gave it a second viewing) and I've yet to see Season 10, the feel of the show has changed. I would love to see a movie with RDA in it. And yes, resolve the ship! In the meantime, I'm keeping myself happy with fanfic.
                      Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                        Ok, First off, Hi guys, it's been a while. Right the reason for this post, Ripple Effect. I know it's been over a year since it first screened across the pond but us Aussies haven't even had it on TV yet, I was watching it on my DVD's and I have to say there are a couple of shippie moments, for me anyway.

                        When the first alternate SG1 come through the gate and Daniel is interviewing the Alt Teal'c and Teal'c says that Col Carter just returned from her honeymoon. Yep, she's married to Jack in another universe again. I mean who else could it be. Then at the end when the SG1 with Janet and Martouf in, she's on maternity leave. Another O'Neill running around.

                        Ah bliss, it's amazing where a shippers mind will go when we are not given direct ship. Needless to say I have watched it about 3 times.

                        TOGETHER FOREVER,
                        NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                          Originally posted by divcon
                          Ok, First off, Hi guys, it's been a while. Right the reason for this post, Ripple Effect. I know it's been over a year since it first screened across the pond but us Aussies haven't even had it on TV yet, I was watching it on my DVD's and I have to say there are a couple of shippie moments, for me anyway.

                          When the first alternate SG1 come through the gate and Daniel is interviewing the Alt Teal'c and Teal'c says that Col Carter just returned from her honeymoon. Yep, she's married to Jack in another universe again. I mean who else could it be. Then at the end when the SG1 with Janet and Martouf in, she's on maternity leave. Another O'Neill running around.

                          Ah bliss, it's amazing where a shippers mind will go when we are not given direct ship. Needless to say I have watched it about 3 times.
                          Completly agree! I thought that, Jack sure does get around! It would have been nice to have seen a Jack come through!



                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                            There are some posts in the 'Ask the Moderators' thread about this...
                            I hope that helps.
                            Thanks for posting those quotes from the Mod thread on the current situation/progress with the fanfic loader on GW! Interestingly, I was the one who reported it was broken when I tried loading my '200' TAG and couldn't. I guess Darren's been a little busy with the Save Stargate Campaign since then...
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                              Is it in Grace that Teal'c comes to talk to Jack in the locker room coz he is all arrghh about sam being missing?
                              It is indeed Grace where Teal'c tries comforting Jack in the locker room when Sam is missing.
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by SqueeG-1
                                I'm rewatching Season 2 on Space (my equivalent of SciFi) and they played Message in a Bottle today. The part where Sam hold's Jack's hand and then later when she puts her hand on his knee. Squeeeeee!
                                I love this episode too. Here's the hand touching...


