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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Oma-1
    Well, LA Dayle and I sent her poem and the pics to Joe yesterday in the form of a slideshow ..... and we got a reply!

    It was very short, but very sweet

    Very nice. Hope you all enjoy 200!


    If anyone else wants a copy of it, just pm me your email address
    Is he trying to give us a clue? That shippers will enjoy it?


      Originally posted by Oma-1
      Well, LA Dayle and I sent her poem and the pics to Joe yesterday in the form of a slideshow ..... and we got a reply!

      It was very short, but very sweet

      Very nice. Hope you all enjoy 200!


      If anyone else wants a copy of it, just pm me your email address

      Congrats you two!
      So I guess they can recognize Ship.
      Hope springs eternal!
      Ni-night gang! Goes off yippy skipping to bed!


        Originally posted by Oma-1
        Well, LA Dayle and I sent her poem and the pics to Joe yesterday in the form of a slideshow ..... and we got a reply!

        It was very short, but very sweet

        Very nice. Hope you all enjoy 200!


        If anyone else wants a copy of it, just pm me your email address
        That IS short! But he responded, so that makes me happy.

        I wish he'd said something like you WILL enjoy 200. Hope....that means there's room for interpretation!
        Both sides are supposed to be happy, but I don't see how that can be.
        Oh, maybe it is a good sign, and I'm just thinking too much. Yeah, that's it!


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          Yeah I pondered that for a while. Made me think of Chandler and Ross's conversation from the episode of 'Friends' where he finds out about Monica and Chandler... except Mark instigated the whole thing. Hmm... all I can say is that he must have really though Pete was a fab guy to give him his blessing to date his sister... either that or Mark never really forgave Sam for joining the military and he thought that Pete was enough of a goofball to annoy Sam on their "Blind Date"- lol! I really don't know what to think about the whole situation


            Originally posted by Sasusc
            I've read some Cassie and Jonas fics, never with Major Davis. Yes, there's a difference in the age, but then again, I don't care. I'm of the opinion that Cam is 35-40 years old. Cassie would be in her early 20s. Doesn't bother me. I'm weird. I ship other couples with a slighter bigger age gap. Okay, need to get back on topic!
            Me too! Check it out.

            Me + RDA = 20 year age gap.



              Originally posted by Oma-1
              Me too! Check it out.

              Me + RDA = 20 year age gap.

              Me+RDA= 33 year age gap. And people complain about Sam being so much younger than Jack!


                Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                Anyone remember me? LOL. Haven't posted since last year according to the "last visited" annoucement when I logged on but I just thought I'd toss in my two cents on last nights ep.


                Here goes:

                1. I like that there was no Daniel!! LOL. He talks to fast and gives me a headache.......

                2. Claudia and Ben finally got some alone time without Shanks!! I loved the "absolutely" from Vala to Mitchell and wheeeee she pulled the pin out of his grenade!!! LOL They should not be wasting these two just because they are afraid of the "Farscape" thing. They have the chemistry, use it!!! I love Farscape, but I am aware that they are playing different characters now and I think Vala acts more "adult" with Mitchell than she does with Daniel.

                3. Loved Sam yelling at Barrett!!! She's like back off FBI stooge, Im taken!

                4. As far as the Mitchell/Sam thing goes it seems like a brother/sister thing to me and its like he's looking out for her for Jack (not that he needs to cause Sam can take care of herself definately) but Mitchell has the "leave her alone" stare down pat, especially the one he gave to "lemon boy" last week.

                5. I liked the Vala/Sam scenes.

                Okaye thats all I have right now, but it wasn't a horrible ep. Not really fond of Baal but at least it was a "team" effort, such as the team is now.

                LOL! *waves* Hiya Heidi You've not been forgotten

                Welcome Back


                  Originally posted by Jitterbug
                  Greetings, this is a board after my own heart. Enough with the "little" hints,etc. We want Sam and Jack together! Some kisses maybe or a sexy love scene. This show is just not the same without Jack! It is time for the PTB to fulfill their promise about making S&J's relationship public.

                  Hope you enjoy posting with the family


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    Gatetrixer it really bothered me when Sam promised to tell Pete everything.I doubt she had permission from Hammond.If I was Jack I would have a real problem with Sam's actions.My reaction at the time was Sam can do what it takes for Pete and not Jack.
                    This really bugs me from the POV that Hammond wouldn't tell Sam's father what she up to even when he was on his death bed in S2 (until the idea of him becoming Tok'ra was mooted), and Jacob's a Major General fcol! Yet, all Pete gets is injured cos he's a noseyparker and not only is he told all about it, he's treated at the SGC! I'm sure they could have gone the "classified technology" route.

                    Then there's that ep in S9
                    where Mitchell's buddy is dying and not only does he get clearance to tell him all about the SGC and the Goa'uld, he even leaves equipment based on the Tok'ra memory recall device in the hospital with him!

                    Sometimes the little inconsistencies really bug me

                    Sorry, rant over


                      Originally posted by GateSeeker2

                      I met a student once while I was an instructor with AETC (Air Education and Training Command) for USAF...who came to my base for a class...he wasn't my student but we met and became friends...stayed in touch when he left...when he returned a year later to take another class...I had to get formal written permission from my commanding officer to socially see this person (TechSargeant) who was on "student" status during the time at the base even though he again wasn't my student. The instructor/student line just wasn't crossed!!! And get this...I was a civilian!
                      It sooo didn't bother the makers of Top Gun tho And I still love that movie

                      When I'm in angsty mode, I love the regs keeping them apart - it's made the S/J storyline such an incredible one. What would S4 have been without the angst?

                      Then when I'm in full-on shippy mode and want them to find a way to be together (without breaking the regs) I get really ticked with them cos they seem so watertight

                      So I see tptb's dilemma. Putting my Realistic hat on for a mo, they can't just ignore all the backstory we have of Sam and Jack and those pesky regs ...... and they don't want to retire Jack so that RDA can come back and do guest spots ...... so I guess we're just gonna have to wait until the end of the show.

                      But just so you don't take that the wrong way, <-- that's how that prospect makes me feel.

                      And it certainly doesn't stop me from wanting them to find a way around it earlier


                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        Me too! Check it out.

                        Me + RDA = 20 year age gap.

                        Me + RDA = 36 year age gap


                          Originally posted by Sasusc
                          Is he trying to give us a clue? That shippers will enjoy it?
                          I hope so, but he's a veritable tease, so don't be surprised if there's a huge twist or surprise to go with it


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            Me+RDA= 33 year age gap. And people complain about Sam being so much younger than Jack!
                            Originally posted by Sasusc
                            Me + RDA = 36 year age gap
                            Aghhh! Why did I start that? Now I feel OLD

                            *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts*


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              Aghhh! Why did I start that? Now I feel OLD

                              *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts*
                              Oma, you are positively Ancient!

                              You know I'm just teasing! You are only as old as you feel.


                                Originally posted by Oma-1
                                Aghhh! Why did I start that? Now I feel OLD

                                *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts* *think happy shippy thoughts*
                                Just think shippy thoughts, Oma! And you're not old.

