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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Hi! *waves* I'm back and I have 23 honkin' pages to catch up on! Eek!

    I do need some help though. You have to register for that celeeb voting site now, and it's not working for me!! Did anyone else have trouble or is it just me?

    Um...nevermind. *headdesk* D'oh, I figured it out.
    It wouldn't let me register either.


      You shippers guys are crazy and oh so much fun!

      I'm beginning to get my hopes up again for something shippy in S10...too many let downs in the past so I'm NOT going to get to excited. Wouldn't a nice kiss with S/J be oh so niceeeeeee. Hey, it could be in's not like it has to be out in the open for everyone to see in the gate room.

      I thought I read somewhere that AT was going to be in a couple of Atlantis epis this season... am I right? Has anyone else seen that? If so, could Sam and Jack be in the same Atlantis epis? Maybe there could be ship in the Pegasus galaxy!!!!

      And as a side note....why do I find ship with Weir/Caldwell to be intriguing?
      This is great.
      I told ya.
      I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
      Well, let's not dwell.


        TPTB may never admit it but they may be thinking the whole
        Ori and Mitchell/Vala characters were not the way to go.IMO all they had to do for Season 9 was add Jonas or Hailey and Talk more about Jack and show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side form time to time and the Show would be fine.If Season 10 is the last I feel bad for BB and CB.This would be their second Show that did not last long.TPTB have to be really worried about Atlantis since Atlantis struggled in the ratings last Year as well and this is only the third Year.


          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
          Hey you guys,
          I just re-watched Citizen Joe...Very shippy!!! If memory serves me right, somebody mentionned earlier that this ep was suppose to air "AFTER" Threads...AT was apparently pregnant in that ep (CJ), it has to be just before Moebius or even after...and when Sam & Jack are talking on the phone, they are soooo flirting....and no mention of or Kerry when they're talking about their weekend!!! Also, when Joe mentions that he knows all about Jack's feelings for "you know who"...ayeayeaye!!!!
          Very shippy indeed...Plse let me know your feelings about this ep...
          Personally, I will that the episode would have aired between Threads and Moebius. I think a lot of the shippy moments would have seemed even shippier in that order, so in my mind Citizen Joe will always be #18 of S8!


            Originally posted by nell
            I found this in my Favorites folder. Jello Evasion. It's short and sweet. I don't know the writer.
            Thanks for the fic! Very funny!


              Originally posted by ses110
              TPTB may never admit it but they may be thinking the whole
              Ori and Mitchell/Vala characters were not the way to go.IMO all they had to do for Season 9 was add Jonas or Hailey and Talk more about Jack and show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side form time to time and the Show would be fine.If Season 10 is the last I feel bad for BB and CB.This would be their second Show that did not last long.TPTB have to be really worried about Atlantis since Atlantis struggled in the ratings last Year as well and this is only the third Year.

              I think you have something there...
              I don't really buy the Ori as this horrible villian...I mean where were they all these years...ok sure another galaxy...but it just seems a bit to contrite that they appear now that the Goa'uld are gone. Yeah, maybe there needs to be a bad guy to fight but...what if the Furlings had turned bad...we could have in a way continued on with a story line that had already been established and followed that up... or how about those mimic aliens that attacked the SGC? or those giant aliens in "Crystal Skull" ...and is Daniel's grandfather still living with them? I think there could have been many other bad alien guys that could have reappeared in our galaxy and then time...the Ori would have seemed a little less ooooooh scarryyyyy. Plus, I personally don't get into all the "Merlin" round table myth stuff that's OK...but I miss the Egyptian stuff... I too would have liked to have seen other characters reappear instead of so many new faces trying to pull the SGC in another direction. Too much...too soon for me... and I just can't like Mitchell...not like TPTB want me too... nothing against BB...he's ok although I never watched Farscape...but come on...he's been set up to be too much of a golden boy...and for cryin' out loud?!?!? They awarded him the Congressional Medal of Honor??? I don't THINK so!!!! If he got one, then Jack should have like five or more by now...especially after "Lost City!"

              Ok sorry for the rant...just got so caught up in what I'm not thrilled about.
              This is great.
              I told ya.
              I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
              Well, let's not dwell.


                Originally posted by ses110
                I'm not sure if it is true yet but I just read on another board that the Ratings for SG-1 and Atlantis were not good.Down about 15 percent for SG-1 and 10 for Atlantis.It may be
                time for a real wedding.If the ratings for the first show of the Season are not good that is a very bad sign IMO.SG-1 is back on it's 9:00 PM timeslot so no excuses for the early start.I read one fan on the other board mention it was Summer.I do not wnat SG-1 to go out like this.If S10 is the last I hope a Movie still gets made.
                Eureka did well, so maybe it should be SG1's lead in this season. The premiere encore is on before Stargate this week. I hope the ratings go up enough to at least warrant an SG1 movie. It would stink if ratings dipped so low that we lost that.

                About the trilogy, if it isn't SG1 I'm not wasting my money at the box office. The original movie was o.k., but I thought it was a little boring. Kurt is not Jack, RDA is my Jack! Give me a wedding in the first movie, and a baby annoncement at the end of the second. I don't really care what else is in the movie. I'm sure I'll enjoy everything else if I get my ship!


                  That was no rant.It was an excellent post.The
                  Ori do nothing for me.Same goes for Mitchell and Vala.IMO it would have been interesting to have Mitchell be a by the book leader with Sam Daniel and Teal'c having problems warming up to Mitchell.The complete opposite from Jack.IMO there has yet to be a great SG-1 episode without RDA.IMO the last great episode was Lost City.These episodes just do not grab my attention.In the earlier Seasons I could not wait for the next weeks episode and now there is no excitement.


                    I just think it's a horrible sign if the
                    first Show of the Season has bad ratings.The first episode should be the one where everyone wants to see especially after a cliffhanger.I could be wrong but I do not believe SG-1 has hit a 2.0 ratings since Season 8.If it did it may have been once.Watch the ratings go up for the second episode and I'll be all confused.I'm almost hoping the ratings are bad until the 200 with RDA coming back.After some of the comments from TPTB and Actors before Season 9 that would be sweet.


                      Originally posted by waterfall
                      it is now!!!!!!

                      sorry, I've been ill this week and haven't added my name before now....
                      Hope you are feeling better! It doesn't matter how many times I see your sig, I always . My son thinks its the coolest sig ever

                      SHIPPER MEDAL OF PATIENCE!!!!!!!

                      Courtesy of Mala the Great

                      which is being issued to the following Shippers Family members:

                      Ship Nana
                      chelle db
                      Ancient 61
                      Gate gal
                      Hope Leslie Hermnharry
                      shipper hannah!!
                      mad gator
                      LA Doyle

                      As requested GateSeeker2


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        TPTB may never admit it but they may be thinking the whole
                        Ori and Mitchell/Vala characters were not the way to go.IMO all they had to do for Season 9 was add Jonas or Hailey and Talk more about Jack and show the Sam/Jack Ship from Sam's side form time to time and the Show would be fine.If Season 10 is the last I feel bad for BB and CB.This would be their second Show that did not last long.TPTB have to be really worried about Atlantis since Atlantis struggled in the ratings last Year as well and this is only the third Year.
                        Me too. It isn't their fault, but they will probably get the blame.

                        It is still really early in the season. I'm looking forward to
                        all 5 of RDA's appearances. I know we'll get fake ship in 200, but I still expect his other SG1 episode to be the big payoff (especially if they aren't renewed for s11). I have even been thinking about his first Atlantis episode. It is a halucination ep where Weir is told the Stargate doesn't exist, so maybe we will see what Jack really meant when he said "I wouldn't be here." Maybe he'll have been stationed at the pentagon with Sam, and they will have fallen in love and gotten married. I know it is still fake, but it would be a little more ship. I also expect some ship in the Atlantis 2 parter. I want Jack to decide his career isn't worth it any more and he has to find a way to be with Sam before one of them gets killed. We'll then get our resolution in his last SG1 episode.

                        Of course, I have no proof. I am just a little too optimistic for my own good. Will my shipper family be here to pick up the pieces when I finally crash and burn?


                          Meimei, congrats on your deal! You are an excellent writer! I'm reading Life's Journey in another window. Excellent!


                            Originally posted by ses110
                            That was no rant.It was an excellent post.The
                            Ori do nothing for me.Same goes for Mitchell and Vala.IMO it would have been interesting to have Mitchell be a by the book leader with Sam Daniel and Teal'c having problems warming up to Mitchell.The complete opposite from Jack.IMO there has yet to be a great SG-1 episode without RDA.IMO the last great episode was Lost City.These episodes just do not grab my attention.In the earlier Seasons I could not wait for the next weeks episode and now there is no excitement.
                            Well, thank you.
                            And, I know what you mean...I personally didn't see the last epi in S9. Actually I missed more shows than I saw when they aired originally in S9, I had to borrow a friend's son's tapes and get caught up on like 7 epis. However, I missed the last one and really wasn't that bothered by it. Read a few fanfics that speculated on it and figured I had gotten caught up on it. I did like the season opener but it was just ok. "Lost City" was definitely a great epi.
                            the Ori villians have been shoved down our throats to soon too fast. We just defeated the Goa'uld and now the Ori show up...I don't buy in it. Couldn't the Wraith threat have overlapped a little in SG1? Now that's a great evil baddy.

                            There isn't as much excitement now days. Each epi used to feel like a mini-movie, but now...ho hum.
                            This is great.
                            I told ya.
                            I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                            Well, let's not dwell.


                              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                              Welcome to the thread, aske! We've wondered much the same thing. After all,
                              RDA has gone all these years without ever doing a con, and suddenly, after returning to the show for some guest appearances, he's willing to do one? I think it signals that the Stargate big screen movie is a definite go.

                              And Darren posted an article today that may support that theory. It's at:

                              It's mainly about Dean Devlin, who produced the original Stargate movie. But it also deals with the small screen version's future. Here's a quote:
                              In light of SG-1's small screen success, MGM has for years expressed a desire to see Stargate return to the big screen, even penning a deal with Wright and SG-1 executive producer Robert C. Cooper to create an SG-1-based film.

                              Time will tell. I'm so glad we have several Ship Family members who are planning to attend Avalon!!!

                              OMG! I desperately want to click those "Show" buttons but I. Can. Resist. The. Urge! I. Will. Stay. Spoiler. Free!!

                              *passes out from oxygen deprivation!*


                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                I know we all want to know if Jack and Sam are together, but I want more. I want to see their relationship get together, I want to see them drop the walls, and quit the stumbling around each other and walk through the fear that has been holding them back.
                                MEEEE TOOOOO!!!

                                plus a big, heavy makeout session



