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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    How about the ep where he says, "I have to pee." It doesn't exactly make me ROTF but would be funny in a video, especially set against a question and that would be his answer. (I don't remember the episode."
    I think it was Ascension-Sam collars Jack regarding Orlin as Jack is on his way to the toilet- but I may be wrong....
    always and forever
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    My History Website


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
      So.....what's up wtih tonight's Skiffy lineup? And what happened to the Atlantis Mondays they were promoting a week ago? We're back to all SG-1 eps tonight. Not that I'm complaining, LOL......

      Looks like ronight's theme may be Strange Science.....
      I heard Atlantis' ratings on Monday night sucked. Royally. *cackle*


        Originally posted by SG1Poz
        LOL, I just watched again. Crytal Skull. Jack falls to the ground trying to get off the bed. Teal'c throws him back into bed. LOL
        That one cracks me up every time! I know it's coming, I can practically quote the dialogue but I can't help but laugh out loud!


          Originally posted by scjon
          I think it was Ascension-Sam collars Jack regarding Orlin as Jack is on his way to the toilet- but I may be wrong....
          You're right. It kind of pissed me off. He was so dismissive in that ep. But I can't stay mad at Jack for long! LOL!


            Originally posted by sueKay
            OT...but I think this is fun...


            make your own country and share them funny

            Mines didn't turn out too good!
            I've done one of these too.

            Mines at www.nationstates/gatia
            always and forever
            My LJ
            My History Website


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
              Honey, they're always interested in ratings.....especially now, as they're preparing to produce a feature film. I think we'll be seeing a lot more of RDA, regardless of what it costs them.....because they'll need his draw to get people into the movie theatres!!!!!

              S9 was what it experiment. In our minds, it failed miserably. But if we get the proper respect for the characters we've grown to love, maybe then we can learn to accept the new characters too. Remember, in S9, the boys at Bridge only maintained (more or less) their ratings. I think they actually lost a little audience share. But with RDA back on both shows, they should grow their ratings on each.....and build up to the feature film!!! And remember, the spoilers never tell you all you need to know! I bet Sam and Jack will be together in the same galaxy enough to satisfy us.....regardless of which galaxy that turns out to be.

              Gals, the Sam/Jack relationship is one of the constants of the show, one of its key themes, and we're one of the strongest, most loyal fan groups. The show will never go heavy romance, but we will get a happy ending for these two characters. All the indicators are in place! Can't you see how everything that's been announced recently points to that? I mean, come on.....RDA doing a con?????

              So try to put the past behind you, and stop seeing the glass as half empty.'s half full.'s about to overflow!!!!!

              That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. So come on, get happy! Tra-la-la!!!
              I'm thinking with you on this one, sg-1fan. When I got the email about RDA & AT together in 2007, the first thing that came to mind was they were getting together in season 10. Otherwise it made no sense. Yep, half full to overflowin'
              In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

              Life is too short for drama & petty things,
              so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

              Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
              Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
              Hic Comitas Regit
              Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


                Originally posted by Deejay435
                Here's my nation:

                yours is great!

                much nicer than mine, even though i was 'trying' to go in your hearts and flowers way too... what happened?




                  Originally posted by Buc252
                  I'm not there yet either, PG. I just don't trust them to use RDA's time properly, either for the character or for the ship. The way they used him in S9 was absolutely disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves for that rot.

                  Why is everybody so sure it won't happen again? I have absolutely no idea, but I *hope* that they're right and I'm wrong. Unfortunately, in the past, it's proven to be the exact opposite. :-(
                  i'm actually not sure it won't happen again, but i *need* to believe everything will be alright. i even bought a new glass to put that half full cup of water in!




                    Originally posted by nell
                    See my new sig pic!! How about this ship?


                    sally, humming 'luuuv boat, de de de de de de de, de-deee'



                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      i did one.

                      i don't know what happened to my civil rights thinger...


                      Know what you mean Sal. I'm really not sure what happened to mine either and I really don't know where it gets the description from?!

                      The Community of Obessed Shippers

                      Anywho, this is my description.

                      "The Community of Obsessed Shippers is a tiny, safe nation, notable for its devotion to ideals of ship. Residence is completely voluntary; its compassionate, intelligent population of 5 million are known throughout the region for their love of Sam & Jack as well as their general compassion, efficiency and work ethic.

                      This nation relies on self-governance of its people, with a small democratic government mainly responsible for the guidance of the ship. It is completely devoted to Social Welfare, Religion & Spirituality (Ascension being the main religion) and Healthcare (gotta look after those thunkers among us ). It's headquarters are located in the capital, Shipper Town. A robust private sector is led by innovative Movie, Graphic Arts and Fan Fiction Sectors. Ship Sista’s Shipper Store has won the Best Industry Award for supplying the very specific needs of the population for the last 3 years since it's opening in 2004.

                      There is the occasional crime problem, mainly relating to a small renegade band known as TPTB. But generally crime is very low, thanks to a well-respected and much-loved police force comprised of the Penguins of War and progressive social policies in education and welfare and art.

                      Obsessed Shippers' national animal is the Penguin and its currency is the Sail."



                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        Know what you mean Sal. I'm really not sure what happened to mine either and I really don't know where it gets the description from?!

                        The Community of Obessed Shippers

                        Anywho, this is my description.

                        "The Community of Obsessed Shippers is a tiny, safe nation, notable for its devotion to ideals of ship. Residence is completely voluntary; its compassionate, intelligent population of 5 million are known throughout the region for their love of Sam & Jack as well as their general compassion, efficiency and work ethic.

                        This nation relies on self-governance of its people, with a small democratic government mainly responsible for the guidance of the ship. It is completely devoted to Social Welfare, Religion & Spirituality (Ascension being the main religion) and Healthcare (gotta look after those thunkers among us ). It's headquarters are located in the capital, Shipper Town. A robust private sector is led by innovative Movie, Graphic Arts and Fan Fiction Sectors. Ship Sista’s Shipper Store has won the Best Industry Award for supplying the very specific needs of the population for the last 3 years since it's opening in 2004.

                        There is the occasional crime problem, mainly relating to a small renegade band known as TPTB. But generally crime is very low, thanks to a well-respected and much-loved police force comprised of the Penguins of War and progressive social policies in education and welfare and art.

                        Obsessed Shippers' national animal is the Penguin and its currency is the Sail."

                        That's great, LOL!

                        I did one too. Here's mine.
                        I think my little nation is doing well!

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          I'm kind of curious,
                          are most of us under the impression that Jack and Sam are seeing each other since the end of Mobieus 2, or not? I would have to say that I am in the later half. Since Mobieus, I think that Jack and Sam are in a non-verbal understanding and that besides from a few phone calls they probably haven't seen that much of one another, and I base this on the "not exactly" and the almost kiss between Martouf and herself. I'm sure at this point that Sam knows Jacks feelings and this has sustained her for now and vice versa with Jack but my gut feeling tells me that they haven't proceeded any further. I think I feel this way because "what gets them together" is almost as important to me as them getting together, meaning I want to see what causes that pivital decision to be made and was the regs the real reason that they stayed apart or was it their own insecurities and fear of facing them and the regs where really "the safe bet". I'm not sure with how long they have waited to resolve this that one episode "smack they are together" will really give it justice, this could use a "B" burner arc for itself.

                          You know I was thinking, if Sam really wants to know what Jacks feelings are, all she would have to do is ask "Citizen Joe", he knows all about Jack.

                          To use one of my favourite quotes from
                          The Young Riders: "That'd be somethin' to see."

                          And I'm of the former in that line of thought. There was just something rather intimate about the
                          "You have to pack"
                          line in 'Moebius', and my take on the
                          "Not exactly"
                          was that Sam couldn't really come out and say she was dating her former CO yet (or wasn't ready to. Given everything that had happened, they'd want to keep it to themselves for a bit.


                            Originally posted by MirthMistress
                            What's "legacy" mean?
                            No relation to the SG-1 episode. WHat I basically meant was that I was the one who sparked the latest '100 Days' discussion with a simple question, and I just kept replying to the posts...

                            Mind you, I don't think I was 100% alert when I typed that line. "... be by(?) legacy..."


                              Originally posted by SG1Poz
                              LOL, I just watched again. Crytal Skull. Jack falls to the ground trying to get off the bed. Teal'c throws him back into bed. LOL
                              Tee hee, I remember that! I also remember who when Sam fainted Jack caught her! (Though I was a little dissapointed that he had her in a fireman's carry, but then again, it's prolly easier to run with her that way)


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                i did one.

                                i don't know what happened to my civil rights thinger...


                                I did one too

                                the democratic states of emilarian

                                I did pretty good actually
                                Thank you Jenova Synthesis

                                Thank you to homever I borrowed this from

