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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    *sob* Sam just told him how she felt.

    I find it her words about hoping that he always knew poignant.

    and now Teal'c *weep*

    I love Teal'c.

    Interestingly as much of a warrior as T is he has never had the truoble Jck does expressing his feelings when he wants to. It's okay for T to tell his friends what they mean to him. It's ok for T to cry.
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
      Don't like it coz I think the whole...

      I'm sorry I'm sorry

      ...thing is so OoC for Sam. She would have looked devastated but not said anything I think and just gotten out of the way. It's just grates on my nerves right there *shrug*

      Really? Cuz I saw it as an indication of just how on edge, how frazzled she really is...first to even suggest such a drastic thing as this...she hasn't touched that healing device in a couple of years, IIRC...and then the near panic she has when Daniel goes into convulsions...I guess I see Sam as right on the brink here...and the soldier/scientist persona is off-duty and she's just someone desperate to help...and ends up hurting instead.

      *shrugs too*


        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post you ever ramble, Mara...

        I think you've nailed something that's important to understand about Jack's character...he's always a man of action, not a man of words. Going even as far back as POV...AU Sam tells him: I know you well enough to know you don't have the slightest idea what to say.... Which is spot-on for Jack. Talking has never been his strong suit...if it had, then maybe things between him and Sara would never have deteriorated as they did after Charlie died. So I think the fact that Jack can even sit at Daniel's bedside at all and get as much out as he does shows a tremendous growth in Jack's character...but I also think it scares him even further when it comes to the issue of they friendship or something deeper, like he feels for Sam.

        Cuz as if Entity wasn't bad enough, where he almost loses Sam...Meridian is worse...he *does* lose Daniel. And that drives the point home all that much more clearly: SG1 is not protected by some magic charm. People get hurt. People die. People he cares about. So if anything, Daniel's death only reaffirms for him that he can't be letting himself get too close to people, especially those he works with on this job. Cuz chances are one day one of them isn't going to make it back through the wormhole. Which is why, I think, in the after-episode to this of the reasons he pulls back is in realization of this. Yes...there's a wound-licking quality to it...and an element of the "way of the warrior" crap, perhaps...but I think Sam is missing a big part of it...Jack doesn't want to risk any more loss, and distancing himself from the two of them is part and parcel of that. I'm the one who's totally been blown off course here...

        Think I'll take it off "pause" now...
        I agree. But interestingly in S6 we see Jack coming to terms with the fact that he can't avoid these feelings for these particular people. They already exist and they aren't going away just coz he's grumpy and tries to keep them at arms length. Thus I think he 'rejoins' the team (Sam and T) so to speak. His feelings for Sam however are to great. And though he doesn't pull away from her as he did in S5 he decided that the best thing for HER is to for him to not allow her to realise the extent and nature of his feelings for her.

        And now back to Meridian....
        Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

        Thanks Bekki


          I decided to stop by before heading to bed. I see lots of writing... which my mind won't comprehend right at this moment.
          My bed is calling.


            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            Really? Cuz I saw it as an indication of just how on edge, how frazzled she really is...first to even suggest such a drastic thing as this...she hasn't touched that healing device in a couple of years, IIRC...and then the near panic she has when Daniel goes into convulsions...I guess I see Sam as right on the brink here...and the soldier/scientist persona is off-duty and she's just someone desperate to help...and ends up hurting instead.

            *shrugs too*

            I can see it that way too...but just the way she calls out "I'm sorry" to the docs grates on my nerves...

            *shrugs again*
            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

            Thanks Bekki


              Originally posted by Alan View Post
              I never saw that pattern with Sam before until now. In the Season 2 episode A Matter of Time the same sort of thing happened with Sam wanting to examine a black hole and Jack being more concerned by SG-10 trying to escape from it. "We are witnessing good men die in slow motion, Captain.", I believe was his response and suddenly Sam remembers the human cost at this new scientific discovery.
              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
              *sob* Thankyou APA for saying it like this...and so well.

              See I don't think that Sam has no feelings or is callous...I just think she's afraid of her feelings when they involve someone she cares a lot about and uses science and the objective scientific view point to push those feelings aside for a while so she can get the job done.

              And like you say, once the job is all comes flooding out.

              Thank you, Alan! I knew there was another incident where Sam got a little carried away like that.

              And I don't mean to suggest that she doesn't have feeling underneath...I agree completely with Mara that she really does just push those aside rather than try to deal with them, especially when she's got something else she can focus on so she *doesn't* have to deal with them. But I also do think, from time to time, she can't see the tree for the forest...she's so busy and enthralled by the greater picture, that she misses what might be right in front of her. And perhaps the other examples are more illustrative of this then here in Meridian...because I do think in Meridian she is really just trying to stay focused so she doesn't have to deal with Daniel...yet...but still, there is that twinge of excitement in her voice when she's in her lab and describing the properties of the naquadria to Jack...and that look of exasperation at Jack when he's questioning why they would even want to establish diplomatic relations with Kelowna now...that reminds me of those times when she's zoned out on the personal while inthrall of the scientific. I just think it's one of those Sam-flaws which we know she has...and which keeps her from being perfect...and makes her so much more believeable as a character.


                *sobbing uncontrollably*

                Umm...give me a minute

                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                Thanks Bekki


                  *takes tissue* *passes one to Mara*


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    Thank you, Alan! I knew there was another incident where Sam got a little carried away like that.

                    And I don't mean to suggest that she doesn't have feeling underneath...I agree completely with Mara that she really does just push those aside rather than try to deal with them, especially when she's got something else she can focus on so she *doesn't* have to deal with them. But I also do think, from time to time, she can't see the tree for the forest...she's so busy and enthralled by the greater picture, that she misses what might be right in front of her. And perhaps the other examples are more illustrative of this then here in Meridian...because I do think in Meridian she is really just trying to stay focused so she doesn't have to deal with Daniel...yet...but still, there is that twinge of excitement in her voice when she's in her lab and describing the properties of the naquadria to Jack...and that look of exasperation at Jack when he's questioning why they would even want to establish diplomatic relations with Kelowna now...that reminds me of those times when she's zoned out on the personal while inthrall of the scientific. I just think it's one of those Sam-flaws which we know she has...and which keeps her from being perfect...and makes her so much more believeable as a character.
                    Here, here! And not just Sam either. This is one of the reasons I like Stargate. These people aren't perfect and no one is perfect in RL. We all have our flaws and so do the characters of this 20th / 21st century set franchise. I find it far easier to sympathise with them and find them more believable than the characters of the 23rd / 24th century set Star Trek franchise.

                    And OT: YAY! 1,300 POSTINGS!!!

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      *takes tissue* *passes one to Mara*
                      Thanks APA *sniff*

                      That's so sad...the whole when he's talking to Jack scene.

                      I cry my eyes out every time...Daniel don't go!!!

                      EDIT: Congrats Alan on 1300.....*sniff*
                      Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                      Thanks Bekki


                        Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                        Thanks APA *sniff*

                        That's so sad...the whole when he's talking to Jack scene.

                        I cry my eyes out every time...Daniel don't go!!!

                        EDIT: Congrats Alan on 1300.....*sniff*
                        Oh I know...the scene at the gate...the look on Daniel's face...and the look on Jack's...*sniff*...and the way Jack stand there and watches him leave...the hurt...and yet the acceptance...but at the same time the loss....and then he's back in the infirmary...and that haunting pain theme plays....

                        *takes another tissue*


                          Hmm...apparently Daniel's demise had a quieting effect on the Thread

                          Anyway...That final scene between Daniel and Jack was very touching and I think goes a long way to reaffirming their friendship.

                          And then Daniel's appearance to Jack solidifies to Jack's POV anyway seeing as Daniel doesn't remember that part...but that was my way of's ok...he comes back

                          What is very sad is that Jack never discloses any of these events, so while he had this momen, this closure with Daniel. Teal'c and Sam (who love him just as much IMHO) don't. So even though Jack is clearly hurting in the next ep...Sam and T are hurting more I think.
                          Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                          Thanks Bekki


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                            Hmm...apparently Daniel's demise had a quieting effect on the Thread

                            Anyway...That final scene between Daniel and Jack was very touching and I think goes a long way to reaffirming their friendship.

                            And then Daniel's appearance to Jack solidifies to Jack's POV anyway seeing as Daniel doesn't remember that part...but that was my way of's ok...he comes back

                            What is very sad is that Jack never discloses any of these events, so while he had this momen, this closure with Daniel. Teal'c and Sam (who love him just as much IMHO) don't. So even though Jack is clearly hurting in the next ep...Sam and T are hurting more I think.

                            Sorry...I was a bit behind...kept hitting the pause..and then I couldn't see the darn screen....

                            Do you think that Jack doesn't reveal it because it's too personal and he just could never, would never discuss anything like that because he can't...or do you think there's measure of self-doubt in he thought it never really happened?

                            Personally, I think it's a little of both...I don't see Jack sharing that experience because it is just too darn personal...and also because I do think he has some doubts about it.

                            And true about the lack of closure for Sam and Teal'c. T at least gets to see Daniel later one; Sam never does. And I still think there's some measure of hurt to it when she learns she's the only one he never has come to...and then he sort of brushes her off with a "Hi Sam" Full Circle. That of course is redeemed in Fallen, when ironically it's Sam who is able to convince Daniel to return with them, but I think you're right in that it all starts here. And that Revelations wouldn't have been nearly as painful a time for Sam and T if they'd had the experience Jack had. Sam even nearly says as much to Hammond when he comes to see how she's doing.


                              I'm not being quiet, I'm trying to write.


                                Guys i am in need of some serious help!


                                Last ngiht i was invited to my friends friends 18th and the theme is something starting with the lett of your Name and My names Jess (for thoese of you who didn know) and i have NO IDEA what to go as.

                                anyhelp please *gets down on knees and begs*
                                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!

