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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Okaye, so I'm staring at the 4 kissing Gifs and I've decided that even if it wasn't our Sam, the kiss from Point of View is my fav. Look at it closely, the nibbling of lips, her hand caressing his neck and hair and of course , THAT BIG HONKIN ROCK ON HER FINGER!!!! Just thought I'd share LOL.



      Originally posted by CarterONeill View Post
      Okaye, so I'm staring at the 4 kissing Gifs and I've decided that even if it wasn't our Sam, the kiss from Point of View is my fav. Look at it closely, the nibbling of lips, her hand caressing his neck and hair and of course , THAT BIG HONKIN ROCK ON HER FINGER!!!! Just thought I'd share LOL.
      I love the Grace kiss's just so HOT! And plus it just shows us that Sam would really like to kiss Jack's face off, given the opportunity. Just sayin'.


        Originally posted by CarterONeill View Post
        Okaye, so I'm staring at the 4 kissing Gifs and I've decided that even if it wasn't our Sam, the kiss from Point of View is my fav. Look at it closely, the nibbling of lips, her hand caressing his neck and hair and of course , THAT BIG HONKIN ROCK ON HER FINGER!!!! Just thought I'd share LOL.
        Grace kiss is my favorite the emotion from both of them is so deep and meaningful they both really get into it. Brocca Virus is definitely the hottest but no true emotion just animal lust *is it hot in here?*
        Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post

          look at sam's left hand. it looks like some'thing' was in that hand. say, like, another hand that just happened to belong to the hunk in front of her!




            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            look at sam's left hand. it looks like some'thing' was in that hand. say, like, another hand that just happened to belong to the hunk in front of her!

            My mind soooooo gutterized that, lol!!!!
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
              I've spent the last day or so trying to re-make and rotate my Duty sigs (and thanks to the link in john_and_teyla_for_life's sig), I finally finished

              Now I need to find a way out of the angst cavern long enough to make some more fluffy ones to go with this one

              But not tonight, cos it's waaaaaay past my bedtime

              Maybe looking at these for a while will help me have nice dreams and get me all fluffy for tomorrow

              Now that our Sam has long hair, I really don't mind looking at this one
              Those are all great. The sig is very cute and the gifs are fantastic! Are they snurchable?

              Sig made by me


                so i asked joe a ship centric question on his blog last night. here's what i asked:

                "do you consider resolving a relationship to be closing a storyline?

                my answer is it’s closing one chapter (the will they/won’t they) to opening a new chapter. the new chapter will be seeing how they are as a couple. and it that area, the places to go are limitless.

                what’s your take on this?"

                here's joe's answer:

                Majorsal writes: “Do you consider resolving a relationship to be closing a storyline?”

                Answer: That depends on the characters involved. In the case of Rodney and Katie Brown, it certainly closed that storyline.

                i'm taking that as a good sign!!




                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  so i asked joe a ship centric question on his blog last night. here's what i asked:

                  "do you consider resolving a relationship to be closing a storyline?

                  my answer is it’s closing one chapter (the will they/won’t they) to opening a new chapter. the new chapter will be seeing how they are as a couple. and it that area, the places to go are limitless.

                  what’s your take on this?"

                  here's joe's answer:

                  Majorsal writes: “Do you consider resolving a relationship to be closing a storyline?”

                  Answer: That depends on the characters involved. In the case of Rodney and Katie Brown, it certainly closed that storyline.

                  i'm taking that as a good sign!!

                  Okay...I think. I just...Joe...he...scares me!:s


                    Originally posted by Oma-1
                    LOL, I think the fluffy pic was a thank you for someone coming up with the right ep
                    Bugger. I was really hoping that no one had caught that post I made and quoted it. I realised after I went back to read it properly what it was about and promptly deleted it. Now that embarrassing statement I'd posted is set in stone forever.

                    And on that note I think its time to get to bed. 4:15am here in the UK. But I'll be back tomorrow. Later guys. It's been fun.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Weeeeeee....flyby post!!!

                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      Yes...I love that look too!! THUNK! And SQUEE!

                      Seeing as I'm all for compounded words (and interrobangs - but thats another story), I think Squee and Thunk need to be "one word" flutter and flangster

                      Shippers all, I present...

                      (to rhyme with punk...and hunk...and thunk)

                      Use it wisely

                      Oh, and Nad - have I ever mentioned that I love you? Your latest PTB letter was most enjoyable

                      ...and it mentioned musicals *thinks back to Squee - The musical* good times...good times

                      and now I must go choreograph one (a musical...not a squee....or a squunk)


                        Originally posted by CarterONeill View Post
                        Okaye, so I'm staring at the 4 kissing Gifs and I've decided that even if it wasn't our Sam, the kiss from Point of View is my fav. Look at it closely, the nibbling of lips, her hand caressing his neck and hair and of course , THAT BIG HONKIN ROCK ON HER FINGER!!!! Just thought I'd share LOL.
                        ROFL! Hahah. That kiss just makes me feel awkward. Such betrayal lol. Poor real Sam. I skip that scene whenever I watch that episode. I get all squeamish. But yes besides that it is a great kiss for sure! Ho hum. And yes the ring is there in all it's sparkley glory. But I do love the Grace kiss. But she is kind of making out with her subconscious....And WoO kiss is by far the best (in my opinion) cause it's so outlandish hee hee. Hah Broca Divide kiss is just violent lol. Oh baby oh baby. Hopefully there will be many future kisses to come!!


                          Ooh I forgot about Moebius! Who knows what eventuated from that!!


                            *big shippy sigh* I love this ship...just a thought I had. And with that, I must get to bed! Busy day tomorrow!


                              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                              Oh, and I got this idea while working...


                              Dear PTB,

                              Yes, It's me again! You should feel honoured, recieving two letters in a couple of days. I mean, not even the nicest boyfriends got that lucky!

                              Anyway, here's something I'd like to run by you. It's just a tought and if you want to use it feel free to do so, you don't even need to credit me, it's all yours! Ok, here goes.

                              I know you guys are plotting about that S/J spinoff you want to give us as a surprise, but how about this one: Sam gets to command a ship called the Homer(us). Due to a freak accident during a rescue mission, the ship and it's crew get lost in space. Sam's all miserable because she misses Jack and their guinea pig, Bart. BUT, what she doesn't know is that both Jack and their pet are hiding in her quarters to surprise her. Of course, you should not show us that untill episode four. We need the angst first.

                              Don't feel bad about not coming up with this yourself, It's a very never before done, original kind of idea. And don't worry about that surprise, we'll act like we've never heard about this idea before! I promise.

                              Well, that's it for this time. Remember, don't feel bad if other fans will not like your ideas, you guys are Awesome!
                              (Have I ever told you I love seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1? Because I do!)
                              (Still not kissing up to you guys, just telling you how great you are.)

                              Love, hugs and kisses,


                              P.S.: You could always use this plot for the musical, too...

                              Rofl nad...Love it...and you're still nuts... Btw not the musical again...we should really start to write that script now

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              look at sam's left hand. it looks like some'thing' was in that hand. say, like, another hand that just happened to belong to the hunk in front of her!
                              Oye...gutterized that completly...
                              but they still have the 'we are really innocent' looks on their faces...tsk tsk So not innocent...they were up to gutterize things!!!


                                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                                I love the Grace kiss's just so HOT! And plus it just shows us that Sam would really like to kiss Jack's face off, given the opportunity. Just sayin'.
                                Well...wouldn't anyone?? I mean...

                                Don'cha' just wanna' grab him and...*grabs Jack & starts kissing his face off*

