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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    Well, I'm still three days behind...but thought I'd weigh in on this anyway. My SG-1 story is a lot like luvnjack's. I like smart sci-fi...and I don't like gore or horror. Hubby got me started on X-Files...and I became a bigger fan than he. Hubby got me started on Stargate...and can't say a word now about my obsession because:

    1. He got me started
    2. He enjoys it too.

    But I cut my teeth on sci fi at a very early age. I was but a young girl when the TV version of Lost in Space came on CBS. I was hooked form the first ep. After all, it had everything I could want...the mom from Lassie as the mom (June Lockhart), lots of shiny technical things, a girl just a few years older than I (Angela Cartwright, who had played one of the daughters in The Sound of Music just a couple of years before), a cool robot, a bad guy...and did I mention Will Robinson? Yes, Billy (Bill) Mumy played the smart kid who made friends with the robot and was always getting into something. He's just a couple of years older than I, and I really identified with him. Plus there was that cool romance between his older TV sister, Judy, and that cute Major West! Sigh...

    A sci fi fan was born.

    Since then, I've always liked my brand of sci-fi. Brave Earthlings going into space, espousing American ways and values. I loved Star Trek (the original). But I had to watch it in reruns, since it ran on Friday nights and I was usually hanging out with my junior high friends at the high school football game or at a slumber party or something.

    When Gene Roddenberry made a national speaking tour in 1978 to announce thye Star Trek movies, I was there at his Nashville appearance, sitting in my seat at the Opry House. Original Trek, TNG, Voyager...heck, I even liked Enterprise!

    When the original Battlestar Galactica (very campy and strange) was on ABC in 1978-79, I watched every episode. I was also a big fan of Babylon 5, once it got past that horrible first season.

    Hubby and I share an interest in sci fi. We saw the Stargate movie, and loved it. When the TV show was announced, we were interested. As I've said many times, I couldn't imagine RDA in the Kurt Russell role. Now, it pains me to watch Kurt Russell in the RDA role--LOL!


    Some very uncanny parallels! Except I lived in Guam as a child, and I was only able to see Star Trek when we came to visit my grandmother in Texas! I was glued to the screen. Since then I've loved all Star Treks, but especially loved Voyager!

    I was an early shipper. I shipped Major West and Judy (I can't believe I was such a romantic as a child), Cassie and Starbuck in the old Battlestar Galactica! I loved that show! I just love ship! But all time fave of course is SG1
    Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      Oh. I keep forgetting about him.
      you forget about your own hubby Thats bad jena..really bad!!!!

      And now on school... Have to find something about cuba crisis...



        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
        Ditto. Only one other couple has captured my heart like Sam and Jack...and that was 20 years ago! I was very into the ship between Frisco and Felicia on General Hospital...and the two actors involved (Jack Wagner and Kristina Malandro) ended up getting married in real life and have two sons.

        Other than that, I've been interested in the outcomes of other on-screen relationships...but never as obsessed as I've been with Sam & Jack.

        After 2.5 years on GW, I have observed that some people "ship" characters because they just think they would be neat together. Others (like me) see a strong chemistry between actors and get interested in the ship because of what they see on-screen. RDA and AT have more chemistry than any two actors I've ever seen.

        + =

        EDIT: RDA used to work on General Hospital. It was the big break that got him noticed in Hollywood.
        I have to agree with everyone on this. No other couple or ship has so endeared itself to me like Sam and Jack. And I do think the actors are a large part of that. I think they are also part and parcel to the success of SG-1 for all those good years.

        The only other couple that comes close for me is Tom and B'Elanna on Voyager. I loved them back when Voyager first came on (I love Voyager), but in re-watching the episodes back to back on Spike, I love them even more. Its been fun watching them go from antagonists all the way to parents. Right now, I'd have to say Voyager is one of my favorite things to watch on tv. I know nothing about the making of the show or anything, but it seems as though the ship was planned from the beginning, dropping hints, and slowly building. The episodes never suffered from the ship or romance. They used it. Ship does happen! The characters don't have the same "umph" as Sam and Jack, I know, and it makes me mad that all that "umph" has not been put into a S/J BHK!

        BHK = our time, our reality, not to be erased, not left to interpretation, canon
        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


          Originally posted by Caladria View Post

          Was Shifu Ascended? He always seemed to be one of those on the path to, but I don't know whether he actually Ascended or not.
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            Afternoon shippers
            Hope you are all well, my post has been a bit sporadic lately what with work, home, giving up smoking, eating too much chocolate and wanting to eat everything I can get my hands on. Anyway, enough of the whining.

            Back on Topic.

            Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
            hi everyone, i don't remember last time i was here... !! i have to read over a 100 pages to be to date... but i'm too lazy to read... so i,m just gonna start at this last page...

            First... i don't know if you know already, but on, Amanda put a message on her site!!!Go there and read it if you have a chance!!

            On another note... i miss you all !!! I miss to talk about sam and jack with you!!! it seems like we discuss every aspects of their relationship with them... but at the end of the day... we all discover something new to talk about...!!! I love that!!

            Anyway... it's getting late here!! I will be there tomorrow night. good night everyone!!
            That's a cute message from Amanda.

            Originally posted by trupi View Post
            Happy Birthday

            Happy Birthday from me too.


              Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post


              SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              *cries* I have been waiting for sci fi to play a marathon of Stargate since it started on foxtel, and now that it has (and season 7 too, my favourite season out of those that I don't have on DVD!!!) I can't even watch it! I have gigs ALL weekend! *huffs*

              I guess it just wasn't meant to be

              ...but we all know what IS meant to be...


                Originally posted by dreamer one View Post
                Reviews are priceless, aren't they? That's probably the most addictive part of the whole fanfic writing process, and yep, I'm ready to write lots and lots of chapters when I've had a bunch of reviews and yes, depressed when they don't arrive
                I'm trying to be more aware of writing reviews for the stories I read; its all too easy to forget and I know how much they mean to anyone who takes the time to write.
                I review when I can. It's sometimes a mad dash into the story and quickly red it then off to RL...I have only just discovered the art of reviewing in the last 6 months or is a time consuming thing when you read a plethora of fics before please don't think your fic is not appreciated or admired if it is not reviewed by all readers...I love almost all the fics I read...and if I don't like it then I just skip it and move on.
                So...thank you to all the fic writers for all the wonderful fics out there...wish I had the talent to write as good as you all do!!!
                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                Priceless...yes...always what you want to And trust me Dreamer One, if I had half your talent I would be so very very very happy! You are a wonderful writer! I love your fanfiction
                I'll second that...if it hasn't been already!!!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Did you say baby turtles?
                This showed up on in the news section Thursday. Some lady in North Dakota had a bunch of snapping turtles hatch in her yard. A neighbor collected them up, took them to a nearby river and released them.
                I saved that pic for my son Tom who loves turtles...especially the teenage mutant ninja ones!!!
                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                The only times I don't leave a review is if I've only a few minutes to catch up on all my stories. It is usually a time thing for me!

                I am a little selfish: I'd like an author to acknowledge that I took the time to review. It can be a simple thank you. (I didn't know there was an etiquette to fan fiction)
                I'm not fussed if a writer acknowledges my review or speaking of etiquette...what do most authors want to hear from their readers???
                I generally say thank you...I don't like to point out any errors or stuff like that!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                I never leave a negative review either, though. If I have anything negative to say, I frame it positively.
                Me neither...I'd rather just say thanks or nothing at all!!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                If any of our authors who don't live in the U. S. would like help on American slang, terminology, etc., I will be glad to help (as I'm sure others would). Things like the word "lounge" crop up frequently. Here, the corresponding word would be "living room," "great room" or "den."
                I'm currently reading a long series by a well-known Ship author who doesn't frequent this thread. I had been told how good it was (and it's blazing hot in the right places), but the terminology is off...and Sam and Jack are so mushy that I feel they're out of character.
                But I'm finishing it anyway...just to see how it turns out. It's not bad. The storyline is good. It could just be better.
                EDIT: And seeing "honor" spelled "honour" and such doesn't bother me at all.
       we have to write it with American terminology...or is it really that difficult for the Americans to understand what a lounge is??? Coz when I'm reading a fic, I usually understand what the writer is writing because of the context it is put translation is not needed...spelling shouldn't be an issue the word honour or is spelled correctly this way as well as this...honor or color!. I'm about to take the plunge and write my first fanfic so I'm just asking!!
                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Ditto. Only one other couple has captured my heart like Sam and Jack...and that was 20 years ago! I was very into the ship between Frisco and Felicia on General Hospital...and the two actors involved (Jack Wagner and Kristina Malandro) ended up getting married in real life and have two sons.
                EDIT: RDA used to work on General Hospital. It was the big break that got him noticed in Hollywood.
                Having discovered all my old TV soap magazines again it was funny to look back and see RDA's pic in the GH sections of the magazines!!
                I used to seriously ship Cruz and Eden from Santa Barbara...and looking at their pics, I can almost see Sam and Jack!!

                Back soon...gotta swap computers!! Bugger!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                  I'm not fussed if a writer acknowledges my review or speaking of etiquette...what do most authors want to hear from their readers???
                  I generally say thank you...I don't like to point out any errors or stuff like that!


                  I'm about to take the plunge and write my first fanfic so I'm just asking!!
                  You know, I have no idea what writers like to hear. I like to hear anything from reviewers. I especially like the reviewers who give a thorough analysis of what they thought of the story, the ones who suggest things or try to guess what is happening, or the ones that are just funny. I love getting a laugh out of a review!

                  I don't think there is any review I don't like. I figure, if someone hates a fic badly enough that they are going to bother flaming it, then I want their flame. At least it means it struck something inside the reader. At least they didn't just stop reading in the middle and look for something else.

                  Also, taken with a teaspoon of good humour, flames can be enjoyable to read every now and then...when received in VERY sparse amounts. Believe me, if every review I got was a flame or a negative review I think I'd hide in a corner, too scared to even write my name on a piece of paper work!

                  But, if received, and received with good humour every once in a blue moon, a flame can be kind of fun! Or just plain hilarious.

                  Chelle, make sure you tell us when your fic is finished! I'd lvoe to read it!

                  And with that, I am off to bed. I start work at (another) new job tomorrow. *sighs* You'd think two jobs were enough. Apparently not...

                  Goodnight all!


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                    Did you say baby turtles?


                    This showed up on in the news section Thursday. Some lady in North Dakota had a bunch of snapping turtles hatch in her yard. A neighbor collected them up, took them to a nearby river and released them.

                    To be on topic: + =
                    I love turtles!!
                    Up the country we have snappers that are BIG, have no fear of man nor beast and keep the duck and fish population down. Between the snapping turtles and the herons your lucky to catch anything in a stocked pond.
                    Maybe that's Jack's problem in his pond.
                    thanks Mala
                    Of course it doesn't look as though he cares.
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                      Honestly? I've never shipped at all until Sam and Jack. I've seen a lot of shows over the years and never did feel like there was any underlying relationship other that what was shown to me. Nope. Not until Sam and Jack.

                      Must be that blasted chemistry.

                      yup!!!! I concur!!!!

                      also: never mention "blast" and "chemsitry" in the same may cause a chemical explosion...


                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        *sighs* Why is it that I am only online when everyone else is asleep? Doh!

                        Oh well, sweet dreams, shippers!

                        Meanwhile, I might add two cents (or even 5) to the hopefully not stagnant topic of reviewing and replying. I always find that as both a writer (if I can actually use that term) and reader, that the more communication there is between the writer and the reader, the more loyalty there is. If I review a fanfiction and receive a reply I am far more inclined to keep reviewing. Those of you whose fics I have reviewed might know that this can often lead to me getting exponentially more carried away with myself with each review...but I stand by my belief that this is a good thing. If someone's piece of writing entertained me, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to entertain them in return

                        Likewise, (and fairly obviously) we all seem just a little more attached to our stories when we get good reviews and become equally as attached to those people that continue to send us the warm and fuzzies. That's the whole beauty of fanfiction for me!

                        Nighty night, shipper friends! Don't let the replicator bugs bite!
                        hey Bekki!!


                        yeah....we all lead busy lives....I'm trying to get back on my feet and move out on my own and go back to school in the area of massage therapy...though in the BUffalo, NY area it's easier said than done getting your financial ground back....cuz they keep raising the stupid taxes!!!!


                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          First since everyone is going to bed, i say Good morning

                          not more to say!

                          oh yeah...tenses...angst..not togetherness..mucho angsto before fluff

                          Oh yeah you do long chapters...that is why we have long chapter, short chapter..coz i write short chapters you long

                          Since i have enough of weight...were can we get paid???

                          Then i can buy a laptop, hmm some SG clothes, shoes!

                          But we all know Jena is with she doesn't want Jack



                          oh yeah ofcourse show!!!

                          I love that fic!!!

                          G sure???

                          Yeah i love labs*huggles own lab*

                          Yeah spelling is different. Now i am writing a fic together with brookey its funny coz she speaks American english. But i get taught on school British english, and my spelling checker is on british engelish as well
                          And i remember convo's were i ask for a word to wendy and B that they both have another word for it in english...

                          And mushy. I don't mind, if they have gone through lots of changes it could be that they become more mushy. Ok i don't see them always doing...stuff...but a kiss in public or that kind of things(showing that they love eachother) i dont mind...
                          Plus i love mushy, fluff...etc...

                          Ok and off to school again

                          though for laptops you can check out

                          I was able to buy a decent P4 laptop with windows XP (I haven't upgraded to Vista yet...still too buggy for my tastes) from there using my tax was only like 600 bucks plus 50 for express you might be able to find one in your budget there


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                   we have to write it with American terminology...or is it really that difficult for the Americans to understand what a lounge is??? Coz when I'm reading a fic, I usually understand what the writer is writing because of the context it is put translation is not needed...spelling shouldn't be an issue the word honour or is spelled correctly this way as well as this...honor or color!. I'm about to take the plunge and write my first fanfic so I'm just asking!!
                            For me, it throws me out when non-American terminology is used when a writer is writing about American characters. They way I think of it is; most stories are written from a POV, whether first person or third person so I get trapped into using their terminology rather than my own.

                            So if you have "Jack crouched - searching the room with his eyes for exits as he did - hoping that the Jaffa couldn't see him as they combed the area with their Goa'uld-torches. Well, wasn't this his favourite pasttime?" then that strikes me as off slightly and throws me out. Because it's Jack's point-of-view and Jack wouldn't think of them as Goa'uld-torches, he'd call them Goa'uld-flashlights because he's American. And if I were writing them from Teal'c's POV then they'd be something like "kaset'nik" (yes, I'm making up words now) because that's what a Goa'uld torch might be in Jaffa. But at the same time "favourite" wouldn't throw me out of the story because when I think a word - when I'm talknig to myself or when I'm trying to remember something - I don't visualise the spelling of the word I'm thinking. I - as English - don't think "I'm going to need to pack my favourite (with a u) top" But I would think "well, I need to pack my torch as well".

                            In other words, when Carson said "I forgot to bring my bloody cell!" in the Return part 1, I got really irritated. Because Carson is Scottish - he wears a Saltaire as his flag - and Carson would say mobile because he speaks British English (or does when they remember).

                            And I look forward to the fic!
                            Stuart: “You’ve done nothing, Vince. You go to work, you go for a drink. You sit at home and watch cheap science fiction. Small and tiny world. What is there…that’s so impressive about that? What is there to love?”
                            Vince: “Yeah.”
                            Stuart: “…It was good enough for me.”


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              Oh. I keep forgetting about him.

                              If I'm reading a fic, which is such a rare occasion these days, and see something like 'Sam got in the lift' or something about jumpers and other articles of clothing that have different names here and there, it kinda hangs me up for a second.
                              ROFL!!!!!!!! You forget about Reynolds....the guy you keep snogging everyday?!?!?! know...people are gonna start talkin' soon....

                              hehe....I ain't even British and I'm talkin' like one...I blame Harry Potterville...


                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                you forget about your own hubby Thats bad jena..really bad!!!!

                                And now on school... Have to find something about cuba crisis...

                                If only we had Thor during the missile crisis....he could've beamed up all the nukes and beamed them into dep space to be snagged by the sun and burnt up....

