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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    Sorry for the double post...but I thought you'd enjoy this too. L-JADE had posted this on the RDA thread...

    I think the subject in the picture is worth or not...


    And just because I wanted to post this somewhere before the day was over...

    And just to get back on topic: + =
    Absolutely worth celebrating...*drools*...thanks for sharing the good times

    Originally posted by Goddess View Post
    Hey, everybody! So after several months of avoiding spoilers and several more months of dysfunctional internet access I'm finally, finally back to my favorite place on the whole wide internet. The S/J Ship Family!

    I was going to lurk for a while so that I wouldn't be completely invading a conversation, but I missed you all too much. So to excuse my rudeness I have two fic updates for you!

    Memories -
    If I'd Only Known -

    I'm really excited to see a bunch or old friends as well as a ton of new people and I hope to get back in the groove of things really quick. Sorry for my random off-topicness, I was just really excited to be back! Love you all bunches!!

    Hi, I'm new here, but i believe i've read some of your stuff, so yay, can't wait to get into them. And welcome back

    Originally posted by chelle db;6855083 watch it!!

    I mean a kiss is just a kiss after all isn't it??!!
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      Congratulations, RepliCartertje, on 4,300 posts!!!
      WooHoo...congrats from me too schnooky...would green ya but it said I couldn't...bugger...but I'm greening you from the heart anyways!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Yeah, congrats Eve! Here, have some crack chocolate
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
          Okay some penguin fans might like this little clip:

          it is from Jeux sans Frontière, to most of you it might not say a thing, but I am sure a lot of European people do know that lovely tv-show from way back, I didn't know they had penguins in it
          Cracked me up btw

          you can't say that penguins aren't trying to keep going eh
          OMG!!! That was brilliant Eve!! We had a show here similar to that called Almost Anything Goes...what a crack we have the Big Brother version on Friday nights...the Friday Night have all got to watch this's fun!!
          Thanks Eve!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by Goddess View Post
            Hey, everybody! So after several months of avoiding spoilers and several more months of dysfunctional internet access I'm finally, finally back to my favorite place on the whole wide internet. The S/J Ship Family!
            I was going to lurk for a while so that I wouldn't be completely invading a conversation, but I missed you all too much. So to excuse my rudeness I have two fic updates for you!

            Memories -
            If I'd Only Known -

            I'm really excited to see a bunch or old friends as well as a ton of new people and I hope to get back in the groove of things really quick. Sorry for my random off-topicness, I was just really excited to be back! Love you all bunches!!

            Welcome home Julie!!
            Thanks for the fic updates...I haven't been reviewing for a little while now...just been too busy..sorry...but I love the fics...thanks a bunch!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              Delurking for a minute just to wish y'all a happy 4th of July, and AstraPerAspera can you please make your pic a bit smaller it is stretching my page

              The wallie is just fab, Eve.
              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                I played a little with PS and came up with this.

                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                Colonel Jack O'Neill



                  I can't handle change! *whimpers*
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    It's awfully quiet here folks!!
                    I have a message from Queen Bee...she's in the process of moving house and is unable to get in here but wishes to say "hi"...and she misses everybody and will get online
                    (((Queen Bee/Bianca)))
                    Now...I'm going to read some fics and get ready to watch SG1...season 10 starts in just over 2 hours...hubby is not happy...he'll be in bed and I'll be watching it on the telly in the bedroom coz Davey will be sleeping in the's crazy around here...Niki has jumped ship and gone to dad and mums for 4 days and I have my nephew Matt staying for the night...that's 4 boys and me in this little house...OMG...I'm looking forward to working on Saturday!!!
                    Anyhoo...I have finally caught up for like only took me most of today to do between shopping and banking and paying bills and cleaning the house...I cleaned up today...and it still looks like a naquada reactor went critical in here...the boys have all their Matchbox cars scattered from here to eternity and Davey has all his junk thrown in the corner of the dining room and hubby...holy hannah...he's got about 12 months worth of paperwork scattered from the front door to the backyard...but I'm still smiling coz I have my GW and SG1 starts soon...yay...and on that note I shall bid you all a goodnight. Take care everyone, be safe, stay happy, have fun and hug your loved ones!!

                    (((Ship Family)))

                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Whoops...I forgot to ask something...I'm looking for a's about Sam and she has this rubber spider she keeps in her pocket because of the black widow curse...anyway...she and Teal'c get caught in a cave in and she drowns...anyone got a link or title to this one???...I would be ever so grateful!! Thanks!! Have a great day/night!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
                        They even had 4th of July fireworks here! Unfortunately there was a low bank of fog and minimal air movement. Add in the smoke from the fireworks... well, lets just say that some of the lower ones were a tad hard to see. Still love them though!

                        And to keep this on topic, a fic rec!
                        Painting it Blue by Little Red listed as PG and set after Foothold.
                        YAY Fic...have something to read now

                        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                        Hey, everybody! So after several months of avoiding spoilers and several more months of dysfunctional internet access I'm finally, finally back to my favorite place on the whole wide internet. The S/J Ship Family!

                        I was going to lurk for a while so that I wouldn't be completely invading a conversation, but I missed you all too much. So to excuse my rudeness I have two fic updates for you!

                        Memories -
                        If I'd Only Known -

                        I'm really excited to see a bunch or old friends as well as a ton of new people and I hope to get back in the groove of things really quick. Sorry for my random off-topicness, I was just really excited to be back! Love you all bunches!!


                        Welcome Back in here Julie

                        And yay you updated...
                        **goes off reading**

                        Originally posted by zuz View Post
                        I played a little with PS and came up with this.

                        Dark but around where they are kissing its light..oh nice Love it Well done zuzi


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          I found her to be just a wee bit too clichéd as a character, and we all know what Jack thinks about clichés!
                          I know this is considered off topic but I have no idea how to do the spoiler thing.

                          I can see why you might see her as cliched but you live in the United Kingdom and I assume you have your whole life. I am afraid many Americans wouldn't necessarily see her as cliched. From my perspective and limited exposure to British colloquialism, I found her to be somewhat representative. I found her usage of British English quite amusing with her colorful monikers.

                          Like I said, I know I am in the minority but that doesn't affect my enjoyment of re-reading this particular book. That character aside, I thought the story was good and captured the SG-1 characters, speech and mannerisms very well.
                          Last edited by penjab; 05 July 2007, 04:25 AM.


                            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                            Happy 4th July all those across the pond!
                            Click for big
                            Pretty WB pengYn
                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            Congratulations, RepliCartertje, on 4,300 posts!!!
                            FROM ME TOO!!!

                            Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                            Hey, everybody! So after several months of avoiding spoilers and several more months of dysfunctional internet access I'm finally, finally back to my favorite place on the whole wide internet. The S/J Ship Family!
                            I was going to lurk for a while so that I wouldn't be completely invading a conversation, but I missed you all too much. So to excuse my rudeness I have two fic updates for you!
                            Memories -
                            If I'd Only Known -
                            I'm really excited to see a bunch or old friends as well as a ton of new people and I hope to get back in the groove of things really quick. Sorry for my random off-topicness, I was just really excited to be back! Love you all bunches!!
                            Welcome Back and YAHOO FF
                            Originally posted by zuz View Post
                            I played a little with PS and came up with this.
                            Gutter by Zuz! Nice

                            And this is me running out the door...forgot I have to do something up at my parents house before tennis today (and work) AHHHHHHH *runs out of the thread saying doh*
                            GO NEWMAN! 31!


                              Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                              Hey, everybody! So after several months of avoiding spoilers and several more months of dysfunctional internet access I'm finally, finally back to my favorite place on the whole wide internet. The S/J Ship Family!

                              I was going to lurk for a while so that I wouldn't be completely invading a conversation, but I missed you all too much. So to excuse my rudeness I have two fic updates for you!

                              Memories -
                              If I'd Only Known -

                              I'm really excited to see a bunch or old friends as well as a ton of new people and I hope to get back in the groove of things really quick. Sorry for my random off-topicness, I was just really excited to be back! Love you all bunches!!

                              Wooohoooo, you are back, Nice to have you back Julie
                              Sorry for the internet issues though.
                              and I am happy to hear you could hold on to the no-spoilers rule: GO YOU!!!

                              Originally posted by zuz View Post
                              Go Jack GO!

                              Just a little reminder, shipper family:

                              Will not be online that day, got Wendy and Ambre over at my house, don't think they will enjoy me being online But I might drop off something Who knows...

                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Yeah, congrats Eve! Here, have some crack chocolate
                              Ooh Chocolate, much better then any pill you have Eileen I tell you chocolate is the cure to everything...people should eat more chocolat

                              what?!? it is the truth


                                Someone mentioned "ship day" -- I know it's this month -- can somebody tell me the exact day? (So I can put in to take off work, stockpile some junkfood and watch SG1 dvd's all day).
                                sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)

