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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    I did too initially, but after what Jenn said about

    Sam assuming command in an emergency, I got thinking about that sort of weird, distorted view of Sam saying that, which made me think that she was talking to Weir as Weir is trying to recover from some closed head injury or something. JM has said that Weir is in 4 episodes in don't suppose he means she's just lying there in a semi-coma or otherwise bedridden and unable to speak, do you? I think I'd hate that.[/
    I *know* I'd hate that. LIZZIE!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *sobs*

    We got some Polaroid film for work... I was tempted to scratch out "Polar" and write "Penguin". But then I realized it would say "Penguinoid" which sounds like a cross between "paranoid" and some weird robotic creature. So I didn't.

    Hmmm... a "Polaroid":

    (I can't help it if people take pictures of polar bears' butts... )
    Sam, Sam, go away
    Come again some other day
    John and Lizzie want to play
    Jack, take Sam, and go away


      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      More fun and games. Yeesh! Where do they come up with all of them? Here's favorite Male Character. The Daniel fans are winning--only 4 away! Jack has 12 left to 50. Post a pic.
      I voted. That made 40 for RDA/Jack.



        Snurched this from the Jack thunk thread (if it's yours, tell me).



          One of my favorite pics (just look at my sig!). Just for a SQUEEEE!


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            One of my favorite pics (just look at my sig!). Just for a SQUEEEE!
            I especially like the look on Hammond's face - lucky for him he was in a time-loop. With 2 shocks Jack's resignation and Sam&Jack kiss I thought hewas goign to have a heart-attack!


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              One of my favorite pics (just look at my sig!). Just for a SQUEEEE!
              Yay for shippy pics!! They make the world go 'round. As do cookies and fluff.

              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              Snurched this from the Jack thunk thread (if it's yours, tell me).

              Aww I love it!

              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              More fun and games. Yeesh! Where do they come up with all of them? Here's favorite Male Character. The Daniel fans are winning--only 4 away! Jack has 12 left to 50. Post a pic.
              Darn, Daniel won. Oh wells

              Haha, look at that. I don't feel very wordy right now and al my posts are short. I need to get some sleep.
              Too cool for a signature.


                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                I was just watching that too. It's one of things I love about any of the hugs and/or kisses between Jack and Sam. Jack always reaches out for the back of her head in the hugs, and pulls her closer. The tenderness is very natural. Instinct
                I also think, to be honest, it speaks partly to Jack's hardly believing it's happening. You know, literally holding her against him to verify she's there. Which, of course, is exactly what she needs - reassurance that he's not going to leave.

                Hence, their perfectness together.


                  Originally posted by scifibrat View Post
                  Dear shippers,

                  I finally decided to come out of my closet on declaring myself as a devoted S/J shipper.

                  And I have to say, this thread really blew my mind because it's huge! And it seems that there are a bunch of lovely wacky and devoted people here so I just decided that my first post on a S/J thread should be yours

                  Still kind of shy to write more...

                  cu the wicked scifibrat
                  Welcome! And for delurking, the only Real Jack and Sam Really Knowing They're Really Kissing Each Other (even if she doesn't remember) Kiss:


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    It takes me a while to catch on...

                    in the S4 preview the view of Sam saying something like "I'm officially relieving you of command" is done from the pov of the camera (I'm sure there's some cinemagraphic label for it when the camera is the eye of the character), and as it is slightly distorted and blurry, I'm assuming it's Weir's eyes we're seeing that through. So I suppose I could see Teyla being an ally to Sam as a temporary replacement, but then I also don't think Teyla is particularly fond of the military aspect of the Atlantis mission (let's see, her exposure other than Shepherd has been Cols. Sumner, Everett, Caldwell and Ellis--none of whom have particularly respected Weir or the non-earth participants in the Atlantis expedition), so when the whole expedition is taken over by the military, I guess I could see her having some problem with that, even if she feels some sympathy for Sam.

                    Oh...and "Jack"...there. Just to keep it on topic!
                    See, I dunno:
                    When Weir was complaining about the military stepping in and making all the decisions, it was Teyla who pointed out Weir wouldn't want to be making those decisions anyway. So if Sam is put in because of the new and dangerous situation NEEDING the military, I can see Teyla going along with it.
                    Edit: Jack


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                      I also think, to be honest, it speaks partly to Jack's hardly believing it's happening. You know, literally holding her against him to verify she's there. Which, of course, is exactly what she needs - reassurance that he's not going to leave.

                      Hence, their perfectness together.
                      siiiiiiigh! I think I'll have to green you for that one!


                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        Yay, a new shippah!


                        Psst Jenn was this the cuteness you were talking about?
                        ROFL. Yes. But the cuteness is a tad undermined by your sig. A show which, BTW, I have been seriously ODing on the last few days.


                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          I did too initially, but after what Jenn said about

                          Sam assuming command in an emergency, I got thinking about that sort of weird, distorted view of Sam saying that, which made me think that she was talking to Weir as Weir is trying to recover from some closed head injury or something. JM has said that Weir is in 4 episodes in don't suppose he means she's just lying there in a semi-coma or otherwise bedridden and unable to speak, do you? I think I'd hate that.
                          I don't remember why,
                          but something was making me think Shep was not the previews. I don't know. Gotta watch it. But either way...uh...Sam's in command. But Elizabeth!

                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          Yup you do..most of the time i see you still online at the morning that i wake up **loves her offline/online status of Yim**

                          Thanks, and yes you have! But not on yim for a full year yet...thats in September On the point i started to post a lot(wasnt shy anymore)
                          You shy? I don't think so! And yes, I'm usually up till 3 am. Bad habit, I know.
                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          Go and vote for season 4 NOW before season 9 wins. We only need 2 more votes!!!!


                          I've already used up my vote for today.
                          S9 was so close? Wow, that surprises me.
                          Originally posted by cdm View Post
                          I must be a sicko but I love to watch people kiss in movies or TV. There are some actors you think would be great kissers, and others just horrible. But when you actually see them kissing on screen any pre-conceived notions just go right out the window. When you think about it so much goes into a great on screen kiss. Some of the best on screen kissers are people you never thought had it in them.

                          All that aside I love this Grace kiss. It is really just perfect and I would love to see the other 11 outtakes. This kiss was made even better by the person on this board who slowed it down. This is one hell of a kiss.
                          I need to get a life!
                          I don't love watching people kiss in movies...BUT I will watch Sam and Jack kiss anyday as many times as they like!'re not a sicko unless I am too!
                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          Snurched this from the Jack thunk thread (if it's yours, tell me).

                          Soooo adorable! I'm that one there at the back.
                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          Welcome! And for delurking, the only Real Jack and Sam Really Knowing They're Really Kissing Each Other (even if she doesn't remember) Kiss:

                          Yep, the best kiss, and that's not only because I love it....
                          I went to go vote on Sci Fi but found we'd already won!


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Yep, the best kiss, and that's not only because I love it....
                            I went to go vote on Sci Fi but found we'd already won!

                            Last edited by Skydiver; 28 June 2007, 04:17 PM.


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              ROFL. Yes. But the cuteness is a tad undermined by your sig. A show which, BTW, I have been seriously ODing on the last few days.
                              See that's where the lulling part comes in. At first glance people see the cute little fuzzy bird.. and then I whack 'em with my dark and twisty side

                              And because we've been talking about their intimacy...

                              ^^ This is enough to make me melt.. Seriously.


                                Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                                It's so mesmerizing, but I weep for those on dialup....

