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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    If Fragile Balance had happened after S8:

    jack: Sam...? What'cha catch an earlier flight?

    jack: Foursome!

    daniel: Huh?

    Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post deserve that gutter star now to


    That is just Gutter...atleast if my gutter mind sees this the good way otherwise your story is now gutterised(new word...invented myself)

    See Sam and Jack would rather be alone doing....gutter things...
    But everytime Daniel or T or both are privacy
    Jann I agree Jenn needs a Gutter Star for that one. "Opens up purse...good thing its waterproof....pulls out sticker sheet...* nope thats the wrong one* ...pulls out other sticker sheet* excellent!

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Okay, you can like pink if I can like blue. Blue makes me think of Jack and Sam. Blue BDUs, dress blues, Jack looking into Sam's blue eyes....

    Jena I love blue....wear it more...but there is nothing I can think of to make a blue star right sticking with gold, my fav, star and gutter star...for now.

    Originally posted by Terrah View Post
    Watched this episode last night.
    My first attempt at a photo story, Slight character change here (If TPTB can have the same actor playing different characters, so can I )

    For length.
    Jack: Are you sure about this Sam?
    Sam: We have waited long enough Jack.
    Jack: C'mere.
    Sam: There's just one thing I would like to say to you Jack, I wanted to say this for such a long time, I
    Jack: (Thinking) I've waited so long to hear this.
    Jack: Your timing sucks big time, don't you ever call first? I'm gonna get you for this.
    Jack: We've saved your flat skinny white arse once too often.
    Sam: Oh Crap!
    LMAO. I don't know whether to give you a gutter star or a gold star for that one...but since I am already in the gutter...(thanks to Jenn) I think it has to be a gutter star.
    Oh do more photo stories that one was awesome

    LMAO. So this is apparently how this thread goes...yesterday I was trying to hold off on my 1,000 post till I could use my Gutter star (I didn't last long)... but no gutter was posted...and didn't look like it would be posted for a loooonnnnnggggg while. I go to bed and wake up this morning and have to pull out multiple gutter stars. good grief...I haven't used one gold one yet. Oh but its a good morning back the the project at hand. And your stories this morning are awesome...maybe I should give you a gold star for those...but first

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Hmmmmm. Now is the time to say something profound. I've got nothing...yet.

    This is it. My big 5,000. And I have no idea what to say!

    Sooo...I'll say what I've always said. This place is great. It's friendly and welcoming, and it really feels like a family. This is my home thread and I love you all! You are so talented and funny and sweet. Shippers are such amazing people. *hugs shipper family and hands out blue jello and cake*

    About the ship...what has brought us all together. I've never been so, ah, obsessed, with a ship! It's insane! But there is something very special about this couple. I want to see them together and see them happy because they deserve it. Look, aren't they adorable? Say yes.
    (((Jena))) and
    Yahoo 5,000
    In blue...but then again my congrats are always in blue

    Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
    Congrats on 5,000 posts Jena!!

    And I've noticed I've hit another milestone and passed it

    ROFL I must be evil then *realises congrats are in light pink*
    I know I passed a couple without knowing myself but...
    Yahoo on 900

    and congrats to any other milestones I have missed.

    Stars take out a lot from my ability to post smilie faces...started with 47 images...had to cut them down...where were all those smiles....ahhhh. 20 is to small.
    GO NEWMAN! 31!


      Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
      Ok, here's my Metamorphosis stuff

      Transcript bits

      RUSH: I’m sure I’ll see you again.
      JONAS: Hey. With any luck I’ll get sick
      CARTER: With any luck, I’ll get sick? (Sam thinking what a cheesy chat up line! LOL)
      JONAS: Lieutenant Rush is a nurse. She works in the infirmary.
      CARTER: So you were flirting?
      JONAS: I’m thinking of asking her out.
      CARTER: Then you should.
      JONAS: In Kelowna, it’s common for that request to be passed on by a friend.
      CARTER: Oh it is not. (Sam thinking nice try Jonas LOL)
      JONAS: You could at least find out for me if she’d be receptive.
      CARTER: Jonas, you are such a chicken****.

      O’NEILL: Carter?
      CARTER: Sir.
      O’NEILL: I really, really don’t like that woman. (Could this be due to the fact she had Sam hostage, amongst other things? )
      CARTER: Yes sir.

      O’NEILL: Hey folks, how you doing? Jack O’Neill, Earth. Listen; originally we came here to rescue you. But as you can see we’ve run into a bit of a snag. So if any of you can bend steel with your bare hands or happen to be more powerful than a locomotive, just raise your hand. Identify yourselves. Let us know where you are.

      Everyone ignores him and walks off.

      JONAS: Must not know what a locomotive is.

      WODEN: You are next. (pointing at Sam)
      O’NEILL: Ah, I think I’m next.
      WODEN: Nirrti has asked for this one.
      O’NEILL: And I’m asking for you to take me instead…
      WODEN: No!
      (Protecting the one he loves?)

      NIRRTI: Major Carter. I am pleased to have such an excellent subject. I might even consider you for my new host.
      CARTER: Over my dead body.
      NIRRTI: True, that is far more likely. Now, step inside.
      (Poor Sam, love her fighting spirit though )

      JONAS: Well that is definitely the most interesting offer I’ve had in a very long time. But you can’t risk giving me those kind of powers unless you’re certain I won’t use them against you.NIRRTI: Once I share those powers we could rule the galaxy together.
      JONAS: What about everyone else?
      NIRRTI: They are not necessary.
      JONAS: Well, I can only imagine what it would be like to have powers like that. What would I do? I guess the first thing I would do would be to free my friends and all those other people you have caged up down there. And then I would destroy you. Not necessarily in that order but you get the idea.
      (ROFL Jonas, nice one!)

      NIRRTI: You should not have come here O’Neill.
      O’NEILL: Can you undo what you’ve done to Carter?
      NIRRTI: If I choose to.
      O’NEILL: I let you go once. We made a deal, I honoured it.
      NIRRTI: I told you then I would not have done the same.
      O’NEILL: Fix what you’ve done to Carter, let the rest of my team go, that’s all I ask. You can do whatever you want to me.
      NIRRTI: Yes, Colonel. I can.

      O’NEILL: Hail Dorothy. The Wicked Witch is dead. (off their looks) It’s a movie, Margaret Hamilton.
      O’NEILL: To Oz. (Off their looks) Part of that movie

      First two manips:
      at the Sam and Jonas one. Love the gutter pic to

      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post

      This reminds me of a fic called "Caught" where Thor beams up the duo while they're . . . otherwise occupied. Hilarious, but HOT, fic!
      I have read a couple of fics where they do get beamed up by Thor, Oh and I just looked up "Caught" by Aeryn, lol That was one of them.

      Congratulations on 5,000
      Spectacular, Amazing, Shippy Posts,


      Stolen from SamO'Neill because it's so pretty

      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      vote here for next weeks ep
      That's a tough choice, I'll have to think about that.

      Just noticed I got a Gutter star *WoHoo*

      First I would like to thank my Ship Family for putting me where I am today, In the Gutter.
      I couldn't have achieved this award without you.

      It's that time of year again.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        Hmmmmm. Now is the time to say something profound. I've got nothing...yet.

        This is it. My big 5,000. And I have no idea what to say!

        Sooo...I'll say what I've always said. This place is great. It's friendly and welcoming, and it really feels like a family. This is my home thread and I love you all! You are so talented and funny and sweet. Shippers are such amazing people. *hugs shipper family and hands out blue jello and cake*

        About the ship...what has brought us all together. I've never been so, ah, obsessed, with a ship! It's insane! But there is something very special about this couple. I want to see them together and see them happy because they deserve it. Look, aren't they adorable? Say yes.
        5000 posts - for that you can come sit on my lap
        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


          Yo L.A. Doyle, I don't care if he invited you or not I said out.
          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            This is what comes of main-lining Sam/Jack. (sounds painful, really) And I plan on getting snowed in sometime in the next 18 hours, so hopefully lots of time for slides. Now, if only my DVDs come in the mail today it'll be perfect.
            Are you getting the giant ice/snow storm as well, Jenn? Yuck.

            Now you can spend your day on the thread, and writing fic!
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
              Are you getting the giant ice/snow storm as well, Jenn? Yuck.

              Now you can spend your day on the thread, and writing fic!
              Only I have this terrible case of writers block atm. *sigh* Partly because the last chapter of my LiS tag is so hard to make non-cliche. I mean, how many times can you write/see/read Sam in a hospital bed waking up to see Jack there without it being seriously redundant?

              But am working on Meta slides and waiting for the mail... Which better come 'cause we're only a block from the post office (and everything else in this tiny village). It did take John an hour to shovel his truck out, though I had the good sense not to comment that if he's shoveled after the last snow and remembered to fill-up the snow blower's tank he wouldn't have had this problem *sigh* Men!

              Speaking of slides:


                Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                5000 posts - for that you can come sit on my lap
                Who can resist that? Not me! It's like sitting on Santa Claus' knee only much more exciting

                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                Hmmmmm. Now is the time to say something profound. I've got nothing...yet.

                This is it. My big 5,000. And I have no idea what to say!

                Sooo...I'll say what I've always said. This place is great. It's friendly and welcoming, and it really feels like a family. This is my home thread and I love you all! You are so talented and funny and sweet. Shippers are such amazing people. *hugs shipper family and hands out blue jello and cake*

                About the ship...what has brought us all together. I've never been so, ah, obsessed, with a ship! It's insane! But there is something very special about this couple. I want to see them together and see them happy because they deserve it. Look, aren't they adorable? Say yes.

                I think you said the greatest thing you could say. This is very much an obessive ship but it's well worth it and we'll get there in the end

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Yes. But that's my point. How much more do you have to say? We talk about the BIG eps all the time. Hence my voting for IGtbK. Which I'm doing, BTW.
                I love this episode. I also love to talk about the subtle, alot can be said for subtle, sometimes it's even bigger than the more obvious stuff. This episode has some great subtle moments. I hope it wins

                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                  Jann I know what you want me to vote for...but I'm still thinking about what I want. And I am sure you can't wait till get another Gutter Star...not becuase you asked for it but because you deserve it.

                  Edit: For everyone else to know...Jann can find gutter in every scene (oops wrote season the first time)...she will tell you she can't but she just showed up gutter in LC in the ending scene...its all in how she captures the screenshots from her DVDs.
                  It's true, she does! I've seen these LC ones and I honestly have to say it was so gutterish that I drowned. I'm not going to be able to watch that episode in the same way ever again!

                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Okay, you can like pink if I can like blue. Blue makes me think of Jack and Sam. Blue BDUs, dress blues, Jack looking into Sam's blue eyes....

                  Plus, blue suits Sam, it's her best colour I think and it brings out Jack's glow, don't ya think? I've always thought of blue being their colour Not because they are sad but because it represents their endless love and the flow between them

                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Only I have this terrible case of writers block atm. *sigh* Partly because the last chapter of my LiS tag is so hard to make non-cliche. I mean, how many times can you write/see/read Sam in a hospital bed waking up to see Jack there without it being seriously redundant?

                    But am working on Meta slides and waiting for the mail... Which better come 'cause we're only a block from the post office (and everything else in this tiny village). It did take John an hour to shovel his truck out, though I had the good sense not to comment that if he's shoveled after the last snow and remembered to fill-up the snow blower's tank he wouldn't have had this problem *sigh* Men!

                    Speaking of slides:

                    Love the slides...and a writers need fic...lately there haven't been much have to get over

                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    It's true, she does! I've seen these LC ones and I honestly have to say it was so gutterish that I drowned. I'm not going to be able to watch that episode in the same way ever again!
                    They weren't THAT was just some imagination...and you do the rest...and it wasn't bad was it...
                    Also you couldn't have drowned coz you couldn't have written this post then

                    Ok now back to homework...coz i was doing that...was i?...**looks at paper...yup geography...**

                    **looks again...aye...only 5 sentences there...goes quickly further with homework**

                    Oh yeah B...there was only so much Gutter last night because everyone wants that Star of you...i mean it's pink why wouldn't you want it


                      More Slides:


                        lovely slides jenniferjf

                        sig by starlover1990


                          First of, thank you to all of you who greened me and congratulated me on my 900 milestone, love you all! B, thank you for my lovely gutter and gold stars!

                          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                          Hi all,

                          Fly by post -

                          Firstly, congrats on all the milestones! We're such a talkative bunch

                          Character death fics...I have to admit I'm not overly keen but then I'm a 'try and stick to canon' girl myself so believing a character death fic always seems a huge leap for me.

                          Fragile Balance - I have to admit this isn't a favourite episode. I like it but don't love it. I did think it was quite a clever way of having a 'Jack' episode without RDA for the most part. There are a few cute Sam/Jack moments but the best moment for me is the news that when the clone turns up at the mountain he's asked for Sam so she can fix just shows how much Jack relies on her and trusts her.

                          So onto other news...

                          The good (hopefully) - I have updated Aftershocks again with 'Lessons Learned' which follows 'Spirits'

                          The bad (I think) - I'm not going to be around much over the next week - I have to be in Germany on business. This means, unfortunately, that I will not be in the UK on Tuesday to watch SG1's Family Ties and hence won't be posting a summary on will be Thursday evening at the earliest.

                          So, I think that covers it...hope you all have a great weekend!
                          Yay for Aftershocks update We will miss you next week, hope everything goes ok in Germany *hugs*

                          Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                          5000 posts - for that you can come sit on my lap
                          Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                          Yo L.A. Doyle, I don't care if he invited you or not I said out.
                          ROFLMAO they were so funny! And I couldn't green you for them either waaaaah!

                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          Only I have this terrible case of writers block atm. *sigh* Partly because the last chapter of my LiS tag is so hard to make non-cliche. I mean, how many times can you write/see/read Sam in a hospital bed waking up to see Jack there without it being seriously redundant?

                          But am working on Meta slides and waiting for the mail... Which better come 'cause we're only a block from the post office (and everything else in this tiny village). It did take John an hour to shovel his truck out, though I had the good sense not to comment that if he's shoveled after the last snow and remembered to fill-up the snow blower's tank he wouldn't have had this problem *sigh* Men!

                          Speaking of slides:

                          Love them Jenn! Sorry to hear you have writer's block *hugs*

                          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                          TekTek, & Gaia Online


                            Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                            Love them Jenn! Sorry to hear you have writer's block *hugs*
                            I'll survive..

                            *looks around*

                            Just as long as its not contagious!


                            Hmmm... Just realized I messed up the order and missed this one... The shame:


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              I'll survive..

                              *looks around*

                              Just as long as its not contagious!


                              Hmmm... Just realized I messed up the order and missed this one... The shame:

                              And love the slides, quite angsty these ones, LOL at the first one, yeah he'd rather be doing *Sam* Erm, I think you meant rescue her didn't you?

                              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                                Originally posted by Zoser View Post
                                5000 posts - for that you can come sit on my lap
                                If Jena doesn't want to face the wrath of Sam, I sure would!

