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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Hum. Appears my cat likes shippy vids. *pets* Good cat.

    Squeeing...I've gotten two other people to say it! Unlikely people at that. My brother greets me with a squee now(he's so goofy) and my friend just squeed to me on AIM. I was shocked. About as shocked as I was today when my mom used the phrase 'big and honkin'.
    Your cat
    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Originally posted by tagger View Post
      Your cat
      My cat Jaffa? Nah, that's not her name either. But she will sit on my lap and watch shippy vids. She just hops up there and stares for a while. And it's only for shippy vids. I've never seen her do it for other ones.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        My cat Jaffa? Nah, that's not her name either. But she will sit on my lap and watch shippy vids. She just hops up there and stares for a while. And it's only for shippy vids. I've never seen her do it for other ones.
        Confirms cats' intelligence and good taste.

        Also confirms they may be higher on the evolutionary scale than certain*ahem* others. (hehe. Just kidding.)
        Last edited by tagger; 24 January 2007, 10:17 PM.
        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
        Quint Studer


          Originally posted by tagger View Post
          Confirms cats' intelligence and good taste.

          Also confirms they may be higher on the evolutionary scale than certain others. (hehe. Just kidding.)
          LOL but it's true! On both accounts, Baggy is on my lap whilst I'm at Gw, she enjoys the s/j thread the most Hence why her and Sherekhan are in my Beneath the Surface sig

          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
          TekTek, & Gaia Online


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            My cat Jaffa? Nah, that's not her name either. But she will sit on my lap and watch shippy vids. She just hops up there and stares for a while. And it's only for shippy vids. I've never seen her do it for other ones.
            OMG!!! I usually have an SG-1 dvd running on the TV when I'm home, and last week I was watching one of the season 8 dvd's, when my kitten, Arwen, jumped up, and started batting the tv screen right on Pete's head! She did it over and over, only on his head.... She also does it when hockey is on, but I think my kitten's an S/J shipper.....YAY


              Originally posted by Toomi View Post
              OMG!!! I usually have an SG-1 dvd running on the TV when I'm home, and last week I was watching one of the season 8 dvd's, when my kitten, Arwen, jumped up, and started batting the tv screen right on Pete's head! She did it over and over, only on his head.... She also does it when hockey is on, but I think my kitten's an S/J shipper.....YAY
              Now that is too cute More proof that cats have good taste

              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                OMG!!! I usually have an SG-1 dvd running on the TV when I'm home, and last week I was watching one of the season 8 dvd's, when my kitten, Arwen, jumped up, and started batting the tv screen right on Pete's head! She did it over and over, only on his head.... She also does it when hockey is on, but I think my kitten's an S/J shipper.....YAY
                I need to teach my cat that trick! But then that would mean would have to be on my I think I'll pass.


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  I need to teach my cat that trick! But then that would mean would have to be on my I think I'll pass.
                  I tried to get a pic of her doing that, but she ran away... plus I couldn't stand any more of him on the screen.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    SQUEEEE....that's cute i love it

                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    You're welcome. Someday, BTW, we'll have to have a party for 'local' S/J ers...I think that everytime I see your location... But I don't think Hannah's mom would buy it...

                    EDIT: Yes, Europeans, we are neighbors. We practically live next door...
                    So we Europeans can't come to that party...if you wait a month for it....then Jena comes to pick me up

                    And nieghbors are people that live 100 meter away from close, what you people call neighbors is very weird...

                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Also, today was JackandSamAddict's B-Day. Don't tell her I told, but Happy B-Day JASA! *hugs*
                    Happy Birthday from me then too i hope she had a great day...(((hugs)))

                    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                    Check out Amanda's website. She is feeling positive about the move to SGA, and it sounds
                    like she'll be doing more than just hanging with McKay.
                    We have nothing to worry about there....I don't think.
                    Yeah i also read the message on her site yesterday, it was very sweet
                    And i will see how it is with her on Atlantis...

                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                    Finally watched RNT:

                    Loved it!

                    I am on a Sam-high after LitS and this! '

                    I loved the ending scene. The bit with Vala was cute, and Sam seemed really happy and fun in that last scene with the team.

                    Everything else has already been said, but I loooved Sam's reaction to finding out she was married to McKay. Jena and I have a theory about that... When Sam asked about the ring, maybe she was asking about Jack, in her mind? They've been together in every other AU... why not this one? Maybe it was just discreet way of asking...

                    Also... just something I noticed. McKay tells our Sam that her hair is different. I thought that was rather funny as our AU Sams always have different hair.
                    lol i even didn't thought about

                    the hair of Sam anymore, i didn't thought about it anymore...stupid me...

                    And yep, maybe she was now married to Jack, and she didnt asked for him cus she had already seen him, but that was offscreen...

                    and they are always in every AU married but now they are also
                    sooo married in this reality


                      Originally posted by Queen_Bee View Post
                      everyone seems to have a lack of care for daniels abscence. i just dont feel like its the real stargate i know and love anymore.....thats me tho!
                      That sort of bugged me in RnT, but not in LiS
                      Everyone was very busy in LiS, and Daniel's missing obviously was effecting Cam deeply. I felt he'd just pushed it aside as 'something I can't deal with atm'. In RnT, everyone's reactions to everything not directly related to moving the plot forward or the central theme of Security vs. Freedom felt a bit rushed and flat anway (actuall, the main plot and central theme seemed seriously rushed, too-- the Ori just leave, FCOL?), so I put that down to time constraints and I think this episode really needed to be longer to really nail it. Heck, I'm surprised Sam didn't end up with a massive complex... believed dead in one universe, suspected so in another, and no one seemed to mourn her in either and they resorted to a fast joke in our universe to cover people's reactions instead of dealing with the actual emotions I think would have been had...
                      Sorry, am rewatching atm and it just bugs me. But that's just how I see it...

                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                      Ick. Even Joe is pimping Sam and McKay's "chemistry" in his blog. *Shudders* I hope it's referring to chemistry of the scientific kind.
                      We discussed this here, I think, and there's certainly a chemistry between the actors which make their scenes enjoyable. But there's chemistry and then there's sexual chemistry, and I think they're completely different.. Acting off McKay brings out some brilliant comedy from AT. Though this brings up an interesting question. Now, despite the fact that I am a bit dubious about applying the concept of canon to something as important as a television show, I've been wondering if is what happens in SGA canon in SG-1?
                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                      Finally watched RNT:

                      Loved it!

                      I am on a Sam-high after LitS and this! '

                      I loved the ending scene. The bit with Vala was cute, and Sam seemed really happy and fun in that last scene with the team.

                      Everything else has already been said, but I loooved Sam's reaction to finding out she was married to McKay. Jena and I have a theory about that... When Sam asked about the ring, maybe she was asking about Jack, in her mind? They've been together in every other AU... why not this one? Maybe it was just discreet way of asking...

                      Also... just something I noticed. McKay tells our Sam that her hair is different. I thought that was rather funny as our AU Sams always have different hair.
                      About the ring: that's what Rachel and I wrote, too, so.. yeah. And on rewatching, I noticed she seems especially nervous about that and almost guilty about even asking, so... Yeah, I'm thinking so. And... here's a BIG thing... she then asks if she was married to Lorne (SG-1 commander...). So... being in the same unit wouldn't necessarily mean you couldn't be married to your CO, eh? Under the right circumstances rules can be... bent? What have we learned, Samantha?

                      I'm just sayin'...

                      Oh, and her hair was REALLY long in that pic with Lorne, so of course she assumed she was married to Jack, and was probably guilty about the desperate need to see him knowing he existed and had a relatioship with AU Sam brought out in her (geez, shippy glasses there... lol) She's reaching, she's reaching.. lol again.
                      No,anyone who read my tag knows what really happened.

                      Originally posted by tagger View Post
                      I had that problem with LiTS, really frustrating, can't step out of my medical/ science self and just enjoy the show. Haven't seen RNT yet... and I cannot resist getting spoiled, especially since I have to wait until APRIL! Unfortunately, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that spoiling myself, while providing short term gratification, may make it harder for me to un-analyse and just enjoy each episode. I think I might experiment and avoid spoilers on a couple episodes to see if I can be entertained rather than being analytical. Grrrr. *Continues to mutter about April.*
                      This is why I'm going to try to avoid serious spoilers before I see the eps, and why I decided to watch them ahead of sciffy. I have, in the past when a fan, found too many spoilers and too much analysis before actuall seeing the show always has the effect of diminishing enjoyment (for me). Either the show is better than spoilers led be to believe it would be, in which case I can never enjoy it as much as I would have without the negative attitude going in, or it's worse in which case I end up bitterly dissapointed.

                      EDIT: How I watched RnT was perfect, BTW. Just enough (thanks Jena) for me to be able to relax about 'the ship' and enjoy the episode for what it was.


                        In my defense, looked at the other way around, I still have nearly 200 sigs to make...

                        Am watching CoG atm. Anyone else notice how "With all due respect, sir," is 'Sam' for "Sir, don't be an idiot?"


                          Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                          I got an email yesterday that made me think of Sam and Jack.
                          I've taken liberty to change the text of it around a little and add in some pictures. I hope you like it.
                          Click thumbnails for larger images. Some images are from

                          She asked if he thinks she is pretty. He said no.

                          You're beautiful.

                          She asked if he wants to be with her forever. He said no.
                          I NEED to be with you forever.

                          She asked if she were to leave him would he cry. He said no.
                          If you leave me I would die.
                          Oh wow....this is cool....thank you uhsir!!
                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                          How can we post so much?!?!!!
                          I've got a few pages to catch up on... shall be fun, especially since it's my early day out of school!
                          Tell me about it...I'm not gonna post much today...sorry shippers but it's late and I have a gazillion things to do...but I will say this...I watched Morpheus last night and TRNT tonight...I love Amanda...she's brilliant...and I so love Stargate...such a great season...why the frell did scifi cancel when they did...silly drongo's!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            why the frell did scifi cancel when they did...silly drongo's!!
                            *pulls out English-to-English dictionary*... 'drongo'

                            Nope, I got nothin'.

                            Translation, hun?

                            And <<hugs>>, glad to see you're happy. Wasn't she a joy to watch?


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

                              In my defense, looked at the other way around, I still have nearly 200 sigs to make...

                              Am watching CoG atm. Anyone else notice how "With all due respect, sir," is 'Sam' for "Sir, don't be an idiot?"
                              Love the new sig Jenn

                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              *pulls out English-to-English dictionary*... 'drongo'

                              Nope, I got nothin'.

                              Translation, hun?

                              And <<hugs>>, glad to see you're happy. Wasn't she a joy to watch?

                              you got nothing but i don't get something either...hey i have already a hard translating everything...not fair *pouts*

                              oh yeah don't ya love school pcs...see now i have something to do again


                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                okay...i don't understand it you mean that you like Mitchell now...cus if that's the case...i still don't agree...i don't like him at all!!

                                Yeah now i think about that too...i also thought about it when*spoilers for Quest part 2*

                                Daniel stuck his head in that Ancient sucky thing...i didn;t thought he had the gene so how could he do that...

                                I also thought about that at the time when i watched Lost City, there Daniel also wants his head to put in the sucky thing, but then Jacks stops him, but i think if Jack had let him tptb had written it so that Daniel really went Ancient...but how can he do that without the Ancient gene...that's also in the conversation in the Lost City between Sam and Jack( ya know the national treasure one) she says she should have done it...but she can't without the Ancient gene right? That confuses me

                                Have fun...already
                                Originally posted by Caladria View Post
                                Spoilers for Quest 2

                                I always thought that having been Ascended would have affected Daniel's ability to access and handle the Ancient's repository... after all, its been stated that he has Ascended knowledge in his brain, but he can't access it... And you can't forget that Merlin tampered with the repository in The Quest so that Daniel's brain could handle it... and we still don't know what effect that has had on him.

                                I'm not entirely certain if the user even needs the ATA gene... the people we've seen look into it are Teal'c (failed to download), Jack (downloaded, twice), and Daniel (downloaded). At the time of Fifth Race the speculation was that it was sensitive to the presence of a Goa'uld symbiote, rather than the advanced gene that Jack possesses, and it was Jack's ATA gene (described as "advanced genome" cos it was Beckett that started using ATA) that allowed him to handle it for so long and get to the Asgard for help rather than allowing him to activate it... so theoretically any of Jack, Daniel or Sam (unless the naquadaah in her blood would have prevented it) could have taken the download in Lost City...

                                ...And that was another rambling rant that was vaguely OT

                                Does that help?

                                And the Mitchell love is an unfortunate but integral part of me, I'm afraid.... For his faults as well as his strengths...

                                What you said pins it down imho.
                                The use of the respository does not need the ATA gene, but having it increases the length of time you can have it without losing your mind. So Sam and/or Daniel could have used it, but I don't think they would have been able to hold on long enough to save the world. Although the fact that Daniel had ascended may help him in that regard.

                                And I have to admit that I like Mitchel, and it's not cos I was a Farscape fan.

                                Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                                Take care ((((Julia))))

                                And I've realised, I've reached, and gone past, 600 posts, can't believe it LOL.


