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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I was rewatching Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars for the umpteenth time last night and spent the whole time asking myself why of why can't TPTB handle the S/J ship the way that they handled the John/Aeryn ship. That was probably the most perfect example of a well-handled ship that I've ever seen. Sigh...if only.

    It was, is, and always will be GREEN


      Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
      I was rewatching Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars for the umpteenth time last night and spent the whole time asking myself why of why can't TPTB handle the S/J ship the way that they handled the John/Aeryn ship. That was probably the most perfect example of a well-handled ship that I've ever seen. Sigh...if only.
      Well, they've tortured us for 10 years, and they have a few eps in which to redeem themselves. I have to say, if their goal was to keep us interested, they're certainly doing a good job of baiting us at every turn (pun intended if it's funny, not if it wasn't), especially this season. Stringing us along keeps us watching. They're certainly walking a fine line there though, between overdoing it, and just resolving it already.

      Actually, I'm tired of being manipulated.

      *goes off to watch LiS and Thread and Moebius...again*
      Sig quote c/o Spiletta42, Sig pic a gift from JennniferJF. TY!
      Reality is for people who can't handle Science-Fiction


        Just before I go off to bed,
        Eve congrats on 2,700 wow I'm in awe LOL
        Caladria Happy Birthday, hope you have/had a great day

        Night everyone, shippy dreams to all

        Take care guys
        ((((((((((ship family))))))))))

        Julia x
        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          Okay then...this is already my 2,000 post here...OMG what do i talk much..didn't knew that...i thought i was always that quiet girl...didn't believe my parents but now i do...i talk much

          So i wanna say so much things but words cannot express that all. I'm still not good with them, but i do my best. and because of this thread and GW i have seen my english improve a lot...from posts of one sentences i now write posts of to much sentences...and the miracle is you understand me thanx for that...

          Now i just wanna thank you all for being so nice to me, and to welcome me here so happy always...visiting this thread has become a daily/every hour...thing of me to do...and that's a good thing.

          You are all so nice to me, so helpfull and you never were for once angry or very bad to me...and i appreciate that a lot, cus i'm still very unsure about myself...but you people took that a lot away again Thanx for that

          uhm yeah what do i have to say more...oh yeah...thank you for showing me all those wonderful fics, manips, wallpapers, sigs, vids and more...i've enjoyed everyone of them...bunch of talented people here and all shippy...i'm a lucky girl
          Now you have done it too me that i'm also making stuff...i hope you like it...i do my best but i'm still new here, atleast so does it count is not everything ya know

          I've learned to stalk better here...and it's now one of my favorite you people know who i'm stalking

          also i've now yim on my pc...before GW i didn't even knew that...and now i'm on it too much time..i've learned to know people...and know how they are...and it makes me happy to go on and to talk with them...they are sooooo nice so thanx for showing me that too cus sometimes you people there make me happy again, while people here in RL can't do that

          and that was it i think...

          SO for the last time this post... THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING HERE...and making me feel so good(most of the time)

          Then i also have a little something for's not much...and it doesn't compare that what you have done for me...but i hope you all like it

          a little wallpaper

          (((HUGS TO YA ALL))))

          and i hope..and if you people like it...i can post more here...and be my weird normal

          EDIT: oh yeah this is also the first and last time that i write this long post...cus normally...not something for i'm sorry for the people who don't like long posts
          That was a really great post ((((Jann)))) and it's lovely to know you too! Congratulations on reaching 2,000 posts as well

          Originally posted by ChevronSeven View Post
          Anyone looking for the Garden of the Gods fanfic, it has a new home:

          It's so good, you'll think you're watching an episode!

          Ellie's uploading new chapters (I think) as we speak. Check for updates!
          Thanks for the fic rec!

          Originally posted by nell View Post
          What if...Unending
          IMHG (In My Humble Guess-ing) I've been thinking about how our SG-1 team will understand and cope with the time-dilation thingie. Sam is soooo darn smart that she will know that for every year they are trapped, it will be a minute or an hour for those outside of the bubble. They will know that the SGC and especially Jack will not leave them behind. In the meanwhile, Sam will age gracefully with her colleagues with whom she will get to know better as friends but not lovers. There may be times that they will feel that rescue will never come but Sam will not give up. About the reset button, I suppose that will un-age them. I haven't thought beyond that...LOL

          That's how I feel about it! What do you think?
          Well, I personally like the sound of that

          Originally posted by Caladria View Post
          If Sam went in pregnant, and they all reverted to how they were when they came in the field, then I guess that any child of their's would return to its embryonic/foetal state... which would be weird. Very weird. Because the baby would be 49 at this point.

          And it has this horrible whiff of cliche!baby!fic... and you know how any child of Jack's would feel about them...

          Personally, I'm clinging to the "Teal'c has no tretonin" option.. leaving him with a touching scene with Sam, where he seeks reassurance that all is well between them... so he knows that ColonelCarter and O'Neill are deleriously happy together.. at last. And seriously, I don't have anythign against Teal'c I just can't think of a way out of this one for him.
          I hope they address that issue within that episode, it wouldn't seem right.

          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Another little manip for you all...

          Click image to enlarge
          LOLOL love it!! Somehow I don't think...


          it's safe wearing that kind of top aroun Jack *is in the gutter*

          Originally posted by Goddess View Post
          So this is totally off-topic but I just wanted to post it here because you guys are like a little family to me. I recently found out my mom has several medical conditions which are basically complicating each other. She says it's not life-threatening right now, but she does have to have surgery with in the next few weeks. I would just like to ask you all to keep her in your prayers and in your hearts. Thanks, I love you all.
          (((((Julie))))) sending you lots of positive thoughts, and love and strength to you, your Mum, and your family.

          Originally posted by GateSeeker2 View Post
          Just a little after epi scene for "Unending" - but remember I've not scene the epi - only read about it from spoilers.
          Loved that, couldn't quote it cos of too many smilies.

          Originally posted by nell View Post
          Those* plus 'What Will It Take' by SG1-Fanfic. This is my #1! It's very long and I've read it 3 times and it's better each time!

          *I don't know if I've read Exile. PLEASE GIVE THE LINK!!!
          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Here it is, from


          It's novella length--not too long, but not short either.

          I was looking for the other one, but I haven't found a link to it yet. It's been a long time since I read it.
          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Link to Exile, by Bastet:

          Right here on Gateworld....
          Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
          I'm not sure if this was already posted or not, but this is the link to Gail Delaney's site:
          Thank you for the wonderful fic links guys, I love reading, and tend to read the whole thing, I'm definitely not a skimmer

          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
          TekTek, & Gaia Online


            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            Maybe we should find out:
            Does this thread just attract a lot of band members or are all band members shippers?
            Momentarily de-lurking for an OT admission of band-nerdiness - no flutes here, but I played tuba for high school plus 5 years of university. Felt a bit like Sam - 18 guys and one girl in the tuba section. Not many girls in my engineering major either, but at least a few! I never made any speeches about the location of my reproductive organs tho


              Originally posted by GateSeeker2 View Post
              See now once I start a fic...I can't NOT finish it!!! Even if it's a bad lame horribly written one...I suffer through... at least 9 out of 10 anyway... My hubby has listened to me complain about so many fics. He's encouraged me to just stop. But now that would be quitting. And, well, I just can't let myself give up on it. I keep thinking somehow it will get better, and then I get to the end and think, "nope it didn't - it stunk all the way." Luckily though, I haven't read too many stinky fics in a long time.

              I first started reading fanfic around summer of 2002 when I began to have insomnia really badly. I've been reading ever since.

              OnT - someone posted a comment saying
              that AT mentioned that JM mentioned that we - the "shippers" would actually finally get a verbal reference to Sam and Jack being together. Wonder if that will happen in "Unending"? OR perhaps in "Shroud" since Jack will be there. But what do you want to bet that Jack and Sam won't be in any - or at least not many - scenes together? I was so dissappointed in "Ripple Effect" that Sam and Janet weren't together for more than a little token hug at the end of the epi. That stunk!
              Hmmm well call me fussy, but


              I'd prefer more than just a verbal reference, especially after ten flippin' seasons! I mean, I could live with it, but it wouldn't fulfill my shippy needs

              Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
              i don't know if you noticed that but...
              at the end, the last scene between her and Cam, she was typing...and if you look very close, you'll see she was "chatting" with someone!!! I'm wondering who it was!!! !!!!!!!!!!
              Ok, I'd love to see a screenshot of this, well spotted!!

              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
              Wow, I'm finally at post 2,000, and I really don't know what to say. This is supposed to be a big one. Finally, I can have a custom avatar! Woo Hoo (got that line from L.A.) and SQUUUUUUEEEE! (I learned that one here, too.) This has been so much fun! In the past seven months, I've met friends from all over the world. I've talked and talked and talked about my favorite show and my favorite ! I've learned so many things about computers, and realized I have so many more things to learn. (Thanks Eve.) You guys are the greatest!

              I'm kind of glad that this post came the same week as LitS, since
              we now have total confirmation that Sam and Jack are sooooooo married. (Still need to see that BHK though!)

              (((((((SHIP FAMILY)))))))))
              Congrats on 2,000 posts!!

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Okay, cap for Lis:


              Originally posted by Anakin View Post
              With all the commotion around the recent spoilers, I though a little R&R was called for...

              BTS from Grace...

              *squees* thanks for that Anakin!

              Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
              I just finished a 'Line in the Sand' tribute video (so, obviously only watch it if you've seen the episode or don't mind being spoiled!)

              I changed
              the end to make it shippy! he he... kind of what i think all the shipper would have wanted to see...

              I hope you like it. The music is 'Lithium' by Evanescence as i thought that song really went well with the episode.


              Yay, thanks!

              Originally posted by Devoe2000 View Post
              Originally posted by Devoe2000 View Post
              Devoe, thanks for posting those I love Sam's expression in the second one, maybe it's just my shippy eyes, but sure she's looking at Jack like she's about to glomp him LOL.

              Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
              Hey shippers have you heard the name of the first Stargate movie

              LMAO you got green! I'd definitely buy that dvd

              Admiral, great to see you here And thanks for the pressies

              Originally posted by Terrah View Post
              Terrah, I love the colours in that image

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              A wallpaper. In spoilers 'cause it has LiS pic in it:

              Awwwwww lovely Jenn!

              Originally posted by cess525 View Post

              Now Red sky...this is all I got shippy wise till I watch the ep again.

              Now did he really have to touch her to ask if he was having a stroke?
              ROFL I agree, but we all know any excuse to touch her eh?

              Originally posted by Caladria View Post
              New fic...




              Tiny spoilers for LitS - just that one word...
              Woohoo! Thanks Caladria

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              In honor of her story :

              'Cause there are a lot of newbies who might not have seen it
              I've seen this before, but still ROFLMAO! Ah, no worries, Sam will get used to handling a big fish in no time *innocent look*

              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                Good day shippers!!! Just been catching up. I"m enjoying the spoilers for the new eps!! I can't wait for them to start in the US. Just dropping by to see if there will be cake Tuesday for RDA's birthday! My but that man makes getting older look good!!!! Back into catching up with things. Lana


                  Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                  Shippy hugs everyone.

                  Just dropping in to share my very most favorite DPT courtesy of Mala the Great:


                  Cracks me up every time.

                  And it wouldn't be complete without this chaser:

                  LMAO love Sam's expression!

                  Originally posted by UhSir View Post

                  Have one for the road:
                  pic made by Mala
                  Well, there's no choice really is there?

                  Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                  “Red Sky” shippiness? Yep, I can find some.

                  The scene where Sam explains how they traveled through the sun to get to the planet and that’s a really bad thing, yada, yada… Maybe not real shippy but the looks between Jack and Sam are very yummy. Jack asks her if she can fix it (and his look says he’s sure she can) but Sam just looks down and doesn’t say anything (OMG she’s not perfect?) and looks up at him.
                  When Jack is done talking to the Asgard and he returns to Daniel and Sam. He looks at Sam and smiles (even though his back is to the camera you can see the side of his face) and also watch Sam’s expression.
                  The scene right after that which starts out
                  SAM: Sir, I've been thinking.
                  JACK: I'd be shocked if you ever stopped, Carter.
                  (Then Sam uses pieces of fruit to explain about unstable plutonium molecules, yada, yada. And it ends with… )
                  JACK: I have great confidence in you, Carter. Go on back to the SGC and… confuse Hammond.
                  Then the unshippy but totally awesome scene after the explosion when Jack charges the local guy, Malchus, and almost shoots him. Phew! But then again, maybe it is a little shippy. Those looks from Sam are pretty intense and unsoldiery. (word? don’t care.)
                  Okie dokie, back at the SGC in Carter’s lab:
                  HAMMOND: I thought the odds of success for this scenario was one in a million, Major.
                  SAM: Yes, sir. But I now think that we can increase that estimate to one percent.
                  (She looks at Hammond. Hammond looks at Jack.)
                  JACK: It's your call, General. I only understand about one percent of what she says half the time.
                  (Sam smiles then she goes on to explain her theory and Jack interrupts her...)
                  JACK: I thought when something was in a wormhole, it existed only as... energy. That you needed another Stargate to turn it back into solid matter.
                  SAM: Actually, you're absolutely correct, sir.
                  JACK: (surprised) I am?
                  SAM: Yes!
                  (as Sam continues her explanation, Jack looks back at Hammond with a huge goofy grin on his face and then several times during the rest of Sam’s explanation he repeats “I was right!”)
                  UhSir, thanks again for a wonderful recap!

                  Originally posted by zuz View Post
                  Hello, Ship Family! How was your week? I had so much work to do, that this weekend I'm going to just relax, watch some SG eps and relax.

                  Here's a couple of S/J icons I made.

                  Sam actually gives him a smile.


                  And here, Jack is just so tender.

                  Beautiful icons Zuz, I couldn't green you for those and all the wonderful images I've posted, I've ran out again!

                  Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                  Present for ya

                  Although I don't find 'Red Sky' overtly shippy (in that I mean it's not like D&C or BtS), it's still often the little things that make me smile. The two are completely in sync with one another all the time. It's the looks, it's the glances, it's the subtle gentle touches. Best romance ever? Hell yeah!

                  Wow that's a great collage

                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  Something from waaaay back in Upgrades...

                  Click image to enlarge
                  Awww love the poster Nolamom

                  Originally posted by zuz View Post
                  The discussion is getting too heavy for my taste... So here's some good old shippiness to lift the mood.

                  Do you know in which ep gave Sam Jack this cute little smile?



                  Yeah, you're right. It's Good to be king.
                  Originally posted by zuz View Post
                  And my 1,500th post. Whoo hoo! *happy dance* Just 500 more to custom avatar. Hmmm, that's doable.

                  And a couple of celebrational icons.


                  Originally posted by zuz View Post

                  EDIT: Just a few weeks together and Sam already has
                  a favourite spot on Jack's neck.
                  LMAO yeah Sam seems to do that a lot around Jack (the tongue hanging out), wonder why?!

                  Thanks for the lovely pics Zuz! And congrats on 1,500 posts too!

                  Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                  From earlier in S8, but also while looking at Jack:

                  Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                  Just dropping off some pics... In no particular order, just Sam and Jack being Sam and Jack!


                  *squeees* love the way they look at each other

                  Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                  TekTek, & Gaia Online


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Speaking of which, you're going to start posting the ficathon stories when?
                    Around mid-Feb. I haven't started, and neither has Hannah. We're bad examples. You've already got yours turned in!
                    Originally posted by story*in*your*eyes View Post
                    Momentarily de-lurking for an OT admission of band-nerdiness - no flutes here, but I played tuba for high school plus 5 years of university. Felt a bit like Sam - 18 guys and one girl in the tuba section. Not many girls in my engineering major either, but at least a few! I never made any speeches about the location of my reproductive organs tho
                    Woot! Another shipper band nerd! Stop by more often!


                      Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                      I was rewatching Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars for the umpteenth time last night and spent the whole time asking myself why of why can't TPTB handle the S/J ship the way that they handled the John/Aeryn ship. That was probably the most perfect example of a well-handled ship that I've ever seen. Sigh...if only.
                      I agree. Farscape managed to do what most shows screw up very very quickly. True, Farscape didn't last as long as SG-1 has, but still, they showed it can be done ( and done well!!!)


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        See, I disagree. But I know a lot of people disagree with me, so *shrugs*. My reason is that he looks so hopeful, like she might finally be opening up to him, when she thanks him, then so crestfallen and dissapointed when she says 'nothing'. Then there's such a saddenness and almost-bitterness when he tells her he's got a whole lot of nothing. It always breaks my heart. And the fact that he really did do nothing to bring her home is part of the problem. I don't think he feels she needs him because she is so complete and capable on her own -- more so than he, in his opinion. What can he add to her?

                        Later in Threads, that scene is replayed almost exactly in the 'Always' scene, only this time Sam has figured things out, is willing to take the HUGE emotional/professional risk of opening completely to Jack (ohh...<splash>) and so she gives him the answer he needed... the reason she loves him, which I don't think he's EVER understood and thus never fully believed... Which, ironically, is really no reason at all except she wants him with her... and that simple explanation finally, IMHO, convinces him she really does need/want/love him (because I'd suspect it's the reason he loves her ), and he gives himself... (though there is one second of almost-fear there when I think he realizes, 'crap! I just signed for her!'


                        My fully animated gif of the 'Always' scene. I really wouldn't click if I didn't have broadband...
                        Sigh.....what a wonderful post...

                        However, I would like to say that I think there's more to Sam's love for Jack than what you said above. I think she loves him for his courage, his bravado, his instinctual knowledge of what to do in any given situation...qualities she lacked when they first met, and which she has learned from him over the years. I think she has also always been intrigued by the tenderness that she sensed was lurking underneath that larger than life, brusque, know-it-all personality he presents to the world.

                        While he's no astrophysicist, he's also no dummy, even though he likes people to think he is. He challenges her, bolsters her and makes her want to be her best. She does the same for him...and, after his disasterous first marriage...her love has taught him that he is worthy and capable of being cherished by another person.

                        And, of course, there's also the fact that he is absolutely, totally, HOT!

                        Jack had a hard time accepting that Sam could love him because of her brains, her beauty and, of course, the age difference. He always felt she could do better. But Threads brought them to a point where they both had to face the fact that their lives were irrevocably intertwined...and that no one else could make either of them truly happy. So, they finally accepted it as truth and gave in to what their hearts had told them was right for a long, long time.

                        Seriously, they truly are a perfect, if surprising, match...yin and yang...light and and substance. That's why it's true love.


                          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                          Which episode was the pic with the two of them in the infirmary? Feeling a need to watch that one.....
                          Welcome Toomi, to the thread!

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Thanks to Denise the new poll is up. So you can vote here

                          But I just want to check, does everyone still want to discuss this 1 ep a week? Now the new eps have already started, and now we already talked about season 4 Because if people are not interested anymore I stop making the polls. The first plan was to discuss 1 ep a week up untill season 8.
                          I LOVE the episode discussion, even though I don't join in the verbal discussions, I love reading everyone's point of view, and I'd miss it if it finished

                          Originally posted by Terrah View Post
                          Welcome Toomi



                          Love the images Terrah!

                          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                          Hiya...just wanna show of my new sig and it's pink

                          to be on subject again...Sam and Jack

                          are sooo married
                          Love the new sig Jann
                          Originally posted by Amaunet View Post
                          *comes out of lurking*
                          Hello *waves*

                          Just wondering if anybody has any good S/J shippy news...that i may have missed out on....any other good good..too *goes back to lurking*
                          Glad to see you delurking Amaunet

                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                          Wow... 2,100 posts! I feel like my old self, hitting milestones weekly!
                          Congrats on 2,100 posts Sam!

                          Originally posted by tagger View Post
                          I know this has probably been addressed ad nauseum over the years, but I just wanted to add my bit on the Pete thing.
                          <snipped for space>
                          Fantastic post Tagger, sorry I couldn't green you

                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Ok...since it is the week of Red Sky...I thought let's watch it while commenting on the ship warned might include some crazy thoughts about me...and some rambling and I don't know what else lol...

                          <snipped episode synopsis>

                          All by all a great ep...really lovely...Great Sam moments...not really a shippy ep but ok I guess...
                          Sorry for the long post...
                          Wow Eve, that was GREAT, darn it, couldn't green you either

                          Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                          <image snip>
                          The middle cap above is right after Jack says: "I thought when something was IN a wormhole, it existed only as ... energy. That you needed another stargate to turn it back into solid matter." Next cap Carter tells him he's correct. "Actually, you absolutely correct, Sir."

                          <image snip>
                          Jack is surprise he's right. Noticed the smirk he keeps giving Hammond. And the last cap, cracks me up! You can't hear what he's saying, but reading his lips and body language, he's still saying "I was right!" I didn't notice/remember this part the last time I watched this episode.
                          Sam, that was absolutely great, thank you!

                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
                          Where "O" where have all the shippers gone???

                          I know I said I'd wait for The Shroud before ending my POV trilogy...I lied...(must be my 53% Ga'ould)
                          Just uploaded it...MY personal message to TPTB...

                          Plse comment on this one, it was sooo difficult to do...It took me 8hours, the *"%!?/&* WVM choked out on me soooo many times!!!!(too many special effects I think) The SO...

                          Anyways, as always, be patient...It should be available soon on my MGM channel...


                          Oh yeah, spoilers for S10's 200...BEWARE!

                          It wont be posted on YouTube before next week though...sorry...

                          Enjoy & let me know what you think...I simply love vidding and love challenges!!! Viva le ship!!!

                          Thank you for the vid

                          Originally posted by lizzyshoe View Post
                          Is this the proper place to introduce myself? Oh well. I'm new to the forum fandom medium. I'm way better at lurking than posting, but I'm a huge fan of S/J. I'm planning on storming TPTB if the ship doesn't get resolved by the finale. I have mixed feelings over the little tidbits they've been feeding us this season...

                          Anywho. Hiya! I'm lizzyshoe. Nice to meet everyone!

                          And re:bandcamp, I've been 6 times, once as drum major. Oh, plus that time last year when I just went to help out, and to look out for my bro who's in the drumline now. Bandcamp is awesome. And more interesting when you play the flute/picc. Flute angles, gorram it!

                          S/J yay *squee*
                          Welcome to the thread Lizzyshoe!!

                          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                          TekTek, & Gaia Online


                            Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
                            I was rewatching Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars for the umpteenth time last night and spent the whole time asking myself why of why can't TPTB handle the S/J ship the way that they handled the John/Aeryn ship. That was probably the most perfect example of a well-handled ship that I've ever seen. Sigh...if only.
                            no brains, no talent, no sense
                            Last edited by pittsburghgirl; 21 January 2007, 03:10 PM. Reason: spelling
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by story*in*your*eyes View Post
                              Momentarily de-lurking for an OT admission of band-nerdiness - no flutes here, but I played tuba for high school plus 5 years of university. Felt a bit like Sam - 18 guys and one girl in the tuba section. Not many girls in my engineering major either, but at least a few! I never made any speeches about the location of my reproductive organs tho
                              De-lurk more often...I swear it's more fun to talk than it is to lurk.
                              You should have at one point gave the reproductive organ speech just to see the facial expressions.
                              GO NEWMAN! 31!


                                ROFLMAO!! Oh dear oh dear... *is wallowing in the gutter*

                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                                you have no idea what a friend of mine ever send as a manip of that pic...
                                I was in really shocked...I actually deleted that immediatly...So you get the picture eh lol...Well you don't get it

                                Btw OT rant: I HATE BEING SICK...really don't like it at all...Brings me to a lovely question to ask all of you... What would Jack do when Sam was sick at home? How would he spoil his wife... (wow see how I can make something OT to on topic )
                                LMAO course you get it And sorry to hear that you're sick Eve, *huge hugs*

                                Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                                Tell me about it Jann, I was doing FINE until I met you lot!

                                (((you lot)))

                                concentrate on PG thought! Concentrate on PG thoughts!
                                Oh come on, pull the other one LMAO

                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                                Yep really deleted it...Let me tell you it was a you can think of what she did with it eh...

                                Ok now try to get back out of the gutter
                                You know that's not going to happen don't you?

                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                I resent that insinuation. I do NOT bring people to the gutter. I merely point out the gutter to them, suggest it might be nice in there and that Sam and Jack seem to have found a nice little home-away-from-home there, and then...



                                That is bringing people to the gutter, isn't it...

                                Speaking of which: (spoilers for Quest I
                                Methinks someone is living in denial, like... she didn't lead us astray into the gutter *cough*

                                LMAO at the conversation.

                                Originally posted by Anakin View Post
                                Originally posted by Anakin View Post
                                Great caps again Anakin

                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                So after making my new Sig and avatar...i got in the making mood again, and Threads i made a new wallpaper

                                I wanted to make it pink...but something inside me told that another colour for once would be good it isn't pink

                                Thank you Jenn for some of the pics(all of them but one)

                                And here it goes then:

                                (thumbnail as on it for bigger version)

                                I hope you all like it**since it isn't pink**
                                Wow it's not pink! I'm so shocked.... I think I need to sit down cos I feel faint Seriously, it's beautiful Jann

                                Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
                                Just one wallpaper as I have been awfully busy!
                                Gorgeous too Natasha!

                                And beautiful icons too

                                Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
                                Congrats on reaching 700 posts!!

                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                                Sigh.....what a wonderful post...

                                However, I would like to say that I think there's more to Sam's love for Jack than what you said above. I think she loves him for his courage, his bravado, his instinctual knowledge of what to do in any given situation...qualities she lacked when they first met, and which she has learned from him over the years. I think she has also always been intrigued by the tenderness that she sensed was lurking underneath that larger than life, brusque, know-it-all personality he presents to the world.

                                While he's no astrophysicist, he's also no dummy, even though he likes people to think he is. He challenges her, bolsters her and makes her want to be her best. She does the same for him...and, after his disasterous first marriage...her love has taught him that he is worthy and capable of being cherished by another person.

                                And, of course, there's also the fact that he is absolutely, totally, HOT!

                                Jack had a hard time accepting that Sam could love him because of her brains, her beauty and, of course, the age difference. He always felt she could do better. But Threads brought them to a point where they both had to face the fact that their lives were irrevocably intertwined...and that no one else could make either of them truly happy. So, they finally accepted it as truth and gave in to what their hearts had told them was right for a long, long time.

                                Seriously, they truly are a perfect, if surprising, match...yin and yang...light and and substance. That's why it's true love.
                                Fantastic post, thanks for sharing your views

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