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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Well it's just hit midnight here, and my eyes have gone cross eyed so... until tomorrow... shippy dreams


      Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
      Well it's just hit midnight here, and my eyes have gone cross eyed so... until tomorrow... shippy dreams

      Good night shippy dreams
      agrees with ya...only it's one hour later here

      So i'm also going to bed

      Goodnight everybody and shippy dreams


        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
        Good night shippy dreams
        agrees with ya...only it's one hour later here

        So i'm also going to bed

        Goodnight everybody and shippy dreams
        Night! Shippy dreams to you too!


          OK. Animated .gif, too big for lj though:


            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            So this will be a casual party then, huh? That's good, I'm wearing baggy pants as well I'll bring some snacks. No more cake left after yesterday...
            The shippy music sounds good to me. Can't get enough of that

            Yeah could have done that... But there's just no fun in giving up
            I btw still don't know what I planned on saying, Talking about frustration... Oy!
            I think I'll leave the partying to you youngsters I'm a bit more awake now, but still feeling tired, going to go back to bed soon.

            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

            <hugs> Welcome 'home'!

            Of course we missed you. Geez.
            CONGRATULATIONS!! Would have green'd ya. Couldn't
            If didn't seem too fast for me, though hubs and I knew rather quickly. And its perfectly natural to ask your boss if you should get married... when you're madly in love with your boss and want to marry him ]

            Not even Two All-Beef patties. It was a Hot Dog, FCOL!!! And I betcha it wasn't even a Beef Frank.


            BTW, I take a nap for like two hours and ya'll go nuts!

            Or were you nuts before and I was just too tired to notice? That's probably it....
            That's probably when Sam knew it wasn't love, because he didn't bring her an all-beef hamburger...Jack would have, and beer too Why go out for/settle for hamburger when you've got a big, juicy (silver-haired, brown-eyed) steak at home?

            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
            yeah then offcourse what is in this case right but still...not a fan of that ship more an anti-fan

            you know that i'm always nut's and i'm bored so that was a combi

            And you also tired that may help...but because of what did you were tired???***is very much in the gutter***
            ROFL Jann.

            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            Wow... my 2,000th post...

            I just want to thank you all for convincing my to de-lurk on the 4th Annual Ship Day. I've had some awesome times on this thread with all of you!

            I love Stargate. I love Sam and Jack. Even if I don't get my S/J with Stargate, all I have to do is come on to this lovely thread to feel better. If I'm still looking for some ship, all I have to do is ask Jenn. She'll find it.

            I love that we have our shipper highs and shipper lows together. We just have to remember that we are the canon ship. Sam could have just as easily married . But no, TPTB had the sense to play their characters correctly.

            Looking back on the past 1,000 posts.... I think I've gotten to know you all much better. We truly are like a family. Each member contributes something. We have our inside jokes, but we arn't exclusive. If this thread hadn't been open to new users, I would have never joined, and neither would the new people coming in every day.

            Let's just face it. The S/J Family thread is the place to be. We're fun, we're nice, we're serious, we're crazy, and we're shippers. Althought sometimes tedious, catching up on missed pages is quite fun!

            Everyone here is spectacular. Simply amazing. In all, this is just a big love letter my all my shippers...

            Here's to another thousand posts,
            Beautiful post Hannah, thank you for sharing And congratulations on 2,000 posts!!

            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post


            ...No idea why
            love it!

            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
            Suprisingly*ahum* i was bored...okay i'm lately always bored
            But there is just nothing here to do...except

            i made some stuff...finished my amanda sig(not so great)
            and made an Broca divide sig and a wallpaper


            Amanda sig:

            Broca divide sig:

            And last but not least
            The wallpaper

            (a thumbnail )

            I hope you all like it...if someone wants one of the sigs, just ask me/pm me...cus i don't use them...maybe later, but if i can make someone happy with it, it's okay
            And of another rant of me today
            I think they're all excellent Jann, great work, you got green

            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            OK. Animated .gif, too big for lj though:

            ROFLMAO as she says it she's licking her lips, say no more

            Thank you guys for the congrats, ((((Shipper Family))))

            Avatar Signature by eLouai,
            TekTek, & Gaia Online


              Originally posted by Zoser View Post
              Message from Jack to TPTB [/SPOILERS]
              The railroad tracks are getting quite comfy. I brought my portable DVD player and am watching real Stargate DVDs
              Hehehe...I love that Zoser...very cool!!
              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
              Dropping out of lurkdom for fic!

              I have a rec, one i'm reading's great, well written, and tackles the time period between Moebius and Sam's return to the SGC. It's called Missing Something, by Anunnaki.

              I also feel a need to shamelessly self-promote my current WIP, "Lost Boys and Golden Girls"; I'd really appreciate feedback on it as it really does inspire. I don't usually try to promote a piece till its finished, but this one is really close, and i'm not stopping till it's done!

              Thank you for indulging me! Now back to your regularly scheduled shipping...
              I've read a few of your fics Bren...and love em...keep up the great work...looking forward to reading the end product...soon...very very soon!!
              Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
              About how long Sam/ lasted: I think about 2 years 'cause both between "Lost City" - "New Order" and "Icon" lasted for a couple of months IMHO (so 's proposal came about 1 year into their relationship but still it was weird to propose over a hamburger in the park (and remember he came prepared with the ring it wasn't a spur of the moment))
              I'd put my money on a year long mean friendship...but what's that compared to 10 years of UST between Sam and Jack...just a quick message to any PTB that may be lurking....get them together already FCOL...we want Sam and Jack together...ship sells you know......ok...nuff said...for now!!
              Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
              Wow... my 2,000th post...
              I just want to thank you all for convincing my to de-lurk on the 4th Annual Ship Day. I've had some awesome times on this thread with all of you!
              I love Stargate. I love Sam and Jack. Even if I don't get my S/J with Stargate, all I have to do is come on to this lovely thread to feel better. If I'm still looking for some ship, all I have to do is ask Jenn. She'll find it.
              I love that we have our shipper highs and shipper lows together. We just have to remember that we are the canon ship. Sam could have just as easily married . But no, TPTB had the sense to play their characters correctly.
              Looking back on the past 1,000 posts.... I think I've gotten to know you all much better. We truly are like a family. Each member contributes something. We have our inside jokes, but we arn't exclusive. If this thread hadn't been open to new users, I would have never joined, and neither would the new people coming in every day.
              Let's just face it. The S/J Family thread is the place to be. We're fun, we're nice, we're serious, we're crazy, and we're shippers. Althought sometimes tedious, catching up on missed pages is quite fun!
              Everyone here is spectacular. Simply amazing. In all, this is just a big love letter my all my shippers...
              Here's to another thousand posts,
              Wow...beautiful post Hannah...and congrats on 2000 posts....
              And congrats to Mich on her 500 posts....
              Anyone I missed???
              Oh...yeah...welcome to all the newbies...if I haven't mentioned it already...sorry guys....skipped like 20 pages to get to this point!!
              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Notice how after Threads when they're together at the end of Moebius he doesn't even pause before NOT classifying her with the 'room full of geeks'... . She may still be a geek, but she's his geek!
              And I forgot to close the poll earlier!!
              This weeks episode is.. big surprise...

              Oh, the angst!!
              Oooooh...I like Entity...but no surprises for geeks...ok everyone...admit it...who amongst us is a geek??
              C'mon...hands up all the geeks...I'll admit it...I'm one too...although I didn't know it til hubby pointed it out...
              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              OK. Animated .gif, too big for lj though:

              Ooooh...I so love that scene with Barrett...
              and I don't care what Amanda says...she said that coz she and Jack are soooo married!!

              Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
              ROFLMAO as she says it she's licking her lips, say no more

              Thank you guys for the congrats, ((((Shipper Family))))
              Yep...I agree!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post

                *whacks Jenn* Tryin' to steal my stalker, eh?
                Well, just watch it. I'll be reading your fic later.

                (((HANNAH))) Wow, 2000 posts! I am so proud! Congratulations!
                To everyone making a milestone, have a Big Honkin' Kiss!

                Thanks Jena. And don't worry. I'll still stalk you.
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                  Thanks Jena. And don't worry. I'll still stalk you.
                  Okay, good.

                  I was rereading your 2000th post(sorry I couldn't green ya) and it's so nice and true! This is such a great place to be! Besides the great talk and all the talent, you get to meet wonderful people you could really be friends with in real life.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Okay, good.

                    I was rereading your 2000th post(sorry I couldn't green ya) and it's so nice and true! This is such a great place to be! Besides the great talk and all the talent, you get to meet wonderful people you could really be friends with in real life.
                    I have to agree with both of much as my family truly don't understand why I love coming here...I wish they would just pop in and see why it's the best place to be...especially when you have a bad day...or even when you don't have a bad's such an uplifting place to on that note I too would like to thank everyone here for making me smile and laugh and sometimes cry...and for making me happy and a better me all round...thanks I'm off to finish my coffee and read some ff...
                    (((Ship family)))
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      OT-Giving a mom report-she doing very well after her surgery and going to rehab. on Monday. There they will help her get her strength back after her three week stay in the hospital. Thanks for your good wishes and keep the good vibes coming for her complete recovery.-Marian


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        Okay, good.

                        I was rereading your 2000th post(sorry I couldn't green ya) and it's so nice and true! This is such a great place to be! Besides the great talk and all the talent, you get to meet wonderful people you could really be friends with in real life.
                        Well I just got greened by you yesterday... so I'd say that's ok!

                        So true!
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          Entity poster #1

                          click image to enlarge


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            Entity poster #1

                            click image to enlarge
                            So true! Love it Nolamom!

                            Your posters always make me giggle.
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Hi, everyone! Just wanted to check in. I'll be reading your posts from this week most of the night, I guess...trying to catch up. I haven't been around for the past few days. Some of you know--others don't. To make a very long story short, a co-worker was killed on the job several days ago, and since I work in PR, it's been a sad, and very busy week.

                              On top of that, my dog became seriously ill early this week. Good news to report on that front--he's much better, and came home today.

                              Between those two problems, I've had my mind on other things this week...but I'm glad to be back! I'm probably 50 pages behind at this point (LOL!)...and I'll probably make some out of date comments as I read along to catch up!!! But I'm here, and supporting you all in spirit.

                              Have there been any major developments this week? If so, could someone PM me and let me know? Thanks!


                                Congratulations on 2000 posts Sam O'Neill!!!!

