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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Merry Shipmas Shipmum!

    s u g a r s h a k e r


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
      Congrats Poz.

      1500! Congratulations!

      s u g a r s h a k e r




          The Christmas Gift

          Sam sat alone in her lab. She heard a knock and looked up, beaming when she saw General O’Neill standing there with a smile.

          "General, what are you doing here?", Sam said.

          "What, a guy can't visit without a reason?", Jack replied.

          "No. I mean, what are you doing here 'now'?"

          "Well..." Jack stepped forward, putting forth a note which Sam took.

          She read it, frowning. "What does this mean, sir?"

          "It means I’m retiring Sam."

          Sam glanced up quickly, reacting to his statement and the use of her first name.


          Jack nodded, smiling gently.

          "Why?," Sam said quietly.

          "It's my gift."


          "It's my gift to you, Sam."

          "I don't get... "

          Jack stepped forward, leaning down into Sam's space.

          "My gift to you, Sam, is me. I’m retiring so there can be an 'us'."

          Sam's bewilderment slowly became a smile. A huge, honking smile.

          "Now, I’m hoping you don't want me to return the gift, colonel... "

          Sam stood up, facing Jack. "Not on your life, sir."

          With that, she leaned up and gently brushed her lips against his.

          "I’m accepting your gift, sir. Jack."

          Jack grinned. "And what's your gift for me?"

          Sam smirked. "After your retirement papers are finalized, I’ll give you mine."

          Sam leaned in for another kiss. Jack followed suite.

          ~the beginning~



            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            The Christmas Gift

            Sam sat alone in her lab. She heard a knock and looked up, beaming when she saw General O’Neill standing there with a smile.

            "General, what are you doing here?", Sam said.

            "What, a guy can't visit without a reason?", Jack replied.

            "No. I mean, what are you doing here 'now'?"

            "Well..." Jack stepped forward, putting forth a note which Sam took.

            She read it, frowning. "What does this mean, sir?"

            "It means I’m retiring Sam."

            Sam glanced up quickly, reacting to his statement and the use of her first name.


            Jack nodded, smiling gently.

            "Why?," Sam said quietly.

            "It's my gift."


            "It's my gift to you, Sam."

            "I don't get... "

            Jack stepped forward, leaning down into Sam's space.

            "My gift to you, Sam, is me. I’m retiring so there can be an 'us'."

            Sam's bewilderment slowly became a smile. A huge, honking smile.

            "Now, I’m hoping you don't want me to return the gift, colonel... "

            Sam stood up, facing Jack. "Not on your life, sir."

            With that, she leaned up and gently brushed her lips against his.

            "I’m accepting your gift, sir. Jack."

            Jack grinned. "And what's your gift for me?"

            Sam smirked. "After your retirement papers are finalized, I’ll give you mine."

            Sam leaned in for another kiss. Jack followed suite.

            ~the beginning~
            Great job Sal!




                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                The Christmas Gift

                Sam sat alone in her lab. She heard a knock and looked up, beaming when she saw General O’Neill standing there with a smile.


                Sam leaned in for another kiss. Jack followed suite.

                ~the beginning~

                s u g a r s h a k e r


                  Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                  What do you think Sam got Jack for Christmas this year?

                  A longer fishing Rod

                  What do you think Jack got Sam for Christmas this year?

                  Another Doohickey

                  I somehow think his fishing rod is *plenty* long for the job.

                  And happy belated Shipmas to all, from a girl in the gutter! <g> The manips and stories are great!

                  Oh, a question: I'm loving the fics, but has anybody ever written one that has Jack going to mass for Christmas? Even non-practicing Catholics often go on holidays. If you know of one, post it here, please?
                  Last edited by Buc252; 17 December 2006, 04:50 PM.
                  - Mary
                  SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                  Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                    Congrats Poz.

                    BTW: That's a nice moose you have there!
                    Merry ShipMOOSE Bev!

                    To all other shippers!!!!

                    Have a very Merry Shipmas!!!!

                    Last edited by sclairef99; 17 December 2006, 04:27 PM.


                      *pic by Mala*


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        The Christmas Gift


                        Sam smirked. "After your retirement papers are finalized, I’ll give you mine."
                        Sam leaned in for another kiss. Jack followed suite.

                        ~the beginning~
                        great job, sal!!

                        Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                        My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                        My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                        My Stargate Videos
                        It's meant to be!


                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          I have to work for 13 hours today . But I will try to pop in on my breaks!

                          They could also record messages to each other and keep them loaded on their ipods. That way, when Sam is offworld, they could still wish each other good night. Maybe they'd even record each other 'books on tape' for those long offworld trips just so they could hear each others voices before bedtime... *quick mental image of Sam sitting up watching the stars on same alien planet listening to Jack's voice through her earphones*
                          Ooh, I was thinking that, too! Sam would record one of her "explanations" for Jack to fall asleep to (with a smile, of course) *quick image of Jack reclining on his sofa (or in his office, the bad boy) listening to Sam prattle on and on... And he would record a message describing his day at work, with his usual sardonic wit, bringing a grin to Sam.

                          Just sayin', just imagining too, the looks on Sam's teammates and Jack's subordinates when they see them listening to each other:

                          Rodney would be awfully suspicious
                          Daniel would blush and suggest getting a room (or tent)
                          Teal'c would
                          Cameron would be enlightened at last
                          Vala would have a knowing wink

                          And the SGC personnel would just smile (the DC people would get there eventually.)

                          SHIPMAS IS STILL HERE!
                          MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                          Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking


                            Originally posted by sclairef99 View Post
                            Merry ShipMOOSE Bev!

                            To all other shippers!!!!

                            Have a very Merry Shipmas!!!!

                            LOL! and a Merry Shipmoose to you too.


                              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                              I somehow think his fishing rod is *plenty* long for the job.

                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                So, Carter....where are we spending Christmas?

                                'Sir', It's not WHERE we will be spending it...but what we will be doing....


