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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
    Happy Shipmas Gang!

    greetings and illuminations from Austin State Hospital.
    Merry Shipmas Pittsburghgirl!

    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    *click for larger image*
    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    Ship Family, I regret that I must bid you adieu, but it's 4:40am here in the Central U.S. Time Zone, and I must get some sleep...or I won't be able to make it back here today!

    I have one last offering for now as I depart. In this lovely time of the year, Sam & Jack are spending some time at the cabin. They decided to take a walk in the woods, thing lead to it usually does when they're together.

    Sweet Shippy Dreams!
    Originally posted by shelsfc View Post

    Before I head off to work, just wanted to pop in and post this; my first ever vid, especially for Shipmas Hope you enjoy!

    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    I have uploaded the first part of Hannah's Secret Santa Gift, "Merry Christmas, Sam.". Merry Shipmass, all!
    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
    I've been looking for some christmas fics.

    This one is really cute: Blue Christmas by Sue Corkill. Suitable for eveyone, no adult content.
    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    And, on my way out the door, my shipmas wallpaper:

    Originally posted by docker22 View Post

    clickie for bigger!
    This is something I made for zuz, I was her secret santa. I Hope she wont mind but i thought I'd share it on here for shipmas. Its my second attempt at photo shop. Hope you enjoy and MERRY SHIPMAS!!
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    The Continuation....


    Sam leaned her head against the door of his cabin, her coat wrapped tight around her and her face flushed with cold. She had come to visit her partner in his north Minnesota hideaway, but he didn't seem to be opening the door.

    It was chilly, far too cold for snow, but the light powder from a few days previous still lingered on the ground.

    Unable to hear a response, Sam felt her heart beating quicker, anything could have happened to the head of Homeworld security, especially when he was holed up on his own like this.

    She started to creep around the back of the cabin, her eyes and ears on alert for signs of foul play, but nothing seemed to be amiss, not even any footprints in the snow.

    Upon reaching the back door, the blonde twisted it slowly, pushing the door open and cringing as it creaked loudly, announcing her presence.

    No sign of Jack in the living room, no sign of Jack in the kitchen. What if someone had beamed him away? She jogged through the building to the bedroom, noting the chill, as if noone had lit a fire in several days.

    "JACK!" She scolded as she saw him.

    "Carter," he replied automatically, not so much as lifting his eyes in greeting.

    Sam sighed and flopped down on the bed, running a hand through her short, blonde hair. "Don't. Don't even say it. You're on TremeWorld again, aren't you?"

    "Yupp," he told her excitedly, now looking at her with a look of pure joy and exhiliration. "It's SHIPMAS TWO!"
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    Couple of other bits I dug up from last year....

    'Twas the night before Shipmas, when all through the base,
    Not a creature was stirring, not even a trace;
    The stories were posted online with care,
    In hopes that visitors soon would be there;
    The shippers were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of romance danced in their heads;
    With Sam in her combats, and Jack in his cap,
    (The powers that be had caused a right awful flap)
    When out on the forum there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the thread to see what was the matter.
    Away to the post I flew like a shot,
    Clicked on “First Unviewed” and skimmed down the lot.
    The light from my screen, gave me a glow,
    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
    But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
    With a little smiley driver, so happy and gay,
    I knew in a moment it must be Sue Kay.
    More rapid than eagles, new authors they came,
    And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
    "Now, Pash! now, Cathain! now, Earllyn and irish!
    On, Major! on Rose! on, Somnium and Myrth!
    To the top of the page! to the top of this thread!
    Now dash away! Write! Write things to be read!"
    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
    So off to their paper, the authors they flew,
    With the sleigh full of fanfics, and Sue Kay went too.
    And then, in a twinkling, I saw on the page
    The appearance of new stories to take centre stage.
    As I clicked on my fic, and was typing a word,
    Down the chimney Sue Kay came with an offer absurd.
    She was decked out in Shipmas, from greeting to end,
    To give a new chance both to foe and to friend;
    She said come with fic, to to my site one and all,
    Publish you fic, be it great, be it small.
    Her eyes -- how they twinkled! her dimples how merry!
    Her cheeks were like roses, She’d drunk too much sherry!
    Her fun little mouth was drawn in a smile,
    Because it was Shipmas in such a short while;
    The end of a dream she held tight in her grasp,
    A dream of our pair, Sam and Jack, she did clasp;
    This year their first Christmas, first Shipmas “O’Neill”,
    The aim was to top the Thanksgiving meal.
    She smiled and she posted, she finished her vid,
    Not revealing to any, what it was that she did;
    A wink of her eye and a twist of her head,
    “Please join me, come post” she invitingly said;
    Not one more word, but went straight to back to her work,
    And replied to her posts; then called Pete a jerk,
    And laying her finger aside of her nose,
    She said “Mind your own business, tomorrow you’ll know”;
    She sprang to her sleigh, to her team gave a whistle,
    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
    But I heard her exclaim, ere she drove out of sight,
    "Happy Shipmas to all, and to all a good-night."

    Shippers sing
    are you listening?
    in the lane
    snow is glistening
    A beautiful sight
    we're happy tonight
    squeeing in our winter O’Neill land

    Gone away is the Spudhead
    here to stay is Jack in Sam’s bed
    He sings a love song
    as we sing along
    squeeing in our winter O’Neill land

    In the thread we could build a snowman
    Then pretend that he is Mr B
    We'll say: Can we marry?
    He'll say: Oh man!
    I’ll do the job
    In season 33!

    Later on
    fans conspire
    as they dream by the fire
    To never let fade
    the fantasies they’ve made
    We’re squeeing in a winter O’Neill land

    In the thread we could build a snowman
    and pretend that he's Narim, Orlin or Pete
    We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman
    Punishing for making shippers weep

    When they post
    ain't it thrilling
    Though your eyes, it is killing
    We'll frolic and play
    posting away
    squeeing in a winter O’Neill land

    posting in a Shipmas O’Neill land
    Living in a Shipmas O’Neill land

    Originally posted by Nibikko View Post
    I was asked to repost this for Shipmas, so here goes...

    -- My version of the lyrics to the classic Christmas carol with a Stargate twist.

    -- Just note this is more gen stargate fun.
    Absolutely love all the manips, wallpapers, and fic links guys, I'm still getting my way to catching up, so to save time I thought I'd skip posting a response to each goodie that's posted, I have greeened where possible, but I've ran out now *sulks*

    Avatar Signature by eLouai,
    TekTek, & Gaia Online


      A Christmassy fic for you. Trying to do a short sequel and failing miserably. It's unashamed cheesy fluff.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Sam:Jack I love you but I can't keep up with all this mistletoe!
        Jack:I promise I get rid of all the mistletoe!

        Jack: Dr. Lee I want it all gone! I don't want to see another swag of mistletoe on this base!
        Dr. Lee: Can we keep the Holly Sir?

        Thanks Abydos Gate for the pics!




          I have not looked at everything yet, but what I have seen so far is amazing, you are all so talented.

          I have run out of greens too, so I'll fix that later.


            Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
            A Christmassy fic for you. Trying to do a short sequel and failing miserably. It's unashamed cheesy fluff.

            I like cheesy fluff Thanks for putting (another) smile on my face


              Originally posted by Terrah View Post
              MERRRY SHIPMAS


              I have not looked at everything yet, but what I have seen so far is amazing, you are all so talented.

              I have run out of greens too, so I'll fix that later.
              DITTO on all counts Terrah Great WP!


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                OK and I just found a sequel to this story. White Christmas by Sue Corkill. And this one is definitely adult but also really really cute
                Thanks for the fic Annalies!

                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post

                To hear the melody click here:

                Wedding bells will chime, Jack thinks Sam looks oh so fine
                Down the aisle they'll go, happy all the way;
                Their wedding day's in sight, making spirits bright
                Oh what fun it is to sing a shippy song tonight. Oh,

                Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack, passion all the way!
                Oh what fun it is to watch as they shed their cares and play
                Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack, together strong and fast
                Holding hands and making plans, together long at last.

                Sam is all aglow, down the aisle she'll go
                All doubts are at rest, she knows her man's the best;
                Jack looks far and wide, with a twinkle in his eye
                For a honeymoon retreat to take his blushing bride. Oh,

                Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack, passion all the way!
                Oh what fun it is to watch as they shed their cares and play
                Sam and Jack, Sam and Jack, together strong and fast
                Holding hands and making plans, together long at last!

       Merry Shipmas Everyone!
                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post

                Shippers sing, are you listening
                On the thread, excitement's bristling
                We've made it our own, a potato-free zone
                Posting in our shippy wonderland.

                Gone away, are our troubles
                On the thread, excitement bubbles
                A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
                Posting in our shippy wonderland.

                In their cabin Sam and Jack are snuggling
                When an old friend knocks upon the door
                He says "Are you married?" they say "Yes sir!"
                "We just couldn't hold out anymore."

                Gone away, are our troubles
                On the thread, excitement bubbles
                A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight
                Posting in our shippy wonderland!

                Here's a little something to get our favorite couple started. (Not that they need it!)
                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post

                For the melody click here:

                It's beginning to look a lot like Shipmas
                Everywhere you go
                Hope is making shippy vids, Eve is polishing her sig
                Nolamon is hanging mistletoe

                It's beginning to look a lot like Shipmas
                Shippy hearts are all aglow
                But the prettiest sight we'll see is the holly that will be
                On Sam and Jack's front door.

                A pair of shippy manips are eliza's pick
                For Santa to leave at her door,
                chelle' wants pics and nell wants fics
                To be posted more and more,
                And L.A. Doyle cannot wait for April anymore.

                It's beginning to look a lot like Shipmas
                Everywhere you go
                Poz is finishing up her list
                zuz is wrapping all the gifts
                trupi's tidying up the shipper store

                It's beginning to look a lot like Shipmas
                Shippy hearts are all aglow
                But the prettiest sight we'll see is the holly that will be
                On Sam and Jack's front door!

                Merry Shipmas and Happy New Year!
                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                And finally, an oldie but goodie!

                For the melody:


                Oh the weather outside is frightful
                Sam and Jack think it's delightful
                Well they've got no place to go
                Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

                Tucked away up in Minnesota
                They snuggle on the sofa
                It was always meant to be
                It's destiny, destiny, destiny.

                Cuddling cozily by the fire
                Free at last to fulfill their desire
                They're happy holding each other tight
                All the way through the night.

                Tho' the fire is slowly dying
                There will be no more goodbying
                Nothing ever felt so right
                Happily holding each other tight!

                Gotta say Sugarshaker, that had me laughing and squeeing in equal measure, absolutely lovely

                Originally posted by LtColonelSamC View Post
                When I woke up, I had a few requests for links to my individual vids. And since more than one person asked, I just decided to post them for everybody!

                Lots of Sam and Jack!
                Savin' Me-link
                What Hurts the Most-link
                The Dolphin's Cry-link
                Will I Ever Make It Home-Link
                Fall Into Me-link
                I'm Feeling You-link
                Falling Down-link
                Originally posted by BradVD View Post
                May I ?

                K: Is for Kisses under the mistletoe
                Woohoo!! Too many goodies, not enough time

                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                Tec'l: Ah Colonel Carter can I be of assistance?
                Carter: Tec'l I'm so tired?
                Tec'l: Not sleeping?
                Carter: I'm sleeping well, it's that damn Mistletoe someone keeps planting all over the SGC. Jack and I are exhausted from kissing all day!
                Oye my lips!!!
                ROFLMAO I love your sense of humour

                Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post

                I'm loving all the pics, vids, poems, stories, wallpapers. I love shipmas!
                Awwwww thank you dipsofjazz

                Originally posted by nell View Post
                The mistletoe story continues...
                Sam: See there's mistletoe between the cracks!
                Jack: Hey, that's not natural!
                Sam: Brrrr, I'm cold!
                Jack: Well, let's see if I can do something about that. Can't waste this mistletoe!!
                Sam: Mmmmmmmmmm, I'll say! C'mere, Airman!
                Jack: Yes, ma'am! **growl**

                Sam: See, there's mistletoe right up there!
                Jack: I'll be damned! Carter, move over.
                Sam: Jack, it's awfully tight in this space.
                Jack: Yeah, c'mere!
                Sam: **purrs**
                Jack: Sam, you're purring!
                Sam: Am not! **giggles**
                ROFLMAO stop it, you lot trying to kill me?

                Originally posted by LtColonelSamC View Post
                I really like the idea of Sam and Jack giving each other iPods for Christmas...just riffing off that idea some, I think they'd make sure to load them up with at least one special playlist that reflected the ups and the downs of their relationship that would be the same on both of them...for those nights where he's in DC and she's in the Springs or off-world and they're missing each other. So, here's my idea of what would be on that playlist. (This is actually a playlist on my iTunes, too.)

                -Until the World-The Afters
                -Dirty Little Secret-All American Rejects (think Broca Divide )
                -The Real Thing-Bo Bice
                -How To Save A Life-The Fray
                -Lips of an Angel-Hinder
                -Once In A Lifetime-Keith Urban
                -Savin' Me-Nickelback
                -Far Away-Nickelback
                -Someone That You're With-Nickelback
                -What Hurts the Most-Rascal Flatts
                -Be My Escape-Relient K
                -Calling All Angels-Train
                -Leave the Pieces-The Wreckers
                -You're My Better Half-Keith Urban

                I'd love to see what other people would put in a Sam/Jack playlist
                Love the playlist, I'll have to have a think on what I might put!

                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                I have been working on piccies, and haven't had time to write a new story for Shipmas. But, since folks are posting some things from last year's celebration, here's the link to the story I wrote for Shipmas last year:

                We have a lot of new people since last year, so maybe this will be new to many of you.

                Woohoo more fic!

                Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                Finally I have a gift to add. And a post to hopefully get toward 1000!

                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                HAPPY SHIPMAS!!!

                I made 1 wallpaper but it has 2 version...So I'll post it here...It has a spoiler for the ep 200 so that is why I put it in spoilertabs...


                I hope you all like it...I am going to make some other stuff tonight maybe...that is if I'll have time...

                I love all the manips and stories and fics and vids everyone made...It is just so much fun
                I have greened everyone I could...if you didn't get green...considered yourself greened
                Eve, they're absolutely beautiful, thank you

                Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                TekTek, & Gaia Online


                  Many, many shippy squees and thanks for the beautiful contributions and greetings to make this a Merry, Merry Shipmas!!!!!!!! I've run out of GW green but here's some green jello for all!!!



                    RDA is on Channel 2 now in the celebrity race skiing.


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Here are a few posts containing goodies the marvelous Caty made for Shipmas last year:

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      One more from the talented Caty:

                      Now, I regret that RL is calling...and I must answer! Please keep the fun going! I'll be back this evening for the big finale!!!
                      Wow thanks for posting those!

                      Originally posted by LtColonelSamC View Post
                      I just posted the first chapter of my Shipmas fic! Yay!
                      Under the Mistletoe

                      working on the next chapter now...
                      Yay! I'm never going to read all this fic

                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post

                      "Jack, it's twenty to four," Sam told him, starting to sound fed up. The first few hours had been bearable, she had curled up with a book and put up with the man's incessant squeals of delight. But now....

                      "Shhhht!" Jack told her, waving a hand. "Look, they're dragging up all the oldies from last year. And there's LtColonelStacyMonroe... I never get to chat to her. Never mind X-Squeeem."

                      Sam sighed and flopped back against the sofa. "You're still in your shirt, you've not even showered, let alone eaten. I thought this was supposed to be women's stuff!"

                      "Are you calling me a girl?" Jack asked in a mock gruff tone. He put down his laptop and scooped Sam up. "We'll see about that!"

                      A small ping came from the glowing machine and Jack set Sam back on her feet. "That's one of the girls. I need to finish my Shipmas fanfic anyway. Maybe later."
                      Wonderful again Tracey, thank you loads

                      Beautiful wp Dexterav

                      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                      Combining our ep of the week with shipmas


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      A Christmassy fic for you. Trying to do a short sequel and failing miserably. It's unashamed cheesy fluff.

                      The more shippy fluff the better I say!

                      Originally posted by trupi View Post
                      Sam:Jack I love you but I can't keep up with all this mistletoe!
                      Jack:I promise I get rid of all the mistletoe!
                      Jack: Dr. Lee I want it all gone! I don't want to see another swag of mistletoe on this base!
                      Dr. Lee: Can we keep the Holly Sir?

                      Thanks Abydos Gate for the pics!
                      LMAO...again, fanastic Trupi!

                      Originally posted by Terrah View Post
                      MERRRY SHIPMAS


                      I have not looked at everything yet, but what I have seen so far is amazing, you are all so talented.

                      I have run out of greens too, so I'll fix that later.
                      Wow gorgeous Terrah!

                      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                      TekTek, & Gaia Online


                        OKay i've finally made something for our shipmas

                        It isn't that good but still i hope you like it...and better something then nothing at all

                        (again a thumbnail)

                        Oh yeah i also have a new sig


                          Darn it, looks my last post gone and killed the thread!

                          Anyway here are my contributions so far:

                          Jack: "So, we all ready for our huge honking turkey dinner?"
                          Sam: "Er... um.. there's a slight problem, I only turned my back for
                          five minutes, Schrodinger..."
                          Jack "Are you trying to say the cat ran away with the turkey?"
                          Sam: "Well, no, but....... he took a good chunk out of it! And stop laughing! It's my first Christmas dinner and it's ruined!" *sad*
                          Jack "Awwww don't worry, we'll sort something out" *gives Sam a big hug and a kiss*

                          Jack: "Are you sure these will work?"
                          Scientist: "Yes, they can see through anything, and they are particularly attuned one now about that favour you owe me?"
                          Jack: "Yeah it's done! Man, this has got to be the BEST Christmas present..ever!...sweeeeeet!" *goes off to test his x-ray goggles on Sam*

                          And my Psp skills are getting a bit better A wintry, shippy theme.
                          Merry Shipmas Everybody!!

                          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                          TekTek, & Gaia Online


                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            OKay i've finally made something for our shipmas

                            It isn't that good but still i hope you like it...and better something then nothing at all

                            (again a thumbnail)

                            Oh yeah i also have a new sig
                            What do you mean it ain't that good?! It's lovely, so shush you Lovin' the sig too

                            Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                            TekTek, & Gaia Online


                              Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                              Darn it, looks my last post gone and killed the thread!

                              Anyway here are my contributions so far:
                              Jack: "So, we all ready for our huge honking turkey dinner?"
                              Sam: "Er... um.. there's a slight problem, I only turned my back for
                              five minutes, Schrodinger..."
                              Jack "Are you trying to say the cat ran away with the turkey?"
                              Sam: "Well, no, but....... he took a good chunk out of it! And stop laughing! It's my first Christmas dinner and it's ruined!" *sad*
                              Jack "Awwww don't worry, we'll sort something out" *gives Sam a big hug and a kiss*

                              Jack: "Are you sure these will work?"
                              Scientist: "Yes, they can see through anything, and they are particularly attuned one now about that favour you owe me?"
                              Jack: "Yeah it's done! Man, this has got to be the BEST Christmas present..ever!...sweeeeeet!" *goes off to test his x-ray goggles on Sam*

                              And my Psp skills are getting a bit better A wintry, shippy theme.
                              Merry Shipmas Everybody!!

                              and i love the psp pic...and yep you're really getting better it looks good


                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                OKay i've finally made something for our shipmas

                                It isn't that good but still i hope you like it...and better something then nothing at all

                                (again a thumbnail)

                                Oh yeah i also have a new sig
                                The idea is good Jann, too bad Sam's arm got cut off

                                Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                                Darn it, looks my last post gone and killed the thread!

                                Anyway here are my contributions so far:
                                Jack: "So, we all ready for our huge honking turkey dinner?"
                                Sam: "Er... um.. there's a slight problem, I only turned my back for
                                five minutes, Schrodinger..."
                                Jack "Are you trying to say the cat ran away with the turkey?"
                                Sam: "Well, no, but....... he took a good chunk out of it! And stop laughing! It's my first Christmas dinner and it's ruined!" *sad*
                                Jack "Awwww don't worry, we'll sort something out" *gives Sam a big hug and a kiss*

                                Jack: "Are you sure these will work?"
                                Scientist: "Yes, they can see through anything, and they are particularly attuned one now about that favour you owe me?"
                                Jack: "Yeah it's done! Man, this has got to be the BEST Christmas present..ever!...sweeeeeet!" *goes off to test his x-ray goggles on Sam*

                                And my Psp skills are getting a bit better A wintry, shippy theme.
                                Merry Shipmas Everybody!!
                                Yay, Mich stories!! Love them. And you PSP work is getting good, great work on the border!

