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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    Don'tcha want scruffy MS with you?

    EDIT: The last picture says it all, Jena! Just look into those puppy dog eyes!
    *THUNK* The man is gorgeous! *must resist* Look at those baby blues! *is trying to resist, but it is futile* A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. *hands over RDA and carts off MS*

    I'll have you know I considered zatting you and taking them both...


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      *THUNK* The man is gorgeous! *must resist* Look at those baby blues! *is trying to resist, but it is futile* A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. *hands over RDA and carts off MS*

      I'll have you know I considered zatting you and taking them both...
      I'd go with that option.

      *Drags out zat gun....*
      Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        *THUNK* The man is gorgeous! *must resist* Look at those baby blues! *is trying to resist, but it is futile* A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. *hands over RDA and carts off MS*

        I'll have you know I considered zatting you and taking them both...
        **hugs Jena** Yay!

        You know, if you had zatting me, I'll just might have had to go to my buddy Thor and get him to beam them both away from you!

        Now, back to our D&C viewing pleasure . . . .


          Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
          I'd go with that option.

          *Drags out zat gun....*
          **gasp** No way, Squee!

          **handcuffs self to RDA and swallows key** I'm not going anywhere without him.


            Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
            **gasp** No way, Squee!

            **handcuffs self to RDA and swallows key** I'm not going anywhere without him.
            Have fun! *stares at MS* I know I am.


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              Have fun! *stares at MS* I know I am.
              And while you two are fighting over MS and RDA...i take Joe Flanigan with me and have some fun with him ***nice***

              But after that i want more...hmmm Rda or MS....difficult choice


                Okay i've just seen the new Stargate Atlantis episode so i will put everything in spoilertags

                First of all when i began to watch i was a little bit confused. they changed the order of the episodes so instead of watching Sunday, i was watching Tao of Rodney.
                The episode on it's own was a fine episode. Rodney was being his normal self, and i like him in that way. In the episode he was evolving because of an Ancient Device that they found on Atlantis. It went the same way as the Stargate SG1 episode of S9 Prototype(that episode i liked much too)
                In the beginning Rodney liked being it and it was fun to see that. He could even read thoughts, and that was kinda funny. After that they came to knew that he would ascend(sp?) or die...So McKay tried to do everything to ascend and ofcourse in the end everything went fine and they found a resolution

                But enough of that talk, the most thing i like about the episode were the moments between Elizabeth and John(i'm also a shipper for those two) There were lots of moments between them, it was just normal talking but i liked i said also a shipper for those two...
                And ofcourse John looked HOT as usual

                That was it i thought...and IMHO this was one of the best episodes from the second half of the season after the Return part 2 ofcourse

                And now i'm off to school again(bleh) See ya all later


                  Hey peeps. How is everyone?? I had a big day oout shopping with the girls and another day out Chrissy shopping with my mum!! Has anyone been running late with shopping!! I am!! EEK!!! LOL!!

                  I have so much to catch up on it ain't funny!! There's GateWorld and Christmas etc... Man... I got lots a work to do!! I'm so tired... (Its my excuse to not do other stuff) I am gonna take it easy... I think I need a hug... (((((Sam/Jack Shippers)))))
                  And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                    Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
                    I like this one better

                    What can I say I'm a sucker for Geeky Sam !!!
                    I keep reminding myself of Moebius Sam. I have the summer off from the whole student thing and I'm working full time in a busy book/gift store. Christmas busy. Every time I'm tired and do something clumsy, or my coworkers laugh at my facial expressions, I think of Geek!Sam.

                    Oh, I have a question! Who made that gorgeous S/J vid to Santa Baby? Because it has made the mall Christmas music so much less painful! Because of the internal squeeing because of the associations with all of the different video clips, I have learned to love the Christmas music instead of being annoyed by it. So a big hug and a kiss to the shipper out there who made it.
                    Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                    Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                    Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                      Yeah I know and honestly I don't mind you rambling...I love your rambling I loved your report on AT2...feel free to ramble about ship...wait...why do I call in rambling?!? cause that isn't is FUN
                      Well that is the shortest we have ever come to making a summary of an ep: FORCEFIELD but true it is al about the forcefield...and what is a forcefield...a it is all again about the doohickeys
                      And for the bottle line
                      LoL, well when you're at work and meant to be working - except I wasn't actually working - it was hard for me to think of key D&C moments and post them in any profound kind of manner. Thank heavens you love my rambling though because that report was looooonnnngggg!

                      [COLOR="DarkRed"][SIZE="3"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]what you are a shipper?!? and you didn't tell me that ok call me slow lol
                      At the tea Amanda asked me if I think Sam should move to Atlantis permanently, and I was like "Nooooo." I said besides the fact that it'll be putting it'll ruin the chemistry between Mckay and Carter, there would also be 3 strong women in one show that already has an established group of characters. Then I was like "And oh yeah... she'd be WAY to far away from Jack

                      I can always make you one for you cause I am already big or I can teach you
                      Well I am actually not big neither grown up but that is another story lol
                      Eh! Who wants to grow up anyway! Teaching me would be a good thing but only once my computer kicks in. Roll on January!



                        Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                        Welcome! We are nothing but calm. You're going to get use to it. You're also going to get use to this sight:

                        Someone has to post it almost on every page.
                        Well then who am I to complain!



                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          I think the slow one lit up so you can see their mouths...

                          Um.. Is it hot in here?
                          Uh huh... little bit. And it's only 11.00am here.


                            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                            Uh huh... little bit. And it's only 11.00am here.
                            If only! But, you know . . . it's really only 6am.

                            Gack! I must go to bed now. The little kitties over here are going to start crying and give me unresistable puppy dog eyes (or should I say kitty cat eyes?) to give them food. And then several hours later, they'll do the same to my mom and she'll feed them again. Sneaky kitties!

                            And shippy daydreams!


                              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                              And i've made my shippy poster for D&C

                              Hope you like it again
                              Love them
                              Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                              Ok, here come the Divide & Conquer manips, some are so in the gutter, so I've put them in surprises there, and a few shippy ones too


                              Soo good again shesmetet.
                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              does anyone know why hadn't updated with new pictures in sooooo long?

                              I was wondering that myself actually.

                              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                there's ONE good thing about someone else getting to see these eps first... they'll be our buffers to warn us if it's good/SQEEE or bad/kill me now. by the time they see the last ep, we'll just begin seeing the second half. so in one way, we ARE seeing the eps in january.
                                Yeah. I was thinking much the same thing. Though I do plan on getting them sooner than April , at least with a warning or squeee early I will finally be able to enjoy the episodes the first time I watch them again...
                                Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                                "We wanted to rename the show 'Stargate Command' with s9 starting and new charaters coming on. Sadly, it would have stayed on air alot longer if we had renamed it."
                                Somehow I just don't agree with this one. If anythig, it would have put me off watching it!
                                See, I think they should have done that. mild spoilers for S9 in general:
                                Because with the original team gone and the chemistry gone, it would have made more sense and given people more realistic expectations. They could also have made it more clear that Sam wasn't *on* SG-1 and under Cam's command, but was simply assigned to SG-1 for the duration. She's *assigned* to the SGC.

