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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
    do the toes count!?!?
    you know what...

    I watched X-Files 9 years and I was so happy when Mulder and Scully were together at the end...why can't we have the same thing with Carter and O'Neill?
    Sarah Mackenzie and Harmon Rabb end up at the end of 10 season in JAG...and the thing is...THEY WERE IN THE MILITARY!!!So...even the rules and regulations ARE NOT good EXCUSES!!

    o.k...tanya...Think...think...happy thoughts....happy thoughts!!....hummm!?!?!?!?
    I loved the X-Files!! I was so happy when Mulder and Scully got together at the end, I totally agree, if Mulder and Scully can get it together, then so can Sam and Jack

    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
    I am so tired. I think I'm still sick from this weekend.

    Anyways, good night everyone! Shippy dreams.

    Eh, maybe homework can wait until tomorrow. I'm the queen of procrastination!
    (((((SamO'Neill))))) Hope you feel better soon!

    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    Nemesis poster #2

    Click image to enlarge
    Awww I love it, thanks Nolamom!

    Originally posted by SqueeG-1 View Post
    Then I get to be the princess of procrastination. Laundry? What laundry?

    Have a good night everyone.
    LMAO! Oh join the club, I detest ironing, and I've got a ton of hosuework to do (boo hiss!!)

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Always is one of my favorite music vids-check it out if you haven't!! *back to homework*
    Wow thanks LAD!

    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    I spent several days trying to other things (besides coming here) like sleep. I meant to work on my fics, but that didn't seem to happen. But I did get to screencapped several episodes. Luckily, I already did Urgo and Nemesis. I think I did Urgo. I must check.

    Last night I had a dream about this thread. Yep, even in my sleep, I can't stay away! We were discussing S9/10 fics of how writers write Jack. It was actually quite helpful to writing my own story I'm working on.

    Okay, on to catching up: Sorry if this is a little behind the times.
    Lovely to see you ((((Sasusc)))) I know what you mean by catching up I had nearly 50 pages to catch up on by the time I got back home to my own computer! And talking of sleep, hope you're getting some too!

    Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
    I finally caught up. Would have took a lot less time if I wasn't trying to other things. Anyway, this is what I made while I took a short hiatus from here.

    And, I also made a matching sig to go with it. I decided I needed to make a banner, and I loved hopalong's matching sets, so I made it match my wallpaper.

    It's beautiful, thank you

    Originally posted by Sam_Carter View Post
    i'm not sure if any of you have seen this video but oh my god its AMAZING!!!!
    It's by Melanie (who made the clip_ship video).

    This one is called 'Duty' and it sends shivers up my spine whenever i watch it. The music is so powerful and its a video for a fanfiction (sadly it's written in French so i can't understand it ... i need a translator that will translate huge bodies of text). Anyhoo, you MUST check it out. Its unbelievable. It's touching and sweet and just... wow!
    Sam, thanks for the beautiful vid link!

    Avatar Signature by eLouai,
    TekTek, & Gaia Online


      Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post

      Lovely to see you ((((Sasusc)))) I know what you mean by catching up I had nearly 50 pages to catch up on by the time I got back home to my own computer! And talking of sleep, hope you're getting some too!
      50? I couldn't imagine trying to catch up on that many. I had like 20 pages and I was thinking about skipping some of it. Last night I got about 12 hours of sleep, so I'm still feeling the effects of sleeping that long. It's about 4:45am here. Is it really that?! I should get off soon.


        Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post

        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
        Amazing Janneke! I absolutely love it! And Eve has a beautiful new sig too! :jealous:
        Thanx, but if you will i'm sure that some people will make a sig for ya(me too)

        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        Congrats on 1700 Hannah!!!!!!!!!
        Also congrats Hannah

        Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

        well then the previous pages are Eve pages Cause there was a lot of talk about me lol...What was scary in a way...Cause since when is me and my sleeping habit a topic here?!?

        ok on topic:
        Uhm...since you are going to bed very late So...always

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        It seems to be contagious. But this ones very different from my others
        It's sweet, great work Jenn

        Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
        I couldn't sleep, sound familiar? Jenn, thanks for the green lass! I love your new sig by the way, so adorable!!

        Anyway, three more manips, one a bit risque


        Love them...they are great

        Ahh now on the computer on school, 'cause my internet is gone at home i'm gonna try to fix it when i am home again, but if it doesn't work i'm gonna shout at my brother again, for messing up the internet!!
        So i hope that my internet works again tonight...otherwise i will be very sad, 'cause then i can't go on GW or yim or read fanfic...yep i'm addicted

        Now i'm trying to catch up the last bit, before my next class begins..don't ya love breaks


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Hi! It's me.....back from several days of hectic RL and a little bit of a cooling off period after Avalon.
          Welcome back!!

          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
 defines it as: "A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression."

          But mostly, it's the tough, gut-wrenching stuff that our favorite couple must suffer through in order to be happy.

          The best way to define it is to have examples:

          SG Eps:

          And, read LAD's Blue Eyes. It has wonderful angsty scenes.

          uhu really good angst...and the fic is great, i'm sure that any s/j shipper that reads it gonna love it

          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
          Congratulations On Your 1 Year Anniversary,


          Also Congrats from me

          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Nemesis poster #2

          Click image to enlarge
          Love it Nolamom


            Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
            50? I couldn't imagine trying to catch up on that many. I had like 20 pages and I was thinking about skipping some of it. Last night I got about 12 hours of sleep, so I'm still feeling the effects of sleeping that long. It's about 4:45am here. Is it really that?! I should get off soon.
            wow you two had to catch up a lot, i only had to catch up 5 pages or so...and then i was depressed this morning 'cause my internet wasn't working at home, and i was afraid i had to catch up a lot...and if it's more then 10/15 pages i don't think i'm gonna catch up everything...or maybe i woudl
            But it's really good from the two of you!!!Real shippers !!!

            and short sleeping, i think that everyone in here, doesn't get much sleep

            Especially one girl who lives in Belgium, and you all know who i mean


              Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
              Thank you my gave me good you think "Threads" could be one of them...too?? ;-)
              By Hannah's own definition, Threads may be the example of angst, since it ends happy. Ah, fishing...
              Originally posted by nell View Post
              Hi Everybody!! **waves**
              I was just reading the announcement about SG-1 airing in April. I am not a happy camper about waiting another month. BUT, I'm going to go out on a limb here about a sort-of, kind-of spoiler in the article. (Yep, I am now desperate for spoilers!!! LOL!!!) Please excuse me if this has already been discussed. So, about an upcoming episode in the second half of Season 10
              From the article on Gate World, "There will be a touch of romance when two fan favorites finally lock lips." If I'm reading the article correctly, this refers to the episode with Jack. I assume Sam is in the episode. Therefore, two fan favorites FINALLY locking lips has got to be Sam and eJack. Notwithstanding whatever Amanda said at Avalon, I am holding out for this being the big, honkin' kiss!
              So, that's what I think. Anybody else interpret it this way? Remember to use spoiler tags!

              P.S. I may be nuts but I'm putting all my eggs in one basket on this scene!
              I still thing we'll be dissapointed. The phrase 'fan favorite' reminds me of the phrase 'SG-1 Leader'. Sorry, TPTB. Say it as often as you want, still won't make it true.... (The proof is in the pudding, as the SGA spoilers indicate...)
              Originally posted by nell View Post
              I feel your pain! As far as Season 10's second half
              Truthfully, I am hanging on for dear life for the almost impossible chance that Sam and Jack lock lips! I have tunnel vision for one thing and one thing only (LOL gotta love these cliches!!) that Sam and Jack confirm a relationship! No giggling! I am not 3 fries short of a Happy Meal! I'm desperate for some big time ship in that episode! Oooops, maybe I am crazy!
              Hey, I'm so desperate I'm rewatching Mummy Returns atm. Ah, solid resolution.
              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              Love the family pics have gorgeous kids...
              Really??...I thought it was Descent...but I could be wrong!
              Thanks. And I'm fairly sure he sits in the chair in both Descent and Exodus.
              Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
              Just got it upload, so I thought I would share the other things I was working on. Actually, this sig I just finished. I couldn't think of anything to write on it. I glanced over on the script to New Order Pt 2 (since the pics came from there) and happened to see this:

              DANIEL: You’ll be in charge – you can do whatever you want.
              O'NEILL (thoughtfully): I’ll be able to do whatever I want.
              (Daniel, Sam and Teal’c look worried.)
              CARTER: Within reason, sir.

              So it found the way on to the sig. Funny scene, but I also like how it's a little bit suggestive here on the the sig.
              I'm sure this surprised no one,but I found it very suggestive even on the show... Especially the way Daniel and Teal'c immediately turned to look at Carter.

              And, one of my favorite bits which confirmed things for me at the beginning of Season 9:
              When happy and content Jack, who is so relaxed even riding in a 302 doesn't raise his heart rate, tells Michell, to paraphrase: "I've found when your a General you get to do pretty much anything you want," and he doesn't qualify it at all... Yes....


                Sneaking in from work...actually one of the first time I did this so... But since I have to work till 9pm...I need my daily amount of GW and I soooo can not wait till tonight Yes this is addictive lol...

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                It seems to be contagious. But this ones very different from my others
                Love it!!! Really love it and your kids are so adorable... And your daughter the gardian did an awsome job with it...
                and yes it is addictive lol...I also made a RepliCarter sig is rotating and I started on another one yesterday too but I didn't finish it cause I really went to bed early...Well early for me... It was 3am or something like it lol...

                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                It's easy. Just talk. Find some weird people, talk about angst.
                And STALK a lot Yes Hannah you are our stalker lol...and be proud of it. Btw you might want to stalk Jena a little bit more... Cause Jena I still don't have your form for secret Santa
                and if you have time to spare Hannah I think you can also stalk others to join Secret Santa Just a thought eh lol

                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                Hi! It's me.....back from several days of hectic RL and a little bit of a cooling off period after Avalon.

                Anyway, Eve, I love this idea! I'm signing up tonight!

                However, that brings me to a question: with the Secret Santa afoot, do you still want to do Shipmas 2? I was working on an invite when I returned, and just wanted to see what the thoughts of the thread were on the topic....

                I'm happy to do what the majority wants to do. If you do want to do the 24-hour Shipmas event, we were discussing Sunday, December 17...

                Yay another one who signed up and I like the idea of Shipmas anyone cause not everyone signs up for Secret Santa eh... So anyway it would be nice though...

                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Difficult, is't it... <<<hugs>>>
                Yea! Welcome 'home' *waves*
                What if we moved Shipmas back to right around the New Year. Then people could share what their Secret Santas gave them, and that could, therefore, be the due date for SSs. Thoughts?
                Yeah why not Ship Year eh Sounds like a good plan to way or another I like it...
                I am starting to get in the Holiday mood... finally lol... Let's bring it on I would say lol

                Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                Well...I do believe I did call you CRAZY...twice!!
                Oldie huh...what did I tell you about respecting your elders Eve?? Give me a pinch will you...c'mon then...bring it on...I dare ya!!
                Seriously though...I'm thrilled with the sig...thank you!
                Yes you actually did call me crazy eh...not nice of you
                Well I am respecting the elders lol...I did make you a sig didn't I lol...
                And Chelle watch it there You want to take this outside eh eh eh...
                ***pinches Chelle***

                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Or go like Hannah and spend 500 posts stalking LAD
                Great minds think alike eh

                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                Especially one girl who lives in Belgium, and you all know who i mean
                Nope I have no idea


                  Just watched The Return II last night, having decided that Sci Fi clearly doesn't care whether I watch their network anymore or not, and some shippy thoughts I had while watching:
                  I can't cap the episode, but at the beginning when Wolsey is whining in the dark, you know Jack is thinking, *Man, she was so right. He really is a pain in the ass*.

                  The line, to paraphrase: "Wow! you can really hold your breath a long time" had me ROFLMAO.I don't know why ;

                  And Jack's funny uncomfortable look right at the end of the hug with Weir: *Ooops.. Shouldn't have let her get this close when I was thinking of Carter...*

                  Overall, great episode, and I agree, definitely believe Jack's thoughts were home with the spousal unit much of the time. One final thought, though, on future spoilers:
                  With the bizarre potential for a S/J kiss on SGA, maybe the kiss on SG-1 during the last half of S10 is between Shepherd and Weir?


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    And STALK a lot Yes Hannah you are our stalker lol...and be proud of it. Btw you might want to stalk Jena a little bit more... Cause Jena I still don't have your form for secret Santa
                    and if you have time to spare Hannah I think you can also stalk others to join Secret Santa Just a thought eh lol

                    Working on it, working on it! Today's my last real day of I'm working on it!

                    And Hannah, you really do such a great job at stalking.


                      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                      Just got it upload, so I thought I would share the other things I was working on. Actually, this sig I just finished. I couldn't think of anything to write on it. I glanced over on the script to New Order Pt 2 (since the pics came from there) and happened to see this:

                      DANIEL: You’ll be in charge – you can do whatever you want.
                      O'NEILL (thoughtfully): I’ll be able to do whatever I want.
                      (Daniel, Sam and Teal’c look worried.)
                      CARTER: Within reason, sir.

                      So it found the way on to the sig. Funny scene, but I also like how it's a little bit suggestive here on the the sig.

                      And although, it isn't quite a matching set, this wallpaper I did yesterday inspired this sig. I had to do some screencapping of New Order pt 2 for it, and I loved the faces I got of Sam and Jack (which is used in the sig).

                      Awww love it! I couldn't see your sig though

                      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                      50? I couldn't imagine trying to catch up on that many. I had like 20 pages and I was thinking about skipping some of it. Last night I got about 12 hours of sleep, so I'm still feeling the effects of sleeping that long. It's about 4:45am here. Is it really that?! I should get off soon.
                      Yes, you should get off You don't want to be the next member of the S/J Ship Family Insomniacs Anonymous

                      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                      Ahh now on the computer on school, 'cause my internet is gone at home i'm gonna try to fix it when i am home again, but if it doesn't work i'm gonna shout at my brother again, for messing up the internet!!
                      So i hope that my internet works again tonight...otherwise i will be very sad, 'cause then i can't go on GW or yim or read fanfic...yep i'm addicted

                      Now i'm trying to catch up the last bit, before my next class begins..don't ya love breaks
                      I really feel for you, I used to argue black and blue with my brother over who was going to use the computer! Things got easier when we had a computer each

                      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                      wow you two had to catch up a lot, i only had to catch up 5 pages or so...and then i was depressed this morning 'cause my internet wasn't working at home, and i was afraid i had to catch up a lot...and if it's more then 10/15 pages i don't think i'm gonna catch up everything...or maybe i woudl
                      But it's really good from the two of you!!!Real shippers !!!

                      and short sleeping, i think that everyone in here, doesn't get much sleep

                      Especially one girl who lives in Belgium, and you all know who i mean
                      ROFLMAO I think insomnia is catching on this thread.

                      Anyway.... I went mad with the green this morning! I couldn't green all of you I'm afraid Ran out again and the green is just cos I could, not necessarily for the post where I greeened you on!

                      And another cap, more to come, but something non-smutty... gasp! shock, horror! .... for a change (don't all faint at once )

                      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                      TekTek, & Gaia Online


                        Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                        Anyway.... I went mad with the green this morning! I couldn't green all of you I'm afraid Ran out again and the green is just cos I could, not necessarily for the post where I greeened you on!
                        You can green 15 times a day, which traslates to about once every hour and a half. How often you can green the same person is dependant on time (I don't think you can do it more than once every 24) and how many other peope you've greened since greening that individual.

                        You'll find greening is a great way to avoid countless "Congratulations" and "Me too!" and is the gift that keeps on giving through Jello Blocks (though my son did feel the need to explain to Mom: 'They're not REAL jello and you can't eat them...')


                          Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
                          Hum...don't know...jack has been in a chair so many times...this in the episodes...where Jacob pilot the goa'uld ship and asked Jack to take his i can help Sam to repair something....(they were in the space!!)
                          Try Serpent's Venom.


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            Working on it, working on it! Today's my last real day of I'm working on it!

                            And Hannah, you really do such a great job at stalking.
                            Thanks LAD.

                            Have fun today!
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                              Thanks LAD.

                              Have fun today!
                              Oy, I'm a nervous wreck for some reason! But I'll be dancing my way out of that school! *thinks calming shippy thoughts*


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                Oy, I'm a nervous wreck for some reason! But I'll be dancing my way out of that school! *thinks calming shippy thoughts*
                                (((((LAD))))) and try meditation to relax
                                Everything will work out...and I assure you it will be a great day
                                You will be so happy that you are finally gratuated...
                                So do you have exams after this last day of school or are you really done???

