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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
    I'm telling you Weir was at the wedding and she looked lovely. She totally knows! I guess the reasons listed above are why I'm not worried about Sam in SGA affecting the ship. Besides from what I've read about
    The Return 2, it sounds like the our ship is more alive on SGA than it is on SG1. Jack mentioning Sam twice! SQUEEEE! PP was awesome, and you are right about the difference in the way Sam treats McKay. She no longer has anything to prove. No reason to get mad since she is with Jack.

    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    You know we've been seriously ship-deprived when Jack mentions Carter's NAME and we all start squeeing. lol
    Definitely, but wth: SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

    Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
    Okay i had the feeling that things were a little negative in here, so i made a Wallpaper for my 900th post and the negative thing around here
    Thanx for Eve/Replicartertje and Jenn/JenniferF that helped me with the text

    It's in spoiler tags because i used pics from 200&EDM

    there are two versions(i couldn't choose which one was the best):
    It's a thumbnail again

    I hope you all like it
    Congrats on 900 posts and I love your wallpaper, it has my favourite quote


      Originally posted by Shipperahoy View Post
      Well I've come to the realization that the odds are not in my favor that I will get what I want when it comes to the Sam/Jack relationship onscreen so I've decided to simply ignore the things that don't fit in with where I think things should be going. My friends say that that is slightly insane but I tell them to stop being so glass half empty. If I'm slightly insane that means that I'm still at least mosly sane.
      I think you have to have that attitude to survive S9 and S10. For me, SG-1 ended with S8. S9 and S10 are AU because there is no way in heck that in the original universe Mitchell would be in charge of Sg-1.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Don't forget to vote for next weeks ep


          Yeppers, I already voted. Mal voted I think. Silly boy. He's lots of fun, but not a shipper - he voted for 100 Days!. Okay, very angsty episode, but , but , but ,.....Laria


            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            Yeppers, I already voted. Mal voted I think. Silly boy. He's lots of fun, but not a shipper - he voted for 100 Days!. Okay, very angsty episode, but , but , but ,.....Laria
            It's a long time since I've seen it (still watching S2, reading too much fanfic, so no time for watching). But it is an important ep where Sam's feeling are becoming more obvious not?


              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              News flash: according to TV Guide, the new episodes won't start in March but in APRIL in the US. Scifi does it to the fans yet again.
              yep i already saw it I had hoped to see them, but they keep making IMO wrong decisions that aren't good for the ratings

              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              Don't forget to vote for next weeks ep
              oh i still have to vote...or did i do that already hmm i'm going to look


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                News flash: according to TV Guide, the new episodes won't start in March but in APRIL in the US. Scifi does it to the fans yet again.
                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                This doesn't surprise me. It actually makes sense from a business point of view (assuming pushing it back at all made sense) because that way the final episodes will show after the other network finales and won't be in direct competition with them.
                I didn't think that the Scifi PTB could get more stupid but they prove me wrong yet again. I wonder how many people would watch that in April when UK gets second half in January and torrents and youtube would be filled with epis???


                  Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                  Very nice!

                  Great story! I love how
                  Sam had forgotten Martouf for a bit there!

                  Tee hee!
                  Well he is kind of forgetable you know . . .

                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                  On the TV Guide spoiler...


                  About the lip-lock between two fan are my musings...

                  Daniel / Vala - Obviously the odds-on favourites as this is the current canon relationship for TPTB to have fun with. MS has indicated there might be something too which seems to point firmly that this is the one. However, so far the ship as far as I can see has been played with Daniel not particularly interested in a relationship with Vala but fond of her nevertheless and Vala playful and interested in teasing Daniel but more appreciative of the genuine faith Daniel actually has in her. If there is a kiss here, I would suspect that it happens out of the context of Daniel and Vala getting romantic...let's face it we have enough experience to know that just because a lip-lock is rumoured that it might not be actually this universe characters or the situation we would hope for...*think Grace and Moebius in particular*

                  Cameron / Vala - This is the second favourite as Vala is known to accompany Mitchell to his high-school reunion in Bounty which presents the right context for a lip-lock...again unlikely to be truly a romantic connotation but I can see Vala locking lips with Mitchell to try to make him look better in front of his high school mates or something like that...

                  Sam / McKay - Sam is AU in The Road Not Taken with McKay according to current spoilers. It could be possible that they'll make it so that AU Sam is with McKay and so when Sam jumps into her opposite's body, there is an opportunity for mistaken identity/lip-lock. McKay thinks he's kissing AU Sam; Sam quickly gets out of the situation because in her/our universe they don't have that kind of relationship.

                  Sam / Jack - I would say that we're not completely out of it...Jack will appear in another episode of SG1 before the end of the season. However, given it is supposedly The Shroud and heavily angsty re Daniel I would suspect a lip lock of any kind between the two will not happen. At best we may get a comfort hug although my expectations are that in an attempt to avoid the ship they'll barely have Sam and Jack in the same room *waits to be proven wrong*.

                  Jack / Daniel - Given RDA's second appearance is supposed to be The Shroud which is heavily Daniel focused, this could be possible...but not very likely.

                  Teal'c / Vala - Can't see TPTB ever putting them together romantically which is a shame because I think they're a good combo - still outside chance...

                  Sam / Thor - She's hugged know its only a matter of time...

                  Teal'c / Daniel - They finally give into their hidden feelings for each other...

                  Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
                  Can I puke?
                  Can I join you?

                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  You know we've been seriously ship-deprived when Jack mentions Carter's NAME and we all start squeeing. lol
                  Remember when they used to have WHOLE episodes together. And they would talk while LOOKING at each other. Sometimes they would even TOUCH each other. Man those were the days . . .

                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  News flash: according to TV Guide, the new episodes won't start in March but in APRIL in the US. Scifi does it to the fans yet again.
                  That's it I'm moving to England.


                    CONGRATS ON 900 JANNEKE!!


                      Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                      So that is confirmed. RDA has not been approached about the movies.
                      @#$%#@#, this is so not good.

                      We may need to double those postcard efforts. Would someone mind reposting those addresses? If he hasn't been approached yet and we know Amanda and Ben have confirmed that they have been approached (I assume the rest of the cast has as well) then we may not get our resolution after all. Ready the penguins now and lets put together a preemptive strike. They obviously aren't listening or RDA would have been talked to about the movies by now. Maybe we should all go to Burger King and get penguins then mail them to TPTB as Christmas "gifts"
                      It isn't good. How can they finish Stargate without him? Let RL calm down...I'll write some letters. Gah! I NEED my ship. It's not just a want anymore.


                        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                        They started with MS, AT, RDA and CJ, so let's finish with them!


                          Originally posted by gemma View Post
                          ok I will try to give spoilers from tv guide

                          exact words in tv guide
                          are a touch of romance when two fan favorites lock lips (sorry we're sworn to secrecy) the article touch's on each character and what they will be up to in the final 10 episodes
                          I want it to be SJ. I want to see them lock lips. I want to squee!

                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          I'm sorry to say this, but I think that's to do with (spoilers for s10)
                          Daniel and Vala.
                          Not my cup of tea.


                            Sky posted this on the SAGC thread but I don't think its made it here yet;


                            It's the official photo from Avalon of RDA and AT.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                              Sky posted this on the SAGC thread but I don't think its made it here yet;


                              It's the official photo from Avalon of RDA and AT.
                              That picture is gorgeous!! They are so amazing together! SQUEEE!!!


                                Originally posted by sugarshaker View Post
                                This is kind of OT, but did you guys know that DDL is scheduled to be at the Creaton Con in Vancouver in March?
                                Oh, I'm aware.

                                I'm confident that all GW shippers will be well behaved
                                Are you sure about this?

                                Honestly...what can he talk about other than he and Sam? What it's like to be a stalker?

                                Nothing against DDL, I bet he's a nice guy. But when I see him my mind thinks Pete. Even when I see him on the dog food commercials. I'll have to be careful and keep my regular Pete reaction from coming out.

