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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Well, I can't help but ship characters that I care about if there is chemistry between them. I find myself shipping for Scifi shows more than regular t.v. shows. I don't know why, but like ses said scifi and romance go together.

    Why Sam and Jack? The chemistry was there from the start. I guess I could have potentially gone Sam/Daniel if it weren't for Solitudes, TBFTGOG, and Politics. After those three episodes in a row, Daniel wasn't even an option. Even from the CotG, Jack and Sam were the magic formula.


      Originally posted by Gate gal
      Well, I can't help but ship characters that I care about if there is chemistry between them. I find myself shipping for Scifi shows more than regular t.v. shows. I don't know why, but like ses said scifi and romance go together.

      Why Sam and Jack? The chemistry was there from the start. I guess I could have potentially gone Sam/Daniel if it weren't for Solitudes, TBFTGOG, and Politics. After those three episodes in a row, Daniel wasn't even an option. Even from the CotG, Jack and Sam were the magic formula.
      Yep. There's just something about them... And of course Daniel isn't an option. He's for me! If Jack wasn't for Sam, well, he would have to watch out...and Sheppard...oh he'd better run from this fangirl! *runs after Jack and John, ready to ruffle*


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        Sleep...hahaha! What's that?

        There are a few guys out there...and hey, my brother is a shipper. I mean, he just sees it as it is-Sam and Jack are meant for each other. Oh, and it could also be due to my avid shippiness has rubbed off perhaps.
        My firends's brother has got to be the biggest shipper I've met!

        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


          Wow, you guys talk so much!

          Firstly, congratulations to those who celebrated milestones that I missed!

          Trupi, glad to know Poz is doing better - just that picture of her back made me wince.

          On the news of Atlantis's The Return...

          and whether Jack and Sam are both appearing in it...

          I did mention ages ago that I thought I'd heard a rumour that AT's second Atlantis appearance would be The Return so I was pleased to see Agent Dark's post of the Sci-fi weekly article which seemed to finally substantiate it.

          If they do both appear, I think its unlikely that they'll share a scene but as I'm finding it difficult to write because of my crossed fingers, maybe my hopeful shippy heart is ruling my head on this one... I'm waiting eagerly for Saturday and the confirmation that (1) they both did appear and (2) they may have actually appeared in the same scene!

          I doubt there will be anything overtly shippy though...
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by Rachel500
            Wow, you guys talk so much!

            Firstly, congratulations to those who celebrated milestones that I missed!

            Trupi, glad to know Poz is doing better - just that picture of her back made me wince.

            On the news of Atlantis's The Return...

            and whether Jack and Sam are both appearing in it...

            I did mention ages ago that I thought I'd heard a rumour that AT's second Atlantis appearance would be The Return so I was pleased to see Agent Dark's post of the Sci-fi weekly article which seemed to finally substantiate it.

            If they do both appear, I think its unlikely that they'll share a scene but as I'm finding it difficult to write because of my crossed fingers, maybe my hopeful shippy heart is ruling my head on this one... I'm waiting eagerly for Saturday and the confirmation that (1) they both did appear and (2) they may have actually appeared in the same scene!

            I doubt there will be anything overtly shippy though...
            If anything

            Sam will be the one to get the "call" when Jack contacts the SGC to inform of Replicators. That's probably all we'll get. Maybe a little panic on Sam's part knowin her man's in danger and she's galaxies away

            That's just because she loves me
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              Originally posted by Buc252
              Personally, better than the "turn it off!" reaction, I loved Jack taking a staff-weapon blast for her - in an attempt to protect her. That scene, and all the pain he suffers after that, are testament to just how much he loved her even then. And THAT was S3!!

              I love this ep so much for that, I couldn't resist doing a fic. Oh, and being a h/c fan didn't hurt either. LOL
              Not to mention his complete inability to actually *help* her at that point is so wonderfully angsty and for him must be true torture. How many times does he try to be her "hero" and completely fails? Um... that was rhetorical... but if someone were in the mood...

              Of course, IMHO and I think hers, a good shoulder to rest against when *your* finished saving the universe or a strong arm to get you back on your feet when you feel you haven't is worth a whole lot more


                hey peoples
                not much action today on the thread i guess it all happens when its bed time here
                didnt get to watch any eps today..went out for the day...beautiful spring weather and such

                i have found myself using the word "sweet" alot lately.. and i like it..i think jackisms are rubbing off on me!! hehe

                nighty night
                love bee...and cyrus (my shipper poodle)
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                sig by RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Bex Calo
                  I have finally made it to 100!!!!! yeahy for me at last! I wanted to post before i go to rehearsals i have a feeling i wont get back on once i get off the comp he he

                  Congratulations Bex!


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF
                    So, done watching Lost City and on to Window Of Opportunity (my selection is completely random, obviously). But ya gotta love the ending of the LC commentary when AT starts to sound like a Shipper herself.

                    For those who haven't heard/watched it, she gets all excited and actually interupts the other commentators to point out that Sam is calling Jack 'Jack' and then wonders, excited, if Sam and Jack will finally get to go fishing in Season 8... Of course, MW suggest Jack and go fishing and Jack kills him... but it's still funny to hear AT talking like that. Especially in retrospect...

                    Interesting thought. He (Jack) could shoot with a zat 3 time, leaving no evidence... Of course, he would have to make it so that the last known location of wasn't the cabin...


                      Originally posted by Lady eliza
                      Its 3.41 in

                      My 100th post!!!! Wow!!!

                      Congratulations Lady Eliza!


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        Wow, Lesley. Lots of venom here.

                        I disagree. Firstly, going to a mud- or jello-wrestling bar is a far cry from having sex with any woman who'd be willing to crawl into bed with him. I firmly don't believe Jack would ever do that. That's behavior more typical of a teenage boy than of a man of Jack's age and experience.

                        I *do* believe that he remained pretty much celibate until he could be with Sam. (I don't count Kynthia or "L" because with one, he was drugged and with the other, he never thought he'd see earth again.) In all those cases, though, he could easily have "loved 'em and left 'em" but he didn't. For that matter, if sex was all he wanted, he could have had a roll in the hay with Freya, who made it very obvious that she was willing and available.

                        Nope, no venom at all. Realistic is all. Hmmm. Well, we'll just have to disagree on that one then cause in the real world, unless he's a monk, got my doubts (ok, so more than doubts...outright disbelief).

                        Don't want to burst your bubble, but Jack is a Man...and in my opinion, the ultimate male. I love Jack to bits and then some. He's handsome, he's active, in very tense situations and those hormones ain't just gonna disapate all by themselves now are they. I like my men to be MEN! Thinkin Jack's pining away being celibate....well that would just make him far too wimpy in my eyes.

                        And I agree with Hope Leslie....Freya not only was a snake, it was way too close to home. And don't forget her timing was off....He thought he might be a Zatarc. And Sam was in danger. And didn't he make that comment that he liked Freya, he just couldn't stand Anise (the snake in Freya's head).

                        I truly believe he kept anything very private and out of Sam's view. Until that is, he was caught. Which sort of in my mind was a catalyst...of the good kind. You have to remember, Sam was out of his reach as far as he knew. She was gettin married for cryin out loud!!
                        Ya really think he was gonna go without for a life time?? Just not realistic.

                        Now that's not to say that I think Jack is a dog, cause clearly, I don't. I think once he and Sam got their act together at the end of season 8, that Jack is absolutely 100% faithful. Because that's who he is, and that's what a real man does.

                        But hey, we're fam - we can disagree
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                          Originally posted by hopalong
                          Interesting thought. He (Jack) could shoot with a zat 3 time, leaving no evidence... Of course, he would have to make it so that the last known location of wasn't the cabin...
                          I don't think that Jack would have hurt Pete because he wanted Sam to be happy and if that meant Pete, so be it.

                          On the other hand, if Pete ever hurt Sam in any way, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes because Jack would be a lot more than a little ticked off.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF
                            Back to the DVD commentaries, AT is in that one again, and she and the writer mention that initially
                            there was supposed to be much more play with the idea that she had worked with him before and that Jack was jealous but it ended up being played down in the final cut. Of course, AT was happy about this since Sam shouldn't be expected to develop feelings for every guy she works with... Of course, this all took place in the middle of what I think of as Jack's Hamlet period between Chimaera and Threads, so there you go :-)

                            Jack's Hamlet period? "To be or not to be. That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in spirit..." sorry for the Shakespeare quoting... Hamlet?

                            I didn't that Jack was that tragic or moody at that point in time. Neither was he acting mad.


                              Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                              SHARING WITH YOU ALL MY 500TH POST!!!! HUZZAH!!!

                              Lots of Love to my Shipper Family

                              Congratulations Bee!


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF
                                I tend to disagree here. I don't think Jack was dating and had continued to do what he'd done with Anise in D&C. One of Jack's most prominent (if not most prominent) personality traits is his intense loyalty and sense of honor. I believe that is why he stayed loyal to Sarah for so long and why I'm convinced Sam and Jack are together and probably married after Threads. It's also why he didn't immediately follow Sam from his backyard in Threads, out of a sense of loyalty to Kerry.

                                I think this is shown (or RDA manages to sneak it in, which I believe he does a lot) in Chimaera when Sam is talking about how hard it is to date someone without being able to be honest and she states that Jack must understand and he sort of looks uncomfortable when he agrees half-heartedly. Also in Sight Unseen (I think that's the title) when the gas station attendant mentions that Jack's truck must be a babe magnet and again, Jack sort of agrees but you can tell he's not serious and sort of embarassed.

                                Also, remember how he didn't continue his relationship in Brief Candle after he was drugged and it took him 100 days in 100 days... It's sort of a joke around here that Jack is always turning women down out of loyalty to women he doesn't really have to be loyal to and Daniel is always 'Kirking', even when he's supposedly still married and searching desperately for his wife.

                                Personality will-out...
                                Um, I think we're actually sort of agreeing.

                                There's no doubt in my mind that he's faithful once he and Sam are together. And I believe he was faithful to Sara.

                                I just don't think he's been a Saint in between. Not a dog mind you, just not a saint.
                                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
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