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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

    Originally posted by Skydiver
    what i'm afraid of happening is this

    the 'what happened to the ship family thread' has now become the first post. the first post is what i call an anchor. it 'holds' the rest of the thread to the forum.

    I am afraid, if i remove/copy those posts and unmerge it, then the other hundreds of pages will have nothing to anchor to and will get lost...just like what happened to the weir thread last month.

    I don't want that to happen

    rightnow i see two options

    we edit the first post with the 'right' material (copy the original first post onto the present first post)

    or we can shut down this thread and start a new one
    I think we should debate over this what we want...


      Congrats on 2000 RCtje! This place wouldn't be the same without you! (((RCtje))) Here's a little something for ya.


        I am watching my first season DVD's (and loving it ). Did anybody notice on The First Commandment, when Daniel is asking Sam about what she saw in Hanson and she responds something like: "I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe" and boom the camera goes to O'Neill, who is walking behind them and totally not participating in the conversation?
        Is it my shippy mind or is it totally obvious TPTB (or the cameraman lol) are thinking ship here??
        Well, I'm SQUEEEEEEing


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

          I think we should debate over this what we want...
          I think we should keep this thread. I like seeing all those posts and views(we broke the 1000000 mark guys!)...but that could just be me. I don't think we should start over because of a few posts that can be deleted. I don't really mind what the first post says-I'll always think of Sally as the creator of this beloved thread.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

            I think we should debate over this what we want...
            A new thread sound temping but I guess I just love this thread a tat bit too much. I'm comfortable here and want it to stay that way. When we changed threads for Torri I can say it changed some of the dynamics and that was sad. It still is a fabulous place to be but... not like before.

            We could vote???


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

              I think we should debate over this what we want...
              I don't think we should start a new thread. I'm proud of our 1.000.000 views thread!! Can't they just copy / paste the original opening of MajorSal as 1st post, so it's clear what our thread is about?


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                I am watching my first season DVD's (and loving it ). Did anybody notice on The First Commandment, when Daniel is asking Sam about what she saw in Hanson and she responds something like: "I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe" and boom the camera goes to O'Neill, who is walking behind them and totally not participating in the conversation?
                Is it my shippy mind or is it totally obvious TPTB (or the cameraman lol) are thinking ship here??
                Well, I'm SQUEEEEEEing
                I didn't notice...but ahh...cuteness!!!


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                  I don't think we should start a new thread. I'm proud of our 1.000.000 views thread!! Can't they just copy / paste the original opening of MajorSal as 1st post, so it's clear what our thread is about?

                  I agree, it feels like home here!!!


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                    ok guys a little bit about our lovely thread in the ask the moderators thread, that is whayt Sky wrote:

                    I think we should debate over this what we want...
                    Since I was the one that brought this up in the Ask the Moderators thread, my thought is that I'd like this thread to continue as it is, but with the first post edited.
                    If we start yet another thread, this thread will disappear as it will drop down the pages. Folk who don't visit the thread regularly will never find it and will miss all the goodies here. Also, this thread will be closed for posting, and this makes it difficult to quote from it etc.

                    As long as the first post is edited to show what this thread is about, I see no problem.

                    *just my thoughts on the matter*


                      Yeah well I also does not want this thread to be closed...I also don't want a new thread but I also don't want this thread to dissapear...or with post in them that shouldn't be here...I mean now the first pages really doesn't look nice anymore
                      I mean it is just people asking questions to where the thread went
                      But I really hope we can still have this thread with the original post from Sally... But with what I have understood from Sky they can not demerge (I don't know if that is even a word) the threads cause that would cause the same problem with the Tori-thread...and as some of us know that one dissapeared a few weeks ago


                        Well, I kinda want to say what RCtje said. I love this place. When it reads Sam/Jack ship family discussion thread, it really is a family! I've now got my best friend, JackandSamAddict, who is truly the sister I never had. I've got SamO'Neill, my personal stalker. Gate Gal is my GW mom-telling me to do my homework! All of you are like another family, and I love to see the family growing so quickly! (((Shipper Family)))

                        I enjoy coming here everyday and seeing what's new. I've gotten to see great vids, read great fics, seen some awesome graphics, and been spoiled to death! We chat and have fun-too much fun sometimes! I feel like I actually know some of you; I would love to meet all of you. This is my 'home' thread, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                          I am watching my first season DVD's (and loving it ). Did anybody notice on The First Commandment, when Daniel is asking Sam about what she saw in Hanson and she responds something like: "I guess I've always had a soft spot for the lunatic fringe" and boom the camera goes to O'Neill, who is walking behind them and totally not participating in the conversation?
                          Is it my shippy mind or is it totally obvious TPTB (or the cameraman lol) are thinking ship here??
                          Well, I'm SQUEEEEEEing

                          I didn't catch that! I'll have to re-watch that episode tonight. Thanks for pointing it out!
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            I think we should keep this thread. I like seeing all those posts and views(we broke the 1000000 mark guys!)...but that could just be me. I don't think we should start over because of a few posts that can be deleted. I don't really mind what the first post says-I'll always think of Sally as the creator of this beloved thread.
                            I can't wait until we break the 50,000 post mark! We should create a holiday or something. Or vote someone to be the 50,000 poster....
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              Well, I kinda want to say what RCtje said. I love this place. When it reads Sam/Jack ship family discussion thread, it really is a family! I've now got my best friend, JackandSamAddict, who is truly the sister I never had. I've got SamO'Neill, my personal stalker. Gate Gal is my GW mom-telling me to do my homework! All of you are like another family, and I love to see the family growing so quickly! (((Shipper Family)))

                              I enjoy coming here everyday and seeing what's new. I've gotten to see great vids, read great fics, seen some awesome graphics, and been spoiled to death! We chat and have fun-too much fun sometimes! I feel like I actually know some of you; I would love to meet all of you. This is my 'home' thread, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
                              Beautifully put!
                              I don't see whu we should merge if we don't really need it. Like I said I love it like this and it's not some 25 little posts that are going to stop real shippers to come here. Yeah, they may doubt it's the right thread but you just have to look at the replies and views to know this is the place every Sam/Jack shipper should be.

                              Like Sky mentioned, they could edit the first post by copy/pasting what MajorSal said opening this thread and all would be good for me

                              Congrats on 3000!!!


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                                Well, I kinda want to say what RCtje said. I love this place. When it reads Sam/Jack ship family discussion thread, it really is a family! I've now got my best friend, JackandSamAddict, who is truly the sister I never had. I've got SamO'Neill, my personal stalker. Gate Gal is my GW mom-telling me to do my homework! All of you are like another family, and I love to see the family growing so quickly! (((Shipper Family)))

                                I enjoy coming here everyday and seeing what's new. I've gotten to see great vids, read great fics, seen some awesome graphics, and been spoiled to death! We chat and have fun-too much fun sometimes! I feel like I actually know some of you; I would love to meet all of you. This is my 'home' thread, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

                                CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ON 3000!!!

                                Love you!! And I think we should stay here too!!! I've come to love this place with all my spoilers (that I finally gave into!!), all the discussions, it's too much fun to start a new thread!

